f A l A ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority s Vol. LXXI, No. 75 26th NOVEMBER, 1993 Price 2,50 General Notice 726 of 1993. Tender number GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD Mukwati Building, comer Fi^h Street and Livingstone Avenue, Private Bag 7743, Causeway. Tenders Invited « C/1023/93. Caramel coloured plastic teaspoons. Closing date, 16.12.93. Documents are obtainable from the Chief Purchas­ All tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, P.O. Box vs ing Officer, Air Zimbabwe Corporation, P.O. Box API, 8075, Causeway. v, 1 Harare Airport. Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. CPA/301/93. Supply of computer hardware and software. Closing / Tend^ must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, end^sed on the outside widi the *in date, 16.12.93. Documents are obtainable from the Control­ tulvertised tender number, descrijHion, closing date and must be posted in time to be ler, Central Purchasing Authority, P.O. Box 8096, Causeway, sorted into Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or deliv^d by hand to the Secretary, or Atlas House, 62, Robert Mugabe Road. A non-refundable Government Tender Boaid, Fourth Floor, Atlas House, 62, Robert Mugabe Road, deposit of $500 is payable on collection of documents. Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. P&S.21. Supply of typewriters. Documents are obtainable from the Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the tenderer, the Controller, Government Printing and Stationery, George service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post Office to the Silundika Avenue/Epton Street, P.O. Box 8062, Causeway. Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. the closing date and the confirma­ Closing date, 16.12.93. tion tender pos^ not later dian the closing time and date. The telegraphic address is ‘Tenders, Harare”. DWD.93/93. Supply and delivery of PVC pipes and fittings. Closing date, 9.I2.9I Documents are obtainable from the Director, Tenders which are nm received by 10 a.m. on the closing date, whether by hand. by post or by telegr^, will be treated as l^e tenders. Department of Water Development, PrivateBag 7712, Cause­ way. If a deposit is r^uired for tender documents, it will be refunded on receipt of a bona fide tender or if the tender documents are returned ctMnplete and unmarked before the ZRP.24/93. Supply and delivery of sub-aqua equipment. Closing closing date. date, 16.12.93. ' For sui^ly contracts, the country of manufecture must be stated. When tenders are ZRP.25/93. Supply and delivery of forensic science laboratory compared, a degree of inference is deducted from prices tender^ for goods manufac­ equipment Closing date, 16.12.93. Documents are obtain­ tured in Zimbabwe. able from the Inspector Ordnance, Room 29, PGHQ, comer No tender can be withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 days (or another period Seventh Street/Josiah Chinamano Avenue, or P.O. Box 8007, specified iii tender documents) from ttte stated closing date. Causeway, Telex: 24328, Fax: 728768. The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserves DWD.95/93. Repairs of electric motors: Matabeleland Province. the right to select any tender in whole or in part. Closing date, 16.12.93. Tenders which are property addressed to the Government Tender Board in envelq)es DWD.96/93. Consultancy services for safety inspection of dams: with the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the outside are not Masvingo. Closing date, 16.12.93. opened until 10 a.m. on the closing date. Documents for tenders DWD.95-96/93 are obtainable from Memb^ of the public may attend the opening of tenders on Fourth Floor, Atlas the Director of Designs, Department of Water Development, House, 62, Robert Mugabe Road, Harare, from 10 a.m. onwards on the date specified. Makombe Complex, comer Htu-are Street/Herbert Chitepo Avenue, Harare. MISS P.TICHAGWA Secretary. HEDU.21/93. Supply, installation and commissioning of (1) 26-11-93. C^vemment Tender Board. draughting machine and accessories. Belvedere Technical Tender Teachers College. Tender documents are obtainable fi'om the number Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, P.O. Box UA275, Union Avenue, or Fourth Floor, Old Mutual Centre, comer A/14/93. Supply of land-use planning materials. Closing date, ' Third Street/George Silundika Avenue, Harare. •^1 16.12.93. Documents are obtainable from the Director, De­ partment of Agritex, Block 11, Makombe Building^ comer MED.525. Rehabilitation equipment and instruments: Harare and Herbert Chitepo Avenue and Harare Street, or P.O. Box Bulawayo Medical Stores. Closing date, 16.12.93. 8117, Causeway. MED.534. Supply and delivery of laboratory reagents to Serology JA22/93. Supply and delivery of tmeks. Closing date, 16.12.93. Department, Public Health Laboratory. Closing date, Documents are available from the Secretary for Transport 16.12.93. and Energy, Room 62, Seventeenth Rbor, Kaguvi Builibng, MED.535. Supply and delivery of reagenfe and consumables: Bio­ P.O. Box 8109, Causeway. chemistry Department. Closing date, 16.12.93. Documents DERUDE.5/93. Supply of plan printers and survey equipment. are obtainable from the Buying office. Medical Stores, Closing date, 9.12.93. Documents are collectable from the Lobengula Road, Southerton, P.O. Box ST23, Southerton, Director of Rural Development, Room 23, Seventeenth Floor, Harare. y 1080 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 26th November, 1993 Tender Mrs. A. M. Chikasha (Harare) number Mrs. P. S. H. Mesikano (Harare) ZESA.74/93. landed galvanized staywire strain 70 ton V gauge. Mr. N. D. Pascoe (Harare) Closing date, 16.12.93. Mr. A. I. Kassim (Harare) Dr. P. Mavros (Harare) ZESA.75/93. Supply and delivery of 200 kVA and 300 kVA com­ pact mini substations. A deposit of $25,00 is required. D. Z. GUTI (MRS.), Closing date, 16.12.93. 26-11-93. Acting Senior Secretary for Finance. ZES A.78/93. Supply and delivery of moulded case circuit breakers. Closing date, 16.12.93. General Notice 729 of 1993. Documents for ZESA.74-75 and 78/93 are obtaini^le from the Procurement Manager, ZESA, Second Flqor, Zimre ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] Centre, comer Park Street and Union Avenue, Harare. 8944. Ruwa: Civil and cable works. Non-refundable cheque de­ Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits posit: $200. Closing date, 16.12.93. IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor 8959. Civil and cable works: Borrowdale Exchange Area. Non- Transportation Act notice is hereby given that the refiindable cheque deposit: $200. Closing date, 16.12.93. [Chapter 262], applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or amendment of 8960. Manufactureof shelves for6U Cards. Non-refundable cheque road service permits, have been received for the consideration of the depost: $120. Closing date, 16.12.93. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. 8963. Supply of security alarm systems. Non-refundable cheque Any person wishing to object to any such application must lodge deposit: $200. Closing date, 16.12.93. with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. Box 8332, 8962. Radiomasts,towersandaccessroads.Closingdate,J6.12.93. Causeway— Non-refundable cheque deposit: $200. Documents are avail­ (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to reach able from the Secretary, CTC Purchasing Committee, P.O. the Controller’s office not later than the 17th December, Box 8061, Causeway, or Room S18, Tenth Roor, PTC 1993; Headquarters, 107, Union Avenue, Harare. (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 24, CON. 110/93. Kadoma: Supply, delivery, installation and commis­ together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the Controller's sioning of intercom system plus lighting protection system. office not later than the 7th January, 1994. Closing date, 9.12.93. Any person objecting to an application for the issue or amendment CON. 106/93. Constmctioi} of waste stabilisation ponds at Kadoma of a road service permit must confine his grounds of objection to Training Institute. Closing date, 2.12.93. matters directly bearing on the considerations referred to in para­ CON. 108/93. Electrical installation inMpilo Hospital Nurses Train­ graph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of section 8 of the said Act. ing Centre, Category D. Closing date, 9.12.93. V. M. MUPAWOSE (MRS.), CON.109/93. Electrical installation and reticulation at Masvingo 26-11-93, Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Combined Court, Category D. Closing date, 9.12.93. Docu­ ments are issued on payment of non-refundable fee of $200 Schedule from MTC & NH, Leopold Takawira Street, P.O. Box 8081, Causeway. MOTOR-OMNIBUSES AFC. Construction of office blocks at Murewa and Rusape. Eli­ Amendments gible bidders may obtain further information and bidding Kukura Kurerwa Bus Service. documents at the office of Matiza Architects, Seventh Floor, 0/831/93. Pamit: 25413. Motor-omnibus. Passenga-capacity: 76. Humdza House, 14-16, Baker Avenue, Harare. Route: Harare - Kuwadzana Township (Banket) - Chinhoyi - Alaska Compound - Dandadales Estate - M’sango - Umfuli C. Area - General Notice 727 of 1993. Kenzamba Township - Manyika Store - Cheniundi - Sanyati FOREST ACT [CHAPTER 125] Bridge - Copper Queen Mine - Farm 238 - Farm 199 - Chimbandi Store - Chief Nembudziya - Tiki Store - Kadzidirire. Appointment of Commissioners: Forestry Commission By: IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Environment and (a) Alteration in route kilometres from Kenzamba Township - Tourism, in terms of subsection (2), as read with subsection (7) of Manyika Store - .Chemundi - Sanyati Bridge - Copper Queen ( section 5 of the Forest Act [Chapter 125], has— Mine - Farm 238 - Farm 199 - Chimbandi Store - Chief Nembudziya - Tiki Store.
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