•=',1-. ,KeNlitt:Mtee--,,,K, %SU a -et Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., September 21, 1922 A.ev,..a041,-;ff, '''*‘a 9 The Courage of Caleb and Joshua S. E. WIGHT President Central Union Conference THESE days in which we live are most interesting, because of the unfolding of events relative to the coming of the Lord. As the falling leaves and the changing colors of vegetation point forward to winter, so the unsettled condition of nations and society tells us that this world is in its last struggles. The thoughtful mind will weigh current history in the light of Bible prophecy. It is a common saying, " To be forewarned is to be fore- armed." Jesus was very anxious to have the disciples understand the temptations of the last days, so He gave them the warning that in- iquity would abound. Matt. 24:12. We are liable to be affected by, conditions. The believer will not be a victim of circumstances, but the prophecy is plain that many will allow their love to grow cold. What a tragedy that one should per- mit what he terms " hard times to lead him to conclude he is de- feated in the heralding of the last warning message to the world! The general breaking up of civilization will not take place until the gospel has been given to all the world. The true disciple of Christ will not look for a more favorable time to do his appointed work. The increase of iniquity does not picture a flowery future of ease for the worker, ‘but of greater earnestness and dependence on God. To meet the increasing mountains of difficulty, we must have the courage of Caleb and Joshua. These men saw be- yond the giants and walled cities; and forty years later, when condi- tions were much worse, they went forward saying, " We are prepared to go in and take possession of our inheritance." We are not standing at Kadesh-Barnea today, but our experiences are about the same as those of ancient Israel. We must not think of defeat, for the goal is just before us. God by His power will make His work a success, and there will be no stopping because of condi- tions. The Lord will finish His work and cut it short in righteousness. Coworkers with Christ MRS. E. G. WHITE THE mission of the followers of Christ is to save When the twelve were sent out, they were under- perishing sinners. It is to make known the love of taking their first mission without the personal pres- God to men, and to win them to Christ by the efficacy ence of Christ. Their preparation for the journey of that love. And in proportion as the love of Christ was' to be of the simplest kind. Nothing must be fills the heart and controls the life, it will be our allowed to divert their minds from their great work, pleasure to do the will of Christ, whose servants we or in any way occasion opposition and close the door claim to be. Divine wisdom has appointed, in the for future work. They were not to adopt the dress plan of salvation, the law of action and reaction, of the religious teachers, nor use any guise in apparel making the work of benevolence, in all its branches, to distinguish them from the humble peasants. They twice ble'ssed. God could have accomplished His ob- were not to enter into the synagogues, and call to- ject in saving sinners without the help of man, but gether the people for public service; their efforts were He knew that man could not be happy without acting to be put forth in house-to-house labor. They were a part in the great work of redemption. That man to accept the hospitality of those who were worthy, might not lose the blessed results of benevolence, our those who would welcome them heartily, as if enter- Redeemer formed the plan of enlisting him as His taining Christ Himself ; and such would be blessed coworker. by their prayers, their songs of praise, and the open- In sending out the twelve, Christ sent none alone. ing of the Scriptures in the family circle. These They were to go forth, two and two, invested with a disciples were to be heralds of the truth, to prepare power from Himself to heal the sick and rebuke the way for the coming of the Master. The burden satanic agencies' as a proof of their mission. Galilee of their message was a repetition of that of John the 411 was to be their principal field of labor. In Jerusalem Baptist and of Christ Himself, " The kingdom of and Judea, where Christ Himself had labored, and God is at hand." where they would be sure to meet the bigoted Phari- In thus sending the workers out two and two, it sees, their efforts would avail but little, and bring was God's design that by their prayers, their counsel, discouragement to themselves. The population of and their conversation, they should be a help to each bigoted religionists made this a hard, forbidding field. other,— that when one should be perplexed and con- The disciples were to avoid, as far as possible, stirring fused by difficult questions, the other might be pre- up the prejudices of the religious leaders. Therefore pared to aid his brother worker. they were to confine their labors to their own nation. The instruction of the divine Teacher is for His Christ's injunction to them was, " Go not into the followers in all time. The teaching given to His dis- way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samar- ciples was given also to all who receive the truth itans enter ye not ; but go rather to the lost sheep of through their word. The word of God is to be their U the house of Israel." constant instructor. They are to feed upon it, to The education of the disciples and their Jewish see and understand and appropriate the reproofs, the prejudices unfitted them for work among the Samari- correction, and the instruction given to them through tans or the heathen. They made this manifest on it. Every phase of Christ's teaching is as essential Christ's last journey to Jerusalem. On that journey, for those who are carrying forward God's work in the He " sent messengers before His face : and they went, earth today as it was for the chosen twelve, from and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make John the beloved disciple, to Judas who would not be ready for Him. And :they did not receive Him, be- benefited thereby. And all who, seeing their defects cause His face was as though He would go to Jerusa- of character, their great need of the transforming lem." They did not open their doors to the heavenly grace of Christ, who desire to overcome their faint- Guest, and did not urge Him to abide with them, heartedness and irresolution, their desire to be first, although they beheld Him weary with His journey, (Concluded on page 11) and the night was drawing on. The disciples knew that He designed to tarry there that night, and they 1 felt keenly the slight thus put upon their Lord. In The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald their anger they prayed Jesus to call down fire from THE GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS heaven to consume those who had thus abused Him. Devoted to the Proclamation of " the Faith which was once But Christ rebuked their indignation and zeal for delivered unto the saints." His honor, and told them that He came not to visit VOL. 99 SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 No. 42 with judgment, but to show mercy. These disciples were not yet fitted to work outside their own nation. Issued every Thursday In the parables of Christ to the scribes and Phari- Printed and published by the sees and the priests and rulers, He explained their Review and Herald Publishing Association position of unbelief and opposition in its varied at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. forms. Some of them were thoroughly self-centered. They had no room in their hearts for Jesus. Self TERMS: IN ADVANCE was constantly appearing, leading them to manifest a One Year $2.50 Three Years $7.00 Two Years 4.75 Six Months 1.50 harsh, domineering spirit. Another phase of their No extra postage is charged to countries within the Universal Postal unbelief was expressed in their proud, perverted Union. fanaticism. In all these lessons Christ was teaching In changing address, give both old and new address. 1 Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D. C., His disciples, line upon line, precept upon precept. post office (not Takoma Park). Address all communications and make all drafts and express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Those traits of character which Christ condemned, they Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. were not to bring into their lives, but they were to Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, at the post office at weed from their hearts every wrong thought and Washington, D. C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. practice. 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on June 22, 1918. " Here is the Patience of the Saints: Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev.
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