INSIDE Trib readers vote Pitt best school................... 2 New alumni association officers.......................... 3 PittNewspaper of the University of PittsburghChronicle Volume IX • Number 20 • July 7, 2008 Frank, Juhl, Andrews, and Zigmond Honored Pitt-Bradford to Name Faculty receive Distinguished Professor designation New Residence Hall For Retired Zippo Manufacturing Executive Howard Fesenmyer By Kimberly Marcott Weinberg The University of Pittsburgh at Brad- ford will name its new residence hall in honor of Howard Fesenmyer, a retired Zippo Manufacturing Co. executive who is execu- tive secretary of the Blaisdell Foundation, a Zippo board member, and a member of Ellen Frank Randy Juhl Charles Reid Andrews Naomi Zigmond the advisory board of Pitt-Bradford, where he is a leader in the school’s fundraising Pitt is honoring four senior faculty American Psychiatric Association Task from 1992 to 1993. In 1992, he was asked efforts. members as Distinguished Professors: Force on DSM-V and is an honorary fellow to chair the FDA’s newly created advisory The University of Pittsburgh Board of Ellen Frank has been named Distinguished of the American Psychiatric Association. In committee on nonprescription drugs that Trustees approved the naming of Fesenmyer Professor of Psychiatry, effective June 1; 1999, she was elected to the National Acad- advises the FDA on a range of issues related House at its June 27 annual meeting in Pitts- Randy Juhl, Distinguished Service Pro- emy of Sciences Institute of Medicine. to over-the-counter medications; he served burgh. Fesenmyer attended the meeting. fessor of Pharmacy, effective July 1; and, A graduate of Vassar College, Frank as committee chair until 1996. In 1998, he Fesenmyer House will become home to effective Sept. 1, George Reid Andrews, earned a master’s degree in English at Car- was appointed chair of the FDA’s Pharmacy 144 students this fall. Pitt-Bradford broke Distinguished Professor of History, and negie Mellon University and a doctorate in Compounding Advisory Committee, created ground for the $7.3 million residence hall Naomi P. Zigmond, Distinguished Profes- psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. by the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 to last July. It is located near Blaisdell Hall. sor of Education. Pitt Chancellor Mark A. serve as a public forum for the resolution “Never in my wildest dreams would I Nordenberg made the appointments based Juhl, vice chancellor for research con- of regulatory issues affecting pharmacy ever have thought this could happen to me,” on the recommendation of Pitt Provost and duct and compliance, came to the University compounding. Fesenmyer said. “I am humbled, honored, Senior Vice Chancellor James V. Maher. in 1979 to serve as chair of the Depart- Juhl received an associate’s degree and pleased, and I thank Pitt-Bradford for The appointment of a faculty member ment of Pharmacy Practice. His research from Waldorf College in 1968 and his BS, this remarkable recognition.” to a Distinguished Professorship constitutes included the effects of disease states and MS, and PhD degrees in pharmacy from Livingston Alexander, president of Pitt- the highest honor that can be accorded a other conditions on the the University of Iowa Bradford, said, “Howard is not only a major member of the professorate. The rank of pharmacokinetics and in 1972, 1974, and 1976, fundraiser for Pitt-Bradford, but he also is Distinguished Professor recognizes extraor- pharmacodynamics of The appointment of respectively. He has been our greatest cheerleader and advocate. dinary, internationally renowned scholarly drugs. In 1986, he was a faculty member to honored as a distinguished “What drives Howard to ask for a gift attainment in an individual discipline or named dean of the School alumnus of Waldorf Col- is precisely what motivates our donors field. The title Distinguished Service Pro- of Pharmacy, a position he a Distinguished lege (1994) and the Uni- to give—an unselfish dedication to our fessor is given in recognition of distinctive held for 16 years. During versity of Iowa College of campus and an abiding commitment to our contributions and outstanding service to the his tenure as dean, the Professorship Pharmacy (2000). students.” University community in support of its mis- school converted its entry- Fesenmyer has been chair of the sion, as well as performance excellence in level practitioner degree constitutes the high- Andrews, a professor in institutional advancement council of Pitt- the faculty member’s department or school from the bachelor’s to the Department of His- Bradford’s advisory board for more than a and national stature in his or her field. the PharmD level; insti- est honor that can be tory in Pitt’s School of decade, helping to lead teams of volunteers Biographical information on the faculty tuted advanced practice accorded a member of Arts and Sciences, is a to successfully raise $10 million for the honorees follows. residencies in conjunction historian whose interests campus’ Campaign 2000. During that same with UPMC and other the professorate. focus on Latin America, time, he has also been serving as chair of Frank is a professor of psychiatry and partners; developed an comparative history, and the Complete the Campus Campaign, which psychology in the University of Pittsburgh innovative clinical sci- race. At Pitt since 1981, raised $13.1 million for campus construc- School of Medicine and director of the entist PhD program; and he served as chair of the tion; the Reed-Coit Scholarship Challenge, Depression and Manic Depression Preven- increased its endowment more than tenfold. history department from 1998 to 2001 and which raised $2 million for scholarships; tion Program at Western Psychiatric Institute The school also attained a Top 10 ranking from 2006 to 2007. In addition, Andrews has and the Blaisdell Fine Arts Challenge, and Clinic. among pharmacy schools and colleges as been a research professor of history in the which raised $3.4 million to build Blaisdell Frank and her colleagues developed measured by grant support from the National University Center for International Studies Hall. He is currently spearheading the a new psychotherapy—interpersonal and Institutes of Health. since 1991. fundraising campaign for a campus inter- social rhythm therapy—for the treatment of In July 2002, Juhl joined Nordenberg’s Andrews has written numerous books, faith chapel, to be built solely with private manic depressive illness under a MERIT senior leadership team as vice chancellor including Afro-Latin America, 1800-2000 donations. award from the National Institute of Mental for research conduct and compliance. His (Oxford University Press, 2004), which was In 1998, Pitt-Bradford awarded Fesen- Health (NIMH). She recently completed responsibilities include overseeing the Uni- awarded the 2005 Arthur P. Whitaker Prize myer its highest honor, the Presidential an NIMH-sponsored study of women with versity’s Institutional Review Board, the from the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin Medal of Distinction, given to those who recurrent depression in which she examined Institutional Animal Care and Use Com- American Studies and was named Choice make significant contributions to the how psychobiology, life stress, and different mittee, the Radiation Safety Program, the Outstanding Academic Title in 2005; and campus and the community. “doses” of psychotherapy interact to increase Recombinant DNA Office, and components Blacks and Whites in São Paulo, Brazil, “I cannot think of a single volunteer or decrease vulnerability to new episodes of of the University’s conflict-of-interest report- 1888-1988 (University of Wisconsin Press, who has had more of an impact on raising depression. In addition, Frank is completing ing and monitoring functions. 1991), which won the 1993 Arthur P. Whi- support for Pitt-Bradford and advancing the a joint project with researchers at the Univer- Juhl is a widely published and con- taker Prize. He is currently working on a college than Howard,” said Karen Niemic sity of Pisa, Italy, aimed at achieving a better sulted expert in pharmacy. He has written book titled Blackness in the White Republic: Buchheit, Pitt-Bradford’s executive director understanding of the clinical importance of or cowritten more than 70 manuscripts, Afro-Uruguay, 1800-2000. of institutional advancement. “His enthu- subsyndromal mood, anxiety, and eating abstracts, and books on these and related A 1996 Chancellor’s Distinguished siasm for, and devotion to, Pitt-Bradford disorders—that is, when the symptoms are topics. He also currently consults for several Teaching Award recipient, Andrews received is contagious—which is the reason he has not severe enough for diagnosis as a clini- companies and organizations that deal with a 2001 Rockefeller Humanities Fellow- been so successful in garnering such sup- cally recognized syndrome. self-medication and the process of having ship for research at the Universidad de la port.” An expert in mood disorders and their a prescription drug become an over-the- República, Montevideo, Uruguay; a 1996-97 Fesenmyer House will bring Pitt- treatment, Frank was chair of the Food and counter medication. He also is a frequent John Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Bradford’s on-campus resident capacity to Drug Administration (FDA) Psychopharma- speaker on a variety of regulatory topics Fellowship; and a Fellowship for University 800 students. It is a three-story building cologic Drugs Advisory Panel. She also is related to the FDA. Teachers from the National Endowment for with 21 four-person suites, 10 five-person a former member of the National Advisory Juhl served as president of the Ameri- the Humanities in 1995. suites, and five two-person suites. Each Mental Health Council. She currently serves can Pharmaceutical Association’s Academy on the Mood Disorders Workgroup of the of Pharmaceutical Research and Science Continued on page 6 Continued on page 6 2 • Pitt Chronicle • July 7, 2008 Trib Readers Vote Pitt Best School in Pittsburgh Area Pitt’s Center on Race and Social Problems By John Harvith To Host Summer 2008 Institutes Readers of the Pittsburgh Tri- advanced education in professions in bune-Review recently voted the region.
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