VOLUME IV MAY, 1906 NUMBER 12 MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF HOUSE TO HOUSE BIBLE WORK . '"Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in" • Luke. 54 2R "Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, .. I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testifying . repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 20:19-21. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS O O O O OO OO O O THE For Twenty Years a Visible Writer HAITIOND TYPEWRITER THE ORIGINAL Some Features of the HAMMOND Work in Sight Perfect Alignment Interchangeable Type As it is a Shuttle Machine Any Width Paper Manifolding Power Uniform Impression Back Space Key THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO., Factories§ arid General Offices, 69th to loth streets, arid East River, New York City. O O O O O ci Bible Training School A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Interest of House to House Bible Work Go out i .tto the highways and hedges, and compel them to come that my house may be full." Voi,. IV SOUTH LANCASTER MASS., MAY, 1906 No. 12 • My Daily Prayer Christ through personal effort if selfishness MAY every soul that touches mine-- did not stand in the way. Be it the slightest contact--get therefrom some Many professed Christians will talk and good, weep over the sacrifice of Christ, the cross Some little grace, one kindly thought, One aspiration yet unfelt, one hit of courage He bore up Calvary, His crucifixion, and For the darkening sky : one gleam of faith ascension to heaven ; while at the same To brave the thickening ills of life ; time they refuse to co-operate with Christ in One glimpse of brighter skies beyond the gather- working as He worked, in self-denial and ing mists, sacrifice for the good of souls. They refuse To make this life worth while, And heaven a surer heritage. to drink of the cup, or be baptized with the —Selected. baptism. Let all who profess to believe in Christ THE WORK FOR THIS TIME follow His example, and they will be doing a great work for Jesus. It is easy to cry, MRS. E. G. WHITE HEN we reflect upon the amazing when it is popular to do so, " Never man W love of God for fallen man, and spake like this man," and to echo the ho- view the small returns we make to sannas to the Son of David ; though we do Him for this great love, we feel greatly not the things He bids us, and do not fol- humbled. Love of self, and selfish love of low His example in self-denial, and in work- the things of the world, cannot find room in ing to do others good. True religion has to the hearts of true Christians. To be a do with the heart and life. All who are Christian is to be Christlike. Self is so in- true followers of Jesus will have a special terwoven in the nature of some that it is the interest to work for the Master, whose serv- ruling sin of their lives, and not only stands ants they profess to be, in gathering souls in their own way of attaining Christian per- into the ranks of Christ. The Christian fection, but is a constant stumbling-block to life does not consist altogether of meditation sinners. A vast army might be brought to and prayer, although these are essential, but 178 BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL of earnest, active working, as well as medi- Alone against a world the Leader stood— tating and praying. Alone where ages met the parting ways, To guide aright whoever seeks the light, Those who are truly converted to the To shame from wrong with level, loving gaze. truth and who love Christ will feel their in- There was the battle waged, the victory won, dividual responsibility to make a personal That conquered conquerors, that high above effort for the salvation of others. They can All greatness, glory, power, and all law not be indifferent in this respect. They Forever fixed the empery of love. will see and feel the dangerous position of There triumphed He, our Conqueror and King, their friends, and of all who oppose the Who won for us, and all earth His prize; Who gave His life for victory over death, truths which to them are sacred and dear. Who fell that mankind evermore should rise. They will desire to be actively engaged in —The Century. the work of seeking to win them to the truth. When men and women are con- THOUGHTS ON I TIMOTHY 4: 14 vinced of the truth and decide to obey it, PON any Bible subject the Bible it- they then have only enlisted as Christ's U self is the best expositor. Compare soldiers. The work is all before them, to scripture with scripture is the rule be doers as well as hearers of the word, and laid down in 1 Cor: 2 : 13. In 1 Tim. 4 :1-7, receivers of the heavenly gift. To be merely there is something specially important for a passive Christian, receiving blessings, and " The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the not an earnest worker, is to be a novice and latter times some shall depart from the faith, a dwarf in spiritual things. giving heed to seducing spirits, and doc- The moon and the stars would not essen- trines of devils ; speaking lies in hypocrisy, tially benefit us if they retained for them- having their conscience seared with a hot selves their beauty and glory, and did not iron ; forbidding to marry, and commanding give to us the light they receive from the to abstain from meats which God hath cre- sun. The earth itself responds to the ated to be received with thanksgiving by showers of rain, and the gentle dew, and them which believe and know the truth." the warming rays of the sun, and returns to 1. It refers to some who have been in the us its bounties in grains, fruit, and flowers. faith, or they could not depart from it. Man, the noblest work of God, made in 2. Whoever they may be, it is those whose His divine image, is found the most ungrate- conscience has lost its susceptibility to the ful. Christ comes to every individual to influence of the Spirit of God as a reprover. see what he is doing, and frequently finds 3. They are deceived, for all such have ' neither fruit nor blossoms, but only leaves. given heed to seducing spirits and embraced the doctrines of devils. 4. The doctrines The Battlefield they embrace lead them to make light of the A DESERT place where grew no kindly herb; marriage relation, and to abstain from meats, A waste of sand where splintered rocks lay dead, Where rivulets flowed not, nor flowers swayed— or food, which God created to be received And smiting rays fell from the sun o'erhead. with thanksgiving. There is but one bill One lonely figure robed in ashen gray, of fare God ever created to be received with Whose patient eyes saw nothing, seeing all; thanksgiving, and that is found in Gen. Nor marked the shadows slow-revolving course, 1 : 29. Flesh afterwards was permitted for The flush of dawn, the purple darkness' fall. certain reasons, but flesh was never created There rode no hosts led on by warrior kings ; for the diet of man. No trumpets sang; there waved no banners gay; The original bill of No fierce assaults routed quick retreats, fare was sanctified by the word of God, and But silent hours wore out the night, the day. those who appreciate it take it with thanks- BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL 179 giving. 5. A faithful minister will put the they came to Marah, where they found brethren in remembrance of these things. water, but behold it was bitter. The Lord 6. Those who refuse to do this are listening miraculously healed the waters, and made to old wives' fables. 7. That the subject of to them the precious promise, if they would health is under consideration is evident, for obey Him, none of the evil diseases of the in the eighth verse he speaks of bodily ex- Egyptians should be placed upon them. ercise and says it profiteth a little while, At their very next camping place (Elim), and then adds godliness as a greater motive. there were twelve wells of water and seventy It does not say you should not have bodily palm trees. Ex. 15 : 22-27. From this exercise, but rather exercise one's self in circumstance they might have learned that, some useful employment. though difficulties beset their pathway, the Men may depart from the faith and give Lord was well able to bring them " through heed to seducing spirits, and not have every the narrow into the wide." other characteristic. That is, men may em- " In the third month, when the children brace ideas that tend to break down the of Israel were gone forth out of the land of marriage relation and not be guilty of ab- Egypt, the same day came they into the staining from food that God created to be wilderness of Sinai." Ex. 19: 1. Here the eaten ; and so men may not teach doctrines people entered into a covenant with the that break up marriages, and yet abstain Lord, promising to obey what He should from eating of the food created to be re- command them.
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