Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-17-1999 Arbiter, March 17 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. The March 17, 1-999 Volume 12.lssue -24· First Copy Free Phenomenal forensics deliver a tour de force in Fargo 5 Cover: MASC celebrates 0 1; Hispanic heritage ~ c: and social change 8 14·15 Gymnastic seniors do the. split(s) 24 . ';.. ,'. 23rd.. ~. ' .. ,., ,-... - - . --;r- .....'J.~.~•"'\._,.' ::I:.' n~.' - .... tW'J·';·H.!' :;:)r -...:..:..'3P·-~~-:ESa:::. ;11r-"""';"f-'Zi ::::natbOlZ£ ttr\::nmnm: 4.Ez.~' '"-::m -- .-.. .'-'- '··..·1" 3 _ I.-- Marcb17,1999 contents The Arbiter Just when you thought it might get safe to eat at the SUB •....... .4 1910UniyersilyDnye News Boise,ldaho 83n5 Media moguls face mauling 5 blip}larbilerjdbsu.edu Are you a caring cartilage contributor? . '. -.6 Editor in Chief: KellyMillinglonTeal Thespian angles national appearance '. ~ 7 Classcreates instant Columbos .............•............. 7 Business Manager: BradArendt Daycare group disintegrates . 8 News Edilors:Jessi Lomh and' Wageinequality: the legislature's unfinished business 8 Stephanie Matlock Arts &Entertainment Edilor: Justin Endow What's Going On? Atheists do the sock hop? .... " ............•.......•.... 10 Sports Edilor: DougDana Photo Edilor: TroyKurtz Opinion Damon sez, "Don't dial a date." 10 Online Editor: Carne Nielson If you're tubby, chubby or pudgy, read the Diet Dude 11 Helen Chenoweth not withstanding, diversity lives in Idaho 12 Ad Manager: KenyMoody Adverlising Sales: DonCrowell,TobieLamke, Sean Murphy Cover Third Mexican-American Studies Conference combats ignorance Classifieds: KellyMoody .and racism 14·15 Ass'\. Business Manager: KristaHarkness And, in English or Spanish, 'sorry' doesn't cut it 16 Produc!ion Managerl AdDesign: JeremyWebster Arts Talk about your politically incorrect playsl ............•...... 18 Staff Wrtters: Trisba Bennett Justin Baldwin, 'Un poco de todo' takes over the airwaves .. .' ...............• 19 MichaelCole,Ginny Eggleston,Josh Jordan, Get to know moe. from head to toe ..•....•.•....•.••..••• 20 Doreen Martinet Sara Millon. Protective scrolls-better than a restraining order? .....••.•••.• 21 DavidStewart John Threet RebeccaJ.Turner, Just 'cuz she's sleeping doesn't mean she's dull .•.......•..... 22 StevenZabel' Photographers: Jim Allen.RafaelSaakyan Columnists: Ira AmYl,DamonHUnzeker, 'Biter of the Week . Christy Babcock translated the cover story into Spanish for LesleighOwen,AsencionRarnire~ DaleSlack us at the last minute.iMuchos, muchos gracias! Cartoonists: Ira Amyl,EricElli~Jeremy Lanningharn.DaleSlack Distribulion Supervisor: EnrtcFigueras Distribulion: CarmenFiguer~ CarlosCavia Letters policy: Letters should not exceed 300 words in length, should be typewritten and must include a phone number for Office Manager: Stefanie Wood ' verification. Guest forums are welcome. Contact the editor in chief prior to submitting commentaries. Edilortal Adviser: Peter Wollheim TheArbiter is the official stu- dent newspaper of Boise State Contact Us! University. Its mission is to pro- Pbone 208.345.8204 vide a forum for the discussion of Fax 208.426.3198 issues affecting students, faculty [email protected] , and staff. The Arbiter's budget [email protected] consists of fees paid by students [email protected] and advertising sales. The paper is distributed to the campus on • The Arbiler encourages reader response Wednesdays during the school n I I n Lellers tothe Editor year. The first copy is free. 1910Dniyerslttgnye Additional copies cost $1.00 Bo~e,ID Kfll5 each, 'payable at The Arbiter _/larbiter.idbsU .: arbiter@bsumaitidbslledu office. All articles written by ",tt·P . ·~C/<-i Arbiter staff are copyrighted by TheArbiter. ____ 4 newsbucket . March 11,1999 ---J via the Internet byApril15,1999.A Humanitarian Manuscripts by through the Amazonrainforest.t~is Thesetrips are open to anyone • ' summer. This offers an excltmg with an adventurousspirit. Allages new contest opens April16; 1999. Award recipients Boise State st~d.ents opportunityfor outdoor and natur~ are welcome. The price is $1869 The International Libraryof honored wanted for wntmg enthusiaststo visitan exotic locale, plus airfare from Miami. A group Poetry, founded in 1982, is the largest poetry organizationin the The' BSUWomen's Center is awards experience Amazoni.ancUI~~reand discount is available for six or . h learn rainforest ·eCologywithanmor~.norinforrnati9n,call 1·800· world. holding a ceremony in onor of. Entries are being accepted for 966·6539 or viSit'the' web. site: Brian Bergquist and Carolyn m~.arinUaiBoise StateUniv~rsity expe~a~~~~~:~~~'will fly from http://www.greentracks.com .. Delgadillo Bevington, recipients ofpre~ident'sWnting Awards. .The M.iamito lquitos, Peru, and' then Boise State will the Larry Selland Humanitariaricontes~is Open.'toa.U currentBoise ..,'. Award today at 3:30 p.m. i~the State Uniyersityst~~ents. travel upriverbyboat for a weekof'~9ld St. Patrick's Barnwell Room of' the Stu~nt ....·:categ(m~are;J~eshmen only, ,~i~~i:t~~~ ~~~~r~~ ~~u~e~~v~:~. Free poetry.cg,ntest'\[)ay sock hop for UnionBuilding. "personalie~~itory,~ti<:al,tech. operlto iarc:!Cl ',Foodbank . Brian Bergquist, formernicatand~~cial~opif/Spanish.··· ..-:....•· "lowerAInazon,~larg~sfrainfor' " residents Assistant Director of the Student, Manusi:riptsshouldruriJ,OOO:est intheworld. Severalstops a day .. '... ...•" .:.. Wear your funky socks and Union Building,will be honored in'Z;qoo words in length, typed dcu- are plannedto view wildlife, take The International Library of bring canned food to the St. celebration of his accomplishments ble';spaced and submitted in an photographs and visit native vil- Poetry has announced that $48,000 Patrick's DaySock Hop,from7·10 in the field of human rights. His eQv~lopewith the author's name, 'lages. Opportunities abound for' in prizeswlll be awarded this year p.m., Wed., March17, inthe Boise , leadership style invoked action, ad~r~ss, phone mmber, student observi'ng birds, freshwater dol· in the NorthAmericanOpenPoetry State University Student Union respect and an appredationof all num~r and contest category. The phins, monkeys,frogs and spectac- Contest. Poetsfromthe Boisearea, Hatch Ballroom. points of view. The award is given authqGsname shouldnot appear on ular plants. Hikes into the sur- p~rticlJlarlY'beginners,<are wel- The event will feature music posthumouslyin hismemory. the:rTI~nuscript. Manuscripts will rounding forest, by both day and come to try to win their share of of the '50s and '60s, a funkysock. Carolyn Delgadillo Bevington, not be returned. night,'will reveal some of the hu~· ·····250prizes. contest and a canned fooddrive, a senior majoring in Social Work,:~,deadline for submissionsis dreds of fascinating speci~s. "Anypoet, whether previously which will benefit the Community has dedicated extensive volunteer~p:'mt1'l)~rsday, April15. Expeditions are led by arrexpert publishedor not, can bea winner," WarehouseFoodbank. hours for women's reproductive .......•.•.•.........' A\.l....i..·......·.·.Q....1uiries.·.·.o and manuscripts tropical biologistor naturali~tfrom says HowardEly,contest director. TIckets cost $3 for students, rights, better health coverage forSf'lOuld.~·'~ddressed to MichelleW. the United States.withthe assis- "Poets from the Boiseiarea have faculty and staff, $4for the gener· Idaho's children and equity fOP"peg~,English department, Boise tance of severallOcaCgoldes. successfullycompetedin past com- al public, and childrenunder12 Idaho's citizens 'regardless of race, 'StateUniversity,83n5. f9f.lJlore "T'hethree-level, 14·passenger, petitions." Every poem entered free. Bringthree can~01 1000 and ethnicity, gender preference, reli- informatlon;.COl)~ctDegaa~,426~.Delfinriverboat is rustic yet com- also hasa chanceto be publishedin get $1 off the ticketprice. gionor politics. 1774. .'., , '.",'fortable, The upper deck provides a deluxe, hardboundanthology. The event is sponsoredbythe The Larry Selland}? an excellent platformfor observing To enter, send one original Association of Non·Traditional ~~~an:~art:::a~~':5~:~t~;~ExPIJlithe Amazon ~~~:b~;r~::~n~ld;:.:l~: ::n;:~nin~~;~Q:~dl~~a~~~;Stu~~~~:).information,call :~m~~ri~gB~~t;~Oo~~~:xl:~t~~ rainfq~~.st this ~;ni~;s~r::iSa~a~ f~~~~~:~ad:Ca~: 6~~~~~:~~:i~A~~~~~:~z:~ . ~~~r~~~:a~~;~_;~9~~6.3744 or selland, a tireless advocate for summ;~f' The menu offers a combinationof www.poetry.com.Thepoemshould>·Y<> women and minorities and an early GreenTracksis lookingfor indio familiarand regionaldishesfeatur· be no mor~than 20 lines, and the) ,.,." supporter of the Women'sCenter. viduals with an interestjllwildlife, ing native fruits, vegetables, poet's name and address.5hould .• For information, call the BSU adventure,' and ecotravel to join juices, fish and poultryserved buf'appear on the top ofthepage. Women'sCenter at 426·4259. one of several riverboatexpeditions fet style. Entriesmust be pOstmarkedor sent Sorry, Marriott-Fine Host is here to stay Kelly Millington Teal ager for Fine Host at College of
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