April 9, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7829 PERKINS, Mr. STUMP, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. responsible for adinlnistering part I of the DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. JEFFRIES, and Mrs. HOLT. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Admin­ SEC. 703. (a) There shall be a Director of H.R. 2655: Mr. WINN, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. istrator of such agency shall, within 90 days the Center (hereinafter in this title referred FLOOD, Mr. EDGAR, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. APPLEGATE, after the effective date of this title, establish to as the "Director") who shall be the Chief Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. WALGREN, within such agency a Minority Resource Cen­ Executive of the Center. The Director shall and Mr. MoAKLEY. ter (hereinafter in this title referred to as be appointed by the Administrator. H.R. 2792: Mr. BoNIOR of Michigan, Mr. the "Center"). (b) The Director of the Center shall hold WEISS, Mr. MATSUI, and Mr. YOUNG of Florida. (c) The Center shall have an Advisory a.n ex-officio seat on the Procurement Policy H.R. 2814: Mr. BEVILL and Mr. FLIPPO. Committee which shall consist of five in­ Advisory Committee of such agency. dividuals appointed by the Administrator of H.R. 2849: Mr. BONIOR of Michigan, Mr. DEFINITIONS BARNES, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. such agency within 45 da.ys after the effective WEISS, Mr. CARR, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. BEILEN­ date of this .title, three of whom are selected SEC. 704. For the purposes of this section­ from a. list of recommendations solicited. ( 1) the term econoinically a.nd socially soN, Mr. BINGHAM, Mr. VENTO, and Mr. disadvantaged enterprlse means a business- STARK. from and subinitted by tra.de and business H.R. 3159: Mr. DAN DANIEL, Mr. CHARLES .associations representing economically and ( a.) which ls at least 51 per centum owned WILSON of Texas, Mr. STUMP, Mr. BREAUX, socially cilsadvantaged businesses. by one or more socially and econoinically Mr. McDoNALD, Mr. WYATT, Mr. LoNG of GENERAL AUTHORITIES disadvantaged individuals; or, in the case Maryland, and Mr. LEACH of Louisiana. of any publicly owned business, at least 51 SEc. 702. (a) The Center shall- per centum of the stock of which ls owned H.R. 3379: Mr. BARNES and Mr. RICHMOND. ( 1) establish, maintain, and disseminate H.R. 3434: Mr. MILLER of California. by one or more socially and economically information as an international information disadvantaged individuals; and, H.J. Res. 239: Mr. ANDERSON of California. clearinghouse for economically and socially H.J. Res. 279: Mr. SENSENBRENNER. disadvantaged business enterprises, for the (b) whose management a.nd dally business ti. Con. Res. 4: Mr. Russo and Mr. DOWNEY. purpose of furnishing to such businesses in­ operations are controlled by one or more of such individuals. H. Con. Res. 73: Mr. CARNEY, Mr. MILLER of formation regarding business opportunities Ohio, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. KELLY, in development assistance programs, funded (2) Socially disadvantaged individuals are Mr. BAFALIS, Mr. RUDD, Mr. MOORHEAD of by the agency primarily responsible for ad­ those who have been subjected to racial or Callfornia, Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. HILLIS, Mr. ministering part I of the Foreign Assistance ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of SHUMWAY, Mr. STUMP, and Mr. BEARD of Act of 1961, which implement the policy set their identity as a member o! a. group with­ Tennessee. forth in section 102 of such Act; out regard to their individual qualities. H. Res. 115: Mr. LEACH of Iowa. (2) design a.nd conduct programs to en­ (3) Economically disadvantaged individ­ courage, promote, a.nd assist economically uals are those socially disadvantaged indi­ and socially disadvantaged business enter­ viduals whose ab111ty to compete in the free prises to secure direct contracts, host country enterprise system has been impaired due to PETITIONS, ETC. contracts, operation expatriate contracts, in­ dim1nlshed capital and credit opportunities Under clause 1 of rule XXII, definite quantity contracts, subcontracts, as compared to others in the same business 97. The SPEAKER: Presented. a petition of projects, grants, and research and develop­ area who are not socially disadvantaged. In the city council, Minneapolis, Mln,n., relative ment contracts in order for such enterprises determining the degree of diminished credit to proposed cutba.cks in Amtrak routes, to participate in such development assist­ and capital opportunities the Administrator which was referred to the Committee on In­ ance programs; of such agency shall consider, but not be terstate and Foreign Commerce. (3) conduct market research, pla,,nning, limited to, the assets and net worth of such economic and business analyses, and feasi­ socially disadvantaged individual. bll1ty studies to identify business opportuni­ REPORTS ties in such development assistance pro­ AMENDMENTS grams; SEc. 705. Not later than eight (8) months after the effective date of this section, and Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, proposed (4) develop support mechanisms which will no later than the end of every six-month amendments were submitted as follows: enable socially and economically disadvan­ period thereafter, the Administrator of the taged businesses to take advantage of busi­ agency primarily responsible for administer­ '.H.R. 3324 ness opportunities i'll such development as­ ing part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of By Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland: sistance programs; 1961 shall submit to each House of the Con­ -Page 46, add the following new title at the (5) enteP into such contracts (to such gress a report concerning the activities of end of the blll: extent or in such amounts, as are provided the Center under this title. in appropriation Acts), cooperative agree­ AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS TITLE VII-.MINORITY RESOURCE ments, or other transactions as may be nec­ CENTER essary in the conduct of its function under SEC. 706. There are authorized to be ap­ ESTABIJisHMENT AND POLICY this section. propriated to the President to carry out the SEC. 701. (a) In keeping with the estab­ (b) The Administrator of the agency pri­ purposes of this title, in addition to funds lished policy to maximize the use of appro­ marily responsible for ad.ministering part I otherwise available !or such purposes, $950,- 000 !or fiscal year 1980, and $1,030,000 for priate domestic experience an,d technology of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and in the delivery of international development the Secretary of State shall provide the Cen­ the fiscal year 1981. Amounts appropriated assistance, participation by United States under this title are authorized to remain ter with such relevant information, including available until expended. econoinically and socially disadvantaged en­ procurement schedules, bids, and specifica­ terprises should be assured. tions with respect to development assistance REPEAL AND TERMINATION (b) In order to increase the participation programs funded by such agency which im­ SEc. 707. Section 133 of the International of economically and socially disadvantaged plement section 102 of such Act, as may be Development and Food Assistance Act of business enterprises in contract, procure­ requested by the Center in connection with 1977 ls repealed and any section on minority ment, grant, and research and development the performance of its functions under this business established under such section is activities funded by the agen,cy primarily section. abolished. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS VOICE OF DEMOCRACY cern for our country and the precepts Nevada's winner was Lucy Elizabeth upon which it was founded. Groh of Zephyr Cove. Lucy is a 16-year­ Since the Veterans of Foreign Wars old 11th grader at George Wittel High HON. JIM SANTINI assumed the sole sponsorship of the pro­ School. She plans on pursuing a career OF NEVADA gram in 1961, the scholarship program in law or a related field. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has grown from a single $1,500 award to Below is the text of Lucy's speech five separate awards totaling $22,500. which I would like to share. I think you Monday, April 9, 1979 Student participation has tripled, and will find her comments both inspiring • Mr. SANTINI. Mr. Speaker, fellow col­ school participation has doubled. and thought-provoking. leagues, for the last 32 years the voice The past year, more than one-quarter The speech follows: of democracy scholarship program has million students participated in the WHY I CARE ABOUT AMERICA provided financial assistance to deserv­ Voice of Democracy Contest on the The miracle or creation brings with it more ing students who display an abiding con- theme of "Why I Care About America." than just the manifestation of an idea. It ls •This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 7830 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS- April 9, 1979 significantly and uniquely a pa.rt of its cre­ scholarships for outstanding high school of arms. Since this consignment includes ator. And when that invention is offered to students. sophisticated weaponry, he also announced me as a gift to treasure, to display proudly, that the arms would have an appropriate or to use wisely, my sense of care has been On April 22, 1979, the auxiliary will be escort of American mllltary advisers. What­ profoundly aroused because I have become holding its first annual dinner dance ever the merits of the Yemen policy, the the recipient of that treasure. Such a treas­ with a twofold purpose in mind: To gen­ mode of making it raises serious questions. ure ls the document drafted for us by the erate revenue for its scholarship fund For Mr. Carter, in sending arms and ad­ men who wrote the Constitution of these and to create civic good will within the visers to Yemen, did something no President United States of America. It had cost them Westmoreland County community. At had ever done before.
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