.L'.. r,', Panaji, 25th April, 1974 (Vaisakha 5, 18961 SERIES III No.4 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GO~ DAMAN AND DID ',. " , Shri D. T. -A. Nunes, is therefore, dismissed from service .GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN with effect from the date of issue of this order under rule AND DiU 19{ti) of the Central Civil .geI'VIices (ClassificatIon, COntrQl and Appeal) Ruiles, 1965. Home Department nran sport and Accommodation) M. H. SarMs~i, DIrector of Education. Panaji,/11th April, 1974. Office of the District Magistrate of Goa, • Not,fication Publ;c Works Deportment No. JUD/MV/74/245 Works Division VIII (BldgsJ - Fatorda.Margdo (Goa) Under Section 75 .'Of the Motor Vehicles Act, i939 the fo1- ilowting 'l'laces are hereby notified for fixation of signboards .~ Tender notice no. WrDVJ'hl/A'DM.6/E-!l2/74-7S as -jndicalted against their names:- The Executive Engineer, Works Divisi:on vm, P. W. D;; Name of place Type of signboard" Fatorda-Margao, inVites on behalf of the President of India, sealed tenders upto 4.00 p. m. of 29th instant for i-: 'On>pariaji-ponda road (Kin new brench 1. No entry. washing of :linen etc. of the Rest House at Mcntel Margao­ of -road) opposite ithe slaughter house. -Goa; -for a period of one year. ,Tenders wHl be opened on the ~~ On Pam.aji-Ponda road 'oppOsite Baiin- 1. No entry. same day at 4.30 p. m. guinim Devasthan on the old road. Earnest"inoney of Rs. 25/- should be deposited in -the State Pan'aji, 6th April, 1974,.-The District Magiistrate, S. R. Bank of India, Margao or any scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit/at Can Receipt and enclosed with tender. Arya. Conditions of contract ·and tender forms can be had from the said office uptD 4.00 p. m. of 27th -instant/ on all working Notification days on payment of Rs. 2/_ per set. Right<to -reject any or an tenders without assigning any No. JUD/MV/74/III reasons thereof is reserved. Under Secmon 74 of the Mot'Or Vehicles Act, 1939, it 18 M::argao._ 15th April, 1974. - The Executive Engineer, S. y. hereby notilfied that the portion of Panaji-Ponda ,road, passing Khm~angate. timm".ediately after St. Pedro Chuch, via house of Shrl Naik and J3aingun'im Devasthan jOining the old road n:ear tamariad tree after Indian Hume Pipe Company Ltd. is declared as oone way». All the veh'icles. proceeding ifrom Panaj'i to Ponda (Tender notice no. WDVI!:I/·ADM.6/E.!/3174.75 may be aUowed !t-o ru-n over the road starting from st. Pedro The Executive En~ineer, Works Div.ision VllI, Fatorda €hwr'Ch, Slaughter houseI Western COl1fec:U:onery and the In­ Margao Goa. invites on behalf of the President of India upto .dian Hume Pipe Ltd. Al the vehicles commg from Opposite 4 _p. m. - of. 29th instant. sealed tenders from experienced direclt-'ion (from Ponda to Pwnaj'i) wm not be allowed to ply caterers for ,running the Canteen of the Rest House at Monte over thiis road. Veliicles proceeding from Panaji to Ponda Margao, for a period Qf 2 years. Tenders will be opened imme­ will not be allowed to ply over the new road starting ·from diately . on the same day' at 4.30 p. m . ~. Electr.~c Pole,- house -of Shri Naik and BalP-guinim Devasthan. Ea~~~_money of-Rs. 100/-:- should be deposited in the State Panaji, 6th April, 1974.-The D-isttiidt Magistrate, S. R. Bank,/of'India, Margao or any scheduIed Bank in the form Arya. of Deposit at Ca;Il Receipt and enclosed w-ith_ tender. -Th'e:·tenderer should· g.tve· details of experience, price of eatables, food, dNnks, snacks, etc. to be served at th,e _.Rest ••• House.·': . , Conditit>ns of contract ·and tender forms can be had from Education and Public Works Department the said: office upto 4.00 p. m. of 27th instant, o:n all working days on payment of Rs. 2/- per set. Department of Education ~,Right ;to ~reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof is reserved. Marga6; ~15th Apri-l, 1974.-The Executive Engineer,.-S. Y. Order Kharangate. No. DE/Adm.I/OS(73/27824 • Shru D. T. A. Nunes, L.D.C., who was working as Cashier Work; Division X.I- Panaji In the Govt. Alis & Science College, Daman ihas been ..abscondflng. since 19-70 arfter m'isappropriating funds amountJing ~'; c~:T-end&r notice- no~' PWD/WDXI/NH/2/74-75 to Rs. 188342 from the College. He is reported to qave gone 'Over to P<>rtugal qn a Po~uguese passport, due.to which at The Executive Engineer, Works Divisioll_ XI, P. W. D., ·-zis ~ot practica:ble' to JtOl.d. an mquiry ag.alinst him._ ' .. Pana}i -doa,"invites on behaJf or the President_.of India, sealed . ~. ,.- , , ,-- ' , .' -\ .,;-'-- .. .. .'- -"" .. 22 SERIES III No. 4 item rate tenders from approved and eHgible contractors upto 23) 'Proposed drinking water wen at Gabr1el Cruzwado· 3.00 p. m. on 4th May. 1974 for the «Laying of pipe line from 'of Calata M-ajorda, Salcete Goa. -:Sanguem J'eservoir to ,salauli Project Colony Site at Panemol 24) Proposed dvinking water well at Raviwad'o of V. P. at an estimated cost of Rs. 1.19,906-13. Betalbat1m, Salcete Goa. Tender witl be opened at 3-30 p. m., (If possible) on the Est:imated Oost is as follows:- same day. Earnest money of Rs. 2,998/_ should be- deposited in the State Bank of lndia or any Scheduled Bank in -the (1) Rs" 8,330.91, (2) Rs. 8,330.91, (3) Rs. 8,330.91, (4) fo;rm of Deposit at Oall Receipt and enclosed the sa~e with Rs.6,979.85, (5) Rs. 6,869-91, ,(6) Rs. 6,8.69.91, (J) Rs.6,869.91, the tender. Conditions and tender form can be had -from tpis (8) Rs. 6,869.91, (9) Rs. 6,869.91, (10) Rs. 6,869.91, (11) Ofilice: upto 4.00 p. m., on 3rd May. 1974 'on all woNting. days Rs. 6,869,91, (12) Rs. 6,869.91, (13) Rs. 6,869.91, (14) on 'payment:of cost of the tender form Rs. 10/- in cash {Non;. Rs. 6,869.91, (15) Rs. 6,017.41, (16) Rs. 3,669.61, (17) -refundable). If requir:ed by post an amount of Rs. 3/- will Rs. 3,669.61, (18) Rs. 3i669.~1, (19) fts. 3,669.61, (20) be charged extra. Rs. 3,669.61, (21) Rs. 3,669.61, (22) fts. 3,669.61 (23) Rs. 3,669.61 and (24) Rs. 3,669.61. The -time limit 'allowed to carry out the work will be 240 days inclusive of monsoon. Earnest ilianey is as fOllows:- The Itender -of the contractors who do not deposit Earnest (1) Rs. 208/-, (2) Rs. 208/-, (3) Rs. 208/-, (4) Rs. 174/-,. Money 'ill the prescribed mann'er will be summarily rejected. (5) Rs. 172/-, ,(6) Rs. 172/-, '(7) Rs. 172/-, (8) Rs. 172/-, Right to reject any or all the tenders mcluding "the lowest (9) Rs. 172/-, (10) Rs. 172/-, (11) Rs. 172/-, (12) 172/-, without, assigning any reason is reserved. (13) Rs. 172/-,(14) Rs. 1'(2/_, (15) Rs. 150/-, (16) Rs. 92/-, (17) Rs. 92/-, (18) Rs.. 92/-, (19) Rs. 92/-, (20) Rs. 92/-,. ' The contractor must produce Income Tax Clearance Cer­ (21) Rs. 92/-, ·(22) Rs. 92/-, (23) Rs. 92/_ and (24) Rs. 92/-. tifiicate before the issue of the tender. The following are time l-imit days:­ Prulaji, 19th April, 1974. - The Executive Engineer, R. O. Drarwad. Sr. No.1 to 24 -: 30 days each. Thf! Cost of Tender Forms is as follows:­ Sr. No.1 to 24 - Rs. 2/~ eaCh. Worb Division XVI - Margao Tenders win be opened at 3.30 p. m., on the same day, Earnest money should be deposited lin the st'ate Bank of' India or any Scheduled Bank in the form .of D.C.R. and Tender notice no. VVlDXVljtN/F.5I/3'1/74 enclosed it with the tenders. Conditions and tender forms can be had from this Office The -Executive Engineer, Works Division XVi, P.W.D., upto 5.00 p. m. on 26~4~1974 on all working days on payment Fatorda~Margao, Goa, invites on 'behalf of the President of of ,presc.r;ibed cost (Non-refundable) per each item in cash. India, sealed percentage rate tenders from approved and Original Incom'e Tax Clearance Certificate may be produced el!ig.ib:le qontractors, upto 3.00 p. m. on 27th April, .1974, for the at the time of purchase of tender forms. fOllowing works. Tender ifrom the contractors who do not deposit Earnest 1) Proposed drmking water well at Partagal. V. P. Money in the prescribed. form will be summariuy rejected., Poinguinim, Canacona. Right to reject any or aU tend,ers without assigning ·any 2) Proposed .drinking water well at Pansulem~SMnga1e, reason is thereof reserved. V.' P. Nagorcem~Pa:lolem, Canacona Taluka.. Fatorda, 17th April, 1974. - The Executive Engineer, G. N .. 3) Proposed drinking water wel'1 at Pa.itod~Lorsawada, Kapadi. V. P. Poinguinim, C?-uacona. 4) Proposed drink1ng water well at Surla, V. P. :San~ ... cordem, Sanguem Taluka. 5) Proposed drinkiing water well at Nagvaddo, V. P. Rural Development Department Betalbatim, Salcete Ta;luka. 6) Proposed drinking water well at Pocvaddo, V. P. Office of the Colledor of Goa Betalbatim, Salc·ete Taluka.
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