Mapping Environmental Controversies Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD5) OCAD University - Toronto, Canada John Tyndall 1850s identified the greenhouse effect in a laboratory (confirming John Fourier’s 1824 discovery) #RSD5 #SystemicDesign Svante Arrhenius 1890s calculated that emissions from human industry could cause a global warmi ng Guy S. Callendar 1930s found levels of carbon dioxide are climbing and raising global temperature No.1: The Climate Timeline 1960-2014 v.3 15 October 2014 1960 – 2014 timeline Roger Revelle 1950s Mapping Climate Communication Second IPCC report detects signature of demonstrated that C02 levels had Third IPCC report states that global Fourth IPCC report warns that serious effects Climate Change: International Energy Agency U.S. National Academy of Sciences conference human-caused greenhouse effect warming, warming, unprecedented since end of warming have become evident and that increased due to the use of fossil fuels Intergovernmental A Summary of the Science report warns of 6º warming . The Charney Report declares that serious warming is likely of last ice age, is "very likely," with the cost of reducing emissions would be far COP9 The Royal Society (UK) 2011 RIO+20 scientific ‘The Causes of Climate Change’ by the National Research Council in the coming century. possible severe surprises. Effective less than the damage they will cause if not in Boulder, USA -1965 predicts that doubling CO2 will lead to Panel on Climate end of debate among all but a few Milan reduced. US National Academy warns of Earth Charles Keeling 1960s 3ºC warming. USA - 1979 RIO COP4 scientists. April 2014 is the first measured C02 fluctuation in the events United Nations international Change (IPCC) Bueonos Aires 2003 political assaults on scientists 2010 highest ever yearly Summit month in human history with Nobel Peace Prize awarded 2010 average carbon dioxide atmosphere and annual maximum founded November 1988 st,1990 (FAR) nd,1995 (SAR) COP2 rd,2001 (TAR) COP11 th,2007(AR4) increase in global emissions - 5.9% 2013/14 (AR5) scientific conference at Villach 1 2 3 4 2012 5th, level in Earth’s atmosphere value steadily rising. The World Climate Conference Earth 1998 to Al Gore and the IPCC Austria, produces first scientific consensus on global warming Montreal COP18 at 400 ppm produces declaration and appeal to world to Geneva 2007 COP15 COP17 NOAA established prevent man-made changes in cliamte. 1985 First IPCC report says the COP3 2005 COP12 China overtakes USA COP16 Doha USA - 1970 Geneva 1979 Earth has been warming and Summit 1996 COP7 as world's largest CO2 Durban The World Conference on the Changing future warming seems likely. COP5 Nairobi Copenhagen Cancun COP20 COP1 Marrakech COP8 emitter 2007 2011 2012 Atmosphere: Implications for Security Kyoto Bonn COP6 COP10 2006 2010 Toronto meeting of climate scientists 1992 New Delhi Lima Berlin La Hague 2001 COP13 COP14 Copenhagen conference fails COP19 call for a 20% reduction of global CO2 1997 1999 2002 Buenos Aires Kyoto treaty goes into effect, signed by all major Nicholas Stern claims 2009 2014 emissions by the year 2005. June 1988 1995 2000 2004 industrial nations except US and Australia - 2005 Bali Poznan his report underestimated to negotiate binding agreements. Warsaw wide-spread US Environmental Protection Agency the gravity of climate change UK government US Republican Canadian UK government Obama political Stern 2008 dismantles the majority eliminates government makes dramatic cuts media coverage United Nations Framework deletes section on climate change 2007 100,000 people march in the streets Climate 2013 William Nierenberg’s report Climate Protection Act Canadian government creates the of Copenhagen and hold their own Sustainable the House Committee cuts over 2000 in the Environment from a report after the Bush administration’s Review Development on Global Warming scientific jobs Agency (1,700 jobs events for National Academy of Sciences claims directs EPA and State to prepare "junk science" Kyoto Protocol Representative Gleneagles People’s Climate Assembly, joined by Plan Lyndon Johnson 1972 United Nations Global Warming James Hansen Convention on Climate Change Climate Change Plan attempts to manipulate scientific consensus. Canadian The Stern Review on the Commission 2011 and silences lost) effects of climate change will be negligible policy options for climate change hearing in Congress First major global climate change treaty (1997) for Canada Joe Barton attacks government Economics of Climate Change 100s of U.N. delegates. President Obama releases message to Congress USA - 1983 USA - 1987 USA -1995 US House Passes 2011 scientists Conference on the Research Act (UNFCCC) established 1992 mandatory targets on greenhouse-gas emissions with view climate scientist withdraws claims that climate change is the Climate Action Plan Climate Summit on climate change - 1965 Senator James Inhofe, Chairman of Senate The Climate Change Act the "American Clean USA - 1980 testifies to Congress The principal negotiating forum for global climate to reduce emissions at least 5% below existing 1990 levels Michael Mann G8 from Kyoto "the greatest market failure the !!! including increased use of in New York in preperation Human Environment 23 June 1988 with twelves hearings in Senate and European Union adopts target Committee on the Environment and Public Works, UK government becomes the Energy and Security US house of Representatives votes 184-240 against accepting the following resolution: issues charged with the task of preventing "dangerous in the commitment period 2008 to 2012. Bush administration abandons Leak of Republican strategist Frank Luntz memo: world has ever seen". UK - 2006 renewable energy and carbon for COP 21 in Paris, 2015. the House on climate change during this period Berlin Mandate of a maximum 2°C rise in delivers an speech on the Senate floor where he first to set binding targets Act" (2009) - later “the scientific finding of the Environmental Protection Agency that climate change is occuring, anthropogenic interference with the climate system" US Senate rejects Kyoto in advance with the Kyoto Protocol and ousts ”make the lack of scientific certainty pollution restrictions for power September 2014 Stockholm calls for emission targets average global temperatures 911 a primary issue in the debate" describes climate change as a 'hoax'. to reduce emission defeated in Senate is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks to public heath and welfare” plants. June 25, 2013 from developed countries Byrd-Hagel resolution, in 95-0 unanimous vote. IPCC Chair Robert Watson 300% increase in climate change lobbyist in the USA (2005 - 2009) - with $90m expenditure 2008 The Copenhagen Accord April 2011 350 ppm in 1988 1996 2003 !!! !!! !!! !!! World Development Movement Friends of the Earth Bolivia’s chief climate negotiator !!! Tar Sands Action: 1,253 protestors CREDO Pledge of Resistance International Treaty to Protect 'Largest-ever' Third World Network Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) Buenos Aires Declaration on the 1st of many Climate Camps in the UK and then globally (2006) 350.org Global World People's Conference on Climate !!! climate science founded London 1970 founded. London 1971 Albuquerque Declaration WTO meeting in Seattle 1st Climate Justice Summit 2002 Bali Principles growth of the climate protests at !!! Angelica Navarro delivers speech arrested at the White House - 2011 Idle No More over 75,000 vow to commit civil the Sacred. Indigenous action climate-change founded. Malaysia 1984 founded 1989 !!! Ethical Dimension of Climate Change mass mobilization of the Day of Action by IEN sent to COP4 - 1998 shut down by activists 1999 in La Hague (2000) justice movement G8 Gleneagles Rising Tide North America Climate Justice Now! !!! on climate debt at the UN Change and the Rights of Mother Earth !!! Indigenous movement disobedience if the Keystone XL on tar sands extraction - 2013 march in NYC David Suzuki Foundation founded 1990 of Climate Justice (BADEDCC) launched at COP10 (2004) Transition Towns climate justice movement2009 Greenpeace Scotland 2005 founded, UK 2006 !!! + Europe founded (2006) founded in Bali (2007) 30,000 gather in Cochabamba, Bolivia - 2010 !!! Occupy movement - 2011 2012 pipeline is approved - 2013 attended by an climate justice World Wildlife Fund (WWF) founded. Vancouver 1970 To Really Save the Planet, Stop Going Green This Changes Everything: estimated 300k to founded Switzerland 1961 The Heat is On Billy Parish and others found Naomi Oreskes‘ paper in by Mike Tidwell rejecting green consumerism Capitalism vs. The Climate 400k people - and Time Magazine names Toyota introduces Prius Newsweek: "The Truth About UK Feed-in tarriffs for The Merchants of Doubt Climate for Cities Ross Gelbspan’s book describes fossil the Energy Action Coalition, Science on the scientific USA Today proclaim: The Inconvenient Truth Vanity Fair: by Naomi Klein 2014 marchs in cities First Earth Day 1970 The Endangered Earth' in Japan (1997) first mass- Denial" cover story, leads to less solar installations by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway started 1993 fuel industry organizing to prevent a organizing youth on climate issues consensus on climate change “The debate is over: the globe is warming” Academy Award winning documentary film The Green Issue around the world ecological modernization Man of the Year market electric hybrid car contrarian media outside Fox News approved - 2008 documents the climate contrarian movement mobilization
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