If L ; H - ; THE HOO-HOO JEWELRY . i : . - - TRE EOO.HOO GRIP TAG. This, a8o18guarantoedtobr1ng - ! .., ,. - ; , good luck to any traveling man -S.S , 5f t' and to keep him from Journo Ing S SSS i T5J4s5A ' OntOOdownhill rond towarda J S t 4a failure or dlaator. It will bo ;5r5 iÍ f; ?St . 55 S S that lost gripo willi thIs 5 g ; S S,- tag on them will probablybo 5j - ¿ S : aont In to roo. In ovary 80011CflO t : ' ' . I- ! / tiiogroateot 000reay will bu mnIn 2 .- S l tnlned no to the 000tento, Jtyoar . - * bag contalno only a co!Iar button - SS S f: , and your othor pair at aocks, noth : 'S) ' t ;S St ingwIH bencl to liumiflato you. .: . , S ! Prke 09oata, and ohoap at thu ¡nanay iI i : r i' 1H f . THE '4': LADIES h \ \ ':' : ,\ S :j 2 . \n -- f S S . t S S .5 S _SS S S --SiS ; S r5 r, S S I \ f S., \;4't 1S ? . i , SS I*S ;5 ; I hava yet to mc a lady, ahi nr youns, who SS : -S : did mt want ono at tho plus the minuta oho S S S . auw I, To bayo tfteao pina In tha IiiuIu at S I a j S S prity wonien-aud a t()o(I1100-1100knowe i ? no other uort-I the beat pausililo ntlycrtlua. ;S S '-:'-i - ¶:- ¡Haut lar the Orlar. ivery IIoo-Ifoo ought b5 S u , .- C' totoy orlo orthose pino, have lila number on S S , I, u p4 .' graved ou It, and riva it to uomo good woman, S - ;f S g .: u Prho *i. ' by ragiatoretl xnitii-$i.O,lint, if SS S .. takan f. o. h., Ntiubviii. LoQuait U, boye, b , S i t,y , . .' ,u. unii giro the wonien n nuance, 1 ì I-5- -;; -5''a t 4' 0 0 0 n o h s,L5s5 THE 1100 1100 WATCH CHARM SSS _SSS SS' 55a. The new deaign boing ahiko on bothhdes, twill novar bang 'wrong nido out.' Thu edgas aro umooth, which ialso a great * THE SOUVENIR SPOON. advantng, Wo onco buda ¡hast beautiful design, to which wo tbought there could 'Fh( cut given hut n faint hicuof ita beauty and artinlic Dinganco i bi na l)owClbiu objection, It bud, iiowcver, In audition tO fearing ihn ileo-iluo oruhienì, it h ¡idorned with nino aonio aharp pointa, and nhllnorouu bicha S eut mho, Match na groic in tino narahea la the South, ejinotcieti in tuo j began to macli uu troto murriad brotheru ¡miami color (If hru ow Ith groin buyen. l'ho an oricinunahip io of tilo ala utijo unid tun charm ''scrutehel tito baby'u illgilaMt ajual ItI ,it l'I 110 Cil(.Hj) Ilifluir, but io iland-I)ainhe(i, and limad. lega uil UI),This watch charm is Ier IS lualnuiell.Tilla Hl)Ou itsoif is atoning gilt, whiria alcuna that lt a ((ally illLrnlleala, nu utah au very beautiful, S uiiriing aiivr illitod al tb gold, To all mienta und lurlonew It la i I beuldea b o i u g al)proprlatoly Hugged. L gaul uiioou.'thin lirico a ¡ibout right, I think, conaidurhug what you S gel, i of tuo birtbplueo of floo-IIoo, ; That part of the dcaign which looku lito S rE OO a100BROOCHES tue top of u gato or dqor reproucutu thu ill . - 'Propylon.'! Tuo l'ropyion wautho grollt h In 011IlitlOn to hiag urtluhho allai laeuuiifai, thpo aro ali " luc]oy', h - gateway erected lii trout of tilo templo of pinu,11111 I uarultt'a 1110m t' bring eucceau to tile lumilsor and Oolria. It ¡lIIH massive la proportion nn,? ¡11111CC 1114 lau COIlIC true, pronidod ho d laiton for the rigitttiilng, and rich la Bctlhl)iUral design and illlacrlptloau, lliiihIlg to work, 01101)0 It ¡lus like tino Pylona of the t0fl1 ;.., fue alini,Ie "liar " lIr000li lu r000mmondoll nu n preuoutto a prao , - plu, froua which lt tank ita nublo. It aerac,l ticai'uilndacl girl, It cnrrie'M talill lt a auggestion of 1401111 florth and i'itICl PmltPAID, na u binai of introduction to tito temple, .,, ÍIn calculated tul illljÌreHM lier with the Idea that you are atout au good and beyond it suns Hacrell ground. - From a Cilalleo, nil lhllIlga C011qi,ilrl,d, au alio will be likeic lo got, The beneath ita portal, on account of ita position, tbo tomple in ail ita glory I WISIIIIONC 'lehgn wus mIado os itt a view to marrying oit tuo con. 00118 8000. Loalllng (roja it WIlS tilo onorai way, ilorliered ou oncia 0111e t i firmed llaolloI000 11f 11,111 ltoo, 'P1W lIOJtSl8lIO PIN ha Ito luckleut reCuflhi)efltllJlllyilX, Oneoayear,wlion tino earthjn Its cIrcuit ofali, it na III iloobuerOull that tilia horseshoe is not thoold'fuahionod .,h, S S kin,l, tho rlaiug aun, cutting aeroaa tile desert, aiiono through the great Pro' ueli au; Il COmmon " plug" would wear, but lIa thu up-to-data pylon llowntllo nvenuo of aphyni luto and down through the tomIllo : ahooworubyarunuinghorso. Iti,tl1erotore,aymbolioofthoapoejy untIl itliglltelluptllopla000ftlla Most holy and glittorodoii the gildell f realization of tilo pureiluoor" hightot dreama. The OIUISCENT horno of the Hacred bull-nell tilo EgYPiiau now year had begun. Thu J. F. JUDD, St; Loûie, Mo., thEO (lO0igfli8fl1fllIOl1I)OfftaOutiflUOUbordarofthoiotu, Hyla PIN Io Intended for presentation to a romania maillet, ond may b, Supreme Senior llôo'Ijoo, S a000mpanlod by o apoech about tho moon-"tho iaconstantinoon thut : Egyptians believed that tholr apiritowould roturo to earth ottern lengthy moutitly changea in Ita cIrcled ori, "-and entreaty that boa love be oojourn elaewhero and that they would inhul,it their old bodies-haute not likewise 'earluble, The OLOVl1t.LgAju PtN is for widowerB munomios, (You don'thavo to remomberail this, If youbuy the charm, - with ehildron, Who aro trying to moray young girI. It iaiubaolutaly hut ought to. I lrreoiatlbla-"aiiihug of beauty end n by forever," The olovor4ant - has aborder of llaman gold, with tho cantor onumoled in the natural Now,thon, none of this Moodloo jewelry will be uold to other than - clover groan. Any Onu of tImos pins would make an appropriato members In good standing, and only for caah. There la a profit In it to flandont roui 00100t 0 H ' 'rn,h.ru - e ' ¡nmghtpro,eI ,. ,, . the mauufocturar, but none tu lfoo4loo, It is handled tar thu anona. fautive a a pro,nnt to one a muthor.jn'Iaw, sa it would corry with modati000fourmombarsandthogood oftho Order,oneotit wilibo h a delicate hint tu " walk away," sold without the buyer's number. Addreas all orders to J. li. BMIW, (' $oriyonotr, Nashville, Tenu, _ - \ . , - ! ' ,. ( ,. t,, I r , t, t : -,' , 't,- ? ' ' , . , , t , , , - t, 2 THE BULLETIN :A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO-HOO. PLAIN STATEMENTOF FACTS to hold this concatenation with Brother WhIte's assistance lit about a month.The date will be announced later and L will most likely be during the last two weeks of November. OF MLSSISSII'I't, COUNTY 01' OOVLN(u'I'ON , Arkansas, TluIIn to corti ry tust tito first tune t Two concatenations are in early prospect for Arkan'saa. atTuiir of uuou,-uuo, i,'uul le henal lOdward ISIIIOH uuloult muret Iiicon ulootlo,, it'll it tuo _jg BIILLLTIN on board cuis' city- ¿uf CI(,v(,uuIIuuI,'' ivt$ l)y One at Newport and tise other at Graysonla. Date for the (dilKoilig tutu prou,auuiu Ity of tue re-euocitiouu Iirott,er \Y. Ji, itiu'uis iii of .1. n, IuttIru for Serivcuiotor,wiulcit eiiu,eorsuituon i,,,. lattervIll 1)0 announced later,Both meetings are reedy- cuirred I ii ,JOilulH(,Il'S Iloud,lliOlIujily iLItoriU},,n Sli)toIeI,e'- I I ,' Itrot It,iru, ,J . I I Jt 8,rI %'enuter, II tor. liii fOiion's s stutt',t luisiuI)Ntui Ing the attention of Supreme Senior Hoo-1-Ioo J. F. Judd, 'I'hat ou ilceulunt o? tuio l)HitiO,).11uui Ituul ru , , t,,,uI, Iii tilo Souutt,eruu l,tuuuii,or,,uuuuu liituo 1titjlqIiiilliniI lily by tue C()!Ien!en:ed Order of I IooI lui,,' ti Nashville, The meeting at Newport is being worked up by Brother IIÌoH-L,,rluuìor charges, 1Er. iu uuuos (uilhot s'iutuS Iui'u re-olc,t, oieotO(I tiu,'ro ivouil,j i, Aliti,1 theftif Itijird ss a , V. li.Piei'son, and was to have occurred on October 21, ii uargo n initier ,,f the (ihlet uuueu.uI,ors but Brother Pierson wrote saying that a niucit bettor meet- over Homo of tuuo uI,,,st u)rouu,tuIoIÌt ((lleS, Iuiciuu(ulng t tuo Oriter rosi go, ii.,ro ivai,i u ; E1ìtreit at the l'ostelilce al Naslivil le, Ternies se e, as$C(OIÌ(IeiSes iiiattc. 'i'uiio Noin( ((f tuic flnuuu(iers o t i-I,o Or(Ior,5 ils,, uu iuiøei r, Ing could be held by taking a few weeks more time. He I Udii (1113' ((f Octob(,r, I 1) I u 's', a. o' DONN SuL, , Sworn to ¿111(1 iiutcrIuieiI heforo TiRMS To2%IIlMIIEIIS, lins a good class In prospect and expects to initiate not utue tuiuo I 11th(lily Of October, 1 5) 1 1, vv , , Onv Vier ____._.__.. 1'&aìls. lilegle Copies _ 6 Cents. less than twenty-five good men.Titis meeting will likely %VM. W ouu,t RuTaN, ccciii. early in November. , 1 ii ii T.l,Il'I Ns t heOrli)sfilata! iiicdt unì or Conc:itenatet order of Nttiry I',uiilue.
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