Two new species of the genus Mecyclothorax Sharp from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae) Martin Baehr Two new species of the psydrine genus Mecyclothorax Sharp from New Guinea are described: M. lackneri sp. n., from central Papua (former Irian Jaya), western New Guinea, and M. kubor sp. n., from central Papua New Guinea, in the eastern half of the island. The first species was collected at median altitude and is most closely related to M. jiwikae Baehr of the same region, but is distinguished by wider pronotum and even shorter elytra, and by the structure of the aedeagus. The second species was sampled at high altitude of Kubor Range and is closely related to M. sedlaceki Darlington of the nearby Bismarck Range, but is distinguished by its larger body size and the presence of five deeply impressed setiferous punctures on the elytra. A revised key to the New Guinean species of Mecyclothorax is presented. Additional records of M. sedlaceki Darlington from Mt. Wilhelm are presented. Martin Baehr, Zoologische Staatssammlung, Münchhausenstr. 21, D-81247 München, Germany. [email protected] Introduction only known from single or few specimens. It is yet The psydrine genus Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 is unknown whether their recorded scattered occur- widely distributed in the area between Australia rences simply demonstrates our limited knowledge, (Moore 1984, 1992, Moore et al. 1987, Baehr 2000, or whether they mirror their truly restricted ranges. 2003), New Guinea (see below), New Caledonia Thus far, most species were recorded from central (Jeannel 1944, Deuve 1987, unpublished records), and eastern Papua (former Irian Jaya). In spite of New Zealand (Larochelle & Larivière 2001), Java much longer and better exploration, from the east- (Louwerens 1949), Borneo (Baehr & Lorenz 1999), ern half of the island (Papua New Guinea) only few and far out in the Pacific on Tahiti (Perrault 1978, species have been recorded. The extremely scattered 1992) and Hawaii (Britton 1948, Liebherr 2005, records may reflect the yet absolutely inadequate 2007, 2008). In both latter archipelagos, the genus sampling of these small beetles that probably are best has developed its highest species diversity. Most collected by sieving or Berlese extraction of litter or probably the genus is of Australian origin; it is very soil. Apparently, such sampling methods so far have widely distributed in the southern part of Australia been very rarely employed. and along the whole east coast. In view of their phy- As a conclusion, in New Guinea the genus Mecyclot- logenetic status the most plesiotypic species of the horax is yet unknown from Owen Stanley Range, genus apparently occur in southern Australia. Huon Peninsula, the western part of Papua New In New Guinea the genus was repeatedly subject of Guinea, and also from the whole western part of descriptions of new species. Revisions (Darlington, Irian Jaya (now Papua) including Snow Mountains 1962, 1971; Baehr, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2002) show and Vogelkop Peninsula. Very probably species that the mecyclothoracine fauna of New Guinea is will be discovered in most of these areas in future, by no means adequately recorded yet. because the genus is as well distributed to the east of Until now, altogether twelve species were described New Guinea as to the west. from the whole island of New Guinea, most of them Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 151: 133–140, Figs 1–6. [ISSN 0040–7496]. http://www.nev.nl/tve © 2008 Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging. Published 1 June 2008. Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:29:10AM via free access 134 Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, volume 151, 2008 Material and methods – Lateral margin of elytra not perceptibly sinu- The new species were detected within a sample of ate in front of the rather obtuse basal angles carabid beetles collected in western New Guinea (Baehr 1995, figs 3, 4). Papua . 5 and kindly sent on loan for identification from the 4. Elytra with 5 discal punctures and setae Zoölogisch Museum of the University of Amsterdam (Fig. 3); size larger, length 4.4 mm; aedea- (ZMAN) and in the unidentified carabid material gus unknown. Kubor Range at 3600 m of the National Museum of Natural History Natu- . kubor sp. n. ralis, Leiden (RMNH). The holotypes are located – Elytra with 2–3 discal punctures and setae; in these collections, one paratype of M. lackneri is size smaller, length < 4.0 mm; aedeagus with stored in the working collection of the author at the narrow, elongate and slightly sinuate apex Zoologische Staatssammlung, München (CBM). and with two elongate sclerites in internal Additional records of M. sedlaceki Darlington were sac (Fig. 2). Bismarck Range (Mt. Wilhelm), obtained from the collections of RMNH and of the above 3200 m . sedlaceki Darlington, 1971 Hungarian National Museum of Natural History, 5 Elytra with 4 discal punctures and setae; base Budapest (HNMB). of pronotum coarsely punctate; elytral striae For dissection of the male and female genitalia well impressed, crenulate, intervals convex, specimens were soaked in a wet jar for a night, then stria 7 fairly well developed (Baehr 1995, the genitalia were cleaned for a short while in hot fig. 3). Juliana Top (Gunung Mandala), east- 4% KOH. For the descriptions normal taxonomic ern central Papua, at 3500 m . methods have been used. julianae Baehr, 1995 Measurements were taken using a stereo microscope – Elytra with 2 discal punctures and setae; with an ocular micrometer. Length has been meas- base of pronotum impunctate; elytral striae ured from the apex of labrum to the apex of elytra. weakly impressed, outer striae consisting of Length of pronotum was measured along midline, rows of punctures only, intervals depressed, width of base of pronotum at the extreme tips of the stria 7 scarcely indicated (Baehr 1995, fig. 4). basal angles. Measurements and ratios were obtained Eipomek-Langda area, eastern central Papua, in the same manner as in Baehr (1992, 1995, 1998, at 3500 m . eipomeki Baehr, 1995 2002). 6. Basal angles of pronotum almost rectangular, lateral margin near base distinctly sinuate; aedeagus see Baehr (1995: figs 5, 7; 2002: Recognition fig. 1) . 7 A new key to the New Guinean Mecyclothorax is given – Basal angles of pronotum obtuse, lateral mar- below. For easier identification, figures from former gin near base not or barely sinuate; aedeagus papers (Baehr, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2002) are quoted see fig. 1 and Baehr (1992: fig. 2; 1995: where necessary. Although range is not a prima facie figs 11, 12; 1998: fig. 2; 2002: fig. 2) . 9 distinguishing character, the ranges of most species 7. Size larger, length > 5 mm; surface at least seem to be so restricted that they can be used as sup- with traces of microreticulation; aedeagus port for the differentiation of the species. Therefore, see Baehr (1995: figs 5, 7). Eastern central geographic and altitudinal ranges are included in the Papua, above 3200m . 8 key as exactly as possible. – Size smaller, length < 4 mm; surface with- out traces of microreticulation; aedeagus see Revised key to the New Guinean Baehr (2002: fig. 1). Bulldog Rd., Morobe Mecyclothorax Prov., eastern central Papua New Guinea, at 2550m . cuccodoroi Baehr, 2002 1. Elytral striae 3 and 5 with setiferous punc- 8. Larger species, length > 5.7 mm; microre- tures. Wilhelmina Top (Gunung Trikora), ticulation on head and pronotum barely central Papua (former Irian Jaya), at 4200 m indicated, on elytra superficial, but present . toxopei Darlington, 1962 on apical part of elytra; basal angles of – Only elytral stria 3 with setiferous punc- pronotum obtuse at apex, lateral margins tures . 2 distinct, explanate and slightly upturned; 2. Posterior lateral seta of pronotum present . 3 at least two or three median elytral striae – Posterior lateral seta of pronotum absent . 5 deeply impressed, intervals distinctly convex 3. Lateral margin of elytra distinctly sinuate (Baehr 1995: fig. 8); aedeagus see Baehr (1995: in front of the subdentiform basal angles fig. 5). Gunung Elit, eastern central Papua, (Fig. 3). Papua New Guinea . 4 at 3200–3300 m . eliti Baehr, 1995 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 09:29:10AM via free access Baehr: New Mecyclothorax from New Guinea 135 – Smaller species, length c. 5.3 mm; micro- central Papua, at 1900–2300 m . reticulation distinct, even very conspicuous . bilaianus Baehr, 1998 on elytra, but absent on apical part of elytra; – Apex of aedeagus elongate, not falciform, basal angles of pronotum rectangular, lateral only feebly curved up (Baehr 1992: fig. 2; margins very narrow, barely explanate and 2002: fig. 2) . 13 upturned; elytral striae barely impressed, 13. Elytra longer and narrower (ratio length/ intervals depressed (Baehr 1995: fig. 9); ae- width > 1.42), more oviform (Baehr 1992, deagus see Baehr (1995: fig. 7). Sape Valley, fig. 1); base of pronotum distinctly wider north of Juliana Top (Gunung Mandala), than apex (ratio base/apex > 1.18); lower sur- eastern central Papua, at 3400 m . sapei Baehr face of aedeagus in middle straight, apex less 9. Aedeagus with short, wide, laminate api- upturned (Baehr 1992: fig. 2). Kangine area, cal plate that is bent down (Fig. 1; Baehr Baliem Valley, central Papua, at 1900 m . 1995: figs 10, 11); basal angles of prono- . riedeli Baehr, 1992 tum very obtuse, without any perceptible – Elytra shorter and wider (ratio length/width sinuosity (Fig. 3; Baehr 1995: figs 13, 14); < 1.30), more quadrate (Baehr 2002: fig. 4); either very small species (length < 3.8 mm) base of pronotum distinctly narrower than with short elytra, or larger species (length apex (ratio base/apex < 0.92); lower sur- 4.6 mm) with elongate elytra . 10 face of aedeagus in middle evenly concave, – Aedeagus either with short, laminate apex apex more distinctly upturned (Baehr 2002: that is markedly falciform (Baehr 1998: fig. 2). Bulldog Rd. area, Morobe Prov., fig.
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