STUDIES ON THE FAUNA OF SURINAME AND OTHER GUYANAS: No. 4. The Blattidae of Surinam by C.F.A. Bruijning (Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden) In the fair of earliest papers on neotropical Blattidae a number from Surinam specimens were recorded (LINNAEUS, DE GEER ¹), DE SAUSSURE, BRUNNER). But in the period from the beginning of this century up to now only a few scattered reports of Blattidae from that region have appeared in the literature of the subject. The present article will be the first to deal exclusively with Surinam species. The material dealt with in this secured paper was mainly by DR. D. C. GEIJSKES between 1938and 1955. His extensive travels bothin the coastal area and far into the interior of Surinam enabled him to collect all over the country. A — large and important part of his material was collected in collaboration with Drs. P. CREUTZBERG —• during the "Suriname- Expeditie" (1948-1949), initiated by the "Foundation for Scientific Reseach in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles". Five regions in and coastal of the savannah area were explored: (/) a track 21 miles from Mungo Tapu (Moengotapoe) to the coast near the Wia Wia bank, in which numerous swamps had to be crossed; in (2) a coastal area Coronie; (3) a savannah near the Tibiti River and Zan- (tributary of the Coppename River); a savannah near derij II. The last journey (4) included the lower Marowijne River and the Nassau Mountains. In of Surinam is figure 1 a map given, showing localities and expedition routes where material studied in the present paper was collected. X ) DE GEER had a correspondent in Surinam named ROLANDER, from whom he received much material. SHELLFORD Ent. Soc. Lond. surmises {Trans. 1907, p. 457) that DE GEER lent some specimens in his collection to LINNAEUS for description. 2 Fig. 1. Map of Surinam, showing localities, and routes (1-4) of the “Suriname- Expeditie 1948-1949”. 3 TABLE 1 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION BLATTIDAE OF THE TREATED IN THIS PAPER. Guiana Guiana America Antilles Species Antilles Brazil French Surinam British Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peru Chile Bolivia Argentina Central Mexico U.S.A. Greater Lesser Trinidad Blaberus atropos .......... xx X x giganteus ..... xxxxx xxxx parabolicus ..... X X XXX X Eublaberus biolleyii XXXXXX X x posticus..... xxxxxxxx x x Leucophaea maderae xxxxxxxxxx ..... XXXXXX cosmop. surinamensis Pycnoscelus XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX ..... cosmop. Panchlora aurora..... X X bidentula ..... XXX X nivea ..... XXXX x X X cubensis xxxxx XX X X ..... fraterna ..... X x regalis X X Y-V Achroblatta luteola ',;. XXXXXXXXXX XX Schizopilia fissicollis ..... X Lauxoblatta emarginataI xxxx Zetoborella gemmicula X ..... Phortioeca nimbata ..... X X Latindia dohrniana x ..... XXXXXX XX Eulissosoma stygia ..... X Tairella carinatifrons ..... X Holocompsa nitidula .....XXXXXX XXXXXX Africa Oulopteryx dascilloides5 X Buboblatta geyskesi ..... X Sphecophila polybiarum ..... X Attaphyla aptera ..... X X Proscratea complanata XXX X ..... Galiblatta cribrosa. ..... X X Chorisoneura parishi. .....XXXXX X stylata ..... X fuscipennis ..... X X galibi..... X X pusilla ..... X X barticae..... XX X gatunae ..... XX X wayana X X elegantulaIn .....X X albonervosa\ X X inversa ..... X strigifrons..... X splendida..... X X surinama..... X X guianae. ..... XXX lata X X •'M* gracilis .....X X heydei ..... X Plecoptera pulicaria ..... X X Eurycotis blattoides ..... XXX Pelmatosilpha guianae ..... XXX lata ..... X Periplaneta americana xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ..... cosmop. australasiae .....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cosmop. brunnea ..... xx xxx x x cosmop. Nyctibora tomentosa ..... XXX X tenebrosa ..... xxx dichropoda ..... X Megaloblatta insignis ..... X Paratropes elegans. ..... xxxx phalerata ..... XXX X Pseudischnoptera lineata..... X Epilampra abdomen-nigrum ..... xxxx xxxxx 4 Guiana Guiana America Antilles Antilles Species Brazil French Surinam British Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peru Chile Bolivia Argentina Central Mexico U.S.A. Greater Lesser Trniidad Epilampra grisea ..... x x x x x guianae..... x x crossea .....xxx azteca. ..... xxx xx xx x opaca ..... xxx conspersa ..... xxx cinnamomea..... X taira ..... X X fusca ..... X X X X egregia ..... Hyporhicnoda maronensis ..... X X Leurolestes pallidus ..... XX xxx Notolampra X X punctata ..... Ceratinoptera picta ..... XX XX X x Dendroblatta callizona..... XX x insignis ..... X X cnephaia ..... X Eudromiella inexpectata ..... X X chopardi ..... X X maroni..... X Macrophyllodromia nigrigena ..... xxx Anisopygia decora! X Sciablatta galibi .....X X Sciablatta poecila ..... X X Cariblatta personata..... X X Amazonia X X X X X platystylata ..... X X X X X X conspersa ..... x Lophoblatta pellucida xxx ..... arawaka XXX : x brevis..... X X Neoblattella adspersicollis::::::::: X binodosa ..... X X poecilops ..... X X longior ..... X X unifascia ..... X guianae..... X X aristonice X Nahublattella ..... X Nahublatta incomptai X Imblattella litosoma.....xxx Trioblattella callosoma..... X x X X ‘Neoblattella’ titania..... X X nodipennis ..... X X Arawakina frontinalis ..... X X Leuropeltis atopa ..... X Ischnoptera galibi..... X X paramacca..... X X rehni..... xxx stygia...... xxx hercules..... X X rufa ..... xxxx xxxx rubiginosa.....X X Xestoblatta castanea..... X X nyctiboroides ..... X X surinamensis ..... X Cahita insignis X Euphyllodromia literataUtmM**.m .....xxxx pavonacea..... xxx marowijnensis ..... X variegata ..... xxx prona..... X fasciatella..... X X chopardi ..... XX X elegans ..... X atropos..... X X 5 Guiana Guiana America Antilles Antilles Species Brazil French Surinam British Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peru Chile Bolivia Argentina Central Mexico U.S.A. Greater Lesser Trinidad Chromatonotus notatus xxx xx ..... x Dasyblatta thaumasia I x Supella supellectilium .....xxxxxxxxxx xx xxx cosmop. Doradoblatta coppenamensis x ..... Pseudomops affinis X X X X ..... luctuosa xxx • brunneri XXX X ..... oblongata ..... xxx Riatia ? XX fulgida ..... orientis..... X distincta..... X X stylata ..... X X Anaplecta pulchella ..... xxx minutissima..... X X pygmaea X ..... maronensis X X ..... insignis xxx ..... X X subsignata ..... suffusa X X X X ..... pluto ..... X X poecila X X ..... guianae..... X Maraca fossata X .......... In addition to Dr. GEIJSKES' series — here comprising all those samples without indication of collector — a small number of Surinam specimens from the Leiden and Amsterdam museums have also been examined. The names of the other collectors are the author's abbreviated with Br. always mentioned, e.g. name No lists of for the synonyms are given cosmopolitan species. As be the material studied with was to expected, agrees closely the series reported by HEBARD (1921, 1926), from French and British Guiana. The discusses 335 78 present paper specimens, representing species, 6 of which are described as new (see table 1). The species previously reported from Surinam, French, and British Guiana, but not represented in this material, have been added in order to complete the list of species known from the Guianas. The new species described here are: Buboblatta geijskesi, Xesto- blatta surinamensis, Euphyllodromia marowijnensis, Doradoblatta coppenamensis, Anaplecta pygmaea and Anaplecta guianae. 6 I am much indebted to DR. GEIJSKES, who made his large series available for of Blattidae, including some new and rare species, study. BLABERINAE Blaberus Serville 1831 Blaberus Ann. Sci. Nat. 37. SERVILLE, 22, p. 1839 Blabera Hist. Nat. Ins., 94. SERVILLE, Orth., p. 1868 Libisoca WALKER, Cat. Blatt. Br. Mus., 12 p. 1868 16 Sisapona WALKER, ibid., p. 1868 Tarraga WALKER, ibid., p. 16 Genotype: Blaberus giganteus (L) The great variability in coloration of the Blaberus species has caused considerable since most of confusion, the descriptions of new species have been based on the coloration. The male genitalia present far more reliable characters, and are very in the of this HEBARD had important taxonomy genus. (1917, p. 201) already pointed to the fact, but PRINCIS (1946) was the first author to use these characters in the of BLABERUS. He systematically classifying species distinguishes two groups, viz. the giganteus group and the atropos group. In the first group the top of the is teeth of the uniform penis curved upwards and the preputium are quite (fig.3 ). In second the has and is not while the group penis (dorsally only) a ridge, curved, teeth of the the preputium greatly vary in form, those on the extreme left being stout and blunt at the and of chitinous which apex forming groups larger processes are rounded distad (PRINCIS, I.e. "Hocker") (fig. 2). The of of the is still synonymy some species a problem. Blaberus atropos (Stoll) Fig. 2 Blatta STOLL, 1813, Blatt., 4, 2d 8. atropos Repr. Spectr. p. pi. fig. Nouv. B(labera) fusca BRUNNER, 1865, Syst. Blatt., p. 376; BRUNER, 1906, Journ. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 142. 14, p. Blabera lalicollis WALKER, 1868, Cat. Blatt. Br. Mus., p. 5. Blabera Cat. Orth. atropos, KIRBY, 1904, Syn. 1, p. 164. Mem. Blaberus atropos, HEBARD, 1917, Am. Ent. Soc. 2, p. 201; HEBARD, 1929, Am. Soc. Trans. Ent. 55, p. 380; PRINCIS, 1946, Opusc. Ent. 11, p. 145, figs. 3, 9, 10; PRINCIS & PRINCIS, 1952, Lunds Univ. Arsskr. (N.F.) 48, p. 4; KEVAN, 1955. Opusc. Ent. 20, p. 159. 7 Type: no locality given by STOLL. Distribution: British Guiana; Chile; Trinidad. This species has often been confused with B. craniifer (Burmeister), a closely 1 related species. ) The pronotal pattern, the broad shape, and the coloration of the of the two much but the tegmina species are very alike,
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