HAZLET TOWNSHIP B OARD O F E DUCATION REGULAR MEETING MEETING OF AUGUST 28, 2017 RARITAN HIGH SCHOOL 7:00 p.m. A. CALL TO O RDER/ROLL C ALL/EXECUTIVE S ESSION - Page 1 B. FIRE A NNOUNCEMENT-SALUTE TO FLAG-ANNOUNCEMENT-ROLL C ALL - Page 2 C. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS - Page 2 D. STUDENT M EMBER U PDATE - Page 2 E. CITIZENS’ Q UESTIONS/COMMENTS O N A GENDA ITEMS - Page 2 F. APPROVAL O F M INUTES A ND FINANCIAL R EPORTS - Page 2 G. PRESIDENT’S R EPORT - Page 2 H. SECRETARY’S R EPORT - Page 2 I. NEW B USINESS - Page 3 - 11 “1” Finance - Page 3 - 4 a. Approve B ill List b. Approve Transfers for 2017-2018 c. Approve Tuition R ates for M CVSD d. Approve 2017-2018 E SEA G rant S ubmission e. Approve Level 1 S ervices f. Approve Jersey S hore S ports M edicine C enter for R HS Team P hysician S ervices g. Approve A ttendance and Tuition “2” P ersonnel - Page 5 - 9 a. Approve A ppointment as S chool S afety O fficer b. Approve A ppointment of P art-Time D istrict Librarian M edia S pecialist c. Approve D istrict H uman R esource M anager d. Approve Full Time N ight C ustodian at M RS e. Approve A ppointment of Language A rts/Social S tudies Teacher at C RS f. Approve Full Time P araprofessionals for 2017-2018 S chool Y ear g. Accept R esignation h. Accept R esignation i. Accept R esignation j. Accept R esignation k. Accept R esignation l. Approve Leave of A bsence m. Approve Leave of A bsence n. Approve R evised Leave of A bsence o. Approve Term of E mployment p. Approve R evised Term of E mployment q. Approve R evised Term of E mployment r. Approve R emoval of P robation for Full Time N ight C ustodians s. Approve Teacher R eclassifications t. Ratify S taff to A ttend IEP M eetings u. Approve S alary A djustment for P araprofessionals v. Approve C linical P ractice (Student Teachers) w. Approve C linical P racticum (Student Internship/Externship) x. Ratify S taff M embers for 5 D ay C lassroom E ducator Training y. Approve S upplemental P ositions z. Approve V olunteer for 2017-2018 S chool Y ear aa. Approve S pecial O lympic V olunteer Training P artners bb. Approve A thletic R ecommendations for 2017-2018 Fall C oaching P ositions cc. Approve S ubstitute P ersonnel for 2017-2018 S chool Y ear “3” S tudent A ctivities - Page 9 - 10 a. Approve S tudent Field Trips b. Approve 2017-2018 S ports S chedule for H MS and R HS “4” P rofessional D evelopment - Page 10 a. Authorize Travel “5” C urriculum - Page 10 a. Approve C urricula “6” Facility & Transportation - Page 10 - 11 a. Approve C hange O rders for K appa C onstruction C orp. b. Approve C hange O rder for FieldTurf c. Approve S ubmission of M edia C enter A lternations at H MS to N JDOE J. SUPERINTENDENT’S R EPORT - Page 11 K. BOARD D ISCUSSION/COMMITTEE U PDATES - Page 11 L. LEGISLATIVE U PDATE - Page 11 M. CITIZENS’ C OMMENTS - Page 11 N. ADJOURNMENT - Page 11 AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING ON AUGUST 28, 2017 1 A. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Motion To Go Into Executive Caucus WHEREAS, the Sen. Byron M. Baer Open Public meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., (the “Act”) provides that the Hazlet Township Board of Education may hold an “Executive Session” from which the public is excluded to discuss matters that are confidential or are one of the nine (9) subject matters listed Section 12(b) of the Act; and WHEREAS, it is recommended by the Superintendent that the Hazlet Township Board of Education go into Executive Session on this date at Raritan High School, 419 Middle Road, Hazlet, New Jersey to discuss matters that are permissible for discussion in Executive Session; and WHEREAS, the length of the Executive Session is estimated to be thirty (30) minutes after which the public meeting of the Board shall reconvene and proceed with business; and WHEREAS, that the Board hereby declares that its discussion of the following subject(s) will be made public at a time when the public’s interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental interest being protected from disclosure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hazlet Township Board of Education that the Board shall go into Executive Session to discuss the following items: _____ 1. Confidential Matters per Statute or Court Order _____ 2. Impact Rights to Receive Federal Funds _____ 3. Unwanted Invasion of Individual Privacy _____ 4. Collective Bargaining _____ 5. Acquisition of Real Property or Investment of Funds _____ 6. Public Safety Procedures _____ 7. Litigation or Contract Matters or Att./Client Privilege _____ 8. Personnel Matters _____ 9. Imposition of Penalties Upon an Individual ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY RESULT IN BOARD ACTION WHEN THE BOARD RECONVENES TO PUBLIC SESSION. AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING ON AUGUST 28, 2017 2 B. FIRE ANNOUNCEMENT - SALUTE TO FLAG - ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADEQUATE NOTICE - ROLL CALL C. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Mr. Christopher J. Mullins, Business Administrator, and Mr. Charles Hildner, Supervisor, Maintenance, will provide a district-wide status report on various construction projects resulting from the passing of the December 13, 2016 referendum. 2. Certificates of Recognition will be presented to 36 students for being members of the Class of 2021 cohort of the Raritan High School Explorer Program - Early College Academy. 3. A Tenure Certificate will be presented to Christine McCoid, Principal of Hazlet Middle School. D. STUDENT MEMBER UPDATE - John Cinquegrana E. CITIZENS’ QUESTION/COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS Anyone who would like to address the Board regarding items that are on the agenda please come to the podium and state your name and address. Two 3-minute statements may be made. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard. F. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINANCIAL REPORTS 1. RESOLVED, that the following minutes submitted by the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary are hereby accepted. a. Regular Meeting and Executive Session of July 24, 2017 2. RESOLVED, that all Board Members, who received the following Financial Reports, through dates noted, are hereby accepted: a. Treasurer’s Report through July 2017 (Treasurer’s Report is in agreement with the Board Secretary’s Report for July 2017). Exhibit A b. Board Secretary’s Report - Revenue and Budget Summary Reports through July 2017. (Certification has been made by the Board Secretary to each Board member that no over expenditure of funds existed in any). Exhibit B c. Report of Transfers 3. RESOLVED, pursuant to N.A.J.C. 6A:23-2-11I4, the Board certifies that as of July 31, 2017, after review of the Secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations sections) and upon consultation with appropriate District officials, that to the best of our knowledge, no major account or funds have been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b). G. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - William J. Kolibas, Jr. H. SECRETARY’S REPORT AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING ON AUGUST 28, 2017 3 I. NEW BUSINESS “1” Finance a. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the list of bills, claims, supplies received and services rendered to the Board of Education of the Township of Hazlet: Gross Payroll & Agency 7/13/2017 $469,905.23 7/27/2017 $382,267.56 Voided checks and transfers July 2017 ($1,566.00) Hand Checks Bond Payment Lease Payments Food Service Payments July 2017 $57,657.94 Bill List 07/31/2017 Exhibit C General Current Expense $1,560.00 Capital Projects $128,060.49 TOTAL $129,620.49 $129,620.49 Bill List 08/28/2017 Exhibit C-1 General Current Expense $2,687,883.51 Special Revenue $19,200.39 Capital Projects $1,858,065.21 TOTAL $4,565,149.11
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