...'\ t .. The Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDA Y, FEB. 4, 1981 VOL. L VIII NO. 15 Colorado's Largest Weekly 24 PAGES 25 CENTS PER COPY .... 'I Have P.riest Who Visited Great Hoetages Criticized Faith' Page11 " I have great faith," said Marine Sergeant Bill Gallegos about what .J helped him endure 444 days of captivity in Iran. 'Alarming Increase' Here, the Marine salutes the American In Aftllulments flag in downtown Pueblo on Jan. 28, the day of his Page 1:t arrival on his hometown soil. Throughout the hostage crisis, his mother, Teresa, had ., .. ..... said she put her son in "the Lord's hands," and Dorothy Day Called her hope that " He's . ... , bringing him home" Saint and Sacrament was finallv r ealized when a Pepsi-Cola jet Page11 landed at the Pueblo air­ port bea ring the Gallegos family. Thou­ sands of Pueblo citizens gav e Bill a warm welcome with cheers, whistles and ribbons and Nestle's Worried, " We l com e Home " signs. See story on Page Boycotters Claim 5. Page12 Photo by James Baca A Year Individual Conteaion For the Backed by John Paul II Disabled Pagel Thirty-three-year-old Phil Lucyk is a victim of multiple sclerosis and he approaches bis life in Changing Ideas on a wheelchair with a lot of faith in God, a lot of Women and Ministry hope and a smile. " With .. faith, hope and love, I Page 11 get by," explained Phil, who worked as a cost a nalyst for Martin Marietta before bis dis­ ease confined him to a wheelchair two and a Human Rights Groups half years ago. He lives away from bis wife and c;ritlNI of Haig three cb.ldren at a rehabilitation center and prays to God "all the time" that be can 1et better and retuna to bis .. lftt,,,,- , loved ones soon. Phil and other d ilabled citizen• are the focus of the United Nations' lntenaatlonal Year for l the Disabled In 1981. See . .. ---• story on Pa1e 3. .. Photo by Jam~ Bac3 # 1" 11'... I - TI!e Denff' Catllellc ,..._..,,Wed., ,--,4, 1N1 ARCHBISIIOP"S OFFICE 200 Josephine Street Haig Policy Pope to Make • J Oenve r . CO 110206 ., Official Of Concern Pakistan Stop . SCHEDULES WASHINGTON (NC) - "To me his statement VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul 11 will stop . ARCHBISHOP JAMES V. CASEY Secretary of State Alex­ overall is quite confusing, .. briefly in Karachi, Pakistan, during the 15-and•a-half· Sunday, February 8, 11:30 and 11:30 a.m,. Denver, Blessed ander Halg's statement tha t Bishop Gumblet.on said. " If hour flight from Rome to Manila, Philippines, Feb. 16, a Sacrament Church, Concelebrated Masses. Pastoral Visit. ''international ter ror ism it is a lessening of concern Vatican spokesman said. Thursday, F'eb. 12, 7 p.m., Denver. SL Andrew's Seminary, wilJ take the place of human for violation of pen!)le's Father Romeo Panciroli, director of the Vatican .. Ordination to the Dlaconate Thomas McConnell, C.R. rights" as the top foreign human rights, I would be Press Office, gave no details of the length of the ~pe·s policy con c ern d rew qui te dismayed at that." stay in Karachi or what his activities will be._ It 1s ex• BISHOP GEORGE R. EV ANS criticism Jan. 29 fr om pected to be primarily a technical st.op for refueling of the Sunday, F'eb. 8. 10:30 a.m .. Denver. University Park United groups and individuals work­ Network papal airplane. Methodist Church, Celebration of 2S years or Service • Rabbi ing for human rights. Network, a Catholic social Pakistan, a country of about 80 million people, wdl be EarlStooe. At his first press con­ justice lobby. cor.cur red. one of five stops made by Pope John Paul during the Feb. Sunday. Feb. 8. fl p.m .• Denver, South Broadway Christian ·•we find some difficulty in 16-27 trip. He will also visit the Philippines, Guam, Japan Church. lnJtallaUon Service or Dr, Bennett W. Gerardy as new ference as secretary of state Jan. 28 Hiag also said an a t­ understan ding Haig' s and Alaska. Regional Ex:ecutive Minister. rhetoric," said a Network M.onday. Feb. 9, 4 p.m .. Denver, Auraria Campus, Auraria tack on i n terna t ional During a visit in 1970 to the Far East, Pope Paul VI Board of Directors Meeting. terrorism was a huma n statement. also made a stopover in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city Tuesday, F'eb. 10, ti a.m., Denver . Catholic Pastoral Center. rights offense itself. On that " We think the United with about 4 million people. Prie$ls' Personnel Board Meeting. point, a t least, some critics States can serve its own About 96 peTcent of Pakistan's citizens are Moslems Tuesday, F'eb. 10, 12 noon, Denver, Catholic Pastora l Center, agreed with him. security interests best by a and only about, 2 percent are Christians. Catholic Community Services, Board of Directors Meeting. " Now, the greatest consistent opposition to all . ..,, Tuesday, F'eb. 10, 7:30 p.m .. Denver, Our Lady of Lourdes problem to me in the human human rights violations, Church, Vigil Mass. rights area today is the a rea whether from repressive Pro-Life Parish Wednesday, Feb. ll, 7:30 p.m .• Fort Collins. C.S.U. Student of rampant international governments or from inter­ Center. Fort Collins Clergy and Laity Concerned, Guest Speaker. terrorism on both sides of national terrorists." The archdiocesan Pro-Life Parishes are encouraged Thursd.ay. Feb 12, 12 r,onn, ~nver, Catholic P.utnral the Iron Curtain,'' Haig said. In New York Maryknoll Commission has announced to keep records of all Pro­ Life activities in the coming Center, Pro Life Commission Meeting. Sister Blaise Lu po, plans to select and honor 1 Terrorist Acts na tional co-director of each year the Pro-Life year and share them with . BISHOP RICHARD C. HANlFEN " I don't see how you can Clergy a nd Laity Concerned, Parish of the Year. The first the Pro-Life Commission for . Sunday. Feb. 8, 2 p.m., Colorado Sprlnga, SEARCH Mass. focus on terrorism without a group which claims to selection will be announced the selection next year. Monday. Feb. 9, 7 p.m .. Colorado Springs , Catholic School focusing on human rights,'' promote i nternational in January 1982. .. Teacher's Liturgy Holy Trinity Church. said Auxiliary Bi s hop peace, also found Haig's Tuesday. Feb. 10, 2 p.m., Colorado Springs , Parish Visitation Thomas Gumbleton of comments, " inconsistent ." • Our Lady or the Pines, Detroit. " Every violation of Speaking for herself and Thursday, Feb. 12. 7:30 p.m .. Colorado Springs. Confirma• human rights can be labeled Uon talk to Parent.~. Corpus Christi Church. not officially for CALC, sl'le a terrorist act." a dded, " He's including Friday, Feb. 13, 2 p.m., Colorado Springs, Corpus Christi Bishop Gumbleton, who Are You Moving? Church, Parish Visitation. anybody in a foreign country has been active in peace a nd who picks up a gun or dis­ IF YOU ARE, SEND THIS NOTICE TODAY TO THE human rights movements, se.nts" as a terrorist. REGISTER, 200 JOSEPHINE ST., DENVER. CO. 80206. said that kidnappings, tor­ A spokesman for Amnesty OLD t u re a nd othe r acts of l nternational's American The Denver Catholic Register repression by governments branch said any listing of in• Paste here old address label from copy of publication. (USPS 557-0301 in Latin America or Omit Items 1, 2 and 3 when address label is furnished. The Moll Rever•nd Jeme, V C• Ny, 0 0 Pu1> 11ah•r ternational terrorism would Rev C 8 Woodrocn Editor elsewhere are examples of have to include governments terrorism. 1. NO. AND ~TREET APT. NO .. P.O. BOX NO. OR Jame$ Fiedler "••ocl•t• Ed,tor as well as groups. 10, llnvs R,orden Contrlbuhng Editor B.ishop Gum bleton said R.F.D.NO. Jim P1erton Bualn•H M anager Haig's comments appear Lu Frank vecch1•re11, Advart,,,ng Otrector am b iguo u s, for t h e 2. CITY. ZONE NO .. AND STATE att Richard Tuck er, Julie Ather Editorial Start Auxiliary • , scl Jim" B- St• II Photogr•pher secret a r y of state a lso 3. Show all additional dates and numbers included fr, Lorna Kreger C1rculat1on seemed to endorse human Please d1tect a ll inqulrlet reg•rdlng chengea ol eCldr•u. subscnp- Appointed address label (necessary for Identification) • "I " bo' 1,on,. etc . to the c1,cu11t1on 0111~. O.n11e• Catholic Reg11ter , 200 rights coosiderations. 1 Josepn,n e Street. Denver. 802CM! Phone 388-4411 Eat 270 "It's been my view WASHINGTON (NC ) NEW sa1 • °'; sl( Ed •tott ■I ot11oe1 loc•ted It 200 Joaephlne. O.nve1, 80206 human rights is an essential Msgr. J . Keith Symons, 48, S11bS<lr1pt1ons- $3 50 per yHr and fundamental aspect of currently vicar general and 4. NO. AND STREET. APT. NO .. P.O. BOX NO. OR ., -..... wt Foreign count,oes ,nclud1ng Phlllpplnea, $7 00 per yH r American foreign policy and chancellor of the Diocese of R.F.O. NO. RI Re• MaUha• J Smith. Ph O • Founding Editor domestic policy," Haig said. St. Petersburg, Fla.. bas • • fol Register System or Catholic Newtp■pera t!lt 3-1!160 He then added that giving been a ppointed by Pope John 5. CITY. ZONE NO,. AND STATE tit• Edited ,,, Denver. Colorado. Printed • H ~lr • •capt leat wHk of human rights concerns " ex• Paul II as a uxiliary bishop of Oecemoer o y Commun,ly Pu0llcer,ons.
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