To the Baum Bugle Supplement for Volumes 46-49 (2002-2005)

To the Baum Bugle Supplement for Volumes 46-49 (2002-2005)

Index to the Baum Bugle Supplement for Volumes 46-49 (2002-2005) Adams, Ryan Author "Return to The Marvelous Land of Oz Producer In Search of Dorothy (review): One Hundred Years Later": "Answering Bell" (Music Video): 2005:49:1:32-33 2004:48:3:26-36 2002:46:1:3 Apocrypha Baum, Dr. Henry "Harry" Clay (brother Adventures in Oz (2006) (see Oz apocrypha): 2003:47:1:8-21 of LFB) Collection of Shanower's five graphic Apollo Victoria Theater Photograph: 2002:46:1:6 Oz novels.: 2005:49:2:5 Production of Wicked (September Baum, Lyman Frank Albanian Editions of Oz Books (see 2006): 2005:49:3:4 Astrological chart: 2002:46:2:15 Foreign Editions of Oz Books) "Are You a Good Ruler or a Bad Author Albright, Jane Ruler?": 2004:48:1:24-28 Aunt Jane's Nieces (IWOC Edition "Three Faces of Oz: Interviews" Arlen, Harold 2003) (review): 2003:47:3:27-30 (Robert Sabuda, "Prince of Pop- National Public Radio centennial Carodej Ze Zeme Oz (The ups"): 2002:46:1:18-24 program. Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Czech) Tribute to Fred M. Meyer: "Come Rain or Come Shine" (review): 2005:49:2:32-33 2004:48:3:16 Musical Celebration of Harold Carodejna Zeme Oz (The All Things Oz: 2002:46:2:4 Arlen: 2005:49:1:5 Marvelous Land of Oz - Czech) All Things Oz: The Wonder, Wit, and Arne Nixon Center for Study of (review): 2005:49:2:32-33 Wisdom of The Wizard of Oz Children's Literature (Fresno, CA): Charobnak Iz Oza (The Wizard of (review): 2004:48:1:29-30 2002:46:3:3 Oz - Serbian) (review): Allen, Zachary Ashanti 2005:49:2:33 Convention Report: Chesterton Actress The Complete Life and Adventures Wizard of Oz Festival (2005): As Dorothy in Muppets' Wizard of of Santa Claus (review): 2005:49:3:52-53 Oz (Disney 2005): 2005:49:2:6, 2003:47:1:42 Panelist: "Generations of Oz: A Live 2005:49:3:35-36 Dorothy Ja Völur Ozis (Dorothy Wizard of Oz": 2005:49:2:4 Atkins, Greg and the Wizard in Oz - Estonian) Almanza, Aaron Shadarko Theatrical Adaptations (review): 2002:46:1:41 Illustrator The Life and Adventures of Santa The Enchanted Island of Yew Ozallooning with the Wizard of Oz Claus (Laguna - 2004): (review): 2003:47:1:42 (review): 2003:47:2:32-33 2004:48:3:3 Ihmemma Oz (The Wizard of Oz - American Academy of Motion Picture Audio References: 2002:46:3:5 Finnish) (review): 2002:46:1:41 Arts and Sciences Aunt Jane's Nieces (IWOC Edition The Land of Oz: The Only Judy Garland's 1940 Oscar statuette: 2003) (review): 2003:47:3:27-30 Authorized Edition (review): 2002:46:2:3 Auntie Em's Kitchen 2003:47:1:44 American Astrology (August 1939) Restaurant (Eagle Rock, Los The Last Egyptian (Fredonia L. Frank Baum's astrological chart.: Angeles): 2004:48:1:6 Edition 2003) (review): 2002:46:2:15 Autumn at Oz (2005): 2005:49:3:53 2003:47:1:39-40 American Film Institute "Autumn in Oz" party (2005) Le Magicien D'Oz (The Wizard of 100 Best Movie Quotes: 2004:48:3:4- Held at Beech Mt., North Carolina Oz - French) (review): 5 (former site of Banner Elk Oz 2002:46:2:46 American Film Institute Award (2001) Park): 2005:49:1:4 The Life and Adventures of Santa Me and My Shadow: Life with Judy Avery, Ben Claus (Hague Illustrations 2003) Garland: 2002:46:1:4 Illustrator (review): 2003:47:3:27-29 American Film Institute Award (2003) The Oz/Wonderful Chronicles Magjistari I Ozit (The Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch named fourth in 100 (review): 2004:48:2:4 - Albanian) (review): top "villains": 2003:47:2:5 Barrymore, Drew 2005:49:2:32 American McGee's Oz (action figures) Projected to play Dorothy Gale in Mother Goose in Prose (Dover see Oz action figures: 2003:47:1:5 Surrender Dorothy: 2003:47:1:4 edition 2002) (review): Amherst Leisure Services Community Barton, Fred 2003:47:1:40-41 Theater (Amherst, MA) Producer/Composer O Feticeiro de Oz (The Wizard of Stage production of The Wizard of Oz Miss Gulch Returns: 2004:48:1:4 Oz - Portuguese) (review): (January 2004): 2004:48:1:4 Baseball Hall of Fame (Cooperstown, 2002:46:1:41 Anderson, Wayne NY) Oz: The Magna (#1 & #2) (review): Illustrator "Ozzie" Smith's induction speech. 2005:49:2:33-34 The Wizard of Oz (Wayne (2002): 2002:46:3:4 Ozma of Oz: The Only Authorized Anderson Illustrations Edition) The Baum Centennial Series Edition (review): 2003:47:2:36 (review): 2002:46:3:37 "The Enchanted Island of Yew: The Royal Book of Oz (2001 Dover "Anna Laughlin Speaks Out": Appreciation for an Adolescent Edition) (review): 2002:46:1:42 2005:49:1:27-28 Fairy Tale": 2003:47:2:8-15 Sky Island (Dover Edition 2002): "Answering Bell" (Music Video): "The Life and Adventures of Santa 2003:47:1:38 2002:46:1:3 Claus: An Appreciation": Anthony, David 2002:46:3:6-10 1 Index to the Baum Bugle Supplement for Volumes 46-49 (2002-2005) Trollmannen Fra Oz (The Wizard Photograph: 2002:46:1:6-15 Carodej Ze Zeme Oz (review): of Oz - Norwegian) (review): 1906 tour of Egypt: 2002:46:1: 9, 2005:49:2:32-33 2005:49:2:33 2002:46:1: (front interior cover) Carodejna Zeme Oz (The The Visitors from Oz (Hungry Tiger Fayetteville home: 2002:46:1:6-17 Marvelous Land of Oz) (review): Press 2005) (review): "A Rollicking Irish Boy": 2004:48:3:45-46 2005:49:2:31-32 2003:47:1:24-25 Bell, J. L. The Wizard of Oz (Wayne Scrapbooks (of LFB): 2004:48:3:26- "Dorothy the Conqueror": Anderson Illustrations Edition) 36 2005:49:1:13-17 (review): 2002:46:3:37 Trip to Egypt: 2002:46:1:6-15 "The Enchanted Island of Yew: The Wizard of Oz: The Graphic Baum, Maud Gage (wife of LFB) Appreciation for an Adolescent Novel (2005) (review): "Frank and Maud Baum's Grand Tour Fairy Tale": 2003:47:2:8-15 2005:49:3:50 Abroad": 2002:46:2:5 "Fred Meyer Memorial Quiz": The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Photographs: 2002:46:1:9 2005:49:2:36 (Courage Books 2003) (review): Baum, Robert A. Jr. (great-grandson of Reviews: 2002:46:3:35-36 2005:49:2:35 LFB, son of Robert A. Baum) The Complete Life and Adventures The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum Memorial Award of Santa Claus: 2003:47:1:42 (Huxley illustrations - 1999) (2002): 2002:46:3:5 The Emerald Wand of Oz: (review): 2002:46:2:46 Obituaries Contributed 2005:49:2:30-31 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Fred M. Meyer: 2005:49:1:18-21 The Enchanted Island of Yew: Authorized 100th Anniversary Photograph: 2002:46:1:7 2003:47:1:42 Edition (review): 2002:46:3:36 Provided The National Review Treasury of Bibliography Photo of Baums at Medinet Habu, Classic Children's Literature L. Frank Baum: Creator of Oz Egypt: 2002:46:1: (front interior (review): 2004:48:1:29-31 (review): 2002:46:3:32-33 cover) "Three Faces of Oz: Interviews" Biography Travel snapshots for David Moyer's (Edward Wagenknecht, "Pioneer"): "L. Frank Baum and the Early "Frank and Maud Baum's Grand 2002:46:1:18-24 Motion Picture Industry": Tour Abroad": 2002:46:2:5 "Beneath the Surface of Ozma of Oz": 2005:49:3:13-24 Baum, Roger S. 2002:46:1:25-30 "L. Frank Baum in Macatawa": Author Berch, Victor A. 2002:46:3:29-30 Lion of Oz and the Badge of Discovered text of "How Scroggs Composer (as Louis F. Baum) Courage (2003 Edition) (review): won the Award": 2002:46:1:14-17 Songs from The Maid of Arran 2004:48:1:34 Berezin, Marc (sheet music): 2002:46:3:27-28 Toto in Candy Land of Oz (review): Editor Daughters of Destiny (Hungry Tiger 2002:46:3:37 "A Revised and Expanded Oz Press 2005 Edition (review): The Wizard of Oz and the Magic Filmography, Part I": 2005:49:3:46-47 Merry-Go-Round (review): 2004:48:1:11-22 "Frank and Maud Baum's Grand Tour 2004:48:1:33-34 Berg, M. A. Abroad": 2002:46:2:5 "Baum under Scrutiny: Early Reviews Obituaries Contributed "How Scroggs Won the Award" of Queen Zixi of Ix": 2005:49:2:15-19 Fred M. Meyer: 2005:49:1:18-21 "How Scroggs Won the Award": Beach Blanket Babyloz: 2002:46:1:40 Reviews 2002:46:1:14-17 Beech Mountain, North Carolina Brewster Bunny of Oz: L. Frank and Maud Baum's 1906 tour (former site of Banner Elk Oz Park) 2005:49:2:34-35 "Up the Nile in Style" (Presentation Site of "Autumn in Oz" party (2005): Dunkiton Press # 10 (The Princess by David Moyer): 2003:47:2:3, 2005:49:1:4 of Cozytown IV / Giants) 2005:49:1:4 Beem, Bill (review): 2002:46:1:42 "The Legend of Castle Arran": Provided Dunkiton Press # 11 (The Princess 2003:47:1:22-23 Astrological charts fro LFB and of Cozytown V/Dancing: Little Known Writings of L. Frank Judy Garland: 2002:46:2:15 2003:47:2:35-36 Baum Before the Rainbow (Compact Disc) Dunkiton Press #12: 2004:48:1:33 "How Scroggs Won the Award" Selections of Early Oz Musicals: Dunkiton Press #13: 2005:49:1:34 (#81): 2002:46:1:14-17 2002:46:2:3 The Merry Mountaineer of Oz: "Our Hollywood": 2005:49:3:39-41 Begley, Vincent 2005:49:1:31-32 Lyricist Author Sissajig and Other Surprises: "When O'Mara is King Once Dorothy, This Side of the Rainbow 2003:47:3:30-31 Again" (song from The Maid of (review): 2003:47:2:30-31 The Tired Tailor of Oz: Arran): 2002:46:3:27-28 Looking for a Rainbow: The Story 2005:49:1:31-32 The Woggle-Bug: the Complete of Dorothy (review): Who's Who in the Borderlands of Sheet Music Book (review): 2003:47:2:31-32 Oz: 2003:47:2:33-35 2003:47:2:33-35 Behounek, Jiri The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: "A Pair of Blue Eyes": 2003:47:1:22- Illustrator Paper Cut-outs: 2003:47:1:40-41 28 Berg, Margaret 2 Index to the Baum Bugle Supplement for Volumes 46-49 (2002-2005) Author Advertising card for The Enchanted Color advertisement for The Life and Ozallooning with the Wizard of Oz Island of Yew: 2003:47:2: Adventures of Santa Claus: (review): 2003:47:2:32-33 (backcover) 2002:46:3 (back interior cover) Berger, Senta Bodé, Mark Novelty card advertising The Life and Reader and vocalist Author Adventures of Santa Claus: Der Zauberer von Oz (The Wizard Bodé's The Lizard of Oz (review): 2002:46:3 (front

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