JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 29 Sep 2021 at 23:15:44, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES EDITED BY SYDNEY E. HOOPER WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF WILLIAM BROWN JULIAN S. HUXLEY J. H. MUIRHEAD M. GINSBERG F. B. JEVONS BERTRAND RUSSELL G. DAWES HICKS HAROLD J. LASKI G. F. STOUT L. T. HOBHOUSE A. D. LINDSAY A. E. TAYLOR J. ARTHUR THOMSON CLEMENT C. J. WEBB VOL. III.—1928 LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED, ST. MARTIN'S STREET, W.C. 2 1928 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 29 Sep 2021 at 23:15:44, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED LONDON AND W O K I K O- Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 29 Sep 2021 at 23:15:44, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. CONTENTS OF VOLUME III ARTICLES. PAGE ALEXANDER, S.—Morality as an Art -- 143 BARTLETT, F. C.—Types of Imagination 78 BROAD, C. D.—Analysis of Some Ethical Concepts ----- 285 BURNS, C. DELISLE.—The Conception of Liberty 186 The Philosophy of Social Life ----- 483 CALKINS, MARY WHITON.—Value—Primarily a Psychological Conception - 413 - CHAPMAN, H. WALLIS.—Behaviourism: A Logical Study - - - - 65 5, JCOLLINGWOOD, R. G.—The Limits of Historical Knowledge - - - 213 £ ^DICKINSON, G. LOWES.—On the Discovery of Good—a Dialogue - - 279 * "DREVER, JAMES.—Meaning 71 "{ FIELD, G. C.—Some Modern Proofs of the Existence of God - - - 324 : GARVIE, ALFRED E.—Ethics, Psychology, and Sociology - - - - 457 i GIBSON, W. R. BOYCE.—The Philosophy of Melchior Palagyi—I - - 15 i „ „ The Philosophy of Melchior Palagyi—II - - 158 \ HICKS, G. DAWES.—The Philosophy of a Business Man - 49 » „ „ A Century of Philosophy at University College, ,. London -------- 468 ' JOAD, C. E. M.—Philosophy and Life ------- 349 ,, „ The Non-Existence of Matter 495 * JOSEPH, H. W. B.—Logic and Mathematics ..---- 3 " LAIRD, JOHN.—The Ethics of Communism ------ 198 MCDOUGALL, WILLIAM.—The Confusion of the Concept ... - 427 MANCHESTER, THE BISHOP OF.—The Value of Philosophy to Religion - 345 MURE, G. R. G.—The Marriage of Universals—I ----- 313 „ ,, The Marriage of Universals—II ----- 443 NEEDHAM, JOSEPH (M.A.).—Organicism in Biology ----- 29 PERRY, R. B.—Peace without Victory—in Philosophy - ... 300 REID, L. ARNAUD.—Instinct and Moral Life ------ 173 TURNER, J. E.—The Problem of Value 41 PHILOSOPHICAL SURVEYS. PHILOSOPHY IN FRANCE.—Stanley Keeling 357 PHILOSOPHY IN GERMANY.—Helen Knight 86 Helen Knight 361 PHILOSOPHY IN ITALY.—Guido de Ruggiero 223 GuidGid o de RuggierRi o PHILOSOPHICAL CURRENTS ON THE PACIFIC COAST.—J. H. Muirhead - - 505 PHILOSOPHY IN RUSSIA.—Natalie A. Duddington 227 ,, ,, ,, Natalie A. Duddington 516 NEW BOOKS. ADLER, M." J.—Dialectic (L. S. Stebbing) 236 ALEXANDER, S.—Art and Instinct (R. G. Collingwood) .... 370 „ ,, Artistic Creation and Cosmic Creation (H. M. Smith) - 546 V Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 29 Sep 2021 at 23:15:44, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. CONTENTS PAGE BARRY, F.—The Scientific Habit of Thought (L. S. Stebbing) - - - 542 BARTLETT, F. C.—Psychology and the Soldier (F. Ayeling) - 247 BLOOR, C.—Temperament: A Survey of Psychological Theories (F. Aveling) 557 BOGOSLOVSKY, B. B.—The Technique of Controversy : Principles of Dynamic Logic (L. S. Stebbing) ......... 542 BOREL, EMILE Space and Time (L. S. Stebbing) ----- 96 BRADLEY, F. H.—Ethical Studies (John Laird) ------ 235 BRIDGMAN, P. W.—The Logic of Modern Physics (L. S. Stebbing) - - 96 BRIFFAULT, R.—The Mothers (W. J. Perry) 392 BRIGHTMAN, EDGAR SHEFFIELD (Editor).—Proceedings of the Sixth Inter- rtf*national Congress of Philosophy (J. S. Mackenzie) - - - - in BUCHANAN, SCOTT.—Possibility (L. S. Stebbing) 236 BURKE, R. B. (Translator).—The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon (L. J. Russell) 387 BURROW, T.—The Social Basis of Consciousness (F. A. Hampton) - - 390 CARR, H. WILDON.—The Unique Status of Man (T. E. Jessop) ... 374 DAHLKE, PAUL.—Buddhism and its Place in the Mental Life of Mankind (F. C. M. Wei) 112 DE RUGGIERO, G.—The History of European Liberalism (J. A. Hobson) - 378 EVANS, J.—Theistic Monism (C. C. J. Webb) 548 FARNEIX, L. R.—Hedonism and Art (R. G. Collingwood) - ... 547 FLOWER, J. C.—An Approach to the Psychology of Religion (R. H. Thonless) 249 Fox, C.—Practical Psychology for Students of Education (C. Burt) - - 395 GARNETT, A. C.—Instinct and Personality (C. A. Mace) - 396 GILBERT, KATHERINE.—Studies in Recent /Esthetic (Helen Knight) - - 258 GORDON, R. G.—The Neurotic Personality (M. D. Eder) - 255 GORE, C.—Christ and Society (E. S. Waterhouse) 559 HARRIS, C. R. S.—Duns Scoius (D. E. Sharp) 102 HART, BERNARD.—Psychopathology : Its Development and its Place in Medi- cine (H. Crichton-Miller) - - - - - - - - - 118 HART, JOSEPH K.—Inside Experience (J. J. Findlay) . - 116 HOBHOUSE L. T.—Development and Purpose (C. Lloyd Morgan) - - 99 HOCKING, W. E.—The Self: Its Body and Freedom (John Laird) - - 559 HSIAO, KUNG CHUAN.—Political Pluralism (C. Delisle Burns) - 243 ISBYAM, I. C.—Metaphysics and Modern Research (John Laird) - - 241 JEANS, J. H.—Astronomy and Cosmogony (C. P. Sanger) ... 533 JOAD, C. E. M.—The Future of Life : A Theory of Vitalism (J. E. Turner) 383 JONES, OLIN MCKENDREE.—Empiricism and Intuitionism in Reid's Common Sense Philosophy (John Laird) - 239 JOSEY, CHARLES CONANT.—The Psychology of Religion (E. S. Waterhouse) - 109 KNUDSON, ALBERT C.—The Philosophy of Personalism: A Study in the Metaphysics of Religion (E. S. Waterhouse) 107 LANE, H.—Talks to Parents and Teachers (C. A. Mace) ... - 397 LOSSKY, N. O.—The World as an Organic Whole (C. Lloyd Morgan) - - 530 MACCURDY, J. T.—Common Principles in Psychology and Physiology (J. Drever) 550 MCDOUGALL, W.—Character and the Conduct of Life (J. Drever) - - 390 MCTAGGART, J. M. E.—The Nature of Existence (S. V. Keeling) - - 519 MAITRA, SUSHIL KUMAR.—The Ethics of the Hindus (W. Stede) - - 116 MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW.—Sex and Repression in Savage Society (J. C. F.) - 119 MARKEY, J. F.—The Symbolic Process and its Integration in Children (E. M. Whetnall) 554 MATHESON, P. E.—The Life of Hastings Rashdall (A. H. Smith) - - 558 MITCHELL, T. W.—Problems of Psychopathology (Gordon, R. G.) - - 122 MUCHISON, CARL (Edited by).—Psychologies of ig2$ (R. H. Thouless) - 249 PAVLOV, I. P.—Conditioned Reflexes (William Brown) ... - 380 PIAGET, J.—Judgment and Reasoning in the Child (B. Edgell) - 551 PIERON, HENRI.—Thought and the Brain (Translated by C. K. Ogden) (F. C. Bartlett) 114 RABAUD, E.—How Animals Find their Way About (W. J. Dakin) - - 556 ROBACK, A. A.—The Psychology of Character. With a Survey of Tempera- ment (James Drever) ----- 123 ROGERS, A. K.—Morals in Review (L. S. S.) - - - - - - 388 RUSSELL, BERTRAND.—The Analysis of Matter (A. S. Eddington) - - 93 „ „ An Outline of Philosophy (L. J. Russell) - - 231 SCHOEN, MAX.—The Effects of Music (Agnes SaviU) ----- 244 SMITH, HENRY BRADFORD.—Symbolic Logic (L. J. Russell) - - 246 vi Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 29 Sep 2021 at 23:15:44, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. CONTENTS PAGE SNEATH, E. HERSHEY (Editor).—The Evolution of Ethics as Revealed in the Great Religions (Alfred E. Garvie) - - 109 STEVANOVIC, B. P.—Experimental Study of the Mental Processes Involved in Judgment (Beatrice Edgell) - - - - - - - - 251 STURT, H.—Moral Experience: An Outline of Ethics for Class Teaching (John Laird) 385 TAYLOR, A. E.—A Commentary on Plato's "Timaus" (G. C. Field) - - 373 ,, ,, David Hume and the Miraculous (S. V. Keeling) - - 535 TENNANT, F. R.—Philosophical Theology (W. G. de Burgh) - - - 537 THOMAS, E. E.—The Ethical Basis of Reality (John Laird) ... 106 TURNER, D. M.—History of Science Teaching in England (Joshua C. Gregory) 256 URWICK, E. J.—The Social Good (C. Delisle Burns) 240 VARIOUS AUTHORS.—The Mind (James Drever) ..... 377 Philosophy To-day (L. J. Russell) - - - - 384 ,, ,, The Social Sciences and their Interrelations (O. de Selincourt) ------------ 391 WARD, PAUL W.—Sovereignty (Oliver de Selincourt) ----- 242 WELLS, HONORIA M.—The Phenomenology of Acts of Choice (Beatrice Edgell) 253 WHITEHEAD, A. N.—Symbolism : Its Meaning and Effect (L. J. Russell) - 527 WOLF, A.—Essentials of Scientific Method (L. J. Russell) - 386 WOLF, A. (Translator and Editor). — The Correspondence of Spinoza 544 (J. Laird) 544 WORRINGER, W.—Form in Gothic (L. S. S.) ------ 389 PERIODICALS. British Journal of Psychology (Vol. xviii, Part 2, October, 1927) - - 132 International Journal of Ethics (Vol. xxxviii, No. 1, October, 1927) - - 130 Journal of Philosophy (Vol. xxiv. No. 20, September 29, 1927) ... 133 ,, ,, ,, (Vol. xxiv, No. 21, October 13, 1927) ... 133 ,, ,, ,, (Vol. xxv, No. 1, January 5, 1928) - ... 264 ,, ,, ,, (Vol. xxv. No. 2, January 19, 1928) ... 265 ,, ,, ,, (Vol. xxv. No. 3, February 2, 1928) ... 266 Journal de Psychologie (Twenty-fourth Year, No. 10, December, 1927) - 268 Mind (Vol. xxxvi. No. 144, October, 1927) -..-.. I26 ,, (Vol. xxxvii. No. 145, January, 1928) .--_._ 26i Monist, The (Vol. xxxviii, No. 1, January, 1928) - 263 Philosophical Review (Vol. xxxvi, No. 5, September, 1927) - 128 ,, ,, (Vol. xxxvii, No. 217, January, 1928) ... 267 Revue Neo-Scholastique (Twenty-eighth Year, Second Series, No. 15, August, 1927) -------- ---..134 Revue Philosophique (Fifty-second Year, Nos. n and 12, November-Decem- ber,'1927) 135 (Fifty-third Year, Nos. 1 and 2, January-February, 1928) 269 CORRESPONDENCE. BOAS, GEORGE ------------ 270 CHAPMAN, W. 402 PHILIP, A. 400 KEELING, STANLEY V. 271 WHYTE, L. L ---••-• ---. 270 INSTITUTE NOTES. Annual Meeting (1928). Addresses and Resolutions by— .... 562 (1) The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Balfour (2) Professor L. T. Hobhouse (3) Sir Lynden MacasseMacasseyy (4) The Rt. Hon. Sir RRober( " t Home (5) Sir Martin Conway Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Joint Annual Session of - - 407 Broadcast Talks ----- 405 vii Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 29 Sep 2021 at 23:15:44, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.
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