For meeting on: 6 June 2019 Agenda 2019 East Dunbartonshire Council Booklet 3 A Special meeting of East Dunbartonshire Council (Policy and Resources) will be held within Tom Johnston Chamber, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch on Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 5.30 pm. (Sgd) ANN DAVIE Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business East Dunbartonshire Council 12 Strathkelvin Place KIRKINTILLOCH Glasgow G66 1XT Tel: 0141 578 8021 Date: 31 May 2019 AGENDA 1a Sederunt and Apologies 1b Declarations of Interest - Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest in respect of any business to be considered. 1c Determination of Exempt Business – Members are requested to determine that the exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded. 1d Convener’s Remarks 1e Any other business which the Convener decides is urgent Contact No. Item Description Page No. No. MINUTES ….. 8021 2 Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources 1-6 Committee of 11 April 2019. (Copy herewith). ….. 8076 3 Minutes of Special Meeting and Meetings of the 7-18 Civic Government Appeals Board of 15 April, 29 April and 9 May 2019. (Copies herewith). REPORTS ….. 8025 4 Outstanding Business Statement - Report by 19-26 Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business. (Copy herewith). ….. 8015 5 Review of the Council’s Administrative Scheme 27-30 - Report by Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business. (Copy herewith). ….. 8237 6 Education, People & Business - How Good is 31-86 Our Service 2018-19 - Report by Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business. (Copy herewith). ….. 8237 7 Finance & Audit – How Good is Our Service 87-104 2018-19 – Report by Chief Finance Officer. (Copy herewith). Contact No. Item Description Page No. No. ….. 232 8212 8 Health & Social Care Partnership – Scrutiny of 105-132 Service Performance - How Good is Our Service 2018/19 - Report by Chief Executive. (Copy herewith). ….. 8015 9 Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982: 133-304 Outcome of Public Consultation on Review of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Operator’s and Driver’s Licence Conditions- Report by Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business. (Copy herewith). ….. 3458 10 Shared Equity Purchase, Torrance - Report by 305-310 Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business. (Copy Report and Appendix 1 herewith). ….. 8524/8818 11 Impact Assessment Guide and Checklist - Report 311-332 by Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets. (Copy herewith). NB Appendix 2 is below ….. 8524 12 Infrastructure Commission for Scotland Call for 333-360 Evidence – Council Response - Report by Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets. (Copy herewith). MOTIONS 13 WITHDRAWAL OF LOCAL BUS SERVICES MOVED: COUNCILLOR MOODY SECONDED: COUNCILLOR POLSON Council notes that Glasgow Citybus (part of the West Coast Motors group) has given notice to the Traffic Commissioner of its intention to withdraw two of its local bus services currently operating in East Dunbartonshire, namely: Service 15 - Milngavie - Glasgow City Centre and; Service 142 - Bishopbriggs Circular Council condemns the decision to remove these vital local bus services that serve our local communities. This decision will have a particular negative effect on those individuals and groups of in East Dunbartonshire communities who rely on public transport to access employment, local services and leisure facilities. This withdrawal will lead to an increase in isolation to members of our communities leading to greater level of social exclusion for these individuals and groups which is in direct contrast to policy objectives in National, Regional and Local Transport Strategies and the Council's commitment to promoting inclusion. Council therefore, a. Invites all group leaders and independent Councillor to write to Glasgow Citybus outlining the Council's disappointment at their decision to withdraw these services; and b. Invites all group leaders and independent Councillor to write to the Scottish Government and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport outlining the Council's disappointment at the decision to withdraw these services and request a meeting to discuss the future options for ensuring these services are retained for the local communities. Contact No. Item Description Page No. No. 14 NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF BUS SERVICES MOVED: COUNCILLOR CUMMING Glasgow Citybus which currently operates bus service No15 that runs from Milngavie through Bearsden into the West End, Charing Cross and finally to the City Centre, has given notice that they will be withdrawing service No15, with the last day of operation being Saturday the 29th of June 2019. Service No15 is a well-used service with an excellent route design. In many cases users of this service have no access to alternative transport. Essentially, it is a lifeline that cannot be allowed to be lost by local people. This Council agrees that the Chief Executive: 1. Writes to The Chief Executive of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport offering the Council's full and unequivocal support in their efforts to review the situation to determine what actions need to be taken to ensure that essential links are maintained. 2. Writes to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, the MSPs for Clydebank and Milngavie, and Strathkelvin and Bearsden, the MP for East Dunbartonshire, and all West of Scotland list MSPs, asking them to campaign for the retention of this vital service to ensure onward travel links, and access to essential services are maintained. 3. Should report back to the full Council meeting on 27th June 2019 on any progress made in relation to the continuation or otherwise of Service No 15. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC It is recommended that the Special Council pass the following Resolution:- “That under Section 50A (4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2, 6, 8 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act”. ….. 3458 10 Shared Equity Purchase, Torrance - Report by 361-362 Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business. (Appendix 2 herewith). ….. 8639 15 Proposed Transfer of King George V Flat and 363-368 Lockup, Bearsden to Housing Revenue Account - Report by Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets. (Copy herewith). ….. 8639 16 Update on proposed sale of the former St 369-376 Agatha’s Primary School, Kirkintilloch – Report by Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets. (Copy herewith). Agenda Item 2 Minute of Policy and Resources Committee of East Dunbartonshire Council held within Tom Johnston Chamber, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, on Thursday, 11 April 2019. Present: Councillors CUMMING, JAMIESON, JOHNSTON, LOW, MECHAN, MOIR, MOODY, MURRAY, O’NEIL and POLSON Also Present Councillor PEWS In Attendance: G. Cornes Chief Executive A. Bauer Executive Officer – Assets & Facilities A. Davie Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business K. Donnelly Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer A. Fegan Communications and Engagement Manager L. Galasso Workforce Strategy Lead T. Glen Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets G. Mackintosh Executive Officer - Housing L. McKenzie Team Leader – Democratic Services V. McNulty Executive Officer – Customer & Digital Services G. Morrison Principal Accountant D. Pearce Head of Community Health & Care Services J. Robertson Chief Finance Officer C. Sinclair Head of Mental Health, Learning Disability, Addictions and Health Improvement Councillor Polson (Convener) presiding 1a APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors Fischer, Hendry and Renwick. 1b DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were intimated. 1c DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT BUSINESS The Convener advised that there was no exempt business contained within the papers. 1d CONVENER’S REMARKS The Convener thanked Councillor Moody for his convenership of the Policy and Resources Committee over the past year and he advised that he would be Convener for the forthcoming year. Page 1 POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE, 11 APRIL 2019 1e ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH THE CONVENER DECIDES IS URGENT The Convener advised that there were no other items of urgent business. 2. MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE OF 12 FEBRUARY 2019 There was submitted and noted Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee of 12 February 2019, copies of which had previously been circulated. 3. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING AND MEETING OF THE CIVIC GOVERNMENT APPEALS BOARD OF 12 FEBRUARY AND 4 MARCH 2019 There were submitted and noted Minutes of Special Meeting and Meeting of the Civic Government Appeals Board of 12 February and 4 March 2019, copies of which had previously been circulated. 4. MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES APPEALS BOARD OF 12 MARCH 2019 There was submitted and noted Minute of Meeting of the Human Resources Appeals Board of 12 March 2019, copies of which had previously been circulated. SEDERUNT Prior to consideration of the following item of business, Councillor Cumming entered the meeting. 5. OUTSTANDING BUSINESS STATEMENT Consideration was given to Report EPB/033/19/AD by the Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business, copies of which had previously been circulated, providing Members with an update on progress against
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