FTTl ^NrTV COLLEGE-HARTFORD-CONNECTICUT FTTl Vol. L|^CV, Issue^lpri! 13/1988 ; •; ™|RINITY IRIPGD -*- M. Campaign For Trinity Rolls On tend to become short, donations and ever, we implemented asafety valve on -ByTohTsunLim- pledges have still been strong. "In the the Annual fund so thai unrestricted M'H'.v Editor last two weeks we have had six gifts Alumni fundgiftsean be used for Cam- totalling $750,000," said Ware. paign purposes when the Annual Fund The Campaign for Trinity has been Throughout the Campaign, President has reached its own goal." continued .steadily moving toward its targeted goal English has been traveling to all parts of Duffy. ol'S42 million since its inception in Sep- the country meeting with prospective One problem of concern is the fund- tember of 1986. The Campaign is set to donors and alumni to ask for contribu- ing of the new academic building to be complete its funds drive by June of next tions to the fund. "President English is a constructed at the south end of the Life year and has accumulated $34 million in super fund raiser...people are very re- Sciences Quad. "We have raised $3.3 donations to date. ceptive to him when he comes. There are million for the new building. We had Notable donations include a $4.5 mil- lots of college development offices who earmarked $6 million initially and now lion bequest from alumni Alan K, Smith, are envious of the kind of President we it is costing us $9 million." said Ware. '11, $2.5 million from Mr. and Mrs. R. have as a fund raiser," said Ware. "We need to raise about another $2 Nutt '53, a Si million anonymous gift The Campaign for Trinity was the million for the building by the end of and a SI million donation from George result of an internal committee self- the Campaign." continued Duffy. The Ferris"16. Othersmallerdonationshave study initiated by President English five new Engineering and Science building been given by alumni, parents and years ago. This assessment of the is a 40,000 sq. ft. complex designed by friends of the College. Some have been College's financial need targeted certain Cesar PeHi, who is currently the Dean given for special needs such as scholar- areas of concern which were then desig- of the School of Architecture at Yale ship and financial aid funds for Jewish, nated for funding through the Cam- University and has won numerous Asian, and Hartford area students. paign. The Campaign is broken down awards for his works here and abroad. Professor C. Weiler gave the philosophy department lecture last Thursday night. While seventy five percent ol" the Cam- into five general areas; the Academic While the Campaign still has a year paign funds are received through indi- Program ($15.7 mil.), Financial Aid ($6 and a half to meet its goal, the Develop- viduals approximately ninety five per- mil.), New Buildings and Renovations ment Office is continually working to cent of Trinity's faculty has donated or ($10 mil.), the Annual fund ($8 mil.), maintain the fund. "The staff we have Weiler Addresses pledged to the Campaign. and Gifts in Kind (S2.3 mil). working here are tremendous... every- According to Constance Ware, Vice Growth in each of these areas has been body is working at about 120 m.p.h., President for Development, the Cam- disparate, mainly because of specifica- Monday through Saturday," said paign is on target for funds, "We've just tions imposed with the certain dona- Ware. A campaign of this sort usually had a meeting with our Steering tions. "Uneven growth always happens conies around every decade in an effort Political Myths Committee in Philadelphia...and it ap- in these campaigns....You make the total to strengthen capital endowments, ac- toward Christianity. "Kant, although pears that we have sufficient prospects goal but you always end up with more in cording to Duffy, "Virtually every in- -By Eric Taubenhiem- well disguised, is an atheist," said left to come in at $42 million plus," one pocket than the other," said Lau- stitution of higher education does Special to the Tripod Weiler. He went on to support Kant's Though the Campaign has almost rence S. Duffy, Director of the Cam- this... and it's implemented to make a viewpoint that philosophers must be al- reached the halfway point, where funds paign. "At the start of the drive, how- very good place stronger." One the evening of April 7, the Depart- lowed by the state to speak. He unveiled ment of Philosophy presented the 14th the Platonic myth that humans find their Annual Blanchard W, Means Memorial self importance by belonging to a nation Lecture in Boyer Auditorium. The or mass body. Weiler introduced an- South African Awareness Week speakerwas Professor Gershon Weiler, a other belief of Kant's by saying, "indi- visiting professor of philosophy here at vidual interests are those things which Trinity. Weiler, who has studied at the preserve us." University of Budapest and Oxford Uni- Highlighted By Mandela's Speech versity, is considered an expert on the re- After this discussion, Weiler made the lationship of religions and state in Israel. remaining question quite clear. "Is one Africa, but they are not." for schools outside of South Africa He addressed the question, "Can We Dis- form of government prescribed by a di- -By Patricia Canavan- She compared the apartheid system which educate South African students. pense with Political Mythology?" vine power?" Weiler's response to this News Writer and its effects to the Holocost and said As far as the group is concerned, Ng Weiler discussed the beliefs of several question was negative, "The best way of that the world waited too long to help 6 hopes to see "increased membership and famous philosophers, including Plato defending ourselves from political myth million Jews. According to Mandela, ac- under classmen leadership. There are and Kant, on the this subject. is by allowing open discussion amongst South African Awareness Week, tion must be taken now, because many opportunities for people who want Plato believed that myths for political the people," said Weiler. He acknowl- April 6-12th led by Victor Ng of Stu- blackSouth Africans need our moral and to take charge and get things accom- unity build strong character, and are good edged the fact that such discussion could dents Against Apartheid, organized and material support. plished." for human development. Plato's myths simply a forum in which the intellectuals publicized a week of lecutures, films and South African Awareness Week fliers Others involved with organising the all reach the same end, that the "states of a society could formulate their own fliers concerning apartheid in South Af- were distributed to educate people about week's activities include: Bill Silva, ways are the only ways." myth. He concluded by saying, "If this rica. various issues and facts of the apartheid Ivana Spacek, Pat Einhorn, Michelle To discredit Plato, Weiler recalled the simply allows the intellectuals to design The Student Against Aparthied was system, such as the role of the church and Williams, Sue Carrol, MacDonald, and beliefs of Augustian and Kant. He spoke the myth, then it must be said that this supported by sponsors such as the Dean of women in South Africa, the effects of Rebecca Winterer. mostly in terms of Kant since myth will be the least harmful." The lec- of Students Office, the Graduate Mentor the apartheid system, and the ban on Augustian's words are religiously biased ture was followed by a short question/ Program, the Students Activities office, political activity in South Africa. the Shelby Cullom Davis Endowment The lectures and films shown through- and the Hartford Women's Network. Ng out the week served varied purposes, Senior Exit Interviews In Process said that the apartheid system "is a threat from presenting the facts of the South to the freedom of black South Africans African situation to showing the emo- The 21 questions, ranking elements of sponses to the interview questions indi- as well as our own. There arc things that tional impact of the apartheid situation as -By Sean Dougherty- Trinity from I (very negative) to 7 (very cated that Trinity students don't like we can do to help despite the distance be- portrayed in the film "Mama I'm News Editor positive), include the food service, secu- their friends to know how hard they tween the two countries." crying." rity, the athletic program, student activi- work or how smart (hey are outside ofthe One of the highlights of the week was Students Against Apartheid, started ties, buildings and grounds, the office of classroom. ? lecture by Maki Mandela, daughter of three years ago, became active recently Every year The Dean of Students Of- residential services, the RA program, the Alcohol use was seen to have a major imprisoned human rights activist Nelson after a year of relative inactivity. Al- fice conducts a two-part survey of Trin- internship program, academic advising, role on campus by 30 ofthe 40 students Mandela. She diseased the women and though the group is small it has great ity seniors regardingtheirexperiences at foreign study advising, faculty interest and 10 of the 13 blacks (there was only children oppresed by Apartheid last hopes and expectations. Its aims are "to the College. The first part is a 21 ques- and involvement with students, individ- one black senior selected in the random Wednesday at Kingswood-Oxford increase awareness of the situation in tion questionnaire which covers all as- ual academic assistance provided, the sample). White students saw otherdrugs acnool.
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