A: ew ::SerIes 0 tJetectIve ~tories ... ... ... tsy Allred Henry LeWI~ St. Louis in the Grip of the Railroads ... ... ... By Samuel Merwir ~~~~~~~~~~ Digitized by Google SUCCESS MAGAZINE Contents of the July Issue Cover Design by H. G. Williamson Luther Burbank, the High Priest of Horticulture George Archibald Clark 455 Illustrated with special photographs Bonna Sisnon's Wedding, (A Story,) joseph Blethen 459 Illustrations by A lbert de Ford Pitney From Plow to Cabinet j. Herbert Welch 461 The Life Story of James Wilson. Secretary of Agriculture Inspector Val's Adventures, (A Detective Story.) Alfred Henry Lewis 463 Illustrations by Frederic R. Cruger How Fortunes Are Made In Advertising Henry Harrison Lewis 466 Illustrations by Arthur C. Dove In The Grip of the Railroads Samuel Merwin 468 lllusiratiom by John Boyd. With special photographs The Shameful Misuse of Wealth Cleveland Moffett 471 VI.-What We WaSte on Jew~Iry Illustrated with special photographs Selling Brains Orison Swett Marden 474 The Ambition of japan .. Nelson A. Miles ' 475 Illustration by Charles Sarka . In the Morning, (A Poem.) Burges johnson 477 OTHER FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS Humor and Anecdote 478 I If You Are Well.Bred Mrs. Burton Kingsland 488 I The Editor's Chat . 480 On the Way Up 490 Extravagance Which Is Economy, Isabel Gordon Curtis 482 . What to Wear and How to Wear It . Mary Le Mont 492 The Girl Who Works . Kate MaSterson 483 The New Summer Fashions . Martha Dean Hallam 494 The Well-dressed Man. Alfred Stephen Bryan 484 ' The Man Who's Afraid. (A Poem,) Roy Farrell Greene 499 I Mrs. Herrick's Table Talk 486 , Uncle Sam's New Treasurer A. G. Baker 505 Digitized by SUCCESS MAGAZINE UfAVY DfMAND fOR rUOTO-fNGRAVfRS Ir C»,n~6[1 At fro.,., $50. Per VVeek. II Read the fOllowlne resolutloa .,...ed by the National A..oclatlon of Photo-Elneravers In conventloa at A,l'L _g St. Louis, June 22, 1904, reeardlne the 81..ell Collqe of Photo-ElneravlDe: U The National Association of Photo-Engravers in our Eighth Annual Convention assembled, do find after a careful and thorough investigation that the Bissen College of Photo-Engravinglocated at Effingham. Illinois. and conducted in con· nection with the Illinois College of Photography, is an institution worthy of the hearty encourall'ement of the association." ~~t~8~.~'~~~ .lln••flrl... R .......t ..r la aI· Q, wafa loaded. The Mllllary Do>: ~ • ~~t~~:l~~1:.' .f~r.: o":1";e:;;; rfmture of RaTa I'e luperlonly. a There are IOveral othen. When it "omoa to rifle" the Savage la dltTerenL. ~ H Sa 1••1•• W.'rll f'ob ...t •• nCt'lp' .r•6~. ..No ,a~af1~ 'wa,' tl!ould dare to (rijlt a With a mall "'''0 ,1lIH>t, a Saraoe Rifle'" .:, Little Savage 1J Repeater, $14.00 BISSELL COLLEGE OF PHOTO.ENCRAVINC Savage-Junlor U We further find that the students attending this school are tAught each and every department of Photo-Engraving in a thorough aud practical manner. whereas, in an engraving plant, where the usual manner of apprenticeship prevails, t., Single-shot, $5.00 the apprentices are restricted to a single branch of work. 1J (Only Sln,le-abot Rille of Ita klr.d • We further find that the school is wen equipped and provided with competent instructors, and we do. most heartily I tbat ejecta abelL) endorse the same. and recommend anyone desiring to learn the art of photo-engravlng to take a course of instructIOn at Iffour dealer won't aeeom- , this college. mOdale fOU, we will. Either ~raduation ~ ride c1e1l..ored, aU chars", U We further agree to accept a certificate of as sufficient recommendation for a position in our workrooms." • patd, upon receipt of price. We teach you to make enlP:avings like the Inustrations in this mal1;azine and like the cuts you see in newspapers, Trf four dealer drat, but and that are used in catalogs and other commercial work. We have at present urgent calls for workmen and could place IOnd ~f for eatalOll1lOo between 200 and 300 photo-engravers if we had that number who were qualified. Demand constantly increasing. Pay ranges from 120.00 to 150.00 per week. SAVAOE ARMS CO. This is the only coll~ of photo-engravlng In America. Terms easy and living Inexpensive. ~TllmerSt,.u~N.Y FREB-Handsomely illustrated and desCriptive fifty·two page book. containing fun information. Write to-day. .- ••U.S.A. BISSELL COLLEGE or PHOTO-ENGRAVING. 8S1 Wabash Avenue. Effingham. llIinoia. l --==:I ~ . 4l~ .eac::L--.:::I STAUNTON Chicago MILFfARY ACADEMY An Ideal Home School for Manly Boys Musical College 24a 80r- from ~ t.les I. I session. urgest Prlv.te Academy Founded 1861 In Ibe Soutb. Boya from 1010 The Chicago Musical College offers facilities for a IS yurs old prepared ror Ibe musical or dramatic education unsurpassed in America Universities, Government or Europe. Academies, or Business. Thecollege faculty-acknowledged the strongest ever :So other bnslne.. yields the I)rofl~ that are made every assembled in a school of musicallearnin,g-has been aug· feru in the reQI esU\te bU81ne58. 1,600 feet above sea-level; mented by the following important aC'l.lIIsitions: Walde­ Ton CAn learn the bu.In..... Ita prInciples Mel prMtleelI, pure, dry, bracing moun­ mar LUtschgj the great Russian pianrstJ.Alexander von thorOu~hl~ a.nd teehnJcally, In a few wook.8t t1m~ without Fielitz, the distinguished composer, and tuns Schroeder, ~~~t~~:~:,~I~h8l1~~~ VJ::~i~e~:p)oyrnent. tain air of the f.lmous, pro­ the emlDent German baritone. , \We "009 verbially healrhful and The management is gratified to announce the reen­ You ca.n make mOre money tn the real estate bUllneu In bc2utiful Vallev of the gagement of Emile Sauret, the world-famous violinist, ~~d t~~ ~:~~n~: j~l;l:~ ~~~l~~he{L ~tL~~J~~~ea~:: Shenando.,h. 'Pure min­ for a term of years. bUBLnea or a genLleman. The Musical Directors are: Dr. F. Ziel!feld, Emile ernl spring waters. High Sauret, Dr. Louis Falk, Hans von Schiller, William Other .peclAI feat.ures at onr method are: We furnish you moral tone. Parental dis­ Castle, Bernhard Listemann, Waldemar Liitschg. Her­ ~:~~::t~ d~~l'e~Or~ ~f~"ir~IO~}AIs,~eG~f~f a{l.=d:gJ cipline. Mili:ary training man Devries, Felix Borowski, Arthur Speed and Alexan· CAJlada. j we Itst your pro)>erty; we furnlah yon ou.r ulleaJ der von FieHtz. E~tate Jourunl" of business opvortunIUes.lnve8trne:n_, etc.. develops obedience,health, '\"0 IiflT0 you InJJJtrucUoQ tu general 1.trokernC' The Curriculum includes all branches of Music, Act· Bud IU8urnnne. manly c3.rriJge. Fine, ing, Elocution, Opera and the Modern Languages. ~otlee tor YOUf8eJf tn the neW8pft.flere and mapztne.tt (be shady lawns, expensively Hart Conway is Director of the School of Acting, and tremendous growth of the rM! eBlonte buelneu-rnllroadl the School of Expression IS under the direction of Mrs. seillng land ~anl8; the ~ovemment. O~ning new h01'Oe. equipped gymnasium, Letitia V. Kempsler. ~~~~ ~~~~~lne:li t~~~~:i:~ ~~~c~~n:til:n~~ d s"-imming pool and ath­ The Chicago Musical College issues Teachers' Cer­ e'fc: ; faetorlea letic park. All manly Summer Is a eplendld tIme (or OU to commence t.JJ. tificates and DIplomas, and confers the degrees" Bach· course. You \vlll then be gmdllR,Jhy Autumn wben real sports encouraged. Daily drill and exercises in open air. elor of Music," .. Master of Music" and" Doctor of estate will be booming. Music" hy authority of the State of Illinois. Boys from homes of culture and refinement only desired. Applications are now being acc'Opted for the 35 Free pe~:,:~i ~t~~~~~l~~n;t~t~~~roC:t~~8d~~~aJ,~o':~~~~~OOt'::; Pen;onal, individual instruction by our Tutorial System. and 1;0 Partial Scholarships. Catalogue mailed free. AU yourself we willltst your 111\1116 free or chnrf,l() tor ODe l!\r~e5t. Standards and traditions high. ACADl;~IY FORTY· requests for information will receive prompt attention. y."n.'. with one of the p'ft('lng burelU18. and y.on will II, have the privilege ot applying to Uti! bureau for a altuatlon FIVli YEARS OLD. New .50.000 barracks. lull equip­ The fall season commences September 1905. lu the city. ment, absolutely fire-prooL Charges. $300. CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE Write tor onr f'ree bOOklet. It wllllnterelJt you. Halld'ome &tlla/DK'Ue FREE. AddreIJ: DR. P. ZIEOPELD, Prealdent H. W. CROSS&. CO., 994 Tacoma Bldg.,Cbicago CaptainWt\\.I1. KABLE, A.t\l., Principal, Staunton,Va. College Bldg.. 202 Michigan Blvd.. Chicago of THE YOU "WHITEST" at COLLAR YOIIR OWN HOME in IX WEEK for $3 or REFUND MONEY I Fair MADE enoul;h I Distance and experience im· material. I find POSITIONS. too. EVERYWHERE, FREE. Have placed THOU AND. ]'laced pupil Oct. 10, at '75 weekly; another, Jan.16,at '36weekly; LINEN another. April 17, at $50 weekly; another, May.3. at '60 weilkly-and severalsincc. 15~ Perhaps I can place YOII. TOO I 8.014 TESTIMO 'IALSI EACH ~ SAVE THIS AND WRITE ~ J. H. GOODWIN. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Room 351. 1215 Broadway. New York CEDRIC M;ch~,!:!~Fall.'!u~ntra' IF' YOUR bEALER WONT Summer Vacation Tours to tbeTbousand Island t St. "awrence River, AdtrondAo.ka- Catskllla, "'ncleon RlYe.r, SUPPLY YOU, WRITE US 'Vh1te 'Mountains. Jo"OTeSt8 and ]..akee or MflIne, ew England, EMIGH &STRAUB.Dept c.c.TROY.NY Sea CO:l8t. etc•• wlt.b fUlllu!ormatlon regal"dlng ront.ea a.nd. ra~ New[n,.gland Mackinac Island and other Micbigan Re orts, Sault IHe. MArie. Pctollkey, Harbor Springs, Charlevoix, tbe Au Sable JUver, etc.
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