•iO - v ia m c h KSTKR HF.RAU). Siilurdiiy. Fob. 9. 1««5 MANCHESTER NEW ENGLAND SPORTS WEATHER ABC APPUAIiCE Vermont songwriter Plenty of penalties More cloucfs tonight; SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Bailey says probe GENERAL OIL ' ON ALL MAKES OF POlUABLE snow, rain Tuesfday APPLIANCES AND SERVICE ON has ocJe to vigilante in EC sextet victory AARON COOK won’t lea(j to arrests MANCHESTER ALL MAKES OF HOME OR ... page 2 BUSINESS COMPUTERS. ... page 3 ... page 2 ... page 11 SpeciBlItIng In new & used HEATING OIL vacs and built-in systems 301 East CentSr S t , Manchester QUALITY SERVICE Michael c a o a o T O Calhryn Mathieu »u 568-3500 HAS IT! O V i h o O l d Featuring This Week... iianrhpBtrr Im lJi ........ _ 9 MniriHav/Monday, Fph Feb. 11, 1985 — Single copy: 25<P 763 ond 191 Moin Si.. MoiKh»i1«i Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm For All Your Noodt rhoiM: 643-1191 or 643-1900 • foVlhraoli Moll. Mom tiold TRAVEL*INSURANCE Phono: 456-1141 391 Broad 8t., Manchostar J.B. ELECTRONICS tAsnm* commctKurt laawNo puu iwvpct opwcmpwi 646-7096 _ , GOP-governor feud could aid state taxpayers J. B. ELECTRONICS Vacuum Cleaner Service ignoring Connecticut’s economic pared to 25 cents a person would sales tax to 7 percent by April 1, for The Republicans are led by With the help of President We Repair Most Makes and Models STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV By Bruno V. Ronnlello gains under the federal save on the same purchase under United Press International starters. Senate President Pro Tempore Reagan i November. Republicans Warranty parts and service SALES AND SERVICE are now in a commanding position administration. the governor’s plan. Republicans, out to prove they Philip Robertson of Cheshire. Robertson also ripped O' Neill for on Singer products. Robertson’s early days were with Robertson and House Speaker " I don’t need to be part of the HARTFORD — It’s only one were chosen the majority party by proposing a budget with a 10.4 R.E. Van Norstrand of Darien governor’s public relations play Singer Factory Service Center 1 month into the 1985 Legi.slature but an intelligent electorate, are eager spent in the Senate as a minorty percent spending increase while 1--------- r p 1 party member wearing cowboy wielding the muscle. for re-election" said Robert.son. — — OOO the political battle lines are to give back even more to the only offering $110 million in tax 1069 Main St., Manchester taxpayers. boots, casual dress and on rare Robertson has let it be known already drawn, this time, for a Robertson also said O'Neill's relief. 6 4 9 -6 3 5 6 change, to the benefit of Connecti­ Too eager, in fact, forcing them occasions, a tie. that O’Neill will have to deal with plan to cut the sales tax by one-half the GOP-controlled Legislature. "Once we have fini.shed with this Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. dally cut taxpayers. to pull back from an am’oitious One of only 13 Republicans in the percent isn’t good enough. .lAP.K BERTRAND 643-1262 attempt to legislate tax cuts two Senate, Robertson battled against The day after O’Neill’s State of Instead, the Senate leader is budget we will have cared for those open 'til 6 p.m. Wed.; 'til noon Sat. There's a race on between weeks into the session and before the Democratic tide since • 1980, the State address, Republican predicting passage next week of a truly in need and after some Democratic Gov. William O'Neill O’Neill read his $4.44 billion displaying an agre.ssive debating leaders were invited into his oficc GOP plan to eliminate the sales tax prudent trimming provide more OVER 4 5 and Republicans who control both revenue and spending package last style that constantly charged but Robertson passed it up. on clothing costing less than $50. tax relief that Connecticut citizens MANCHESTER the House and Senate, on how Wednesday to a joint session of the Democrats with spending too Robertson said he was miffed want and that is long overdue." |f r e e e s t im a t e s o n b o d y w o r k YEARS 9 much and how fast to return a Legislature. much. because O’Neill ignored an earlier "Thai’s more meaningful for 550 North Main St. EXPERIENCE share of the state’s budget surplus middle and lower income taxpay­ So, with the programs O’Neill I MANCHESTER CT. MEMORIAL CO. Now, with the ceremonies over, His drive aLso led to a small request to meet, before the budget to taxpayers’ pockets. the Republicans are itching to palace coup in 1982 when he was made public. Also. Robertson ers. especially those on fixed already has offered and Republi­ Exit 93 - 1 Mtle bast ol Caldort CALL 649-58071 can acting from a base of strength, Opp. East Cemetery O’Neill, eager to keep his image out-do O’Neill, by spending more of displaced the popular Sen. George said he was up.set over O’Neill incomes," said Robertson. 1647-9926 it could he a very good sear for polished for re-election in 1986. the state’s ma.ssive $350 million "D o c" Gunther of Stratford as criticizing President Reagan for He said a person would save$3.75 .lohn Q. Public, finally. QUALITY HARRISON ST. wants to reduce the 7.5 percent surplus. minority leader. his propo.sed budget cuts while on a $50 clothing purchase com­ MEMORIALS MANCHESTER “Servin/r Manchester F o r O ver 50 Years" Saudi king • Pent\and The Florist I STAND BY THE EQUIPMENT I Jack Bertrand will custom design a 24 BIRCH ST. CALL TEL. 843-8247 to seek new SELL!! NO OTHER STEREO SHOP Stereo System for you when mass pro­ 843-4444 FOR AN EXPLANATION F.T.D. IN THIS AREA OFFERS ALL THE duced equipment won’t do. He has the MASTER CHARGE WORLD WIDE OF A PROVEN WAY! AMERICAN EXPRESS BENEFITS OF PROFESSIONAL knowledge to put together a better SERVItiE 6 4 9 -7 8 6 7 peace effort SOUND EQUIPMENT TO THEIR system for you in your price range. 1366 MAIN STREET 648-20731 HOURS: MON-SAT. I Why settle for a good stereo, when you ■MANCHESTER F ISPECIALIZING IN CUSTOMERS LIKE J.B. ELECTRON­ 10-4 P.M. I By Norman D. Sandler the Middle East financed by the F SUPERIOR MUFFLERSl United Press International United States, Arab oil states and \ ICS DOES! can have a great Stereo? Western European nations. DON WILLIS GARAGE, INC. WASHINGTON - King Fahd of The regional "Marshall plan,” SPECIALISTS Saudi Arabia, a key player in the the magazine said, would aid WHEEL ALIGNMENT • BRAKE SERVICE ■ WRECKER SEII.ILS Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and GENERAL REPAIRING complex politics of a region Bertrand 643-1262 QUALITY USED CLOTHING the Palestinians. call Jack wracked by turmoil, today was Propane Cylinders Filied expected to press President Rea­ ^ahd, who canceled three pre­ Air Conditioning Service • LADIES CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES • CHILDRENS CLOTHINOl gan for a revived U.S.-led peace viously scheduled visits. Is seen by ..lY-;.’ ' ■ ■t e l e p h o n e 18 MAIN STREET PItasc Call Me Between p rn iiip r • USED TOYS • CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED| ArabGfftcitils and diplomata 649.4531 MANCHESTER CONN 0E040| - effort in the tfxmWed Middle-Best. • E Fahd, paying his first official as heading a concerted Arab effort E SALES 12:30 PM 1 8:00 PM otnVIbt visit to Washington since assuming to persuade Reagan to adopt a England Country Woodworking, Inc.] the throne in 1982, was invited to more balanced and active position Selling? Buying? Building? the White House today for a on the Middle East. Harris Hardwoods red-carpet welcome and a black- His stay will be followed later by MARTIN & ROTHMAN. INC. 260 Tolland Turnpike tie state dinner as he began four visits from Jordan’s King Hussein, days of talks with U.S. officials. Egyptian President Hosni Mu­ REALTORS ! Manchester, C T 06040 Principal among the issues (203) 640-4663 barak, Algerian President Chadli EXPERIENCE...KNOWLEDQE...TRUST slated for his discussions with Benjedid and Kuwait’s Em ir B Reagan was the status of the peace Sheikh Jaber al Ahmed al Sabah. B ...FOR OVER 15 YEARS... CUSTOM KITCHEN CENTER process in the Middle East, where Arab officials .said. Commercial & Residential CALL the United States has maintained a U.S. officials cited the Israeli Woodworking & Supplier low profile since pulling out of withdrawal from Lebanon, hints of i'*- 263 Mala Lebanon in failure last year. 6 4 6 - 4 1 4 4 25 Ucott S t, Manchester Call 649-7544 flexibility from the new Israeli MaadiMter U.S. and Persian Gulf officials government and continued con­ said Fahd intended to urge Reagan tacts between Jordan’s King Hus­ EVERYTHING IN GLASS \Connectlcut to begin a new search for peace in sein and Palestine Liberation ■WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" the aftermath of his landslide Organization leader Yasser Arafat UPl photo \Travel Services __ re-election last year and signs of a as indications the prospects. for Bandar Bin Sultan Saudi ambassador to the U.S., is at LA. P ITE GLASS CO. (Inside D&L Store^ Lower Level) slightly more conducive atmos­ peace remain alive. ^ King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, left, is greeted by U.S. phere in the Middle East. Secretary of State George Shultz at Andrews Air Force center.
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