11111111111111111111111111111 0116300019 A eo 1a' Consent Le 'ers from Concerned Community Organizations. Representatives Practit'oners and Stakeholders in Support of Yoga for nscrip ion on t e Representative Lis of IC~I of 1-luma it~. 2003 U ES·CO eo ve fo Mini ry of Cui ure G v,e rnent of India ~ ~~Ttfl ~ Sangeet ~IC:Cfi Natak Cfi1~4'1 6 Akademi NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, DP.NCE AND DRAMA RABIN.DRA BHAVAN, FEROZE SHAH ROAD, NEW D.ELH.I-110 001 T~:23387246,23387247,23387248,23382495 Fax: 91-11-23382659 E;mail: mail@sangeetnata~.gov.in Website: ht!!?:l/sa_!lgeetnatak.gov.in YOGA-Consent Letters LETTER OF CO:-.ISENT From the Custodians of Cultural Expression IIWE agree with the nomination of the TRADITIO:"i OF YOGA for UNESCO' s mscnptwn· · · on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We support the Promotion of Yoga as World Heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent, aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional communities. l/We will actively be involved m the implementation of the safeguarding measure proposed. 5L0o..vYU l5iA 1 e93 - \11..\,~~o.. ~"11) ~L-W1 ~aw.G.J- Ob 6&tl'0~ ~clu\' lJ~ven.W ~~ ~ TWt ky ~ · ~ bAA.~ ~ J. ~¥AJt.~1m'J ~ tw w~ , 'I~ '!.! tw2 ~ .. ~ .. P>~~ ) ~ }. ~a. ~ CV\.R. j-l..J_ ~ -n, tA~ ~ W.~v~&.u.ol ~ -rw wofUJ) • CPet: \.M. a..U ~ ~ ~~ lJ'bJD~ ~ o...?.U..e,y..u Db 1\cUsnc k.,~, Date: 'l>et \S1 2.01 Lt Signature: ~ '-' \ :;:$ :,. Place: f>E~~L.o'-.U JNDIII Designation: CH!rfJC6 UDQ.. S-V'}hSA U~"~ ADDRESS: 1CJ EkNI\1\1 8\-fflr\JlrN )<: ~ rJAAPrR., c:l~sv• pvfUrl'l) Cl r«-tE ~M.L~\J 56C>O)t:j LETTER OF CO~SE:\T From the ('uo;todians of Cultural Ex r rcssion 1/\VF agrc.:: with the nomination of the TRADJTIO\ OF YO(;A for ll:'•ll :};('()'s inscription on the l<cprcscntat ivo: l.tst nf Intangible Cullmal I kritugc. We support the Promotion of Yoga a.s Worlu I kritu~-.:. The candida!un: fi le rd1ccts lh<.! f.:D!Iscnl. <~spir , llio n ~. w nccrns und val uo:s or the traditional communities. Ji\Vc will actively he involved in the implcrrwntation ,,(' the <; a rcgu::~ rd i ng mcasurt· pwpoSt:d. , Yo~a.. t,_ .... J b.:..c.~ . q hri o{'d-'- c...,.._.,~ ""'q"''i ~\'J-t~ c::_.., tt ... ..-<.~ 1 ·""""'rf Ac...h"""-':\ "'f ~ ~ o......-1 Jr-.cv, uv\..,W ~ ~<~ i ~ 1\ re . \1'~0\1\-'S , ~..r 'ts a....... ~ ~c....'<-U- t't......{ \,as u.""'t'Ld ..:\-sol.j: W.X.. """'b"'(<r" s~.4·4.. .... c,_v,, Ov-%0'11.'-f S · --~~~~S'~ (c . ~.,_t-1....'-J (.,...e,\.•c... rL+--..1 ..c"<.:. ~> ruvt ' v.l ,;.tJ ~ ((..'~au. r ~~,..., ·- . • 1 1fY r' '; ~ 1<. .a. I. "'--< r "\.!.....A"vl ..... -< \\ ~ ~ , 'V'\ 'a , -~ 1-\c.\\\ "'.e... <" , I '/....J.., ->Cu..,......._ .'\ . C.~) tl:1u.., r-H-Il',"'.f\.v-<-':1 c.....""" t~-rU" ~ - I Dale: Signature: ~..._,~' VoL.~ G-l.vt.A.....tt Place: ~a me: sw A. M\ V F:D A B hAR.-.11 l.!r.-. - . I . Designation: ~>\a. I·H. t..\1""' AI)' DRESS: (!) ..S<vAM' RAMA K' MAL •\Y-4~ ~ Nl v &" s 1 r 1 j.,(t'i Gn:c,•.J 1 ~{...f'4..(~-<t1(U~l"'~f::.h.,.v-..!) &Js'-vi=1MI RAMA ')ADHI7"-" c; RAN'IA Vt(,~t-~-\ : Diit,l;\ R L•A.D ~IS HI~ t:: S' H ( CHt '< t tU<:: h•.vv\ ) ~ L1 ~; -::?<' .:~ LETTER- OF CONSENT- From the Custodians of Cultural Expressioll IIWE agree with the nomination of the TRADITION OF YOGA for UNESCO's inscription on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We support the Promotion of Yoga as World Heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent, aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional communities. 1/We will actively be involved in the implementation of the safeguarding measure proposed. Date: Place: LO ,.::> A V t.-A z:_tJOI A · ADD~~S: g w C\. 'f'l\' l k V V 0\\ tj Q. 1'\.C\. V\c\ .,.._ Lo V\.. CA v (CA ~·s .{- Pu M- l{lO tt.o3 ,~M~ LETTER OF CONSENT From the Custodians of Cultural Ex ression I!WE agree with the nomination of the TRADITION OF YOGA for UNESCO's inscription on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We support the Promotion of Yoga as World Heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent, aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional communities. Date: \"\ Signature: . ~~. 0 • f. JIW Atz.-1 Place: Name Designation: P~l"Sl ' Je.k..f ~1XA ~\11 1 V\ d. i a "' yolf' ADDRESS: Cfo Mt>YC\"fJ I 'Pegcu. N~-hoj.-'0\.( lh\1~~ '} 'faff" ~~ ro~ ~~~ ... LETTER OF CO~SEXf From the Custodians of Cultural Expression UWE agree with "the nomination of the TRADITION OF YOGA for UNESCO's inscription on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We support the Promotion of Yoga as World Heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent. aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional communities. 1/We will actively be involved in the implementation of the safeguarding measure proposed. IJe. At :l/,...t. '1~ ~ 1 ,StJ.Mfo, &o rJ!w-1bo..l , & w~ ~r.Jur ~d ~ '1 'I~ edo..liJ.a.tJ.J. ,{£\ 1918~ tk..ol ~ M. ~ ~ D( -kJ.,.•.J:tt. li;;. £, .to~ }M- fac.d llf­ 'IOJ1a ~ l1)-te Soumol-l' (4JI.. a.il ;ttu~P"'1]U...O-d~ l.t'(~ dl.u £« -UJ«u ~ MOJ,I.J/OJ.YtA. ;Uu t<A.ciJvM.iJ.. rJ to ~ h~ 1t.vtJ 4( L~~d;Dec 19, 2oll.f Signature: ~<If.· b Place: 7"1 llt18AI :"'ame : r/ANSA.:rr. 14'/A',?cliA: ~()(Jtr-l'?~A -z:l'l!)!:'"t Designation: J)l R.'E Clof< AnnREss: forE '{oq, TrJsrr-riJ7'£ Jrle 'foc,A 'J"Ns·rrrV1't. THE YOGA INSTITUTE .J r-'rabhat ColonY. samaauz (East), &i(l: t04£N9(A f'I]AR.C,, Munbli · 400055. r:kA8HAT r!nL.OtJ'/, S4NTII &uz. (6) r/lvr.-1e,4r. 4ooo~~ It.t~:r:A f?h.~ 02..2.- 2.611050G, 2.612..2..tM f.r.t.- tt\~~-H.R_~qti)$~-b.l.G: 0~ LETTER OF CONSENT From the Custodians of Cultural Expression IIWE agree with the nomination of the TRADITION OF YOGA for UNESCO's inscription on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We support the Promotion of Yoga as World Heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent, aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional communities. I/We will actively be involved in the implementation of the safeguarding measure proposed. 1 Date: l9 h December 2014 Place: PUNE Signature: ~ {~ ·)~ Name: GEETA S. IYENGAR Designation: DIRECTOR Address: ll 07/B-l, Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune Hare Krishna Mandir Road, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune- 411016. Tel: +91-20-2565 6134 LETTER OF CONSENT From the Custodians of Cultural Expression l!WE agree with the nomination of the TRADITION OF YOGA for UNESCO's inscription on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We support the Promotion of Yoga as World Heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent, aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional communities. l/We will actively be involved in the implementation of the safeguarding measure proposed. Date: 19th December 2014 Place: PUNE Signatur · Name: PRASHANT S. IYENGAR Designation: DIRECTOR Address: ll 07 /B-l, Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune Hare Krishna Mandir Road, Model Colony, ShiYaj inagar. Pune- 411016. Tel: +91-20-2565 6134 '7 .r LElTER OF CONSENT From the Custodians of Cultural Expression 1/We agree with the nomination of the TRADITION OF YOGA for UNESCO's inscription on the Representative List Intangible Cullurallleritage. 1/We fully endorse and support the Promotion of Yoga as World heritage. The candidature file reflects the consent, aspirations, concerns and values of the traditional Yoga community. ljwe will be actively involved in the implementation of the safeguarding measures proposed for the same. Y;;ll ,; fiG 4.,-vc:.J~~-l ~C.Je,vc..L ~F /Jv7 A;~--: /_,fr:- ~ ,:fs h.// L~h. .vt:.J.,/. I.Z: H ""- ~~~~ <~7 er c../.:- ..... e.~ tv;f.~~ e.A/.IIb q n:J.-.v -6 A.<£4//.F<- 4c.. /..r ~ c.,;;~~ _f .12e. tft!...vu-/A"r.. ~ .Z:t .- .... /-4./.-£ ......./ -t"<~.;fa/_,/.t. -t- ~ .-n.,.... ,:U <v~.lvb.-'f -.:r- ,f-A-"1 - P"'t .......,c;.. 7!c...- A~ .._...c-.. <Jk/ -,. A.Grr<ACG. ~ ,,.,~t v.c. • c.T-.-.A-0/ -.c/ ~-~'-"*..::.. , f ?'INS"C. .t,- ~T~_,- ~~ ,-CP<- ~ ~ VI/~ ~.1.,?#,, _,f- .-#J"~k- (77V' ~<#' Date: ) ~ 12---Ill-f 'Signature: 1ot{ZI-r~;;r- Piace: Pt.t~U...CKb\lJU( Name: /J1t;::'t-1114KSH; Da(} rNe> ' t LA-- !5.4 .1V'4 tv Aw 1 Designation: rp l ~GffD e._ Address: tc..y Gi2. ~t- Mfhvo4 I" I MGITU. &t­ Ab \-fYC.At.v\ C\-tlWaJ~LA..~~ w-tAtt~ Y /hu{) //tM!\1~ ~Liu()U. -b~lOGt Yo(ttruf7(-t,t A/4-7Y~ffl INt>lv\-- · fJ1e.s ,C:iwJ f fJ ZJYI cl~~ )'cy~~ q~ lkr a::::-ttkl~ fY· rishnan1acharya Yoga Man~ira m 31 Fourth Cross Street, R.K. Nagar, Mandaveli, Chennai- 600 028. India. Phonr: 91-44-24937988 I 24933092 I 24620202 (F) +91-44-24613341 email: [email protected] website:ww.v.kym.org LETTEH OF CO:"'SE:\T From the Custodian~ of Cultural F:\.1 ression liWF agree with the nomination of the TRADITIO:\ OF YOGA for UNI:.SCO"s inscription on the Rt:pn:5entativc List of lntangibk Cultural Heritage. Vv'e support the Promotion of Yo~ta as World Heritage.
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