S i g m u N E Kapp :TRIANGLEf 9 3 5 Official Publication of Sigma Kappa 'Board CONTENTS Region I Enjoys a Successful Conference in Boston .... .... .. N ellie Birkenhead Mansfield, Omicr011 79 of Region II Convenes in Syracuse at Epsilon Chapter House 81 Enthusiastic Group Attends Region III Meeting ..... .. ... ...... .. Amzekay Tharp, Alpha Delta 82 editors Southerners of Region IV Meet in Tallahassee .. ... Sruan Blow, Omega 84 Editor-in-Chief "Ten Years Afterwards" ... .... Eula Grove Linger 86 Region V Enjoys Cleveland Alumnre's Hospitality ... FRANCES WARREN BAKER . Ruth E. Brown, Alpha Sigma 87 (Mrs. James Stannard Baker) Alpha Pi Holds Special Dinner . 88 Region VI Holds Fine Session at Congress Hotel, Chicago 7348 Coles Avenue .... .. .. ........ .. Frances lVarren Baker, Psi 89 Chicago, Ill. Northwest Regional Meeting Held at Mu Chapter House 90 Californians Gather at Santa Maria for Conference .. .. Ruth Norton D onnelly, Lambda 91 Region VIII Banquet Has World Peace as Topic .. .. College Editor ......... .. .. Betty Bimrose Stafford, Lambda 92 ERDENB GAGB Why Not Settle the Perennial Problems Once and For All ? .... ...... ... .. .. Anna Harper, Lambda 93 177 Arnold Avenue Lucille Jackson Foster Tells of Life in Korea . 95 Edgewood, R.I. Sixty Years of Sigmas Singing ..... ....... .... Lillian M. Perkins, Omicron 98 Mu Celebrates Silver Anniversary and Dedicates Library . .. .. ... .. ..... Josephine M. Brdkeley, Mu 99 Alumnte Editor A Sunbeam for Him . 100 RUTH NORTON DoNNELLY Five Omegans See America from Coast to Coast . 101 Barbara Warren Davis Wins a First Prize in the National (Mrs. Bernard Donnelly) Junior League Art Exhibit . 102 2454 Virginia Street . I Enthuse over Western Life .... Elma Wilson Harrison 103 Berkeley, Calif. From Shadow to Light ............. Alice M. Peasely 104 Miss Muffet's Marionettes . 105 Mrs. H olcomb Is a Bu sy Musici an . 106 Our New College Editor . .... .. Bm·bara B. Brand, Phi 107 Exchange Editor Two New Field Officers . 110 Milestones . 111 MARIAN SB CHEVERELL With Sigmas Everywhere . 114 HEMINGWAY Pledges . 122 (Mrs. J. Rene Hemingway) Initiates . 12 3 873 Cherry Seniors, 1935 . 125 Winnetka, Ill. With Our College Chapters . 127 With Our Alumnre Chapters . 141 With Our Alumnre Clubs . 150 Directory . 151 Philanthropy Editor NBLLIB B. MANSFIELD SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in March, June, October, and De· 56 Hillside Avenue cember, at 4~0 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., by George Banta Publishing Everett, Mass. Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority. Entered as second·class matter October 15 , 1910, at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March B. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3. 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Price $2.00 per annum. Single copies Executive Secretary ~0 cents. Life subswption $1~.00. CbapterJ, College and AINmn~Z must send manuscdpt in time to reach RUTH E . LiTCHBN their respective editors before the first of Novemb er, February, May, and September. 1630 Alabama All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent to Miss Litchen Lawrence, Kan. at 4~0 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 1630 Alabama, Lawrence, Kan. Auditorium, University of Illinois Sigtna Kappa Triangle Vol. 29 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No.2 Region I Enjoys a Successful Conference In Boston By NELLIE BIRKENHEAD MANSFIELD, Omic1'on LOBBY filled with laughing girls- re­ the discussions were lively and thought-pro­ porters asking countless questions­ voking. The question of college chapter rush­ glare of flashlight pictures-warm ing, the quota system, the relation of alumnre handclasps-crowded registration tables­ chapters to college chapter rushing was dis­ anticipatory smiles-chapter exhibits-an cussed in a joint session of both groups. Port­ aroma of good will-Maine Sea Coast Mission land's bridge parties and Boston's rummage exhibits-an atmosphere of. fellowship­ sales were highly commended. friendly hostesses-this was Region I hold­ In the afternoon a general meeting was ing its first Convention at the Parker House, held with Irene Hall, district counselor and Boston, March 22, 23, and 24. Convention chairman, presiding. Our Grand An informal Get-Acquainted dinner Fri­ Vice-President, Ruby Carver Emerson, spoke day evening was followed by "Animated briefly upon the benefits of regional meetings. Snapshots," a series of short sketches of the Grace Wells Thompson, president of Region various chapters represented. This delight­ I read an inspiring message from our grand ful affair was in charge of Dorcas Billings, president, Audrey Dykeman. This was fol­ Omicron. Julia Winslow, Portland alumnre, lowed by a comprehensive talk upon Sigma's spoke upon the beginnings of Alpha chapter, National Philanthropy by the chairman, Nellie and Maude A. Hawkes, president of Boston Birkenhead Mansfield. The next speaker was alumnre chapter, and a charter member of Lois Wine Curtis, national chairman of Pub­ Delta, told of the formation of that chapter. lic Relations, who stressed the need and Two welcome Sigmas, whose chapters were value of the right kind of newspaper pub­ not in the Region, were Myrtle Evans, Ep­ licity to make the general public not only silon, and Dorothy Abbe, Rho. Each brought sorority-conscious, but also Sigma Kappa con­ a message from her chapter. scious. The meeting adjourned in time to get Saturday morning was devoted to college ready for the joint initiation of Delta and . and alumnre chapter Round Tables at which Omicron chapters. problems of the respective groups were dis­ Initiation, under the efficient chairman­ cussed. Mary Small, president of Alpha, pre­ ship of Margaret Cochran, Omicron, was sided at the college Round Table, and Nelle without any reservation, as charming an initi­ Alexander Adams, district counselor, had ation and one as perfectly carried out as could charge of the alumnre section. Of course no be desired. Nor do I except the model ini­ action could be taken on any matter, but tiations held at national conventions. Delta's SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 79 initiates were: Phyllis M. Adams, Stoughton; service, which officially closed the Conven­ Katherine L. Baker, Medford; and Anna L. tion, ended in time to permit the Sigmas to Chalfont, Boston. Those of Omicron were: attend service in historic King's Chapel. Faith M. Atwood, Carver; Doris Bonner, Such was the program of Region I's first Holyoke; Rita Brennan, West Somerville; Convention. Now there is the other side, Barbara Clucas, Cliftondale; Dorothy See­ equally important, of committees and finance. kamp, Queens Village, L.I. ; and A. Helen The following Sigmas acted as the contact be­ Sharp, Saugus. Region I was glad to welcome tween their chapter and the general chair­ these new sisters at so happy an occasion as man:- its first Convention. Alpha-Mary Small You who have been attending your own Delta-Pauline Nevers regional Conventions know how beautiful a Nu-Marion Hook Omicron-Betty Schluss gathering that formal banquet is-but add Phi-Elsie Crandall to that thought that ours was also an initia­ Waterville-Mrs. Evena Goodale Smith tion banquet and you have the acme of love­ Portland-Mrs. Virgil McGarrill liness. Grace Wells Thompson was toast­ Boston-Mrs. Elizabeth V. U. Davenport mistress. After the Candle-Light Song had Rhode Island-Erdene Gage Worcester- Mrs. Lois Wine Curtis been sung, the Sigma Kappa grace was said Hartford-Evelyn Ryle by Ruby Carver Emerson. The toasts were Schenectady-Mrs. Eleanor Jutras marvels of brevity, wit and charm. Perhaps you would like to read the toast list: The general committee was as follows: Irene M. Hall, general chairman Welcome-Virginia Besse, Omicron. Grace Wells Thompson, programs Response-Anne Chalfont, Delta initiate. Nelle A. Adams, Round Tables The Past- Our Secret Guide of Life- Hila Gladys S. Gatchell, treasurer and registrar Helen Small, Delta. Nellie Birkenhead Mansfield, publicity The Present-Katherine Caswell, Alpha. Greetings from Worcester Alumnre- Ethel Other chairmen were: Larm, Tau. The Worth of Us-Ruby Carver Emerson, Al­ Banquet, Helen F. Cady; initiation, Margaret pha. Cochran; Saturday luncheon, Marjorie P. Tick­ Greetings from alumnre chapters not present- nor; Founders' Memorial Service, Ruby Carver Grace Wells Thompson. Emerson; Credentials, Helen C. Jackson; Flowers, Panhellenic Unity-Janet Batchelder, Phi. Ruth G. Butters; Hostesses, Ruth G. Butters; and Greetings from Nu-Doris Anderson, Nu. Music, Sara L. Collins. · Message from Rhode Island Alumnre-Ruth B. Turner, Phi. As far as finances are concerned the Con­ Response--Florence Dunn, Alpha. vention was entirely self-sustaining, meeting Of all the toasts given, none will stay with all bills and having a surplus of about a dol­ us longer or more vividly than that of Flor­ lar. Too much credit can not be given to ence Dunn, one of our past Grand Presidents. Gladys Gatchell, Omicron, the hard-working It took courage, she tofd us, for one to speak tr:asurer and registrar and her loyal com­ who could say she dated from Queen Vic­ mittee. toria down through King George or from Here are some interesting statistics about Grover Cleveland to--dared she say ?-to attendance:- Huey Long. Maude A. Hawkes, as president College of Boston alumn:;e chapter, then presented the Chapter Members Alumnte Present Total two spoo?s 15iven by that chapter for highest Present scholarship m the college chapters. This year Alpha . 11 12 23 they were awarded to Esther Petterson, Delta, Delta 8* 27 35 and Dorothy Crockett, Omicron. All too soon Nu 7 7 Omicron .. .. 28* 17 45 ?":'~et:st Flower was sung and the regional­ Phi ...... .. 7 6 13 InihattOn banquet had become a delightful Epsilon ... ... 1 1 memory. Theta ... .. .. 1 1 A model chapter meeting was held Sun­ Tau . .. .. .. 1 1 day morning presided over by Elsie Cran­ Chi 1 1 Alpha Gamma 1 1 dall, Phi. This was followed by a short and Alpha Eta .. .. 1 1 simple memorial service to the Founders in char~e o~ Ruby Carver Emerson, assisted by 61 68 129 Nellie Btrkenhead Mansfield.
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