Bumb. 74. 2761 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, HJ29. Additional Land near Otaki taken for the Purposes of the 'Additional Land near Feilding taken for the Purposes of the Wellington-New Plymo·uth Railway. Foxton - New Plymouth Railway. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. [L.S.] CHARLES FEHGUSSON. Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. I A PHOCLAMATION. HEHF,..AS it has been found desirable for tht' use, HEREAS it has been fonnd desirable for the nse, W convenience, and enjoyment of the Wellington--New W convenience, and enjoyment of the Foxton _. New Plymouth Railwsy to take further land near Otaki in addition Plymouth Hailway to take further land near Feilding, in to land previously acquired for the purposes of the said rail­ addition to land previously acqnired for the purposes of the way: said railwav : Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Now, th~refore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on me by sections of the powers and authorities conferred on me by sections thirty-four and two hundred and sixteen of the Public Works thirty-four and two hundred and sixteen of the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in enabling me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and that the land described in the Schedule hereto is herebv taken decll1re that the land described in the Schedule hereto is for the purposes above mentioned. • hereby taken for the purposes above mentioned. SCHEDUI,E. SCHEDULE. ApPROXIMATE I1refts of the pieces of land :­ A. R. P. ApPROXIMATE I1rel18 of the pieccs of land :­ o 2 19'93 Part Lot 2, D.P. 3527, of Waopukatea 1A A. R. P. El1st No.7. o 0 38·3 Pl1rt Lot 48, D.P. 2088, of Section 149, 2 0 21'9 Part of Scction 1~, Kftingaraki No. 2 and Township of Sftnrlon. No.3. o 5 Pl1rt old Orouft River bed. Situated in Block IX, Waitohu Survey District, Horo­ Situated in Block XIV, Oroua Survey District, Borough of whenua County. (S.O. 2502.) Feilding. (S.0.2500.) In the Wellington Land District; as the same are more In the Wellington Land District; 118 thc same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 533, deposited particularly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 458, de­ in the office of the Minister of Hailways at Wellington, and posited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Welling­ thereon coloured yellow. ton, and thereon coloured yellow and green. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Geneml of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th day of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th day of October, 1929. October, 1929. W. B. TAVERNEH, W. B. TAVERNER, Minister of Hailways. Minister of Railways. GOD SAVE 'rilE K~NG l GOD SAVE THE KING! (L.O. 13857.) (L.O, 13858.) A , , . 2762 THE NEW ~EALAND GAZETTE. [No. 74 Land set apart as an Endowment for Primary Education. As the same are delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 4/176A, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged green. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. Given nnder the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by nnder the Seal of that Dominion, this 4th day of Novem­ I subsection nine of section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, ber, 1929. I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General GEO. W. FORBES. of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservation. declare that from and after the date hereof the land com­ prised in the pieces of closed road described in the First GOD SAVE 'filE KING! Schednle hereto, being land which is adjacent to the endow­ ment for primary edncation described in the Second Schedule hereto, shall be deemed to be added to the said endowment. Oonstituting the Hurunui Electric-power District and 071ter Area. FIRST SCHEDULE. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ALL those areas in the NOJ'th Auckland Land District, A PROCLAMATION. Waitemata Connty, containing by admeasurement 2 acres N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by 2 roods 11·06 percheg, more or less, being Allotments 67,68, I ~ection three of the Eledric-power Boards Act, 1925, 69,70, and 71, Parish of Mairetahi. As the same are delineated and of every other power and authority enabling me in this on plan markerl L. and S. 16/1672/A, deposited in Head behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor­ Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim thereon edged red. (North Auckland plan 232:!:t) the district described in the First Schedule hereto to be an electric-power district, and I hereby assign to such district SECOND SCHEDULE. the name of thc " Hurunui Electric-power District"; and I ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, do furthcr proclaim that the areas described in the Second Waitemata County, containing by admeas1ll'ement 66 acres S?he~ule hereto shall be the outer area of such electric-power 3 roods 20·7 perches, more or less, being portion of Allot-I district. ment 30, Parish of Mairetahi, and being part of the said --- allotment permanently set aside for educ'ational purposes FIRST SCHEDULE. and apportioned for primary education by notice published I in New Zealand Gazette of 16th December, 1878, page 1774. HURUNUI ELECTRIC-POWER DISTRICT. As the same is moore particu!arly. delineated on plan marked ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District situated in L. and S. 16/1672/B, deposited 111 Head Office, Department the Waipara, Amuri, and Cheviot Counties, and bounded as of Lands and Survey, at Wellmgton, and thereon edged blue. follows: Commencing at the most westerly corner of Rural (North Auckland plans 791, 18014, 18106. 2322:n Section 37089, in Block V, Oknku Survey District; thence Given nnder the hand of His Excelleney the Governor- by the north-west boundary of said Section 37089 and the General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Seaward River in a north-easterly direction to the Hurunni nnder the Seal of that Dominion, this 1st day of No- River; by the Hurunui River to a point in line with the vember, 1929. continnation of the south-western boundary of Section 18, Square 105; thence to and by the sonth-western and north­ GEO. W. FORBES, Minister of Lands. western bonndaries of said Section 18, and by the north­ western boundaries of Sections 9, 25, 24, 8, 34, 33, and 32, GOD SAVE THE KING! Sqnare 105, to the northernmost corner of Section 38, Sqnare _.. _________ 105; thence bounded towards the south-east by said Section 38, towards the south-west generally by Section 39, Sqnare Revokirl{! the Reservation over Portion of a Scenic Resene in 105 and 109, to the north branch of the Hurnnni River; thence the Westland Land District. by that river to Lake Sumner, and by the middle of Lake Sumner aforesaid, to a point opposite Marion Stream; thence [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. to and by the said Marion Stream throngh Lake Marion to its northernmost point; thence in an easterly direction following A PROCLAMATlON. along the boundary between the Pahau Riding, and the ~7HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto Hanmer Riding of the Amuri Connty to Trig. Station S; V V forms portion of a reserve dnly set apart for scenic thence by a line, being the boundary between Pastoral Run purposes: 13 to the Mandamus River; thence again following the And whereas the said land is no longer suitable for scenic aforesaid boundary between the Hanmer and Pahau Ridings purposes by reason of the absence of bush of scenic value to the Pahan Rive,'; thence to and by the southern bonndary thereon: of Lot 3, D.P. 3948 and 3953 to Brown's Stream, and by Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, that stream to the Waiau River; by the said Waian River Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ and the Hanmer River, and by the boundary.line between suance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the Lyndon and Hanmer Ridings and the Waiau and Hanmer section eight of the Scenery Preservation Amendment Act, Ridings of the Amuri County to the land district bonndary 1910, do hereby revoke the reservation for scenic purposes between Canterbury and Marlborough; thence by the last· over the land described in the Schedule heret.o. named boundary to the Conway .River, and in a south-easterly direction by the said Conway River to the sea; thence by the sea to the Waipara River, the southern boundary of the SCHEDULE. Waipara County; thence by the last-named boundary to the commencing-point; saving and excepting therefrom the ALL that area in the Westland Land District containing areas described in clauses 2 and :1 of the Second Schedule by admeasurement 67 acres 2 roods 20 perches, more or hereto.
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