THE LEADIIG CHESS MOl Y lews • Pictures. Gimes. Problems Mi •• I. larll ... CIIuIpion " 1M 1.i1e41 StItes Black Won in Four Crushing Moves! Here is the most brilliant combination ever played in a game of chessl With four startling moves. Grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein (Black) forced his opponent to fe.sign. The moves are given under the diagram. The position is from Rubinstein's "Immortal Game" and appears on Page 23 of "Rubin­ stein's Chess Masterpieces"- the new chess classic containing 100 01 Ihis great master's superlative games. You will enjoy playing over the selections in this "portfolio oj beautiful chess art works." Each game is a study in opening theory, mid· game strategy and end-game technique. In his victories over Dr. Lasker. Capablanca. Dr, Alekhine and other outstanding masters, Ru· binsteir. displayed tremendous power and ability. A finished master of all departments Rotlewl, \Vhite. Rublnlteln, Dhl Ck. of the game, he is particularly known a s the 1 • • . AxKt !! ! 2 PxQ R.Q7 !1 ! greatest end.game player of all timel 3 QIIA BxBc:h You will enjoy this book because you ap· 4 Q·Kt2 R· A6! ! preciate artistry and perfection in chess. At -and \Vhite resigned flS mal e follows In t hree moves Ihe same time you will learn how to apply at most. the underlying principles of Rubinstein's win· F rom Came No, 6 in " Rubinstein's Chess Mastel" ning technique to your own games, Complete pieces." Get your co py NOW. and thorough annotations explain the inlrica· cies of Rubinstein's play. help you 10 under­ stand the motives and objectives, teach you how 10 play better chess. EXAMINE THIS BOOK AT OUR RISK We are so certain that you will like this book that we offer you the opportunity to ex· amine it for Jive days entirely at our risk, Order your copy now. Look it over for yourself. U you don't like Ihe book, send it back within five days and we will refund your money without question. SEND NO MONEY You need send no money in advance. Just write your order on a post-card and mail it to the address below. The book will be sent you by return mail. When it arrives, pay the postman $2.50 plus a few cents postal charges. ~ Mail your order NOW. ·1'011 ( (/11. il )'011 wisb, lalle postal cba /'g~s by und o HOROWITZ and HARKNESS ing S2.S0 ill ad,.allfe. Sallie 1f/"" 'lIll1 ee. 250 WES T 57th ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHESS LETTERS REVIEW Readers a re Invited to Use these Columns for Their Comments on Ma tters of Interest to Chess Pla yers Vol. X. No. (; .June·J uly. \9 12. SUPPLY A N D D EMAN D wo rk and t haL or his Committee O F F ICIAL QI(GAl\ OF T HE ranked well with all t hese mR Jor 1: , S, CH ESS j,'F:DEftA'I'ION S iJ' ~: Tourname nts. Wit h reference to the out­ In Chess T ourname nts t he wei­ "landing New York Sta te C hess faro and cOllI'enience of Mas· ( ~ I )JTOII te rs , E xpel't s, and C hess players I . A. \-\oroll" ilz Cham],ionghi]) Tourll ament of 1! I-ll a t Colgate Un iversIt y , I il:l of muc h illiportalice hut not M,\NAG1:-lG EDIT OH 1I"<\11 t to compliment very highly Ihe on ly matter of importance. I\c n noth J-[ar k nC;;H Ill'. K i n g'~ wO J'k a nd the work Unfortunate ly t he La ws of Eco· nomics (dcmand and sUllply) J)E I 'AIlT~l l : ::,\"T j·:nlTOBS o f hi!! Committee. T he s ituatio n in t hat TOUrnament, at t he last Ol,e rate, If 1 ~ LOurnamellt can- !{euben Fi no-Game o f the ;'110 11 1h 1I0t draw the financial s upport I', r.o rl o lh e llb '-' n:: - P r o bl e m ~ moment. suddenly became differ­ ent from what was e xpect ed by to make it e ntire ly convenien t tn' ill>:" Che r ne l'- Odditie s to all the whims a nd caprices Fred Itcinfeld- Headers' Ga1lles the late entry of many o f thc :\ la ster s who ha d not e nte r ed -of olle or two c hess I)lnyer s PHOTOG HA 1'1-1 GHS earlier , Decis iolls had to be (ches s mast er s are not so ca pri­ I(aoul Eche ve rria made a t the las t moment a s to cious) the rl the LO UJ'Jlament will Ned Goldschmidt org-anizatioll, 5 c h e (I \1 I e sand ha ve to be liniltet! as t o time , gl'OlljlS. use of qua l·ters , e ne rg ies or the (>ubl i~ h ed mont hly October to ), [a y. organizers and colleetioll of the bi-m on t hly Junc to September. by It must be unde rs lood t hat nnances fur t he event. La ws CHI~SS HEVmW, 250 W est Gill! a ll w urlWme nts are limite!l not of Demand ,w d S npply work In­ S treet, N ew Yo r k , N . Y . T elephone a lone by t he conve ni ences o f a e xorably e"en in connection Circle lj ·S 25S. I'ClT fe w p layers of t he ohle r with ches" tourna ment s . The Committee Cha il't1ia ll IV 0 I' k e d Subscriptions: O ue year $3.00: T wo group of e xpe rts but also hy the fi nancl'l<. t he use of (IUarlen; [m d l'l"od ig iously wi th no returns e x· ~'ea r ~ $5.50; F ive years $ 12.50 ill cellt his own s ati ~f il ct i on in a the United Sl ates. L. S. Pos ses­ the limo ,1I\ d labors or those who a re providing lhe t ime a nd or· task well performed. I ca n al so sions, Canada, :'.Iexico, Cenll'al ga n i.mtion and raisiug the lim· 8"y that humbly in respec t to and Sout h Allll) ri t:a. Ot her CO H Il­ m y 011' 11 effortl< in beha lf of thllt tries $:.\ .50 PCI' yea r. Be·entered as it ed ~ ources or finan ces for suc h a tourname nt. Knowing full lournamelli. second class mati !']" July 2U , 1!) ~ O , well t.h e e ntire f Hc t ~ conce rning ut t he post oUi ce at Kew YOI"k , [t has becn known in onl y a N , y " under tho Act of 1\1111'(;h t he ]1I' el im inary campaig n for fe w ins tanceH I. hat c hesij e xpe rts t he to\lI·nanHHIl. the drive for 3, l S7D, will a ttempt 10 alibi the lo ~ s of finances a nd the o rga nization o f a queell ill a rl'gula r galliC by rhe ev('nt a t its he g- in ning I blHmin .c: it 0 11 Ihe mallagenle nt . wa nt 10 s ay thal Dr, K ing- as \Vhen the 1'Ia " e r who wrote the Cha irman of the Committee did a l'l iele in your la ~t iHs(lI: e ntl'retl a noble job. Iha t t our nament he accepled a ll FRONT COVER Havi ng ofli cia ted in 36 major the conditions wh iC h Ihe CO lli­ mittee was obl ige d to put in t o Front COI"e r portrait o f 1' . S. che~s tou l"!1alllenls ol'er' a peri· e ffect. He WaH 1I 0t forced to Lady Chogg C ha m pion N. i\1A Y od of 35 ~' e a rs beginning wilh ('nter t he to\lI')\<unent. The ex· KAIU'F i~ by Lady P holOg ra],lwr t he two Int e rnational, ltllercol· cpptionally br ill ia nt. c hcss of our H.SE BlNG whose H udi os ar(' al legiate. Ca ble C h es ~ :\ lalches you ng Chess .Master s I11 ll1 their 336 Fort W Il~hi ngton A venue, New with Grea t Britain I ca n say Hc in l illating Hkill was e nough to Vorl! with contlderlce that Dr . K i n g ' ~ make anyone ha l'e dizzy Hpell H. L. \VAL T I~H S ' l'l~ p~mNS COMPLETE POSITION RECORDING OUTFIT Brook lyn. "" Y. I ncludes e o m p le t e set of diagram ru b· ber sta mps ( Kin g, Quee n, Rook. Bish· op, K n i g h t and u . S. C he~l< I·' edera tion Vi ce· Paw n for each col· Pre Sident Ste]lh e ll~ was Tour· or ); r ed and black nanwllt Di rector a t I-Ia m ilton ink pads; one pad laS!. yea 1" _ T he "Hrlie1e" 10 w h ich of 100 d iag r a m he refer s i ~ Ihl' Ip lter from l ~ d · blanks, wll1'd Laske r which appea reol 1;1 " 1. mOlllh. Com' ''t , OutfiL____ $1• 65 C H F. SS Hl,;VlEW II' g lad to ha l'c bpen t il t! medium in which Extra Dia g.
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