Romney makes her U.S. By Chip Chapman Senate pitch to Eastside GOP dub March 2 that she never Staff Writer the truth," she said "We know latIOns have hurt the mrline Romney saId, In reference to "Sometimes extraordInary thought she would run for It because of the bottom lme " health care plan "one the great statewide office. mdustry and how savmg the the welfare system "We have thmgs happen to ordmary peo. Private cltlzens, not profes. Chnton myths" spotted owl has put 30,000 peo created a segment of socIety pIe," said Republican V.S. Sen. "I was happy with my Job (at sIOnal pohtlclans, should be the "There are about 11 mIllIon pIe out of work that only takes Is thIS group ate candidate Ronna Romney. WXYT)," she SaId "I felt It ones seekmg pubhc office, Rom. people who are voluntarily or "The endangered specIes are better ofT 30 years later? The "That has been the case wIth was a service, brmging the ney said chrOnIcally unInsured," she truth mto people's hVll1g the American busmessman, anbwer IS, no " saId "Do we need a 100 per. me" "We have to take back our worker and family," Romney rooms. But I decided that un. country, Inch by mch," she She propo'l€S a solutIOn slml cent solutIOn for a 5 percent Romney, a former member of Bald lar to that Implemented m WIS less I ran, we wouldn't wm " sald "Om forefathel s wrote problem? No Government al. the Repubhcan NatIOnal Com. Romney stressed the Impor She believes m a small fed conSIn, where welfare reCipI- waYb overstates the problem the ConstitutIOn to shackle gov. eral government and "putting mlttee and politlcal commenta. tance of straIghtening out the elnment In 1994, those shac ents are educated and allowed and undel stateb the cost" tor on WXYT-AM 1270, told our finanCial house m order" two years to get back on their natIOnal debt. kles are not In place" the EastsIde Republican Club "We have to rethink some of feet "PolitiCIans are not telhng Ub She told how taxe,> and regu the laws we have passed," Romney call'> the unIversal See ROMNEY, page 2A Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 55, No. 10 46 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ March 10, 1994 .... -...... _~,~----_.-.~""""'" .,...... _------ _ .. I WEEK AHEAD Pointe Democrats Friday, March 11 The Rev Dr Franklm J Woo wIll speak at the Men's seek cable show, Friday Ecumemcal Break. fast at Grosse Pomte Memo. nal Church at 7:30 am threaten Ia",suit Monday, March 14 By Jim Stickford he had the show on now, Propo- Staff Writer sitlon A would be discussed The Grosse Pomte board of Grosse Pomte Democratic educatIOn WIll meet at 8 p m Smce the show is supposed to Club chIef Paul Donahue's an. non-partisan, Donahue said as III Wlcklllg Library In nouncement at a re<:ent club Grosse Pomte South. an example, Park Mayor and meetmg that the club would RepublIcan Palmer Heenan, if either be on Grosse Pomte Ca. Tuesday, March 15 he wanted to, would be allowed ble or m court by next winter to speak to the ments or faults Proposal A, a plan to took Grosse Pomte War Memo- of the proposal A de<:lared can. change MIchIgan's school fl. nal president Mark Weber by didate lIke V S Senate hopeful surpnse nancmg formula, goes before John Kelly would not be al. voters today Donahue told club members lowed to speak on the Issue. • Weber was surprised to learn Ellen FIedler. the consul that he and other club officers had been trymg to get a public that Donahue and the Demo- tant hIred by the school sys. crats felt the way they did tern to evaluate the Magnet educatwn show about politIcs m Grosse Pomte on the War "I thmk it's more of a comm. Program, WIll present: her unicatlOns problem," Weber findmgs at 7 p m m the Memonal's local ongmatlon channel for months saId. "We are gomg to hold WICkmg Llbl ary at Grosse eqUIpment trammg classes We Pomte South Photos by Rosh s.lIars He saId he was told that the War Memonal could not allow only have two full-tlme staffers at our studio, and they have Wednesday, March 16 any new shows on the all' untIl more people had been tramed been undergomg a learnmg The VIllage of Grosse to use the equipment Donahue curve m relatwn to the equip- ment We've been promlslng Pomte Shores wIll hold Its said he Wal> told labt year that regular council meetmg at 7 classes on how to operate the classes for some time, and we by p.m. In the Village offices at eqUIpment would begm in July should have had them now, 795 Lakeshore. of 1993 I know But to say that we are stonewallmg, that's not true" As of March 1, 1994, no classes had been conducted. The War Memonal was Correction Without the classes, club mem- given the responsibIlity to pro- bers are unable to operate the duce local orgmation program- Nonunating petitions for mmg for Grosse Pointe Cable candIdates seeking election eqUIpment needed to put on the proposed show. several years ago, said Weber June 13 to the Grosse Pomte "I feel hke I've been stone. To that end, a mllhon-dollar board of educatIOn can be Winter fun walled," Donahue saId "Our studIO was buIlt at the War picked up at the personnel applicatIOn says that we want Memorial and opened Its doors office at 389 St. ClaIr, City While many of us are to put on a pubhc education last year of Grosse Pomte, from 8 a.m. eagerly awaiting spring. show We do not want to put on to 4.30 p m Mondays others are making the best a partIsan Democratic show The studIO contains modern through Thursdays and 8 of the weather. such as Our proposal forbIds us from video cameras and video eqUIp, a m to 4 p m on Fndays. those above taking advan- bookmg registered candidates ment that can be used for local The deadline for submittmg tage of the excellent sled- We want to talk about Issues of ongmatIOn programnung, said the petitions IS 4 p.m. April ding hill at the' Grosse concern to all Pomters " Weber The shows that are 11. Pointe Farms waterworks Donahue CIted PropoSItIon A at the foot of Moross. as an example, stating that If The winter can produce See DEMS, page 2A some intriguing scenes for the photographer. such as the long approach to the Gleaners set for food drive INSIDE Cook schoolhouse on Mack. What IS brown, made of food from March 14 untll Opinion 6A paper arId mserted m the March 28 We encourage Autos 15A Grosse Pomte News every everyone to put as much Schools 16A Woods to allow outdoor dining sprmg? The arIswer IS the food as poSSIblemto the bag Seniors 20A "KIds Helpmg Kids" grocery Gleaners dlstnbutes food bag which IS used by Grosse to more than 200 southeast By Jim Stlckford 20515 Mack. ChampIOn plans VOIcedhiS objectIOn to the pro Obituaries 21A Staft Writer Pomters to collect food for MIchIgan church pantnes, to add an outdoor cafe sectIOn posal Thanks to the CIty council, It Gleaners Commumty Food Business 22A to hIS restaurant soup kItchens, homeless shel- Will now be pOSSIbleto enJoy a "As the councllmember most Bank ters, and other feedmg agen Events 23A The Woods planmng commlS responsIble for findmg addl touch of contmental dmmg m Look for the grocery bag cles Features 1B SIOnheld a hearmg In January twnal parkmg on Mack, I must Grosse Pomte Woods III and reviewed the prevallmg or. the March 17 Grosse For more mformatlon, Entertainment 7B The councIl last week ap say that thiS IS a bad Idea," Pomte News The Grosse dmance After lIstenmg to please call Gleaners' presl Sports 1 C proved a planmng commISSIOn Fahrner saId "We already ChampIOn and PhIl Jones of Pomte schools and Central dent G€ne Gonya at (313) proposal to permit restaw'ants don't have enough parkmg on Classified ads 5C the SIlver Spoon, the commls. LIbrary will be collectmg 923-3535 on Mack to have outdoor dmmg Mack The area where the Bal slOn asked the councIl to adopt areas, somethmg cIty ordI- B.Q House IS located is nght their recommendatIOn that out nances prevIously forbade next to Mr Tony's The two of dool cafe dmm~ be appl 0\ ed them ale busy Addmg outdoor POINTER INTEREST The change \\a,> made at the The council tooK up the ques dmmg means addmg dmmg OF request of JamE's ChampIOn of tlOn 11"t \\eeJ... COllnulm,H1 the Bar B Q Home located .'t Thoma.., F ,hln, I JnllTl rlldtt'h See DINING, page 2A Jim DePuys Home: Grosse Pointe Farms Age: 33 Family: Smgle News con appear one May I have Occupation: Co.o,,,ner, OIJ/O d be go~e 1"e operator of Marge's Bar r E'Yf [J.)1 I'll? 1='0,,(''' this dance? ()e,"j s or (' eo Or (e. & Gnll m Gras'll' Pointe rJ 'J)'- Q C Ie c Park The Daddy-Daughter Dance Lr...) Ij....>r.) ..-.,......) ~ t>- .... Claim to fame: Bemg the takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. ....1-- ~ JC/~ J~ Friday. March 11. at the propneter of the DetrOlt r (:"V'v ((.J r .N -' ') rf I F=- Grosse Pointe Farms Pier area's premier hockey Park.
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