British Columbia Ministry of Transportation Staff Newsletter http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/publications/roadrunners/index-roadrunners.htm Summer 2005 Deputy Dan Retires Over 250 friends and colleagues paid trib- ute to former Deputy Minister Dan Doyle at his retirement celebration at the Empress Hotel on April 22. John Dyble, the ministry’s new deputy min- ister, acted as master of ceremonies for the farewell bash, and gathered together a stellar line-up of speakers who had worked closely with Dan as deputy minister. Those who paid tribute to Dan included Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon, for- mer minister Judith Reid, past deputy min- Dan and his wife Rada ister Vince Collins, Partnerships BC’s chief executive officer Larry Blain and Ken Do- with advice that was always help- committed to his minister and the bell, a longtime colleague in the transpor- ful and accurate.” government of the day, co-opera- tation field who’s now a special adviser to tive, works like a fool, keeps his Premier Gordon Campbell. The minister joked: “He makes cool, and is sensible, creative and me look far better than I deserve effective. He sees the big picture. “Dan epitomizes the ‘professional civil ser- to.” There’s no better colleague.” vant,’” said Minister Falcon. “He is honest continued on page and straightforward, and his years working Ken Dobell described Dan as “a in every part of this province provided me public servant’s public servant, Showing One of Dan Doyle’s last offi- Richard Fyfe, one of the key leads cial duties as deputy minister of on the project, for his contribu- Appreciation: transportation was participating in tion to the Sea-to-Sky Highway Sea to Sky Highway an appreciation dinner for the 140 Improvement Project and to the experts involved in evaluating pro- Ministry of Transportation. Improvement Project posals for the Sea-to-Sky Highway Improvement Project on May 19. Fyfe worked on the development Submitted by Rick Hyde, Community of the Request for Qualifications Relations Manager After the dinner, Doyle present- and the Request for Proposals and ed a Deputy Minister’s Award to continued on page Road Runner Summer 2005 Reminiscences About Dan Doyle… In this issue of the Road Runner: Some of Dan’s earliest work with the ministry was as an engineer-in-training on Deputy Dan Retires • page 1 the four-laning of the Patricia Bay Highway Sea to Sky Highway Improvement Project • page 1 and the replacement of Sooke Bridge. Reminiscences About Dan Doyle • page 2 Field Services Recognizes Service Excellence • page 4 Dan’s reports from those days (1969 & 1970) Ministry Settles in With Familiar Faces, Welcomes CVSE Staff • page New Group Gives Employees a Say in Healthy Workplace • page 7 show the young engineer was already think- Note from the Editor • page 8 ing about ways to attract quality workers to Bike to Work Week: Participation is Encouraged! • page 9 the ministry. He also observed how ministry Sign of the Times…in Okanagan-Shuswap District • page 8 staff cooperated with contractors to find ATIS: A Real Intelligent Transportation System • page 10 innovative ways to complete the projects, a 1927 Cat G60: History Revisited • page 12 relationship he promoted strongly through- Wedding Bells for Cathy Porter • page 1 out his career. Dave Nadin, Kamloops Technical Student – Graduate • page 1 Emergency Planning Well in Hand • page 14 Learning early on from the ministry’s com- On the Road Again • page 1 Chinese Engineers Visit BC • page 1 munity work with local residents and First Achieving the Improbable in the West Kootenay • page 17 Nations, Dan also recognized that a min- Terry Murphy Reports Employee Development Success • page 17 istry official needs to be part engineer and Brian Horel Retires After 35 Years With MoT • page 18 part diplomat, while always remaining a Hallmarks of Dale Jeffrey’s 35½ years with MoT • page 19 careful steward of the public’s investment Customer Service: West Kootenay District Style • page 19 in transportation. A View From the Top • page 21 Work Life of a Technical Student in West Kootenay District • page 21 Looking back now, it’s easy to see the Dan Ashnola Bridge Sees Red…Again! • page 22 Doyle we know today has always been a Farewell to Larry Brown • page 2 BMIS/RIMS Integration Brings Smiles to Peoples’ Faces • page 24 progressive, visionary thinker who cared Wedding Bells in the Peace! • page 24 about the ministry and put the public first Kicking Horse Canyon • page 2 in “public service.” Woods Overhead Fish Habitat Restoration • page 26 Mountain Skills Training Skeena District Avalanche Programs •page 28 Some early quotes from a Get TRIM! • page 29 future deputy minister . The Changing Face of Field Services • page 0 New Appointments • page 1 “To say that I was satisfied with the Human Resources Branch Welcomes Paul Squires! • page 1 training I got on Project 2043 (Pa- Do You Remember? George & Cynthia Woodward • page 2 What is Schedule 2 Fencing? • page tricia Bay Highway) would be an un- PECSF – South Coast Region • page 4 derstatement. I was allowed to and Westside Road and William R. Bennett Bridge: A Work in Progress • page 35 did get involved in every aspect of MoT Staff Recognition • page 6 the work from office work to field Real Teamwork on the Queen Charlottes • page 7 surveying. The most gratifying part Bravo and a Big Round of Applause! • page 8 of the training was that I was given Celebrating Success in SCR • page 9 a good deal of responsibility by Mr. Safari to South Africa • page 40 Johnston. During his weekly trips to his continued on page 2 Road Runner Summer 2005 A Career Dedicated to Public Service continued from page 2 project on the mainland, I was left to look after the job. This was invaluable experience. Should I be given the chance, I would look forward to returning to the Construction Branch.” - Dan Doyle, Engineer-in-Training October 15, 1969 Dan Doyle: A Progressive, Visionary Thinker continued from page 1 The compliments kept flowing as Vince Collins added his remarks. “Great leaders must possess a sharp intellect, good judgment, excellent communications skills and tough mindedness, combined with empathy and very strong survival instincts,” he said. “Dan has all of these in abundance.” Many of the speakers reflected on Dan’s impact on the ministry and transportation in British Co- lumbia. “One of the reasons the people of British Columbia can take their great road system for granted, as they do, is because of Dan’s ex- cellent leadership and hard work,” Cheers! All the best in your retirement, Dan. said former minister of transporta- tion Judith Reid. province. Dan is irreplaceable and his and 36-year career with the Ministry counsel will be missed.” of Transportation. Minister Falcon added, “Dan has suc- cessfully brought out a ‘can do’ spirit Over dinner, guests exchanged Guests at the retirement ceremony in the employees of the ministry. I am memories of Dan’s time with the took the opportunity to send Dan constantly complimented on the qual- provincial government and enjoyed off with gifts, including surveying ity of ministry staff throughout the a slideshow that covered his child- tools like those he would have used as hood in British Columbia’s Interior continued on page 4 3 Road Runner Summer 2005 Dan Doyle Retires (continued) continued from page 4 a young engineer-in-training and works of art for him to enjoy in the years to come. Mike Proudfoot summed up the ministry’s gratitude for Dan’s leadership in his speech. “The staff at the Ministry of Transportation truly will miss everything that you bring to the job ev- ery single day,” Mike said. “We are proud to have worked with you -- worked for you -- and we will go forward a better staff, a better ministry, because of the time you have spent with us.” Dan receives the coveted survey transit from Chief Engineer, Dirk Nyland. Dan had a long history with the ministry having joined straight out of university in 1969. He served across the province in many capacities, with his last assignment being deputy minister for four years. Over his 36-year career, Dan definitely forged a legacy of transportation infrastructure for British Columbia and relationships for himself and the ministry. All the best, Dan! HR Director Marilyn Wargo pays tribute to Dan. ADM John Dyble looks on. Field Services Recognizes Service Excellence Field Services would like to thank Cuda Brown, Region 2 Financial Analyst, and the rest of the Finance & Contract groups for all that they do! Without their excellent services, we could not do what we do. From all of Field Services - Thanks! 4 Road Runner Summer 2005 Sea to Sky Highway Improvement Project continued from page 1 has been closely involved in contract dous,” says Executive Project Director • Maximum number of evaluators negotiations with the successful pro- Peter Milburn. “Their hard work and in the room at any one time: 102. ponent for the $600-million design, long hours have resulted in the selec- • Earliest sign-in recorded: 4:50 build, finance and operate (DBFO) tion of a very strong proposal from a.m. project. the S2S Transportation Group which • Latest sign-out: 11:59 p.m., on a provides excellent value in safety, reli- Saturday night. Proposals for the contract were sub- ability and capacity improvements for • Longest time between signing in mitted by the three selected groups in the Sea-to-Sky Highway.” and signing out: 10 hours, with- early January, 2005, and the evalua- out a washroom break. tion process got underway on January Separate teams of evaluators scored • Number of sandwiches con- 10.
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