TechniCian Volume Llll, Number 22 Friday, October 20, 1972 Committee selections tlack Senate approval; _ positions slow to fill by Marty Pate The cause of the delay remains in the mutual benefit of the schools. News Editor doubt. Bill Weston, assistant dean of The main problem seems to lie After one and a half months, no student development said, “I don’t with SAAC. Twenty of the 27 student members on University know whether it’s Don Abernathy’s appointments open were pledged by committees have been officially efforts or lack of student interest. It Abernathy to SAAC, which has yet to approved, and official approval will really seems that students aren’t submit its committee appointments. not come for at least two weeks. All interested enough.” However, Abernathy and Rick committee appointments must be Weston further stated the Univer- Shields, SAAC president, conferred approved by the Student Senate. sity was considering implementing a Thursday and Shields agreed to sub- which does not meet again until plan which would alleviate the prob- mit the appointments by Tuesday. November 1. lem by having committee appoint- In a letter to Chancellor John T. ments due the preceding spring. “Statement of Policy” Caldwell, Student. Senate President Abernathy also indicated that The problem concerning the com- Jami Cauble said, “The Student interested students were difficult to mittee appointments approval still Senate does not see any student on a locate, but he said, “I haven’t stayed persists. Cauble did not elaborate on university committee as being official. up all night trying to fill the commit- a what action the Student Senate may o ‘f2%. When these students do come before tees.” take, but he said further in the letter, the Student Senate they will be exam- “Please do not take this letter as a ined closely and will not necessarily Paul Magnabosco, lRC president, North Carolina Senator and University Trustee Ralph Scott be approved.” did not believe student apathy is to threat of power for it is intended to blame. “There are 125 positions, and I be only a statement of policy dictated participatedin 'a discussion with students Tuesday night in Metealf Delay in Approval know enough interested students to by our constitution.” Dormitory. Senator Scott discussed the Fall elections and the The delay in approval results from fill committees. But Abernathy has University administration. (photo by Price) a delay in filling committee vacancies. done a good job, because he has Student committee appointments are spread the authority among the stu- F r thletic directors handled by the Student Body Presi- dents by allowing lRC, lFC, and dent, and as of Thursday, 27 com- SAAC (Society of Afro-American mittee seats on 16 committees remain- Culture) to make appointments, plus open. he’s been busy with other things.” ed Those “other things,” according to However, according to Don Magnabosco, concerns an effort to IR C rescinds pay cut Abernathy, student body president; coordinate all student government those vacancies should be filled'by activities in the 16 state supported October 24. institutions of higher education for lRC voted Tuesday night to job with the understanding they the salaries would come from the PE reinstate athletic director’s pay at $25 would be paid the $25. Department. The commission is per month temporarily, after reducing To study the problem Magnabosco expected to reach some recommen- the salaries to $10 per month, two has established an Intramural Com- dations within the next few weeks. weeks ago. The reinstatement is mission to review the program and However, funding of the salaries by effective only for the fall semester, determine whether and how much to the University, specifically the PE and continuation of the salary pay the directors. The committee will Department , will not become effec- depends upon- recommendations of an also explore other avenues for funding tive until next year. Jack Shannon, Intramural Commission composed of the directors. ' director of intramural athletics. said lRC representatives. Magnabosco also said the commit- the Department would be unable to tee had formulated‘ no recommeno fund the salaries this year due to Original Action dations, but he hoped the money for budget restrictions. The orginal action to reduce the salaries resulted from an [RC decision to fund activities geared to dorm Oberlin Road project improvements. At that time lRC Presi- ' dent Paul Magnabosco stated, “lRC is getting increasing demands from the plans blocked by SHC dorms to provide material things such as televisions, brick grills and things of by Kathie Easter Street to Western Boulevard). Robert that nature. We just don’t have the Staff Writer Finch. speaking for Arther Cooper. money to pay the athletic directors assistant administrator for the Plans by the State Highway resources department told the council and provide for dorm needs. too." Commission to widen Oberlin Road lRC decided to rescind the pay that the statement was “illegal were blocked last Friday by the State piecemealing." reduction after the directors com— Council on Policies and Goals. plained to their House councils. The The council said that an Environmental Impact Terry McGovern, Senator George S. McGovern’s daughter, met with directors said they were depending on environmental impact statement on Student Senate President Jami Cauble at the State Fair during a the money and needed time to find the project failed to consider the Turner said, “A complex project McGovern-Shriver rally yesterdayfplzoto by Caram) extra income. plus they entered the effects of the entire plan on the made up of several actions which have community. The council relatively insignificant individual recommended that Governor Bob impact. may have significant Scott order the commission to prepare cumulative effects and would ‘GrasSmots’ campaign in Raleigh a complete environmental statement therefore require environmental or abandon the project. Scott said impact statements.“ Finch stated. polls. But when they vote, their tions about the campaign. “The connission statement completely The ”Grassroots Grasshopper“ Friday that he would follow the ignored the other (Hillsborough and hopped into Raleigh yesterday to consciences will take over, and my Hodding Carter, Mississippi jour- council‘s recommendations. Western Blvd.) portion. There are a campaign on the behalf of Senator father will win.” nalist and nominating speaker at the The council‘s purpose is to mocratic National number of laws which make such George McGovern, Democratic Another prominent McGovern Convention for recommend action when a dispute specific piecemealing illegal." nominee for President, and was met supporter to address the crowd was T rry Sanford,was questioned about arises between two state agencies. ‘ln by a warm crowd and biting wind- Sissy Farenthold, Texas legislator. She McGovern's chances in the deep this case. the dispute is between the The project would displace several driven rains when it arrived at the was queried about the situation in South. “McGovern can't overcome the Deep Highway Commission and the Dept. black families and Would destroy the State Fair. Texas and said that Senator McGovern South syndrome. but the South of Natural and Economic Resources nationally-known Henderson Gardens. of the group, Terry was gaining ground in that State. and needs George McGovern. The South is The key figure moving away from the who'have raised legal questions about The Highway Commission stated that McGovern, addressed the crowd and had more support than realized. She old racial the project. "displaced residents would be given also took a stab at former Treasury concepts, and Nixon is preying upon told them, “My father hasn‘t written the negative ample time to secure new housing and off the south, its not a vaccum like Secretary John Connally. head of instincts of the South. Project to Widen would be given a fair market price for recieved Democrats for NiXon. Farenthold and I think George McGovern will give everyone supposes. We have the South, time to develop the positive The project proposes to widen their property." They also agreed to warm welcomes where we were told termed Connally as not a Democrat instincts. said Carter. Oberlin Road from two to five lanes "negotiate a settlement for preserving to expect the cold shoulder.“ for Nixon, but “a Republican for After the tour the group left the and to reroute it from Park Drive the gardens insofar as is practical." When questioned about the enor- Johnson.” fair and headed to Chapel Hill. From south to Hillsborough through Pullen "This is a vital link in: the mous gap between the two candidates The group then briefly toured the Chapel Hill. the group plans to tour Park to Western Boulevard. The transportation of the city.“ City she responded. "Well, I think most fair and viewed various exhibits. South Carolina. Georgia. Alabama. environmental statement submitted to Manager Willaiiii H. Carper said. “lfit people psychologically want to side During the tour, the group mingled Mississippi. and Louisiana. the council did not include the latter has to be delayed. it has to be with what looks to be a winner in the with the crowd and answered ques- —-Marty Pate; part of the project. (Hillsborough delayed,” Abernathyshowing lack of concern The first Student Senate meeting was gone these committees have found consisting of the heads of all student their responsibilities to the State held over a month ago. Since that time, themselves severely hampered by organizations. Abemat-hy has yet to be students. Though the Technician was there have been three other sessions. Abernathy’s actions, or lack of action. heard from on these two campaign critical of both at times, it was always While it is not required,Student Body There is no excuse for these lapses on proposals. Once again, Abernathy seems clear that these two did display the President Donald Abernathy has attended Abernathy’s part.
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