.. INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 14—NO. 247 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1929 3D. PER COPY —40/- PER ANNUM BEEBE BERMUDA EXPEDITION SURPASSES ALL EXPECTATION Scientist Hopes to Return CABLE NEWS IN THE HOUSE Government House THEY SA Y OTTAWA WELCOMES BRITISH The following were entertained That silence I. golden. Next Year PREMIER Serious Business at Dinner by His Excellency the Governor and Lady Bols at Govern­ * * * OTTAWA, Oct. 17.—The capital Begun: ment House on Wednesday, 16th That this won't s;cp the "talkies" today welcomed the Rt. Hon. October, to meet the Rt. Hon. Sir coming to 3erniuda. Ramsay MacDonald when the Esme Howard. special train carrying the party Marsh Reclamation Colonel Legh. arrived at nine this morning. Mrs. Legh, That even when the voices are pcor, BRILLIANT LECTURE ENJOYED Mr. Mackenzie King and members Report in The Hon. John Trimingharn„ patrons *"ock to theatres where of the Cabinet and representatives Mrs. Triminghcm, they are heard. BY LARGE AUDIENCE 1 of various Legations were on hand Major Harington, to greet the Prime Minister and Yesterday's sitting of the House ef The Rev. W. S. Hughes, That good progress is being made _t party who were immediately con­ Assembly, whilst not unduly long, Mrs. Hughes. the opera rehearsals. veyed to Government House were marked the beginning of the ser­ Mrs. C. P. Warren, ious business of the session. Cur­ Mr. MacDonald and his daughter Miss E. Harvey, That no pains are being spared t3 win be guests for the next three iously enough, it was also reUeved Miss Legh. more than most days of sitting make the producticn a bigger On Thursday evening of this week disabled and dismantled steamer days. It is stated that the Prime Miss H. Trimingham. success than ever. Minister is feeling much refreshed by special incidents. Dr. WiUiam Beebe, the weU-known to sink before his landing steps, to * * * scientist, delivered his second lec­ make a suitable breakwater, and a after his night on the train. The clerk's table presented its oo ture in HamUton to a large audi­ safe anchorage for his small boats. * * * wonted appearance with Mr. E. H. That the Cubs are going to give a ence in the Colonial Opera House. Dr. Beebe hen transferred his SCOTCH CAUTION GosUng back, though Mr. N. B. PERSONAL performance soon. On the occasion of his first lecture, hearers to the jungle of British DiU was stUl in the House. At half past two the members the Opera House was fiUed to its Guinea in the twihkUng of an eye. OTTAWA, Oct. 17.-"I would Lieut-Commander S. R. Johnson, That all the world loves the young­ utmost capacity, but on Thursday He informed his hearers that he pre­ suggest you take the despatches repaired to the Council Chamber, sters. where an address in reply to the R.N. is saUing this morning for | evening whUe the house was good, ferred to work in British colonies, with a grain of salt" said Mr. Mac­ New York en route io England. I * * * it must be remembered that this for although they thought him not Donald today when he was asked speech with which His ExceUency opened to session on Oct. 2nd was Also Lieut. R. S. Brown, R.N. sails That some fine new buildings are is the end of the summer season, quite sane, yet they left him alone. if he would discuss with Mr. Mac­ this morning on the Victoria for being erected. kenzie King regarding the de-mil­ presented by His Honour the and that many residents have not Other nationalties were apt to be Speaker to the Governor. If the England by way of New York. yet returned from abroad. suspicious, and think he was after itarisation of Halifax as initmated in despatches from the United speech itself was dull, the address That rumour is rife concerning the The occasion was honoured by gold, and diamonds and oU. Dr. could hardly be characterised as Among those booked for the use to which they are to be put. the presence of His ExceUency the Beebe's camp in the jungle of States. lively. It consisted merely of the Victoria this morning are Mr. i * * * Governor and Lady Bols, who British Guinea consisted of some * * * formal thanks of the Assembly, Fred Brewer, Mr.fH. B. Holmes, brought with them their distin­ huts of a deserted oil station called GALE DELAYS FLIGHT OF R-101 an assurance that the details of Mr. Arthur Cooper, Mr. J. J. Kopec That as usualrumour is ninety per guished guest of this week. Sir Kartabo. It was situated at sea the Imperial Government's recent and Mr. Bernard Wilkinson. cent wrong. CARDINGTON, Oct. 16. —The Esme Howard, and members of the level, between two swamps, and Colonial Development Act wiU be * * * * * * Legislature were present on the there his expedition worked for Airship R-101 successfuUy rode the awaited with interest, and that the That nothing has been heard lately violence of a storm this afternoon, Mr. J. J. BusheU was among the > invitation of I>r. Beebe. eight years. According to his own House would vote funds and con­ arrivals by the Victoria yesterday I cf extending the city limits. 'Mr. Goodwin Gosling was the words a green swizzle before break­ whUst moored to the mast, when sider BUls which might be sent • • * the wind, which at times reached morning. Chairman of the evening and after fast is a great deal more dangerous down by the Executive. The views That Dr. Beebe's lecture was thor­ introducing the lecturer, who he than a boa constrictor or a vampire forty mUes per hour, caused the * * * __ the House on many of the matter Miss A. S. Eve returned yesterday oughly enjoyed. declared needed no introduction bat. projected trial flight for to­ referred to are not even sketched. to a Bermuda audience, he referred Vampire bats are a very much morrow to be postponed. on the Victoria after a trip north. * * • in a few appreciative words to the over-rated horror, in his estimation, * * * A|ter His Excellency's formal * * * That he really must be persuaded honour of Sir Esme Howard's pre­ for their methods are very simple CARDINGTON, Oct. 16.—With reply of thanks, the Assemblymen Dr. and Mrs. A. Hutchings Frith to come again. sence, he thought it was a proud and sanitary. They simply hover completion of the first flight of the returned to the Sessions House, returned to their home. "Long- | * * * day for Bermuda in that she was over their victim while asleep, R-101, air officials are looking for­ and the ordinary business was re­ ford," Warwick, after spending an I That the one-design boats failed to welcoming an Ambassador for the lower a tube and puncture the hand ward to the maiden flight of the sumed. Col. DiU took up the extended vacation in the States. 1 put in an appearance on Thvrs- first time. or toe or whatever part of the body R-101, which, it was announced, Boards Act, and was in the middle Mrs. Frith has been the guest of | day. Dr. Beebe received a most hearty is exposed, and draw away about a would leave the hangar next week. of a sentence endeavouring to her daughter at Niagara Falls for ] * * * welcome, and for an hour and a half teaspoonful of blood. After its Complete satisfaction is expressed explain its complicated language, several weekr. That it was not the weather that he held complete sway over his drink the bat neatly seals up the at the performance of the R-101. and convince the House that this * * * prevented the usual race. audience, interesting and enchant­ puncture with some marveUous * * » was not only reaUy complicated, Miss Frances O'Neil was among ! * * * ing his hearers with his wonderful antiseptic collodium of its own. R-101 READY FOR SECOND TRIAL when Mr. pattotf entered, followed the returning passengers by the That the crews were all too busy at tales. Tales which lost nothing in This appears to be a wonderful pro­ by the Rt. Eon. Sir Esme Howard, Vic yesterday morning. work. the telling, for Dr. Beebe has the vision of nature to preserve the vic­ LONDON, Oct. 17. -The second British Ambassador to the United * * * States, and his son Mr. F. Howard, Mrs. Glenwood J. Sherrard and most wonderful gUt of fleeting sug­ tim for the bat's delectations, for trial flight of the new British air­ young son arrived yesterday morn­ That even yachtsmen work some­ gestion and of wit which bubbles the patient does not get iU or die ship R-101 wiU be made tomorrow, they had been present in the ing from Boston. She was ac­ times. o .*er merrily and then is gone. of the wounds given—not at once weather conditions promising to CouncU Chamber at the ceremony companied by her sister. Mrs. Before giving his lecture on the at least! be favourable. The airship will there, and on Sir Esme entering A. T. Stanwood, of Reading Mass., That a busier time is coming soon. British Guinea jungle. Dr. Beebe Asked about the danger of the leave the mooring mast at eight the House the members rose, and j who will spend ten days here. was good enough to bring his audi­ jungle, Dr. Beebe says that he al­ o'clock in the morning and fly stood whUe he passed up the floor | oc That an extra boat may be put on. ence up to date as regards his work ways replies that there is none, westwards making a tour over the to be greeted by the Speaker.
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