25862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE October 7, 1966 CONFIRMATIONS U.S. ARMY the President under subsection (a) of section 3066, in grade as follows: Executive nominations confirmed by The following-named ofllcer to be placed the Senate October 7, 1966: on the retired list in grade indicated under To be lieutenant general the provisions of title 10, United States Code, Maj. Gen. Ferdinand Thomas Unger, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY section 3962 : 020734, U.S. Army. Vice Adm. Rufus L. Taylor, U.S. Navy, to be To be lie'L!tenant general Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. IN THE NAVY Lt. Gen. Albert Watson II, 018105, Army U.S. Am FORCE The nominations beginning Hubert K. Ad­ of the United States (major general, U.S. kisson, to be captain, and ending Jerry Ros­ To be general Army). enfeld, to be a permanent lieutenant (j.g.) Gen. Hunter Harris, Jr., FR624 (major The following-named ofllcer under the pro­ general, Regular Air Force) U.S. Air Force, to and a temporary lieutenant, which nomina­ be placed on the retired 11.&t in the grade in­ visions of title 10, United States C.ode, sec­ tions were received by the Senate and ap­ dicated under the provisions of section 8962, tion 3066, to be assigned to a position of im­ peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on title 10 of the United States Code. portance and responsibility designated by September 28, 1966. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Hon. Leo W. O'Brien when he retires at the end of this session. to roam the dark, mysterious northern His wit, his wisdom, and his willingness seas, returning with news of wonders to see both sides of a question have won previously unobserved. In time, the son, EXTENSION OF REMARKS him many friends-not only in the In­ Leif Erikson, would surpass his famous OF terior Committee, but on both sides of father, charting unknown regions even the aisle in this Chamber. farther west. HON. WAYNE N. ASPINALL It is my fervent hope that his volun­ The courage of the Vikings was truly OF COLORADO tary retirement from the Political heart phenomenal. President Johnson, speak­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of ow· country-the U.S. Congress.--will ing last month in honor of Leif Erikson, Friday, October 7, 1966 not diminish his political participation in declared that: other capacities, for this Nation needs Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Speaker, at this The Viking explorers of a thou.sand years men the likes of LEo O'BRIEN. Like the ago left us an example of courage and daring time I would like to pay tribute to a man mountain in Alaska, named in his honor that will never be forgotten. Their far­ who has sat steadily beside me during my by a grateful new State, may he continue re·acll.ing voyages across frigid northern seas years as chairman of the House Commit­ to stand tall and strong among his fel­ in small boats, guided by crude and primitive tee on Interior and Insular Affairs; and, lowmen. instruments of navigation, are a lasting before that, as I sat as ranking majority When LEO and his devoted wife, Mabel, testament to what man's bravery and deter­ member of such committee. I refer to depart for home and family in Albany, mination can achieve. LEO W. O'BRIEN who, since the 84th Con­ N.Y., they will leave behind a legion of The American rocket program of the gress, has served as chairman of the Sub­ good· friends and well-wishers. Mrs. current era can be said to stem from the committee on Territorial and Insular Aspinall and I join with their legion of Erikson tradition-a bold and grand Affairs. friends in wishing them a serene and tradition conceived by men of steel, to be This is the subcommittee which has happy life for many more years to come. followed by others of their kind. legislative jurisdiction over Puerto Rico, The name, Leif Erikson, shall stand Guam, the Virgin Islands, American forever as a symbol of courage in the face · Samoa, Antarctica, the Trust Territory of mystery and danger-a hero among of the Pacific Islands, and other insular A Tribute to Leif Erikson, on the Occasion the heroes of all time. areas of the United States. It is a sub­ committee which, in no way, directly of Leif Erikson Day, 1966 concerns the people of his own district. But Congressman O'BRIEN has served the EXTENSION OF REMARKS A Tribute to the Ukrainian Congress Com­ people of these f arflung islands as ably OF and as diligently as he has served his own mittee of America on the Occasion of constituents. He has been an articulate HON. ROMAN C. PUCINSKI Their 25th Anniversary spokesman in their behalf and he has OF ILLINOIS worked tirelessly on the numerous legis­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EXTENSION OF REMARKS lative proposals affecting them. OF Since he assumed chairmanship of the Friday, October 7, 1966 Subcommittee on Territorial and Insular Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, this HON. LESTER L. WOLFF Affairs, Alaska and Hawaii have joined week, the Nation celebrates the achieve­ OF NEW YORK the United States as the 49th and 50th ments of Leif Erikson. The bravery orf IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States, largely due to his efforts; the Vir­ exploration is revered throughout the gin Islands and Puerto Rico have risen ages, and rewarded by the ringing Friday, October 7, 1966 from poverty-stricken areas to healthy praises of history. And of all the great Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, the enemies segments of our national economy; explorers, no tribe can be said to have of tyranny are always welcome in the Guam has emerged as an effective strong­ surpassed, in daring and audaciousness, ranks of freedom's army. The Ukrain­ hold in our Pacific responsibility. the Viking heroes of the 10th and 11th ian Congress Committee is consequently LEO came to Congress in 1952 from centuries, A.D. held in high esteem wherever freemen Albany, N.Y., with no legislative back­ Many courageous sailors of Scandi­ congregate and wherever the will to win ground, but possessing a wealth of jour­ navian birth were involved in battle with prevails. nalistic experience. He had been a news­ the great unknown. Of these, the best Since the year of your organization, paperman for 30 years and had won na­ remembered-the most honored by 1941, the UCC has come to stand for tional awards in the fields of radio and Scandinavians at home and abroad-was many imPortant things in the eyes of television. As a result of this experience, Leif Erikson, the outstanding mariner people all over the world. As critics of he has had an affinity for the news and adventurer of the Viking era, a hero Russian expansionism, you have worked medium which has earned him a reputa­ of classic proportions. ·to convey the fact that the Ukraine is tion, among newspapermen, of being one The father of Leif Erikson was Eric not by rights a part of Russia, and should of the most approachable and coopera­ the Red, a man of furious temper and by rights stand free and independent. tive Members of Congress. great imagination. Banished succes­ As the friends of education, you have "OBIE," as he is affectionately known sively from Norway and Iceland for deeds spansored legislation drawing attention by us, his colleagues, w111 be sorely missed of violence, he deserted the known world to the captive nations of Eastern Europe October 7, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 25863 and to the need for extreme vigilance without getting a look at it, but amounted many employers simply cannot afford on the part of American foreign policy only to this, that those who heard for the to increase their pension plans, either. most part listened and judged it more a fable makers. than that there was anything in it, however Profits will not allow it. Your efforts in behalf of establishing small. Is such a change necessary? Did Con­ an American Freedom Academy are also gress, when increasing the coverage and highly commendable. A great need for The way in which Columbus set his benefits under social security, intend to such an institution is clearly in evidence. goals and reached them deserve recollec­ force employers to raise benefits under Confronted as we are by master prop­ tion as we near the date set for this ob­ private, voluntary pension funds? agandists, we well could take the time servance, and new understanding and Certainly not. to educate a large body of our citizens in praise for those men who brave the un­ Any changes made in the formula used the field of propaganda devices and tech­ known, whether it was 1,500 years ago or to determine if these pension plans are niques. in the difficult, complex world of outer fair to all employees of a company should The policy of Communist aggression, space today. only be made in new plans. Those plans or imperiocolonialism, is one of great already approved by the Treasury De­ magnitude and cannQt be halted without partment and set up by the companies a concerted effort on the part of all the should be left strictly alone. These com­ enemies of communism. Private Pension Programs panies should continue to be allowed As the friends of freedom you also are their tax deductions, regardless of any vitally concerned with the need for jus­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS changes in the social security law. tice and on that ground you fought and OF I urge my colleagues to study and won the battle for a change in our im­ watch closely the actions of the Treas­ migration laws, to the benefit of thou­ HON.
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