REFORT RESUMES ED 013 515 EC 000 57i TEACHERS' GUIDES. WORLD HISTORY FORTHE ACADEMICALLY TALENTED. ADVANCED PLACEMENT EUROPEANHISTORY. BY- AUGSFURGER, EVERETT F. AND OTHERS OHIO STATE DEFT. CF EDUCATION, COLUMDUS CLEVELAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS, OHIO PUB DATE 63 EDRS PRICEMF-$0.75 HC-$6.44 161P. DESCRIPTORS- *ADVANCED PLACEMENT, *CIFTED,*CURRICULUM GUIDES, EUROPEAN HISTORY, WORLD HISTORY, UNITSCAF STUDY (SUBJECT FIELDS), SPECIAL EDUCATION, INSTRUCTIONALMATERIALS, ADOLESCENTS, SECONDARY GRADES, SOCIAL STUDIES,COLUMBUS PREPARED EY TEACHERS AND SUPERVISORS WORKINGWITH A 2 -YEAR DEMONSTRATION PROJECT, THISDOCUMENT CONTAINS GUIDES Fce A WORLD HISTORY COURSE (PREHISTORYTO EARLY 20TH CENTURY) FOR THE GIFTED AND AN ADVANCED PLACEMENTCOURSE IN EUROPEAN HISTORY (ANCIENT CIVILIZATION TO EARLY 20THCENTURY). STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO STUDY HISTORICAL ISSUESAND DEVELOP RESEARCH SKILLS, SCHOLARSHIP, AND ABILITY INTHE PREPARATION Of REPORTS AND ESSAYS. IN THE GIFTED COURSE,LEARNING PROCESS IS STRESSED. MASTERY CF CONTENT AND THEUSE CF ADVANCED ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES ARE AIMS CC THE ADVANCEDPLACEMENT COURSE. EACH COURSE IS SCHEDULED FOR id.)SEMESTERS. FOR THE UNITS OF EACH COURSE, TIME ALLOTMENTS, OUTLINE CFTOP ICS, READINGS, LEARNING AIDS, DISCUSSION AND STUDYQUESTIONS, AND MAF STUDIES ARE PROVIDED. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGLISTS ARE INCLUDED. (RM) 41, C) w TEACHERS'GUIDES World Historyfor the AcademicallyTalented AdvancedPlacement Q EuropeanHistory Issued by E. E. HOLT _ Superintendent ofPublic Instruction Columbus 1963 VS; Via:,..,tay,e,,,,3m,m31,7,7m-rzeN=.:eit2NW4WarL.ZragOZZ3V-S. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. TEACHERS' GUIDES WORLD HISTORY FOR THEACADEMICALLY TALENTED ADVANCED PLACEMENTEUROPEAN HISTORY Prepared by CLEVELAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Division of Social Studies In Cooperation With THE OHIO DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION Under the Direction of R. A. HORN Director, DivisionofSpecial Education Columbus, Ohio 1963 FOREWORD The Cleveland PublicSchools with thecooperation of the Ohio Departmentof Education haveconducted a demon- stration project inWorld and EuropeanHistory for the past twoyears. This project has beensupported by funds that were appropriatedthrough legislative action. The AcademicallyTalented World Historyand Ad- vanced PlacementEuropean Historycourses were designed to provide enrichmentand acceleration fora selected group of able pupils. Theteachers' guideswere developed by teachers and supervisorswho were working program. with this These guidesare presented to the educatorsof Ohio as further evidence ofour continued interest inproviding for the giftedchild.It is my hope thatother schools throughout Ohio willbenefit from theseguides for enriched instruction E. E. HOLT Superintendent of PublicInstruction ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Division of Special Education is grateful to the members of the Social Studies Steering Committee of the Cleveland City Schools for their contributions to this publi- cation. The committee included : Administrators who provided inspiration, leader- ship, and guidance to the committee : Dr. William B. Levenson, Superintendent Mr. Alva R. Dittrick, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Harry B. Ritchie, Assistant Superinten- dent Mrs. Dorothy E. Norris, Directing Supervisor Major Work Classes Mr. Clyde F. Varner, Social Studies Supervisor The Directing Supervisor of the Division of Social Studies who coordinated the program and edited the teachers guides : Mr. Allen Y. King The Projects Committee, composed of four teach- ers and a social studies supervisor who developedand prepared these teachers' guides : Mr. Everett F. Augspurger, Chairman Mr. Augustine Caliguere Mr. Howard J. Lawrence Mr. Edwin Naujoks Mr. Alien B. Richardson To each of these people, we offer our sincere thanks and appreciation. We feel that their efforts produced a valuable addition to the enrichment of social studies in Ohio. THOMAS M. STEPHENS Administrative Assistant Division of Special Education R. A. HORN Director Division of Special Education iv INTRODUCTION Background Several Clevelandhigh schools have hadclasses for academ- ically talentedpupils in WorldHistory and American Government for History and a number ofyears.James Ford RhodesHigh School inaugurateda program in 1960 to students for the prepare the more able Advanced Placementtest in AmericanHistory. As a result ofthese classes, plansfor the Academically Advanced Placement Talented- work in social studiesin the Clevelandhigh schoolswere begun in the Springof 1961. Thepurposes of thisprogram were (1) to meet and adequately the needs of challenge the potentialsof those studentsin the secondary schoolscapable of completingan advanced social studies, and program in (2) to provide thecourse sequences needed for the implementationof this talent. In the AcademicallyTalented historyclasses, the students expected to be creative, are curious, persevering,capable of consider- able independentstudy, and fullycapable of profiting academic challenges. by unusual The Advanced Placementcourses strive to duplicatecollege courses in content; todevelop in studentsa mastery of the facts and chronologyof history; to acquaint them with analytical, documentary, historiographical, andinterpretive materials,and to further develop thegoals of thecourses. In both cases, special emphasis isplaced on thedevelopment of techniquescontributing to skill inthe writing of examinations. An papers and essay attempt is made togradually increasethe length and difficulty ofassigned papers and of essayexaminationques- tions.Pupil-teacher conferencesare necessary to assist pupils in the development individual of skills in languageusage and in theor- ganization, selection,and presentationof relevant the Advanced Placement material.In classes, time is alsodevoted to the special preparation of theAdvanced Placement May examinations. students for theannual Suggestions for UsingThis Book The primary suggestionfor using this materials to meet the guide is to adaptthe needs ofyour particular educationalsituation. and enrich- provide materialsfor bothacceleration These guides secondary socialstudies teachers. should behelpful to all the ment and combinations ormodifications of The user candevelop his own ideas andmaterialspresented herein. booklet containstwo guides sepa- For yourconvenience, this for the Aca- The tablesof contents rated by thecolored divider. arefound at and AdvancedPlacement courses demically Talented unit table ofcontents, colored the beginningof eachguide. The units of study.This and titles foreach of the page,lists the pages reference to agiven unit ofstudy. organization willallow for ready be adapted,modified, or It is ourhope thatthese guides can assist in the social studiesteachers to used as writtenby secondary their programs. improvement of ARTHUR R.GIBSON EducationalSpecialist Programs forthe Gifted vi CL, ACADEMICALLYTALENTED TABLE OFCONTENTS Page NEA and NCSSQuotation 3 Objectives 4 Organization 5 Message to theStudent 6 Suggested CourseRules 6 Unit and TimePlan 8 Units of Study 1 and TextbookAssignments Visual AidsCodes 9 10 Bibliography ofGeneral References Units I-VIII 11 12 A. TextbookAssignment B. MajorTopics C.Subjects forCollateral Reading. D. Discussion QuestionReferences E.Suggested Areasfor Exploration F. Map Studies G.Visual Aids H. RecommendedReferences Bibliography ofSpecialized Accounts 62 Bibliography ofHistorical Fiction 65 LI Ile TABLE OF CONTENTS Or UNITS OF STUDY First Semester Unit Page Mt I Prehistoric Times 12 a II Ancient Civilizations 15 IIIMiddle Ages 22 IV The Renaissance 28 V The Making of ModernEurope 33 Second Semester VIEra of Revolutions 40 VII Nationalism and Democracy 46 VIII Modern Imperialism andIts Consequences 51 .4 2 THE PROGRAMFOR TRAININGTALENT IN THE SOCIALSTUDIES Academically talentedstudents, because oftheir more acute perceptions and keener insight, should betrained to... recognize and comprehend theattitudes and valuesof cultures other their own. than The intellectual endowment of academicallytalented students permits diem to acquiremore than usual factual social world around mastery of the them. The contentof their socialstudies education should bemodified to provide them edge of the present with greater knowl- and of the historicalpast, both asan aid to understanding contemporaryculture andas a discipline through which theymay refine their judgments tions. and enlarge theirapprecia- Intellectually gifted studentsare better prepared to dealwith generalizations, abstractions,and relationshipsthan less gifted youngsters; and their socialstudies instructionshould correspond- ingly place greateremphasis on ideas,concepts, and theories on mere factual content. than Social Studies Forthe AcademicallyTalented Student NEA and the NationalCouncil for the SocialStudies 3 OBJECTIVES 1. To familiarize the pupil with the development of world civiliza- tion from the early beginnings to the present. 2. To introduce the pupil to the ideas, ideologies, and systems that have been important in the various world civilizations. 3. To develop in the pupil an understanding of and sympathy with certain values as acquired from a study of the world's history. a.An appreciation of the worth of the individual and a reali- zation of the dignity of man. b.An understanding of other times, other places, and other peoples. c.The development of perspective
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