s m m i v e & G H g v z ■ .- 7- to te **# gmftt : it !t ‘ - v ■ - Tuesday, December 5,1972 Melrpse \ - > it” * * r ^ Y% Locals ' * . v >■ States Gan CIose By JEAN HIGHT. Correspondent . ", i ; i* ■, Cub Scouts— Bars, Night Clubs Melrose Cub Scout Pack No. 75 met Nov. 29 at the Rebekah Lodge WASHINGTON (A P) — On a 6-3 Justices Poller Stewart and Byron Hall. D ie pledge to the flag was led v<»t> ihe Supreme Court ruled While. by Frank Highl, den chief.' •oday ilull ihe slates can shut down ’Hie eouri’s shrunken liberal Committee members were I km 's ilu ii leisure nude dancers and bloc. Justices William O. Douglas, presented and given scouter pins. in her ‘'bacchanalian revelries,’’ William J. Brennan and Thurgood Other awards were: Den Mother Justice William H. Rehnquist, in Marshall, dissented. pins and Round up patches, Jean a sexuiilly explicit majority Douglas, in a brief and re­ Hight and Joyce Talbott; Webelos iipimon. said ihe First Amendment strained opinion, said Ihe majority leader patch, Asst, cub master ireedum does noi go beyond books had drawn a generally accurate patch and scout ers pin to Jim and movies lo "gross sexuality” in line between “ expression” that Duncan; Den chief cord for public. should be protected by the First Webelos, Frank Hight. Resides, he said, the 21st Amendment and “ conduct” upon Bobcat aw'ards, Johnny Amendment in ending Prohibition which officials may con­ Ascheman, Shane Ascheman; Wolf gave i he si at es broad coni rols over stitutionally act. Bui he said the badge, Rusty Talbott; Denner and he side ol liquor in bars and night • court’s ruling was based on an assistant denner cords for clulis. abstract situation since the Webelos, Richard Jones and Fred 'Hie ruling came in a case from regulai ions had not been applied to Hight; Denner and assistant California where, officials said, ihe particular bar owners in either denner cords for Den 4, Rusty “acts of sexual intercourse, civil or criminal proceedings. Talbott and Johnny Ascheman; nuisi urbai ion sodomy, bestiality, Webelos color badges, Shane olid copulation and flagellation” Ascheman, Danny Browning, Fred were being passed off as “ dan­ Hight and Richard Jones; Round cing" and entertainment. up patches for recruiting a new 'Rehnquist agreed with the member for the pack, Fred Highl, s ioe's appeal. He said prostitu­ Richard Jones and Rusty Talbott. tion. indecent exposure to young Lickers D ie scouts with the help of girls and rape flourished near committee members and leaders California bars and night clubs in presented a skit “ Scouting is many BANNACK A T THE TURN OF THE CENTURY—is illustrated on a Mikus home. Note the pump in lower left corner by the round corral. which "live entertainment” was Given things.” The meeting was closed postcard originally made by the Dillon Tribune and in the possession Mikus noted that he attended school in the church building before lea.ured. by Frank Hight giving the Scout of Charlie Mikus, 89, who makes his home at the Dillon Hotel. Mikus coming to Dillon in 1908. This picture should bring back memories for The decision upholds 1970 Warning Benediction. was born in 1893 at the Bank Exchange Building in Bannack, which many Beaverhead pounty residents. regulations authorizing the state’s had been destroyed before this picture was made. D ie “ X ” marks the Department of Alchoholic WASHINGTON (AP) — A New Melrose Rebekah Lodge had a I leverage Control to suspend or Hampshire physician has asked rummage, candy and bazaar sale revoke a liquor license when of- the government to warn stamp at the Lodge Hall Dec. 2. licials conclude there is conduct lickers of health hazards as the Thanksgiving guests at the "contrary io public welfare or Christmas season approaches, and Lowell Highl home were Mr. and Red Tide' m orals." to make stamps more sanitary. Mrs. Ross Harkness, Mr. and Mrs. (Business Mirror j People In 'Hie regulation had been de­ “ D ie stamps are unsanitary, Howard Brackett, Mr. and Mrs. Affects Only clared unconstitutional in April contain unknown chemicals which Howard Gaines and Jim Harkness The News HIT I In a three-judge federal court are virtually unregulated and are of Dillon, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Some Species in h>s Angeles empaneled to particularly distasteful,” wrote Sorensen and sons, Mike and interest Spreads Inland consider a suit brought by a group Dr. Robert Shaw, 52, of New Ip­ Shawn of Butte. HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Actress WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (A P ) ol bar owners. That ruling said the swich, N.H. “ In fact,” the doctor Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and NEW YORK (A P ) — Some people may still think the “ Eastern Mamie Van Doren has married a — Scattered outbreaks of Red Tide > a e could regulate movies and said, “ this year above all, the Jim spent Thanksgiving with establishment” is the heart and center of internationalism in the corporation executive she met have left thousands of dead fish nude entertainment” only if it stamps taste terrible, are larger relatives in Butte. United States — but they would be wrong. while boih were campaigning for awash on South Florida’s Atlantic proved at a trial that the than normal and contain more Ray Moe and Doris Rathie went More and more inland areas are growing in understanding of the ins Presideni Nixon’s reelection, says beaches but so far officials say exhibit ions were obscene. glue.” to Butte Monday to visit Leonard and outs of international trade, the pros and cons of protection vs. low a spokesman for the couple. tourism and sport fishing have not Jusi ice Rehnquist, in announcing Letters were sent to the Food and “ Empty” Norris who is a patient in tariffs. A trip through the area turns up bankers who are just as in­ Miss Van Doren, 39, and Ross been affected. lie reversal, said “ The depart­ Drug Administration, the Bureau St. James Community Hospital. terested in imports and exports as their fellows in New York. McCliniock, 51, were married Iasi “ A six-day sampling shows (Red ment's conclusion, embodied in of Engraving and Printing and the Brenda McQuislon spent the D ie Pacific Coast, of course, has always been interested in foreign week in a Las Vegas church, Ihe Dde) concentrations vary inshore hose regulations, that certain U.S. Postal Service. They were holiday with her mother, Ruth affairs and their effect on foreign trade. But this interest is growing spokesman said Monday. Ii was from area to area and day to day,” sexual performances and the sent for Dr. Shaw by a Washington McQuislon. Brenda works at the I inland now, and Arizona bankers are just as knowledgeable about 'he ihird marriage for boih. said John Jolley, a Florida dispensation of liquor by the drink attorney named John Joseph Armed Forces Recruiting station exchange rates and trade prospects as the San Francisco money men. McCliniock is a senior vice Department of Natural Resources ottgln not to occure simultaneously Malonis. in Helena. There are currently pockets of protectionist feeling, as in Detroit president of the Fluor Corp. and biologist. a premises which have licenses Matonis is connected with the Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gobb of and Pittsburgh. Here auto and steel imports have hurt the local in­ presideni of ihe subsidiary Fluor What he described as moderate was not an irrational one.” Kefauver Society of Washington Mountain Home, Idaho, spent dustries. But outside of these areas, the lowtariff bankers are as thick Drilling Services. fish kills have struck a number of Forming the majority with him which describes itself as a Thanksgiving at the Anglers as in New York, the center of the export trade. 'Ihe blonde, buxom actress was species since first reports came in were the three other Nixon ad­ “ semisecret consumer organ­ Paradise Lodge with Mrs. Gobb’s “ We’re not worried about competition from the Japanese,” one previously married lo baseball late last week. Diey included: ministration appointees. Chief ization whose avowed purpose is to mother and brothers. Arizona banker said recently. “ They are our best customers — they pi idler Lee Meyers and band pilchards, black mullet, goggle Justice Warren E. Burger and protect consumers from the laxity Now that hunting season is over buy all their large-scale integrated computer chips from us. Don’t put leader Ray Anthony. She has one eyes, ballyhoo, grunt, needlefish, Justices Harry A. Blackmun and of the agencies who claim to we can all settle down to getting up any barriers to Japanese trade— it would hurt our sales.” son by Anthony. eels, parrot fish and catfish. h wis F. Powell Jr., as well as protect th" consumer.” ready for the Christmas season. You can hear similar remarks from bankers in Illinois, where the However, popular game fish School children are practicing for export soybeans grow and the farm machinery is built. And where HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Actress such as snapper and pompano have their Christmas program as are they have just sold a fleet of tractors to Russia to lay gas pipelines. Jean Peters, who was married to not been infected. various church groups. It won’t be This growing interest in the midland toward overseas affairs and billionaire Howard Hughes for 14 Jolley said the Red Tide or­ Daily TV Schedule long before the hills will again be operations is shown by numerous recent developments. D ie Arizona years, is coming out of a long ganism paralyzes fish resulting in filled with folks after the bankers, in addition to watching Japanese developments, are retirement to play a leading’role on death because they cannot Include* Cubic 1.
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