March 2020 A FOCAL POINT Issue No. 232 PORT VINCENT — South Australia PROGRESS ASSOCIATION REPORT— MARCH 2020 Well its March already!!! razy to believe we are into the third month of the year already… Firstly, I would like to congratulate the nominees and recipients in the Yorke Peninsula Council Australian of the Year Awards. Also, congratulaons to helsea Biddell, daughter of Shane ) Louise Biddell, for her selecon in the AFLW , Adelaide rows side . It is wonderful to see the achievements of some our local Port Vincent residents. .our Progress Associaon is looking forward to 20201with several pro2ects happening over the coming months. These include the salt damp repairs to the Port Vincent Instute, which are due to commence mid5 March. If all goes well, a new kitchen will be installed, hopefully in late April. Please note that due to these renovaons only the Main Hall will be available for use for the period March – May . We are very pleased to see this much needed upgrade start to come together thanks to the hard work of your Port Vincent Progress Associaon commi6ee members. The PVPA plan to connue to work on other pro2ects, grant applicaons ) fundraising throughout this year to assist with achieving community pro2ects that re7uire funding. If you are able to assist with any of our fundraisers, or if you are e8perienced in grant applicaons, we would be very grateful if you could o9er your me and/or e8perse. Please contact the PVPA portvincentprogress;gmail.com Also, if you have any ideas, suggesons, feedback or concerns please contact the PVPA :5 Secretary portvincentprogress;gmail.com President / Vice pvpapresident;gmail.com Treasurer pvpatownoffice;gmail.com ommunity Events pvpaevents;gmail.com Michelle Twel7ree—0hairperson Port 6incent Progress Associa8on A FREE publicaon kindly printed by the Narungga Electoral Office for the Port Vincent Progress Associaon Editor: Sue Hall - Email: [email protected]— Ph 0413 057 992 - Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au Editor9s 0omments This month’s A Focal Point has varied and interesng arcles1I hope you en2oy reading them as much as I did! An update regarding Progress Associaon’s applicaon for a le> turn/deceleraon lane for southbound vehicles turning from the St Vincent Highway into Lime Kiln Aoad1 (similar to that constructed at PriceC. A le6er has been sent to the local council advising of the urgent need for this turn le> lane due to safety concerns. This will be followed up with le6ers to both the Transport Minister, Stefan Knoll, and our local state member, Fraser Ellis. Le6ers of Support have been received from most of our community groups. If you would like to o9er your support please email me at [email protected] Sue Hall: Editor 1idy 1owns A Focal Point Report : March 2020 Issue Now that the fesve season is behind us we have taken some me to reQect on our acvies over the last couple of months, and we feel that our members are in need of some help. We were heavily involved in assisng on Gala Oay, with several members spending a great part of their day at the foreshore, ensuring the area was kept clean and dy, and our e9orts were acknowledged, and we are thankful for that. However, there are some tasks that we perform where we believe we should have some assistance from other community groups. We have had one member clean the electric ''R’s around the town a total of 92 mes (1 a day on averageC since 2/12/19. This is not a Sve minute 2ob, so yes we do need some help! .ou may ask why I menon this, but on the plaque at the wharf ''R it menons several groups who have provided the facilies, but none have o9ered to provide assistance for their maintenance. I suppose if you don’t ask you don’t get so we will be asking. On a more posive note the recycling area has again been very busy and our recycled numbers are very similar to last years. The crushed glass Sgures for the last 12 months show that we handled 22 ton of glass (mainly wine bo6les which would be over1P,000 bo6lesC. We are about to embark on another round of calici virus bait laying as the rabbit populaon seems to have made a comeback in certain areas around the town. If you have any rabbit issues in your ar- ea please contact me at [email protected] or place your area on the list I will put at the Post Office, and I will follow up. Finally, Alan Tones , the author of the book LPort Vincent Shipping Port to Pleasure AesortM, wri6en in 199P is going to update it to the present me and has asked Tidy Town’s to provide some informaon on our Group’s acvies for the update. Aon Trinne has kindly o9ered to provide some informaon and I’m sure other members of the Group will also be asked to contribute. Des 0hambers—Secretary UP0.M,N/ E6EN1S— MAR0H 2020 AND BE5.ND: - AR1,0LES 1. L..K F.R ,N 1H,S EDI1,.N: 1st March 1 urramulka Farmer’s Market Page I 1 Water Tower Mural Update Eth March 1 Stansbury Seaside Markets Pages 6 1 Fishing Report Eth59th March1 Port Vincent Sailing lub Races Page E 1 PV Sailing lub Report 15th March 1 Port Vincent Sailing lub1 lub Aaces Page E 1 Become LScam SmartM 5 free course at S.P Hub 22nd March 1 Port Vincent Sailing lub1 lub Races Page 8 1 Feel your best1eat well, e8ercise regularly 28th March 1 urramulka Speed Shear Page 9 1 .our oast Nuard working for you 29th March 1 Port Vincent Sailing lub1 lub Aaces Page 10 1 Volunteers needed at the Visitor Info Office 5th April 1 urramulka Farmer’s Market Page 10 1 SACWA Port Vincent Branch news 5th April 1 Port Vincent Sailing lub1 lub Races Page 11 1 Minlaton District School receives Novt funding 11th April 1 Stansbury Seaside Markets Page 12 1 Bluebush lub would love you to 2oin 12th April 1 SACWA Easter Pancake Stall on the Wharf (Page 10) Page 1P 1 Seizures in Dogs 19th April 1 Port Vincent Sailing lub1 lub Aaces Page 1E 1 St Neot’s Narden Update 2 Port Vincent SA Water Tower Mural update 1he process of crea8ng a Mural that reQects the coastal, farming and family life of the Port Vincent community is moving forward. The Pro2ect Team has moved from the research phase and is now officially a Sub5Commi6ee of the Port Vincent Progress Associaon , which is important for formal pathways for Arts related grants funds and to ensure all Volunteers are covered by insurance as the process progresses. Thank you to Michelle Twel>ree and the Progress Associaon Commi6ee Members represenng the Community for their ongoing support for this Public Art iniave for Port Vincent. Le@ers of support from Sporng and Community Groups are coming in thick and fast, and are of huge importance in the process of applying for Arts related Grants. As well, the ongoing posive and supporve Community Feedback, mostly via conversaons in the ‘Main Street’, has been much appreciated. s are your ideas and o!ers of support. We are starng to get interest for Uspo6ers’ during the painng process, to watch out for the arsts when they are up 20 metres high on the scissor li> . So, if you are interested in siVng at the base of the Tower, keeping an eye out for the safety of the arsts while they are painng for a few hours at a me we would love to hear from you. This voluntary role will be lots of fun, and something to tell the Grandkids about. So please reach out to the Water Tower Mural Commiee to register your interest. Members of the Port 6incent Water 1ower Mural Sub 0ommi@ee (Sub5Commi6ee of the Port Vincent Progress AssociaonC, with formal nominaons to be conSrmed in early March are: Aulie Adams (P6PA MemberC Aan Le Feuvre (P6PA MemberC Sue Hall (P6PA MemberC /reg Hall (P6PA MemberC Doug Le Feuvre Linda Mc0abe Aulie Searle Aan 1homson /rant 1ro@er Timelines have been pushed out to early in the new Snancial year for the operaonal / painng phase, as we were not able to secure grant funding in me to commence in May / Tune. However, SA Water has commi6ed to ‘roll over’ the o9er of the W10,000 grant towards the total cost. These funds will go towards the rst Brief and the commencement of the painng. Members of the Port 6incent 0ommunity have oDered and are approaching us to ma4e dona8ons to this proEect : we can now accept any voluntary dona8ons via the Port 6incent Progress Associa8on : please reach out to Sue Hall on 04 3 057 992 for details. ,f you have any Fueries, Fues8ons, or would li4e to be involved in the process, we would love to hear from you—either email Sue Hall on [email protected], or ring her on 04 3 057 992. Any member of the commi@ee would also be pleased to hear from you. Linda Mc0abe—on behalf of the Port 6incent Water 1ower Mural Sub-0ommi@ee See next page for some amazing diagramsI 3 Above: Port Vincent9s iconic water tower plans. 0an you helpJ We are looking for some stories and photos at the me of the building of the Port Vincent Water Tower , SA Water’s Archive Department has many images of Water Towers from across South Australia , but not Port Vincent’s Tower! The Tower was built In 1961 , it is the ripe old age of 59! To have some images / stories about the building of the Tower would be wonderful%.
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