Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial. 4 From the Archives . 8 Criterion Question Corner . 21 TheCriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 21 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org November 3, 2000 Vol. XXXX, No. 5 50¢ Archbishop Buechlein confirms federal Death Row inmates process that he waived earlier this year. his associations with Catholics who have David Paul Hammer, who asked to be Sister Rita Clare said Hammer decided ministered to him in prison and helped to seek clemency as well as appeal his him with his faith journey. He met executed, now says he wants to live death sentence because “he feels that if his Archbishop Buechlein at the penitentiary execution takes place, it will open the in early July during a pastoral visit By Mary Ann Wyand Providence Sister Rita Clare Gerardot, floodgate for many other federal execu- arranged for the Church’s Jubilee Day for Hammer’s spiritual advisor for the past tions.” Prisoners. Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein con- nine months. She said he waived his appeal process As Hammer’s spiritual advisor, Sister firmed federal Death Row inmate David Hammer, a 42-year-old convicted mur- earlier this year because he “didn’t think Rita Clare helped teach him about the Paul Hammer and another Death Row derer from Oklahoma, is scheduled to be that he could continue to live his life in sacraments to prepare him for his recep- inmate as members of the Catholic Church executed by lethal injection on Nov. 15 at prison.” tion into the Church and his first during a eucharistic liturgy on Oct. 27 at the penitentiary. If the execution proceeds If his appeal or request for clemency is Communion. the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute. as scheduled, he will be the first federal granted, she said, “I think it will still be a “The Mass was just beautiful, very cel- The archbishop made the private pas- prisoner executed in 37 years. struggle,” but that his faith will help him. ebratory,” Sister Rita Clare said. “Father toral visit in response to the inmates’ In October, Hammer requested Hammer was baptized in a Baptist [Francis] Roof [the Catholic chaplain at requests and with the permission of fed- clemency from President Clinton and also church, Sister Rita Clare said, and chose the penitentiary] arranged the liturgy for eral prison officials, according to asked his attorney to reinstate the appeals to join the Catholic Church as a result of See CONFIRM, page 3 Growing Hispanic population is changing Survey finds focus of Halloween in archdiocese that religious By Jennifer Del Vechio freedom is All that’s needed is a picture of a beloved deceased person, his or her deteriorating favorite food and a candle to light in prayer. Then get ready to sing, dance, laugh in the world and maybe even cry. “It’s a party of faith,” said Ricardo WASHINGTON (CNS)—A major new Inmán, pastoral associate at St. Mary survey finds that religious freedom is Parish in Indianapolis. deteriorating rapidly in much of the Inmán realizes the Mexican tradition, world. formally known as El Día de los The survey covers 75 countries with Muertos or “Day of the Dead,” is per- nearly 90 percent of the world’s people. It plexing and strange to many people. found that, at the turn of the millennium, But it celebrates the Catholic holy only 25 percent live under conditions of days of All Saints and All Souls on broad religious freedom, while 39 percent Nov. 1 and 2. live under partly free conditions and 36 The difference is that the celebration percent in circumstances where religious does it with a Mexican flair that has its freedoms are fundamentally violated. roots in 2,000-year-old Mexican-Indian In comparative rankings, Estonia, traditions. Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway For Father Michael O’Mara, pastor at and the United States fared best with a St. Mary Parish, and area Catholic 1 rating. schoolteachers, the Mexican holiday is At the other extreme, with the worst playing a pivotal role in shifting the rating of 7, were Turkmenistan, Iran, focus from Halloween’s ghouls and gob- Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Burma, North Korea lins and fear of the dead, to teaching and Tibet (China). about the Church’s communion of saints The 340-page study—“Religious and how the dead can help us. Freedom in the World: A Global Report “They aren’t dead in the popular on Freedom and Persecution”—was sense, but are very much alive in the reli- released Oct. 26 by Freedom House’s gious sense,” said Father O’Mara. Center for Religious Freedom in “That’s what we want to talk about.” Washington. The Church instituted All Saints Day See FREEDOM, page 25 to honor all saints known and unknown. Halloween falls the day before because Pope Gregory III moved the Feast of All Saints to Nov. 1. The eve of the feast was known as “All Hallow’s Eve,” and a fast was required. Many recipes and tra- ditions were created for this evening, because of the former “fast before the feast.” In England, families gathered around the fireplace to enjoy cider, nuts and apples. Across Europe, recipes for Vechio Del Jennifer Photos by pancakes, breads and fruitcakes were This is an example of how altars are made and decorated to celebrate the Mexican holiday, El Día made and passed down through the gen- de los Muertos or “Day of the Dead.”The celebration parallels All Saints Day and All Souls Day and erations. Dressing up for Halloween is how the Mexican culture celebrates the feast days. started in France in the 14th century. In 998, St. Odilo, the abbot of a help those who have suffered a recent loss, will find three side altars decorated with monastery in Cluny, France, added a cel- said Father O’Mara. candles, fruits and flowers. ebration on Nov. 2 to pray for all the “It reminds us that the dead are still The altar nearest the front has been souls of the faithful departed. with us,” and shows that “every culture has reserved for parishioners to bring pic- The two days show the union of all its own name for the same [Catholic] tures of their deceased loved ones. More the faithful on earth, the saints in heaven feast,” he said. than 100 white candles sit around the and the poor souls in purgatory. At St. Mary, Inmán is doing his best to altar, each symbolizing the name of a The Mexican celebration ties all that recreate the Mexican celebration. dead person. On top of the altar is a large together with extra festivities. It also can As visitors walk inside the church, they See HALLOWEEN, page 3 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, November 3, 2000 St. Vincent de Paul Society helped nearly 28,000 in past year By Mary Ann Wyand conference president. There are many Father John Buckel, an unfilled positions at all levels of the orga- author and Saint Meinrad PLAINFIELD—St. Vincent de Paul nization. Please pray that Vincentians will School of Theology Society members from the Indianapolis ‘step out of their comfort zone’ and con- faculty member, was the Council gathered at the Primo Banquet sider a leadership position. It can be a keynote speaker for the Hall in Plainfield on Oct. 22 to celebrate very rewarding experience, particularly St. Vincent de Paul the past year of Christian service and to for those that understand and follow the Society’s annual meeting plan continuing assistance to the poor in attributes of a servant leader.” and also celebrated a the new millennium. Father John Buckel, an author and Saint eucharistic liturgy with Council president Donald Striegel, a Meinrad School of Theology faculty mem- the Vincentians. During member of St. Jude Parish in Indianapolis, ber, was the keynote speaker for the soci- his homily, Father Buckel presented the society’s annual report to ety’s annual meeting and also celebrated a explained that “the council members. eucharistic liturgy with the Vincentians. [eucharistic] cup signals The Indianapolis council served 27,827 During his homily, Father Buckel the sacrifice which is people in need from Oct. 1, 1999, until explained that “the [eucharistic] cup sig- necessary to do Sept. 30 of this year. nals the sacrifice which is necessary to do God’s will.” During the annual meeting, the group God’s will.” also honored Indianapolis Vincentians The account of Jesus at prayer at Ray Benjamin of Holy Spirit Parish, Bill Gethsemane is one of the most important Quigley of Christ the King Parish, Al parts of the New Testament, he said. Hohmann and Bob Landwerlen of “Jesus prayed, ‘Lord, take this cup away St. Roch Parish, Pat Jerrell of St. Jude from me.’ Jesus was fully God and fully Parish and Wilma Ruwe of St. Luke human, and his humanity comes out very Parish for distinguished service to the clearly here. We can all identify with society and to the poor. Jesus. So often, there are aspects of life, In his column in the society’s things in which we have to engage, suf- Wyand MaryPhoto by Ann September newsletter, Striegel noted that, fering we must embrace at times, and “The concept of servant leadership is the Jesus speaks for us all when he prays, The eucharistic cup “has a lot of sig- The Gospel of Mark “talks a lot about key to the success and works of the “Father, take this cup away from me.’ nificance,” he said. “It was referred to discipleship,” he said. “The mark of a St.
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