Cover_Spring06 4/27/06 3:01 PM Page 1 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS’ REPORT SPRING 2006 THE MAGAZINE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF ULAW TLAW CELEBRATING 100 YEARS ofWOMEN AT UT LAW 2006 Grand Chancellor Elizabeth McKee plus: SUSANA ALEMÁN LYNN BLAIS SARAH BUEL MELINDA TAYLOR WENDY WAGNER and much more... THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS LAW SCHOOL FOUNDATION, 727 E. DEAN KEETON STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78705 FOR US, WISE COUNSEL HOLDS A SPECIAL PLACE OF HONOR. As Bracewell & Giuliani marks six decades of excellence in client service, we pause to salute the contributions our attorneys have made to our profession. We believe in hiring top professionals and fostering a work environment that brings out their best on behalf of clients through hard work, solid values and proven leadership. We congratulate The University of Texas School of Law for its long history of challenging young attorneys and shaping their values of client service and professional and community involvement. We applaud Bracewell & Giuliani’s University of Texas School of Law alumni and their continued commitment to excellence. TEXAS NEW YORK WASHINGTON, D.C. LONDON KAZAKHSTAN bracewellgiuliani.com UTL_Bracewell_0605.indd 1 4/13/06 12:41:34 PM 01_contents 5/1/06 9:03 PM Page 1 CONTENTS SPRI G 2006 TABLE OF Kayla Dreyer, ’07, organized the Fulbright & Jaworski golf clinic to help women students learn the game. FRONT OF THE BOOK FEATURES BACK OF THE BOOK 2 VOIR DIRE LAW PARTNERS CELEBRATING AND OTHER 4 IN CAMERA 100 YEARS OF MAJOR GIFTS 25 A new environmental law clinic WOMEN AT UT LAW and marching through history 18 GIVING BY FUND 31 9 DEAN’S MESSAGE GIVING BY CLASS 54 A Bright Future Why UT Law is one of the best by Steven A. Goode, Dean ad Interim places for women students FRIENDS OF THE by Allegra J. Young LAW SCHOOL 68 11 CALENDAR SPECIAL FEATURE CORPORATIONS AND 12 AROUND THE FOUNDATIONS 70 LAW SCHOOL THE CONTRIBUTORS’ President-elect Carrin Patman,’82, REPORT 2005 CLOSING ARGUMENT 72 Sarah Buel recognized, and Monuments of Paper R. Anthony Reese’s global honor 24 by Michael Widener UT Law recognizes those who gave to help us succeed. Cover photograph and photograph UTLAW this page by Wyatt McSpadden VOLUME 5 • ISSUE 1 02_letters_redo_4-28.qxd 5/1/06 9:11 PM Page 2 DIRE Some 24 years ago Roy Mersky helped a lost freshlaw VOIR UTLAW from Highlands, Texas, find his way around the UT SCHOOL OF LAW newly opened Jones Hall Library. BARRY SMITHERMAN, ’84 Dean ad Interim STEVEN J. GOODE Director of Alumni Relations A SENSE OF HUMOR? CHRIS MARCIN T WAS WITH GREAT DISAPPOINT- Associate Director of Development I ment that I read the Winter 2005 KATY CIVINS, ’75 issue in which only a part of a sub- UT Law School Alumni Association President LETTERS mission that I made to the In Memo- DEL WILLIAMS, ’85 riam section of UTLAW was printed. UT Law School Alumni Association President-elect CARRIN PATMAN, ’82 As a friend and UT Law School LAUDATE LIBRARIAN classmate of Patrick Black and as the MAGAZINE SO MUCH ENJOYED READING THE executor of his will, in November article about Roy Mersky in the 2004 I e-mailed to your column the Assistant Dean for Communications I ALLEGRA J. YOUNG UTLAW magazine! I think every following submission: “Ernest Patrick Communications Strategy Manager UT Law student should be required Black, ’81, died September 22, 2004, LAURA CASTRO TROGNITZ, ’97 to visit any other law library in the at 55. He successfully avoided the Communications Coordinator country . or the world . to real- practice of law throughout his life.” JODI BART ly appreciate how extraordinary the The second sentence was not printed. Contributors’ Report library he built is and what they I cannot understand why you did DAVID BOURLAND may sometimes take for granted! not print this description of Pat’s Class Notes and In Memoriam Editor Christiane DeWitt, B.A., ’82 career while you routinely print the ANGELA KRAUSE Austin, Texas legal careers of others. Your editorial Editorial Assistance call was inappropriate. He and all who MICHAEL WIDENER ADDY SONDER I WAS THRILLED WITH THE RECENT ARTI- knew him would have greatly appre- cle about Roy Mersky in the UTLAW ciated this description of a career Copy Editor JAN MCINROY magazine. Some 24 years ago Roy happily spent not practicing law. Mersky helped a lost freshlaw from Do not forget that there can be Creative Direction, Design, and Production NANCY MCMILLEN Highlands, Texas, find his way around humor, and sometimes it is most NANCY MCMILLEN DESIGN the newly opened Jones Hall Library, needed, even in death. for which I am thankful. It’s an honor Kent C. Anschutz, ’81 WE WELCOME to have Prof. Mersky at our school. Austin, Texas YOUR LETTERS AT: Barry Smitherman, ’84 UTLAW Letters EDITOR’ S NOTE: UTLAW supports Austin, Texas UTLAW Alumni Magazine alumni who have chosen careers in law, 727 E. Dean Keeton Street but also appreciates humor. We apolo- Austin, Texas 78705 I WAS ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED TO E-mail: [email protected] gize for the omission in the item about see the wonderful article about Roy Patrick Black. TO ADVERTISE: Mersky in the most recent UTLAW. That was a long overdue and exceed- MIKE MCKEE ingly well-deserved recognition. We welcome letters: The editor ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Judge R. Terrence Ney, ’69 reserves the right to determine the suit- TEXAS MONTHLY Fairfax, Virginia ability of letters for publication and to edit CUSTOM PUBLISHING them for accuracy and length. We regret Office phone: (512) 320-6934 Fax: (512) 476-9007 that they cannot be returned. Letters THE UTLAW MAGAZINE STORY ON ROY E-mail: [email protected] Mersky was very good. I was grateful should refer to material published in the magazine and include the writer’s full TO CHANGE YOUR for the time I worked with him in the name, address, and telephone number. CONTACT INFORMATION: library while a student at UT Law. That Write: UTLAW Letters income, though meager (education Telephone: (512) 232-1118 UTLAW Alumni Magazine E-mail: [email protected] costs were relatively lower then), kept 727 E. Dean Keeton Street Online: http://www.utexas.edu/law/ depts/alumni/form.html me in law school—and I enjoyed work- Austin, Texas 78705 ing with Professor Mersky very much. E-mail: utlawmagazine@law. UTLAW Magazine is published two times a year by The Ben Aderholt, ’68 utexas.edu University of Texas Law School Foundation, a nonprofit Houston, Texas Fax: (512) 232-1354 corporation, 727 E. Dean Keeton St., Austin, Texas 78705. 2 UTLAW Spring 2006 02-03_letters_masthead_ad 4/27/06 10:57 AM Page 3 Please select only one award per form: ( FEEL FREE TO COPY THIS FORM FOR ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS) LIFETIME OUTSTANDING DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT ALUMNUS ALUMNUS AWARD AWARD AWARD FOR 2007 This award honors an This award honors a COMMUNITY alumnus who has had a graduate who has made SERVICE distinguished legal outstanding contribu- career and who has tions not only to the Established by the brought honor to The legal profession but to Alumni Association in University of Texas society as a whole. 1988, this award School of Law through honors a graduate who his or her service to the brings conspicuous legal profession and to credit to the legal pro- society. With this fession by exemplary LAW award, the Law Alumni service. The award rec- Association recognizes ognizes superior educa- that alumnus who epito- tors, outstanding mizes the highest goals lawyers in government and traditions of the service, or those who ALUMNI profession: diligence, have had a significant discernment, integrity, role as a community and a commitment volunteer. to the betterment of our civic life. ASSOCI MY NOMINATION FOR THE ABOVE-REFERENCED ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AWARD IS: Nominee Class Year Address City State Zip Code ATION Telephone PLEASE GIVE AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR NOMINEE'S ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND WHY YOU BELIEVE THAT HE/SHE IS DESERVING OF THIS HONOR. IF POSSIBLE, PLEASE AWARDS INCLUDE OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION (ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED). NOMIN Nominated by Address ATION City State Zip Code Telephone PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS TO: The University of Texas Law Alumni Association NOTE: NOMINATIONS ARE CURRENTLY BEING ACCEPTED 727 E. Dean Keeton Street FORM NOMINATIONS DUE BY FRIDAY, Austin, Texas 78705 (512) 471-6314 • FAX: (512) 471-6987 SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 04-07_incamera 4/27/06 2:29 PM Page 4 4 UTLAW Spring 2006 04-07_incamera 4/27/06 2:29 PM Page 5 IN CAMERA WATER WORKS Professors at the new Environmental Law Clinic help Texans obtain safe drinking water and sanitation systems. Students work with (left to right) Lynn Blais, Wendy Wagner, Melinda Taylor, and local attorneys to provide legal services and guidance. Current projects help rural residents with inadequate water supplies in Fox Crossing Water District, Mill County, and a 400-home subdivision with failing septic systems in Rancho Vista, Guadalupe County. PHOTOGRAPHED AT AUSTIN’S SHOAL CREEK BY WYATT MCSPADDEN 04-07_incamera 4/27/06 10:35 AM Page 6 IN CAMERA 6 UTLAW Spring 2006 04-07_incamera 4/27/06 10:35 AM Page 7 WOMEN SPEAK UP In 1917 UT-Austin students rallied against Texas governor James Ferguson, who had threatened to veto most of UT’s appropriation unless professors he found objectionable, such as UT Law’s Robert Cofer, were fired. (Cofer had spoken at a county fair in favor of Ferguson’s political opponent.) After the march, Ferguson’s support evaporated and he resigned. The next governor, William Hobby, opened primary voting to women. FROM THE H ANDBOOK OF TEXAS O NLINE AND THE C ACTUS UTL_King & Spalding0506.indd 1 4/13/06 12:20:52 PM 09_DeanLetter 4/27/06 8:59 AM Page 9 LETTER DEAN’S A Bright Future Our alumni and friends constitute an incomparable asset.
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