THE OMAHA "DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 19, 1803-TWENTY PAGES. - Mrs. A. Hominpton , Mr. nnd Mrs. II, McCor- t.ilnlng , ns was ovlncctf on this occason. a complimentary dinner at Manror'a now P. Pock, MlM JesMo SOCIETY IN WAR Mlllnrd. Miss Koslo for their work , but Mian A ml rows went right 7:30: p. m. Younp as- ¬ PAINT tnlck , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Learned , MUs- Progressive high five fea- ¬ , wrre at the Men's ChrUtlftn wai the principal restaurant which qulto nn olnborMo Woolworth of Albany , Mls Mfcliora Wool-- aho.in COO Hughes. , , , with the result that about of sociation hall , nnd nil the friends Miss Nnsh Miss Webster Miss ture of the evening , Mr. O. Sehlorstcin being affair Those present , besides Mr , Gamble , worth. of the Omaha's servants arc Interested In the sub-¬ work nro naked como Hcsslo Yfitcs. Miss Oontio Yntes , Miss nwariled the lirst gentleman's prize nnd Miss were : Messrs. H. A Taylor , M. , to and bring either ono J. Oonradt The decorations were lovely and quite ject to nn con- ¬ Wnkeloy. Miss Cady , Miss Col- - E. such oxtcnt that they nro or moro books , old or now , or 10 cents to Mlsi Hums. Hattie Wright the first lady's honor , whtlo- D. CXible , Gamble and F. W- . elaborate , roses dis- ¬ potzer. Mitts and smllnx beltur well stantly In attendance upon thoovonlnt ? class. swell the library fund. Functions that Have Illumined the Social Woolworth , Miss S. Woolworth , Mrs. T. C. WIdlok nnd Mr. James W. Honk .Hlehardi. Ij. 09- played throughout rooms. The dining , the But the attendance is not confined to girls The musical program will bo nsv follows ! Miss Curtlss Miss Dandy. Miss Chandler , received the consolation prizes , all of which room table was exquisite green nnd by Page the Past Week , Miss C. Miss Miss- In Honor ftr lmi llojmun.- . in any moans. A number of the wealthiest I'lanosolu , Miss Nnonil Allen narnard. Ida Sharp. were Very unique. white , the refreshments being In keeping women In , Mls , T. A pleasant iwijjf Omaha nnd leaden of the swell sot Tenor solo Aiwrcr llobjn Smith Taft Miss llalch. Miss During the evening an elegant luncheon 'ijas given Thutsday with the entertainment , which brought out nro found Mr. 1'rt-il Able. Hatch , Miss Doano , Miss Knlppcnbcrtr , Miss was , making notes nnd showing n served consisting of delicious cakes , evening in .honor 'of Atlss Ada Heyman hundreds of the swell set. genuine Interest in 1'lnimsolo . .Mrn. t'lmrlos 1'. IJeynolda Jones of St. Louis. Mr. .Ionian , Mr. George , fruits , nuts , , etc. the work. Miss Andrews Vocal MRS , CARTER'S SWELL DANCING PARTY candles After the untcrtainmcnt n ileliclous supper Miss Lane gave a very pleasant parly will shortly begin n course solo Von Itobyn Mr. Hcdlck , Mr. Chat Ucdlck , Mr. Coles , Among those present wore : Mrs. L. M- . card of lectures in Mri , Tliontn * IJoirors , was served , tlio tabto being decorated with at her sister's , 10.11 Thirty-third Council Bluffs , , Mr. McOnguo , Mr. Daxtcr , Mr. Heed , Mr- . .Bouk , Mrs. M. E. Wright. Mrs. T. C.Wldlck , South Duet piano and violoncello Uomanco.l'oppcr street , Friday ovehln . Anionp pres- ¬ , .Crofoot , Mr. Cook. Mr. Mucllcn , Mr. Brown , Miss llnttto Wricht nnd Miss MltmloSchlcr- La Franco roses , plujc and.white ribbons. ? those Mr..Inlin llrown nnd Ml i Hlullix Drown ! ent were : Mr. nnd Holdrego. JiOIXUS . .11'K- Voc-al , Hush Tlii-o , My . JBetiftlnctonn nnil Ton * MitUo tlio iHsjr * Tni Mr. Gannett , Mr. Sntmdcrs , Mr , Ilaldrldgo , stein ; Mrs. C. L. Wright , Mrs. O. Schlera- - The guests were -.Misses May Hill , Sadto Mrs. Miss solo-O llnby. Pcno > Kunlttll , Miss , , Plnnosoln Mrs. I'. Koynolrtt Mr. , Mr.- . AV- Hill , lx Uio Yates , M. Ji'atcs. Tnft Mrs. Freeman Mra. G. t'lmrlos Merrily MnrrlnROg tlmt llntn Occurred Gnrncau Mr. How. Mti Guiou. tom. Mr. O. B. Lasbury , Mr. .lames . .Innntto Oardl. W. Tenor solo Tun ( of Sleep Dol.ava ICoiintzo , ) nor , ICato OolTe , Alinnlo Megenth , Mrs. Van Blascom , Mr. nnd IntrrrMlnc Happening * In nnil Around the lardon tli- Mr. Pease , Mr. Marsh nnd Mr. I . .Bouk , Mr. II. M. Smith.- . Gertie Knlseiy Mr. Krcd Able. nnil to Occur Clint of Wheeler. Hart, Delia ICalserV Minnie Porcoy , Annlo Mrs. Reynolds , Mr. nnd MM. J. P. Mcgcath Mlilwnr City.- . _ Two hundred members nro now on the Sninrt World. MM.. * Muppnr Dnnro. Damon , Messrs. 1L , and others , Kc.ut.VF.r, Neb. , Nov. 18. [ TUP- Mitrrloil Into nn Old IViiiinylrntilii Vnmlly. Itocil' Heyman Ambrose Special to list nnd the doterniinalloh Is to make it WO Thursday evening Airs. Lewis Heed enter- ¬ Ellington , George ISllon , W. Edghlll , P. Mrs , Mary E. Munro. of the elocution de- ¬ .Bni.J: Hon. A. G. Scott , ox-World's fair by January 1,1S 3. The most brilliant wedding that Carlisle Nowcomb , A. llathawrty , .loo Hyncs. partment of tained quite n nuniDorof well known society Frank the Omaha Conservatory of commissioner for Nebraska , has been ap- ¬ Ono llfo member at $& has been promised has seen for years was that of Miss Llhi- Harrison , George Staffonl , Will I'arson , Ben Music will give a dramatic recital the as soon Society lins donned Its war paint and the people at supper , being ono of nt pointed ¬ as another can bo secured. Who - the function 1103ford , tCd Hargcsho'lmcr. conservatory , I50S commissioner from this state ns rep- McClellnn Dosler of Carlisle nnd Mr. Ed- hall Dodge street , next will help the In way ? annual Rtiost dnnco has commenced with the plcasantcst of the week. Small tables Tuesday will resentative to the Antwerp cxpositlon.wlnch- association this inotui Thomm , Neb. , ox'cnlnir. She bo assisted by The physical culture proves very ) Hooker of Omaha at i > f Society.- . class considerable vlRor , judging from a loolt at were placed In the library and hall , whllo- Glint Miss lionise , , Is to bo held In fi No- ¬ ¬ Hollorf vocalist nnd Misses Belgium from May to taking every Friday evening. the Second Presbyterian church lust even- Mr.. ¬ columns. Kensingtons , box parties , tlio largo dining room was nlso G. W. Alcgcath has gone to old Vir- Mabel Sownrd , Emma Jones and Cornelia 12. 1811.) Tlio Is these ¬ table in the vember noonday rest crowded dally. ing , says the Carlisle (Pa. ) Evening Senti- n ginia for a quiet rest.- . D.ivis. pianists. teas , simpers and dunces have fill oil thn surrounded by jolly lot of men nnd women. The members of the Union Veteran Legion All the committees are busy at work and nel of Thursday , November I''. The front of The tiblo: decorations were in pink , nnd the Mrs. 13. Morsman entertained a number of Friday afternoon Mrs. B. Hnwloy , the grows.- . hearts of the younger set with pleasure , and J. Miss gnvo n banquet at Armory hall Wednesday Interest the church wai tastefully decorated with menu was well considered nnd well served.- . friends last evening at car.ls.- . Hattlo Hnwloy and Miss Clara Hawley gave A Thanksgiving supper is n coming ovont.- . already you hear Inquiries of "What la next evening to two palms ¬ D.inpliig followed after the supper. Mr.. Mrs. a reception in honor of M. , the Grand Army posts , the on the carpet for our amusement ! " and white nnd yellow chrysanthe- and JV. Cotton have removed Mrs. J. Patterson mums , forming The guests wore : Mr. nnd Mrs. Will to L'lHj stroot.- . the tlay being perfect mid ono Woman's Hcllof corps , Sons nnd Daugh- ¬ Clly'n llenltb.- . The wneK, however, has brought n serious nn effective background for North Nineteenth the function the Morris , Mr. nnd Mrs. Chuso. General nnd- of the most charming - ters of Veterans nnd company A , Dr.. S. It. , condition to minds young women , the bridal party. Tno bridal party entered Mrs. W. N. Babeook will entertain the of the vrcoki Assist- Second Towno Inspector of contagious the of the Airs. Dandy , Mr. Mrs. Wurrcn , Inq the regiment , , ¬ in the following order : Mr. Herman E. and Holers Bon Ami club hostess and hnr daughters throueh- Nebraska National guards There particularly the debutantes ; there Is n woe- - Monday evening. diseases of the Board of Health , reports Hosier , a thq , R- . Mrs. Dcerinp, Miss Dcoring, Miss M. Wool- Out the rooms were Miss Kathcrino , were over 400 present , many of whom entuo of dancing men among smart brother of bride and James Miss Colpetzer n, Barker less epidemic ful lack the - worth , Miss Woolworth , Miss Doano , entertained few friends the Misses from Gibbon that there is of racing in the , .Strawbrldgo of Plttsburg. Mr. Josopli Hoi- Suslo Wallace , Miss Bessie Yates. and other places for miles sot and before the Lcntcr season diiwnt the , informally Thursday afternoon. city nt this tlmo than there was one year , , , , , MlstSadlo Hiunbleton Miss Dandy , Miss around- . cry draw- ¬ ler Jr. and Mr. Edward M. Hlddlo Jr. both The Misses Johnson entertained In n very nu'O. During Macedonian will echo through the Webster , Miss , Miss , Misses Colpetzer and Cady go to Cleveland .Jcsso was this month fifteen cases of n. of Carlisle ; Miss Mackny of Evansvllle , Hums Summers Miss pleasant way homo , 14'JO! Karn arrested Thursday for ing rouins ot swells , "Oh , for dozen . at their Pierce scarlet favor have been reported , ns the Tnd. , : Nash , Miss Knlppcnbcrg , Miss Wilson. Miss Wednesday on a visit to Miss P.ilmer.- , stealing li.OOO pounds of against , , mid Miss Lillian Graham of Carlisle street Tuoaday evening. The Riieat- barbed wire from the eligible men good dancers preferred but McKunna , , , twenty-eight cases ono year ago , six cases of Miss Miss Yutcs Miss Bessie Yntcs Atlss Hena Koss , who has been guest : ¬ Wood Utver Improvement company two In Friday Mary Hosier and Miss Fieota Hosier of the swcis Misses Buttcrlleld , Gortlo Gib- over diphtheria , men any ovcntl" At the fort Miss , , r go.
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