I ADUlT$ - YOUNG PEOPlE I Vol. 26, No.2 Faith Pub. House April, May, June Guthrie, Okla. 1994 73044 r Bible Lessons for Adults and Young People t (USPSOS4-680) Volume26 April, May, June No.2 Table of Contents Page Apr.3 TheTriumph of Christ's Resurrection .... ........ ... ..................... 1 10 Man's DireNeed for Wisdom. the Fear of God. ..................... 7 17 TheCall of Wisdom. theFear of God. ........... ........................ 12 24 OurNeed to Apply Our HeartsWisdom unto ........................ 17 May 1 WonderfulBenefits Fotmd in Possessing Wisdom ................ 22 8 More Benefits of WisdomWith Some Notes of Caution....... 27 15 FurtherEntreaties to Seek Wisdom and theWay of Godliness. ...................................... ..... ........ ................32 22 The Danger and Threat of the StrangeWoman ................ ......37 29 Diligence to Keep Free from the Snares of the Wicked .........42 Jwte 5 More WarningsAgainst the Allurementof the StrangeWoman ....................... ........ ........ ........... ............ 46 12 A Scene of Sorrowand Destruction ....................................... 50 19 The UnivezsalAppeal of Wisdom toMan ............................. 54 26 Wl.Sdom's Call Contrastedwith Folly's Allurement.............. 59 Publishing tbe Bibletrutbs in tbe interest of Jesus Christ and His Church Edited by Bros. Leslie C. Busbee and Wayne Murphey Subscription Price-�a copy forquarter ofyear, or $2.00 per year, issuedquarterly. Second classpostage paid at Gutbrie,Oklahoma Published Quarterly By: FAITH PUBUSIUNG HOUSE 920 W. Mansur Ave. Gutbrie, Oklahoma73044 Postmaster: Please send address corrections to above address. THEME FOR SECOND QUARTER, 1994 Our studies fo r this quarter will be from the book of Proverbs. Our first lessonwill be on theTriumph of Christ's Resurrection In accordWith it fall1ng on EasterSunday. For the remainder of the twelve lessons we will seekto cover the first9 chaptersof the Proverbs. Our specialburden and theme Inthis seriesof lessonsIs the Importanceof the truewisdom, the fearof God. We wlllseek tocover the pointsthat Solomon soughtso earnestly to set forth In the bookof Proverbs:man 's dire need for wisdom and the fear of God, wisdom's calland appealto man,man 's needto apply himselfto seek fo r wisdom. the profitand benefitsof wisdom,the warnings againstthe evil allurements of the sinfulworld, and aboveall the safetyand happiness of all who will fa ithfully seek to obey the voice of wisdom. It is our earnest prayer that these studies w1llhelp to make the message of the book of Proverbs more real and Importantin the eyes of all, especially ouryouth. Inthis world of shattered dreams and disappointments, caused by the fo rces of evilinvad ing unsuspectinghearts andliv es, may we set forth these wholesome warnings and Instructions In a prayerful effort to save precious souls from the snares and traps that Satan has set for them In this world. -BrotherLeslie C. Busbee ------ APRIL3, 1994 THETRIUMPH OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION Acts 13:29 When they hadfulflll ed all that waswritten of him. they took him down from the tree, and laid him In a sepulchre. 30 But God raised him from the dead: 32 And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfllled the same unto us their children, In that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is alsowritten Inthe second psalm, Thouart my Son, this day have I begotten thee. 34 Andas concerningthat he raisedhim up fromthe dead, (1) now no more to returncorruption, to he saidon this wise, willI giveyou the sure mercies of David. 35 Wherefore he saith also Inanother psalm, Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. 36 For David, after he had seiVed his own generationby the willof God, fell on sleep,and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption: 37 But he, whom God raised again, sawno corruption. I Corinthians 15:20 But now Is Christrisen from thedead, andbecome thefirstfrutts of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so In Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every manin his own order: Christ the ftrstfrults; afterward they that are Chrtst"s at his coming. 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; shallWe not allsleep, but we shallall be changed, 52 In a moment. In the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: fo r the trumpet shall sound. and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, andwe shall be changed. 53 For thiscorruptible must put on incorruption. andthis mortal must put on Immortality. 54 Sowhen this corruptibleshall have put on Incorruption. and thismortal shall have put on Immortality, then shall be brought to passthe saying that Iswritten, Death Isswallowed up in victory. 55 0 death. where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? 56 The stingof death Issin; and the strengthof sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. MEMORY VERSE: ...Jesus Christour Lord.. wasmade of the seedofDavld according to the flesh: Anddeclared to be the Sonof Godwith power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Romans 1:3-4. CENTRALTHOUGHT: Jesus Christ, ourLord and Saviour, (2) overcameand conquered sin, death, and the grave for us when He rose from the deadby the power of His Father. Byobeying andfo llowingJesus we canItve free and triumphantover sin inthis presentItf e andwe w1llshare in the gloryof His eternal resurrection in the world to come. WORD DEFINITIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS: (V. 29), "Tree": The material fromwhich thecross wasmade . ..Sepul­ chre":The grave or the tombwhere Christ's body was burled. (V. 34), •CorruptfDn": The rotting and decay of a dead body. •sure merciesofDa vfd•:The holy blessings of fa ithful David. (V. 20), "Firstfiui.t•:The beginningand first to offer the sacri­ fice; the offeringof Jesus Indeath andbeing resurrected that makes possible our resurrection. (V. 23), •order•: arrange­ ment and position in series or succession. (V. 52), "Twinkling of an eye•: An instant. "'numpet": The loud summons to awaken those unconscious in slumber; used here to describe the power of the call of God to awaken the dead. (V. 53), "Incorruption·: Undecaytng in essence and continuance; unending existence. "Immortality":Deathlessness: the stateof existence that w1ll neverbe discontinued or interrupted by death: everlasting life and being. (V. 54), ·swallowed up": Devoured; destroyed; to be totallyand completely put down, never to be heard from nor seen again. (V. 55), "'Victory•: Conquest; triumph; complete overthrow. LESSON BACKGROUND Todaywe areespec lallyremembering the gloriousresur­ rectionof our Saviour from death and the grave. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should have a special day of remembrance for this. Andyet every first day of the week can be a memorial of Christ's resurrection as we attend worship services With His children at a designated and consecrated place. We aredraWing the scripturesfo r ourlesson todayfrom the apostle Paul's message to the people in the synagogue at Antioch in Pisidla and from his epistle to the Church in Corinth. Inspiredby the Holy Spirit, Paul was able to express andwrite very clearly and reverently on thissub ject. It is ve:cy inspiringand interesting to note the scriptures that he refers (3) to. In speakingof Christbeing raised, he quotes from Psalms 2:7, "I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; thisday have I begotten thee. • The whole second Psalmis a powerfuland vivid prophecy of the triumph of Christ In His everlasting kingdom. Another prophecy he used concerning the resurrection of Christ Is taken from Isaiah 55:3, ..Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live: and I wlll make an everlasting covenant withyo u, even the suremercies of David." It wasto Davidthat Godmade a promiseof a resurrection,a resurrectionthat was fulftlledIn Christ and Is eternally pledged to bethe Inheritance of all who follow the Saviour. Paul fo llowed this up with a quotation fromPsalms 16:10, (a Psalm that Peter alsoquoted In his message on the day of Pentecost concerning the resurrection of Christ, Acts 2:25-28), ..For thou wilt not leave my soulin hell: neither wilt thou sufferthine HolyOne to see corruption." Jesus' soulwas not leftto remainIn paradise and the realmof departed spirits, and His bodywas not allowed to remain In the grave and decay. He was brought back to life, praise the Lord, to live fo revermore. And, knowing that there were some Inthe Corinthian church who dented the truth of the resurrection, Paul gave his wise and loving counsel, explaining and describing so beautifully the manner of the resurrectionof God's children which wllltake place at thelast day. He quotes fro m the prophecy In Isaiah 25:8 which says, ..He willswallow up death Invlctoxy ." He alsoquotes the SeptuagintGreek rendering of Hosea 13:14 which says, "I will deliver themout of the powerof Hades, andwill redeemthem fromdeath: where Is thy penalty,0 death?0 Hades, where is thysting?" He tellsus what the sting of death is and what the strengthof thatsting Is, but declaresthat Godhas given us the victoxy over the whole thing through Jesus! -Leslie C. Busbee QUESTIONS: 1. How did Godfulfill the promise made unto the fa thers? 2. Why is theresurrection so important to us? 3. How was Jesus raised from the dead? (4) 4. How can we know that we wlll share In His glorious resurrection? 5. Whowill be raised up Inthe resurrection with Christ? 6. Would we have had a chanceto beIn the resurrection IfChrist had not died and risen again? 7. Is It going to be a hard problem for God to resurrect everybody? 8. Will aworldly and sinful person who has llved fo r the flesh andIts lusts havea share In the resurrection of Christ? 9.
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