Better Times Pending. Manufacturers of mining and electrical plant will therefore be encouraged to put their best There is a marked (one of optimism pervad­ foot forward as “ salesmen.” There is no need ing recent news and reports concerning the coal here to rub in the excellent advice of the Prince industry. Possibly the dual effect of the personal of Wales. It would appear that his timely ad­ exhilaration enjoyed by the healthy man reacting monishment is being taken seriously to heart and to (he rigours of an arctic winter combined with the improvement will follow. In so far as mining effect of the resultant glul of orders for domestic electrical plant is concerned the British Industries fuel may have induced expressions a little too san­ Fair at Birmingham has this year become excep­ guine. None the less it is most gratifying to ob­ tionally important. Many of the leading British serve the tangible facts proving a general and makers of these special forms of machinery have widespread awakening of business. The hard at last gone to very considerable trouble to ex­ weather brought immediate busy limes in the pits, hibit the merits of their products. Which is as in some cases even to the extent of raising it should be, for there is no gainsaying the fact the old outcry of inadequate transport facilities. that British mining plant is superior to that of It is reported that one railway company, owing any other country. It is acknowledged that our to congestion of coal traffic and the shortage of mining plant makers have been exceptional in wagons, had to impose a temporary stoppage at regard to sending trained and expert salesmen certain key points: also that many collieries have into the world for business—and that as a result been unable to fill orders because of wagon shor­ our machinery is found in every mining corner tage. In South Yorkshire and the West Riding of the globe. What has been done is, however, the home and export orders have put every col­ but a fraction of the trade waiting to be picked liery on to full time working; the Doncaster dis­ up to-day. There is always the great selling trict has the whole of its 40,000 miners in full point of an undoubted superior quality attaching work, and some pits are calling for more men. to this branch of British engineering. It is the In Nottingham and Staffordshire tbe same story inevitable outcome of the expert craftsman being is told. In Durham, pits which have been closed called upon to provide plant, appliances and down for over three years have resumed working. methods which will economically get coal from Whilst this boom can of course be attributed in difficult and remote places, which will do that part to the climatic condition, the nature of the under the most rigorous legal regulations as to orders shows that it is to a very considerable safety, and under artisan living conditions and extent due to a natural revival in the iron and working hours which are the most favourable in steel trades and in the export demand. the world. There is little wonder that, in this Coincident with this heartening assurance of branch of engineering at any rate, this country revival in the ordinary channels of the coal trade can successfully compete in the world’s market. there is throughout the country a swelling stream But the business has to be gone out for and got of work actually under way" in the building of by hard work. coking, distillation and carbonisation plants. It is of exceptional interest to note that Ireland is seriously entering the field as a not inconsiderable producer of coal. Reports concerning Dungannon Important Exhibitions. indicate that at least 1500 men will be required there for the brickmaking and colliery works now As said, there are many notable exhibits at starting. The coal is equal to the Scotch product Birmingham which particularly appeal lo mining now being used locally, and a three-foot seam, electrical engineers. It has not been possible to as well as another proved seam measuring 4ft. deal adequately with them in this number, and lOin. to 5ft. 6in., will be worked. Over 2,000 in deferring particulars to our next issue, exhibi­ acres of coal land have been leased, and the tors and readers are assured of receiving that sinking of the firsl shaft is to he begun at the permanent and useful record which is compatible end of this month. with the importance of the matter. 250 THE MININO ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. February, 1929. It is, moreover, necessary to direct early The A.M.E.E. Annual Convention. attention to the ambitious move promoted for the industrial welfare of North-East England. A pre­ In view of this exceptional attraction is would liminary booklet indicates that the Norlh-hast have been strange had not the Association of Coast Exhibition is planned on the most ambi­ Mining Electrical Engineers decided to make New­ tious scale. From .May to October this year the castle the scene for this year’s convention. The Town Moor in the centre of Newcastle will be local committee of the Association lias happily laid out with palatial buildings, gardens, sports' secured the close collaboration and generous in­ grounds, and all the usual and latest schemes for terests of the Exhibition Authorities and of the attracting widespread notice to the arts and in­ leading parties connected with the colliery and dustries of the North-East Coast. The Palaces of engineering industries of the district. It will be Engineering alone will yield some 260,000 square seen from the preliminary programme given here­ feet of floor space; and practically every local under that a remarkably enjoyable and useful electrical and engineering firm of standing will scries of events lias been organised. We would 1)0 represented by exceptionally complete and therefore urge every member to do his best to notable working exhibits. Newcastle means coal attend, to show in that way the only proper "-f$nd there is sure to be very much of the great­ acknowledgment of the services of the North of est interest to mining electrical men to be seen England Branch and its friends, and to avail in the respective displays staged by the several themselves of a unique opportunity brimful of famous engineering works of the north country. usefulness gained in happiest circumstance. Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. damageable and well-proportioned product it lias come to be. Unceasing attention to the improvement of de­ tails, with fundamentally sound principles as a basis, Annual Convention, 1929, still is, as it has always been, their first care in this as in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. in all other departments of their work. The Party will he entertained to tea at the works by Messrs. Reyrolie. Provisional Programme. Evening.- A Diiiner followed by Dancing will take Tuesday, July 2nd. -Evening. place at the Barras Bridge Assembly Rooms by kind invi­ Informal Reunion at the Central Station Hotel. New­ tation of the Northumberland and Durham Coal Owner’s castle. Association to Members and Ladies. Wednesday. July 3rd, Morning. Thursday, July 4/A. -Morning. Visit to the Derwenthaugh Coke Works of the Con- Visit to Dunston Power Station of the Newcastle sett Iron Co.. Ltd. These works, which are now- being upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd. This is a modern started up. are claimed to be the most up-to-date in the super-station of 92,000 K.W. capacity including sets each country; the electrical equipment has been the subject of 15,000 K.W. The plant also comprises a low' temper­ of special consideration and includes many interesting ature coal distillation system as supplied to electric features. The engine room is of particular interest, con­ generating stations and combining the carbonisation of taining two 100 K.W. turbo generators of novel design coal with steam raising and the recovery of by-products (specially adapted for industrial purposes) and a 1500 from the fuel; an equipment for unloading pneumatically K.V.A. induction regulator and transformer equipment for trucks of finely-divided coal, as well as step-up transfor­ parallel working with the Company’s colliery stations mers and out-of-door 66 kilo-volt equipment. over an E.H.P. transmission line: turbine driven ex­ A service of buses will be available to and from hausters and boosters are employed for transmitting the Dunston. coke oven gas to Gateshead for use by the Newcastle After the visit the Party will kindly be entertained and Gateshead Gas Company. The works include one to luncheon by the Newcastle Electric Supply Co. at of the latest types of pneumatic dry coal cleaning plants the Newcastle Exhibition. with automatic electrical drive. Afternoon. Visit to Seghill Colliery. The whole of The Party will kindly be entertained to luncheon by the surface equipment of this colliery wras recently dis­ the Consett Iron Co., Ltd. A service of buses will be available to and from Derwenthaugh. mantled. new buildings and headgear were erected and For those not wishing to visit the coke works, a a complete electrification scheme taken in hand, includ­ viisit to the Roman Wall will be arranged if a sufficient ing four A.C. geared electrically operated winding en­ number desire it. gines. electrically driven haulages, modern screening and washery plant and brickworks. The substation includes Afternoon. —Visit to Messrs. Reyrolie & Co.. Ltd. ■1000 K.V.A. of transformer capacity. Works, Hebburn-on-Tyne. The Party will kindly be entertained to tea at the Special reference is to be made to Messrs.
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