Department of the Navy, DoD § 700.602 § 700.502 Commandant of the Coast itime navigation, ice breaking facili- Guard. ties, and rescue facilities for the pro- (a) The Commandant of the Coast motion of safety on and over the high Guard is the senior officer of the seas and waters subject to the jurisdic- United States Coast Guard. tion of the United States. (b) When reporting in accordance (i) Engage in oceanographic research with section 3, title 14 U.S.C., to the on the high seas and in waters subject Secretary of the Navy, the Com- to the jurisdiction of the United States mandant of the Coast Guard will fur- in coordination with the Office of the ther report to the Chief of Naval Oper- Oceanographer of the Navy. ations for military functions. The Chief (j) Continue in effect under the Sec- of Naval Operations shall represent the retary of the Navy those other func- Coast Guard as a member of the Joint tions, powers and duties vested in him Chiefs of Staff. by appropriate orders and regulations of the Secretary of Transportation on § 700.503 Duties and responsibilities. the day prior to the effective date of In exercising command over the transfer of the Coast Guard to the De- Coast Guard while operating as a serv- partment of the Navy until specifically ice of the Navy, the Commandant shall: modified or terminated by the Sec- (a) Organize, train, prepare and main- retary of the Navy. tain the readiness of the Coast Guard to function as a specialized service in Subpart FÐCommanders in Chief the Navy for the performance of mili- and Other Commanders tary missions, as directed. (b) Plan for and determine the § 700.601 Titles of commanders. present and future needs of the Coast (a) The commander of a principal or- Guard, both quantitative and quali- ganization of the Operating Forces of tative, for personnel, including reserve the Navy, as determined by the Chief of personnel. Naval Operations, or the officer who (c) Budget for the Coast Guard, ex- has succeeded to such command as pro- cept as may be otherwise directed by vided elsewhere in these regulations, the Secretary of the Navy. shall have the title ``Commander in (d) Plan for and determine the sup- Chief.'' The name of the organization port needs of the Coast Guard for under his command shall be added to equipment, materials, weapons or form his official title. weapons systems, supplies, facilities, (b) The commander of each other or- maintenance, and supporting services. ganization of units of the Operating (e) Exercise essential military ad- Forces of the Navy, or organization of ministration of the Coast Guard. This units of shore activities, shall have the includes, but is not limited to, such title ``Commander,'' ``Commandant,'' matters as security, discipline, intel- ``Commanding General,'' or other ap- ligence, communications, personnel propriate title. The name of the organi- records and accounting conforming, as zation under his command shall be practicable, to Navy procedures. added to form his official title. (f) Enforce or assist in enforcing Fed- eral laws on the high seas and on wa- § 700.602 Responsibility and authority ters subject to the jurisdiction of the of a commander. United States. (a) A commander shall be responsible (g) Administer, promulgate and en- for the satisfactory accomplishment of force regulations for the promotion of the mission and duties assigned to his safety of life and property on the high command. His authority shall be com- seas and on waters subject to the juris- mensurate with his responsibilities. diction of the United States. This ap- Normally, he shall exercise authority plies to those matters not specifically through his immediate subordinate delegated by law to some other execu- commanders; but he may communicate tive department. directly with any of his subordinates. (h) Develop, establish, maintain and (b) A commander shall insure that operate, with due regard to the require- subordinate commands are fully aware ments of national defense, aids to mar- of the importance of strong, dynamic 23 VerDate 25<JUN>98 10:44 Aug 05, 1998 Jkt 179125 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179125T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179125T § 700.603 32 CFR Ch. VI (7±1±98 Edition) leadership and its relationship to the (e) Make, or cause to be made, such overall efficiency and readiness of inspections as necessary to ensure the naval forces. A commander shall exer- readiness, effectiveness, and efficiency cise positive leadership and actively of the components of his command. develop the highest qualities of leader- ship in persons with positions of au- § 700.605 Observance of international thority and responsibility throughout law. his command. At all times a commander shall ob- (c) Subject to orders of higher au- serve, and require his command to ob- thority, a commander shall issue such serve, the principles of international regulations and instructions as may be law. Where necessary to fulfillment of necessary for the proper administra- this responsibility, a departure from tion and operation of his command. other provisions of Navy Regulations is (d) A commander shall hold the same authorized. relationship to his flagship, or to a shore activity of his command in which Subpart GÐThe Commanding his headquarters may be located, in re- Officer gard to its internal administration and discipline, as to any other ship or shore § 700.701 Applicability. activity of his command. In addition to commanding officers, the provisions of this chapter shall § 700.603 To announce assumption of apply, where pertinent, to aircraft command. commanders, officers in charge (includ- Upon assuming command, a com- ing warrant officers and petty officers mander shall so advise appropriate su- when so detailed) and those persons periors, and the units of his command. standing the command duty. When appropriate to his command he shall also advise the senior command- § 700.702 Responsibility. ers of other United States armed serv- (a) The responsibility of the com- ices and officials of other Federal agen- manding officer for his command is ab- cies and foreign governments located solute, except when, and to the extent, within the area encompassed by his relieved therefrom by competent au- command, concerning his assumption thority, or as provided otherwise in of command. these regulations. The authority of the commanding officer is commensurate § 700.604 Readiness. with his responsibility. While he may, A commander shall take all prac- at his discretion, and when not con- ticable steps to maintain his command trary to law or regulations, delegate in a state of readiness to perform its authority to his subordinates for the mission. In conformity with the orders execution of details, such delegation of and policies of higher authority, he authority shall in no way relieve the shall: commanding officer of his continued (a) Organize the forces and resources responsibility for the safety, well- under his command and assign duties being, and efficiency of his entire com- to his principal subordinate command- mand. ers. (b) A commanding officer who de- (b) Prepare plans for the employment parts from his orders or instructions, of his forces to meet existing and fore- or takes official action which is not in seeable situations. accordance with such orders or instruc- (c) Collaborate with the commanders tions, does so upon his own responsibil- of other United States armed services ity and shall report immediately the and with appropriate officials of other circumstances to the officer from Federal agencies and foreign govern- whom the prior orders or instructions ments located within the area encom- were received. passed by his command. (c) The commanding officer shall be (d) Maintain effective intelligence responsible for economy within his and keep himself informed of the polit- command. To this end he shall require ical and military aspects of the na- from his subordinates a rigid compli- tional and international situation. ance with the regulations governing 24 VerDate 25<JUN>98 10:44 Aug 05, 1998 Jkt 179125 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179125T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179125T.
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