-i; " f -I, . ‘ ^ T'' ■ otateCottti*^ ‘V' . "i r it r«2ft Ctrculatloii Statement A tm g e dallf clrcnlatloil of THB \a..pv . 7/ S V E m o HEBALD for 3 ,2 0 5 month of MARCH \ f Try THB i^BRAIiP’S WANT COL- ' EatabllBhed a» a-Weekly 1881. UMNS. Cost one cent per word for Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888. * ^ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30,1919 first insertion, half dent thereafter. YO L. XXXVDl NO. 179 Established as a Daily 1914. 'SOLDIERS’ CRIMES PUT HOP ACROSS OCEAN ^ UP TO THE EX-KAISER n w i & f London, April 80.— Tlie for­ mer Kaiser of Germany will be MAY'STARl TODAY placed on trial not as the au­ IN m i OFFICE thor of war crimes, but as the instif^ator of them, the Even­ ing Standard understands. All St.-Johns, N. F., April 30.— In all the last to arrive here, announced the crimes committed by the probai)lllty tho start of the trans- just before noon that he will make (Siy;0al to The EvcnltiR Herald.) German soldiers during the Atlantic flight will be made from tfie start at 3 p. m. Harry Hawker, war will bo attributed to the pilot of the Sopwith bl-plane, said he New York, April 80.— It was an- here this afternoon. one time Emperor, this payver Captain Raynham piloting the would follow Raynham about an nc^nficed today that' seventeen bombs believes. ^ Martlnsyde Aeroplane, which was hour later. IdMMOd to the most prominent men PRESmBNT WIL80N HAS Report That Japan is to Demolish Forts and Allow Chnese" the nation, were this afternoon SAID HIS LAST WORD. i>nnd in the post office. Paris, April 80.— ^Pmosldent Wilson has said his last word to Control Peninsula— Japanese Delepatesi Firm in Their TENNESSEE IS LAUNCHED; EUROPE FEARS BLOODY In the Italian controversy. This Is the conclusion reached here Demands and Refuse to Back Down—Conediator; Action today, following the publica­ I M R I P H BIGGEST FIGHTING SHIP tion Last night of the Presi­ 5 COUNTRIES T dent’s statement to the Italian by U. S. Refiered a Serious Situation, It is ThoughL delegation on April 14, in Takes the Water at Brooklyn Navy which ha insisted that Flume W ’OlMliE IS RECEIVED Yard Today—05,000 Spectators should be Internationalized. Present. However, it is conceded that Paris, April 30.—The Japanese will retain their rights in the Organized Labor in Italy, Ger­ imv SDumv rack the President’s statement Shantung peninsula. That is the only result that can be seen New York, April 30.— The battle means ^ great dtel in the hsirtment Recorded Trem­ ship Tennessee, the world’s largest many, Belgium, Austria spirit of compromise and It is from the conferences on the Chino-Japanese dispute over Kiao fighting ship, w'as sifccessfully OF FREMER ORUNDO hoped that the Italian govern­ Chau. ' ''14 launched at the Brooklyn Navy Yard ment and people will so regard It is understood that a decision has been reached to insert a blings o f Unusual Inten- at 9.45 a. m. today. and Hungary to Stage it. The. giant super-dreadnaught left clause in the treaty for renunciation of Germany's rights in the the ways as gracefully as a swan, Shantung peninsula and that they revert to Japan. % Early Today. ga!ined momentum as she glideo Demonstrations. Chamber o f Depaties Regis­ f ; downward and dipped into the Easr (Germany had a 99 year lease on Kiao Chau, which lies on. the River with a treihendous splash to GERMilNn.DELEIijlTION apex of the Shantung Penihsula.) the rearing of hundreds of whistles ter Special Vole o f Con- from harbor craft and the cheers ol Paris, April 30.— The gravest ap­ IS 4,000 MILES AWAY 65,000 spectators. ^ prehensions are felt throughout Eu­ To DemoUsn Ports. Miss Helen Leonore Roberts, pret­ rope today regarding the possibility fidei!'’e in Him. ARRIVES IN VERSAUES In return Japan is said to be of bloody disturbances tomorrow— TOWN UNDER MARTIAL pledged to demolish the forts de­ Cleveland Expert Says It is South ty 16 year old daughter of Governor A. H. Roberts, of Tennessee, chris­ May day. Never in the history of or­ fending Kiao-Chau and to allow the and Under Water— ^First Disturb­ ganized labor has May day been Chinese government to control both tened tho monster. charged with such dire possibilities LAW FOLLOWING STRIKE ance Lasted Four Hours. Despite the fact that the Tennes­ STREET CROWDS EXCITED the peninsula and the city, so far f f see is a dry state and that both she of conflict. Headed by Count von Brock- as local affairs are concerned. From Italy, Germany, Belgium, MiDtia Fires Volley Over Heads of In addition the Chinese govern- Washington, April 30.— An earth­ and her father are ardent prohibi­ Austria and Hungary reports have tionists, champagne was used in the “ Our Claims Are Based on Right dorff-Rantzau, New For- Mob Who Stone Telephone Ex­ •ment is to retain railways ancS^har quake of unusual intensity, appar­ been flowing into Phris during the change. rights for an indefinite period of ently about four thousand miles from ceremony. She broke a bottle past week foreshadowing monster and Justice and Should Be Ac­ against the bow as the Tennessee time. Washington, was recorded on the demonstrations by the working class­ cepted,” Says Premier. eip Secretary. Firm in Demands. Georgetown University seismograph slid off and said: es who claim to have been more ' Linton, Ind., April 30.— With the The Japanese delegates in confer­ early today. The disturbances start­ “ I christen thee Tennessee.” sorely stricken in all respects by the town under martial law, five com­ ence with President Wilson a^d. ed at 355 a. m., and continued until Sixty five thousand people saw the war than any other class. Rome, April 30.— Premier Orlan­ panies of state militia patrolling the others displayed iron clad instruc­ launching. Thousands were in the after seven o’clock, the maximum Watching For Disorders. do’s speech was a complete answer streets and idle miners from this tions from Tokyo" that Germany’s -^intensity being recorded from 4:17 navy yar4, other thousands were ov Everywhere the authorities are_ to President Wilson and other al­ IS A TYPICAL JUNKER district flocking to the town to ex­ rights in the Shantung peninsula until 4:20 o’clock. It was impossi­ the roofs of buildings and factories watching acutely for any evidjsnce lied statesmen who oppose Italian press their sympathy with the strike must absolutely t>e transferred to ble to tell the direction from Wash­ near the yard and hundreds climbeo of organized labor disorders. The claims to Fiume, said the ’Tribuna, of girl telephone operators, and Japan without any delay. ington of the ’quake, it was stated. cranes and derricks. troops and police the continent and other Italian newspapers today. Trembles Violently as French Pre­ openly voicing contempt ton the sol­ Inasmuch as conditions regarding Miss Roberts stood on a little Opposition by the Intransigeant diers who late yesterday were or­ are being held in the leash, to be or- fect Greets Him and His Party— the Shantung Peninsula are different platform which had been built for socialists, represented by a group of dered to fire a volley over the heads from those at Fiume, where the se­ derered out at the slightest sign of Big Crowd at Station. M SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS the launching party. She ^^wore a Bolshevik uprisings. forty deputies, to th§ Prime Minis­ of a mob Which stoned the telephone cret treaty (Pact of London) does white tailor made gown of wool witn ter’s demand that Fiume become a building, the situation here today is not cover the disposition of the '{flty, Socialists Active. part of Italy, was expected. But considered by city officials as “ in­ bljfbk fur around the neck, a big Versailles, April 30.— Count von President Wilson was not in a p'bsi- picture hat trimmed with white fur In the industrial north of Italy it is believed here that the over­ flammable.” S. C. RULING ON RATES socialists have been extremely active tion tq interfere, it was pointed out. and white ribbon and 'carried an whelming support given the govern­ Brockdorff-Rantzaus, German for­ In the meantime four companies of The concession secured by Japan throughout the whole of this month. ment by the Chamber of Deputies eign secretary and other members pf militia are being held under arms at enormous bunch of American beauty Milan and Turin both fear disorders. would be extremely material to New York Companies Not Allowevl roses. will convince President Wilson that the German peace delegation, ar­ Indianapolis, under ordters of Adjut- China, it was said„ whereas under The war has hit Itaiy economically the Italian people are firmly backing ant General H B. Smith, ready to ______ - to Increase Charges to the Public with worse effect than that suffered rived here last night. The German the bid regime they wojild as Planned. BARK ASHORE. Orlando and Sonnino and that he will he rushed to this toji» on a exploited by Germany. by any other great power of the en­ be forced tc give groJ^M. peace mission is practically now train “ if needed. tente group. ^ _ The reported conciliatory tmtlMi Vote of Confidence. complete. Charles Pox, president of the state by the United States is belleWd to Capiain C/onfus(Hl By Lights Runs Holiday Tomorrow. Albany,.any,' iN.C yY\1 April 30— Supreme Ve.ssel Asliore.
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