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TO 5:30 P.M. • MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3040 • WWW.GLASSERSTV.COM • WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GLASSERSTV 22 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 12, 2016 Grad Birth HEBERT: Born to Blair and Deanna on September 30, 2016, a daughter, Jor- dyn Christina, a sister for Karter. Proud grandparents are Peter and Marge Currie and Ann and Alvin Hebert of Moosomin. Moosomin Community DOWN: Darla Lee Down of Rocanville, Sas- katchewan graduated with Carol Festival a Master of Education de- The Moosomin gree in Educational Psy- Community Carol chology at the University of Regina’s fall commence- Festival was held on Above: The Latinos ment ceremony, held on Sunday, Dec. 4, with Unidos Choir from Friday, October 21, 2016. an afternoon perfor- Moosomin’s Latin Am- Darla is employed with mance and an evening erican community sing- SouthEast Cornerstone School Division and is a performance. The fes- ing together at the fes- high school teacher at Ro- tival featured a wide tival. canville School. range of musical tal- Below: The MacLeod Darla is the daughter of ent from around the Elementary Recorder Bob and Bonnie Down of Rocanville, Saskatchewan. area. Ensemble performing. Above: Jane Zhao singing at the festival. Above: The Bethel United Church Choir. Kim Poole photos Below: The McNaughton High School Choir. Above: 4-Given Again from Kola, Manitoba performing at the festival. Monday, December 12, 2016 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 23 Moosomin Elks collect 1,000 pounds of food The Moosomin Elks donated 1,000 pounds of food to the Moosomin Food Bank recently. The food was collected as part of a challenge between the Moosomin Elks Club and the Elk- horn Elks Club. Food donations were accept- ed at LH Bradey and Sons, McKay Agencies, Sharpe’s Soil Services and Borderland Co-op. Cash was also donated to the Elks, who will be using it to purchase 180 pounds of turkey for the food bank. Shown here are Moosomin Elks Chris David- son, left, and Ron Potter with the food that was donated. Perrins no threat to rural schools Rural Saskatchewan might be unnerved to know that the bureaucrat who once had a key role in the closure of 52 rural hospitals Murray Mandryk is now providing recom- mendations on the future of rural schools. But there is less reason to from 111 in 1992 to the cur- of hospitals as there were in worry here than one may rent 28 boards—18 public, 1983 and in 1973. think. eight Roman Catholic, one Unfortunately, that Retired Saskatchewan Protestant and one franco- robbed the province of other deputy minister Dan Perrins phone. Are there really any health care amenities like 16123MM0 is the kind of man that has more administration savings specialists, of which we had always done a good job of to be had? less per capita than most fairly assessing situations. One guesses that Perrins other provinces. And he’s certainly not the has also come to this conclu- Some will argue that this kind of man who simply sion. was the bureaucrat’s argu- supplies his masters with Perrins would recognize ment of the time. what they want to hear. that Saskatchewan’s 28 But it was bureaucrats like Some of you will assume school boards is less than in Perrins that recognized the that’s a rarity for a bureau- provinces like Ontario, B.C. best deployment of health crat … even an impossibility. and even Manitoba that is of dollars wasn’t in having Like politicians that go comparable size. under-utilized beds in rural against the grain, bureau- The experience of the hospitals. crats that don’t provide long-serving bureaucrat It would be nice for ru- exactly what their masters who has presided over some ral Saskatchewan people to want don’t tend to go as far of the most raucous issues in have their local hospitals, in their careers as Dan Per- recent provincial history— but it’s even nicer that surgi- rins has. the 1989 shutdown of Bosco cal wait times are down and But as it now applies to Homes, the 1993 hospital access to specialists are up. the current review, it’s ac- closures, the 2004 Spudco re- However, one should en- WXDOO\ UDWKHU KDUG WR ÀJXUH port and the 2009 report on trust that a veteran bureau- out what Education Minister the future of Saskatchewan’s crat like Perrins would fur- Don Morgan wants. uranium and nuclear devel- ther recognize the difference Morgan did serve notice opment—has a rare ability in education where every last month that everything to nimbly deal with a wide student—rural or urban— was on the table. If so, that variety of problems. requires the same basic level could not only include an For example, rural Sas- of education. end to the duly elected katchewan people might not This does not mean that school boards replaced by have accepted there was any Perrins won’t be recom- government appointed rhyme or reason to the clo- mending changes—some of boards but also a downsiz- sure of those hospitals back which may not be all that ing of rural schools. in 1993. popular. But that is something that But let us be clear that But rural people should wouldn’t seem to be in the back in 1993, there were 134 not necessarily fear what interests of the Saskatch- hospitals in Saskatchewan— this long-serving bureaucrat ewan Party government. virtually the same number recommends. Even if it truly saw savings in eliminating local control of school boards or cutting back rural education, one doubts that it would be ea- ger to impose such a drastic move like that on its strong rural base. Rough ride I would ask the great For various reasons, it Dear Editor: bunch of guys and girls doesn’t necessarily seem like As a result of my recent called Kinsmen and Ki- the thing that Perrins would accident, I don’t remember nettes to take a look at it. be eager to recommend, ei- three quarters of the events Also anyone else who ther. that happened but one would like to donate or For starters, Morgan has thing my pain made me help out to do so. already made it known that remember was the rough If you folks need a helper he has no interest combin- terrain from the hospital to to work at this please feel ing the public and separate the helicopter on the wheel free to give me a call and I school systems. stretcher. will do what I can! Moreover, Saskatchewan At this time I feel we Thanks again. in the past quarter century need a fundraiser to pave has already reduced the that strip. Don Ferguson number of school boards Moosomin 24 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 12, 2016 $V\RXOLNHLW ,GRQ·WGR)DFHERRNEXWLI,GLG,ZRXOGGHÀQLWHO\ WKLQJ,WEHFDPHDQDOWHUQDWLYHWR¶XP·¶HU·DQGRWKHU ‘like’ ‘like’. The word, I mean. I consider ‘like’ to be one YHUEDO %DQG$LGV OLNH ¶EDVLFDOO\· ¶DUJXDEO\· DQG ¶\RX RI WKH GRXJKW\ OLWWOH &O\GHVGDOHV RI WKH (QJOLVK ODQ- know’. guage. 7RGD\VSHDNHUV HVSHFLDOO\VSHDNHUVZKRDUHWRROD]\ ,¶OLNH·\RX,¶OLNH·SLVWDFKLRJHODWR,HYHQ¶OLNH·SHRSOH Arthur Black WRDUWLFXODWHDQDFWXDOWKRXJKW VLPSO\WKURZLQD¶OLNH· ¶OLNH·\RXDQGÁDYRXUVRIJHODWRWKDWDUHSLVWDFKLR·OLNH· ZKHQHYHUWKH\UXQLQWRDNQRWKROHRUDVSHHGEXPSLQ /LNHZLVHLW·VOLNHO\,FDQÀQGOLNHDEOHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV WKHLUQDUUDWLYH in things that are alike or bear a likeness which I can :KLFKHYHQWXDOO\OHDGVWRFRQYHUVDWLRQVVXFKDVWKH liken to other likelinesses—or the like. RQH,RYHUKHDUGLQDFRIIHHVKRS\HVWHUGD\$V,UHFDOO /LNHLVOLNHYHUVDWLOHPDQ,WFDQJRWRZRUNGUHVVHG it went: DVDYHUEDQRXQDQDGMHFWLYHDQDGYHUEDSUHSRVLWLRQ WKHHDUO\GD\VRIWHOHYLVLRQDGYHUWLVLQJ,WVROGDORWRI ´6R,ZDVOLNH¶5HDOO\"·$QGKHJRHVOLNH¶<HDKUHDO- DVXIÀ[RUDFRQMXQFWLRQ7KHZRUGKDVEHHQVROGHULQJ FLJDUHWWHV³DQG LW KDG DQ LQFHQGLDU\ HIIHFW RQ JUDP- O\·6R,·POLNH¶2.ÀQH·$QGKH·VOLNH¶/DWHUGXGH·µ WKH(QJOLVKODQJXDJHWRJHWKHUHYHUVLQFHZHVZLSHGLW PDULDQV7KHJXDUGLDQVRIOLQJXLVWLFSXULW\VQLIIHGWKDW 7KHUH PD\ EH DQ DFWXDO PHVVDJH HQWRPEHG LQ WKDW IURPWKH1RUPDQLQYDGHUVEDFNLQWKH0LGGOH$JHV WKHFRPPHUFLDOVKRXOGKDYHVDLG´WDVWHVJRRG$6D monologue but for me it got drowned in the backwash 5LJKWXSXQWLOLWZDVPRUWDOO\ZRXQGHGÀUVWE\:LQ- FLJDUHWWH VKRXOGµ³EXW 0DGLVRQ $YHQXH VQLFNHUHG of ‘likes’. 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