....✓.ELECTIONS ar SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17 /11) 9 A non-partisan Office of the Legislature FUNCTION THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM PAGE[=uoFCIJ POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE {YYYY/MM/DD) EVENT TIME (HH: MM) BC NOP 2019/11/23 19:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION NAME {OR ADDRESS' IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) V010-John Horgan's Victoria Reception Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria NAME OF RESIDENT" (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) tlCK IF (:VENT'HELJ)AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE o•· PART A PARTB THIS PART MUST SE SUBMITTEDAT fHIS PART MUST BE Sl:lBMltTED WfTHIN LEA$t:7 DAYS BEFORE T�E eyENl 60 DAYS AFTERTHE EVENT f TICKET PRICE(S) $50.00 # OF TICKETS SOLD 233 $150.00 $225.00 CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $30,580.00 Names-of the political party'leader, pt;irtia,nentary·setretaries or Check if the polltical parjYleader, parliamentarysecretary or members of tlie Executive Council scheduledto attend: member of the Executiv� eQuncil attendedthe event: John Horgan ATTENDED EVENT? � Carole James ATTENDED EVENT? IZ) Melanie Mark ATTENDED EVENT? � Lana Popham ATTENDED EVENT? □ Katrine Conroy ATTENDED EVENT? � Katrina Chen ATTENDED EVENT? □ Rob Fleming ATTENDED EVENT? □ Michelle Mungall ATTENDED EVENT? � George Heyman ATTENDED EVENT? � Doug Donaldson ATTENDED EVENT? □ Adrian Dix ATTENDED EVENT? � Adel more torms1f needed. SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn De Vito Jaime Matten EMAIL PHONE EMAIL PHONE [email protected] 604-430-8600 604-430-8600 DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) 2019/11/15 1J)20/0U2.� This form will be published on Elections BC's website. This Information 1s conected under the authority of tho Election Act nnd the Freedom of lnforrmJtlOn ond Protection of Pn'vocy Act. The information wiN be used to administer provisions under the EloclionAct. Questions can be directed to: PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. Privacy Officer, Elections BC 1-800-661-8683, prjyacy@eloctjonsbe c.1 or PO Box 9275 Sin Prov GoV1, Victoria BC V8W 9J6 .,~ELECTIONS fls!f.:. SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17/11) 9° A non-partisan Office of the Legislature FUNCTION THIS IS AN AMENED FORM PAGE!=uoFCIJ POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE (YYYY / MM/ DD) EVENT TIME (HH : MM) BC NOP 2019/11/23 19:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION NAME (OR ADDRESS' IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) V010-John Horgan's Victoria Reception Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria ' NAME OF RESIDENT' (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) TICK IF-EVENT HELD AT f'RlVATE RESIDENCE 0 PART A PARTS Tl:·US PART MUST BE Sl:JBMITi'ED AT THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN LEAST 7 bAYS BEFORE :rHE EVENT 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENt ' TICKET PRICE(S) $300.00 # OF TICKETS SOLD 233 $350.00 $ CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $30,580.00 Names oUhe pplitical party leader, parliamentary secretaries or Check if the f)Qlitical party leader, partiamen~ary sec,r.etary or members !of lhe 9)(0Cutive Go.urici !; scheduled to att~d: . meni,ber of the Executive Council att~nded the ~vent: Scott Fraser ATTENDED EVENT? • Bruce Ralston ATTENDED EVENT? ~ George Chow ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Harry Bains ATTENDED EVENT? • Judy Darcy ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Selina Robinson ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Mike Farnworth ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Shane Simpson ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Lisa Beare ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Claire Trevena ATTENDED EVENT? [Z) Jennifer Rice ATTENDED EVENT? • Add. more forms if nEl!Kled. SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn DeVito Jaime Matten EMAIL PHONE EMAIL PHONE [email protected] 604-430-8600 604-430-8600 DATE (YYYY/MM IDD) DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) 2019/11/15 ~ :2..02.010 Y24 This form will be published on Elections BC's websile. This information ,s collected under the authority of the Eloction Acl and tho Frs9dom of Information and Protocllon of Pn'vacy Act. The information will be used to administer provisions under the ElectJon Act. Questions can be directed to: PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. Privacy Officer, Elections BC 1-800-661-8683, prjyacy@olecbons be ca or PO Box 9275 Sin Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9J6 e\dfeELECTIONS 8 :- SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17 /11) 9 A non-partisan Office of the Legislature FUNCTION THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM PAGE o=J OF o=J I,·; ,, i; POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE (YYYY/ MM/DD) IEVENT TIME (HH : MM) BC NDP 2019/11/23 19:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION NAME (OR ADDRESS' IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) V010-John Horgan's Victoria Reception Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria NAME OF RESIDENT" (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) TICK IF EVENT HELD AT PRIVA_TE RESIDENCE • , • 0,. c ~ - ... n 'W,I bo ~lnoptdlon ' • ,~ ·- ' ' .--tld """ ., PART A PARTS THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN Ll::AST 7 DAYS BEFORE THEiEVENT 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT # OF TICKETS SOLD 233 I:ICKET PRICE(S) I: CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $30,580.00 Names of the political party leader, parliamentary secretaries or C_neck if the political p~rty leader, parliamentary secretary or members of the Executive Council scheduled to attend: lt\ember of the Executive Council attended the event: Mable Elmore ATTENDED EVENT? • Anne Kang ATTENDED EVENT? • Ravi Kahlon ATTENDED EVENT? IZ) Rick Glumac ATTENDED EVENT? • Bowinn Ma ATTENDED EVENT? • Mitzi Dean ATTENDED EVENT? • Sheila Malcolmson ATTENDED EVENT? IZ) ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ~ ;4.H~. ;:.("\·it•~: Add more forms if n'eeded. ' SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn DeVito Jaime Matten EMAIL PHONE PHONE [email protected] 604-430-8600 604-430-8600 DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) DATE (YYYY / MM / DD) 2019/11/15 2.DZ0/03/2 9 This form will be published on Elections BC's website. This informaUon 1s 1 ndor the authority of tho Election Act and the Freedom of Information and Pro(&clion of Pdvocy Act. Tho information will be used to admmlstor provisions under tho EtacUon Ad. Questions can be d1roctoe1 10. PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. Privacy Olllcor, Eloctlons BC 1-800~1-8683. orjyocy@ek><:tjons be ca or PO Box 9275 Sin Prov Govt , Viclona BC V&W 9J6 SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17/11) FUNCTION PAGE '-I _ ___,I OF I 3 POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE (YYYYIMM/ DD) I EVENT TI ME (HH: MM) BC NOP 2019/11/23 19:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATI ON NAME (OR ADDRESS* IF HE LD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) P613-John Horgan's Victoria Reception Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria NAME OF RES IDENT* (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) TICK IF EVENT HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE • 9Wnb e obscured from public- m1pection. PART A PARTB THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT TICKET PRICE(S) $ 50.00 # OF TICKETS SOLD 234 $150.00 $225.00 CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $30,580.00 Names of the political party leader, parliamentary secretaries or Check if the political party leader, partiamentary secretary or members of the Executive Council scheduled to attend: member of the Executive Council attended the event: John Horgan ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ Carole James ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ Melanie Mark ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ Lana Popham ATTENDED EVENT? • Katrine Conroy ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ Katrina Chen ATTENDED EVENT? • Rob Fleming ATTENDED EVENT? • Michelle Mungall ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ George Heyman ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ Doug Donaldson ATTENDED EVENT? • Adrian Dix ATTENDED EVENT? IZJ ¾ - Add more forms if needed. SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn DeVito Rowyn DeVito EMAIL PHONE EMAIL PHONE [email protected] 604-430-8600 rowyn [email protected] 604-430-8600 DATE (YYYY/ MM/DD) DATE (YYYY/ MM/DD) 2019/11/15 2019/12/19 This form will be published on Elections BC 's website. This information is collected under the authority of the Election Act and the Freedom of lnfonnation and Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used lo administer provisions under the Election Act. Questi ons can be directed to: PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. Privacy Olflcer, Elections BC 1-800-651-8683, priyacy@e1ections be ca or PO Box 9275 Sin Prov Govt, Victori a BC VBW 9J5 •'l~,.ELECTIONS B SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17/11) ~ A non-partisan Office of the Legislature FUNCTION PAGE I 2 I OF I 3 POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) I EVENT TIME (HH: MM) BC NOP 2019/11/23 19:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION NAME (OR ADDRESS' IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) P613-John Horgan's Victoria Reception Hotel Grand Pacific, Victoria NAME OF RESIDENT* (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) TICK IF EVENT HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE • "Win be ob, eured ~om pubHc Inspection. PART A PARTB THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT TICKET PRICE(S) $ 300.00 # OF TICKETS SOLD 234 $ 350.00 $ CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $30,580.00 Names of the political party leader, parliamentary secretaries or Check if the political party leade r, parliamentary secretary or members of the Executive Council scheduled to attend: member of the Executive Council attended the event: Scott Fraser ATTENDED EVENT? • Bruce Ralston ATTENDED EVENT? ~ George Chow ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Harry Bains ATTENDED EVENT? • Judy Darcy ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Selina Robinson ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Mike Farnworth ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Shane Simpson ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Lisa Beare ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Claire Trevena ATTENDED EVENT? ~ Jennifer Rice ATTENDED EVENT? • Add more forms if needed. SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn DeVito Rowyn DeVito EMAIL PHONE PHONE [email protected] 604-430-8600 604-430-8600 SIGfJ\N\_ DATE (YYYY/MM/OD) 1, DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) l!'- 2019/11/15 2019/12/19 This form will be published on Elections BC's website. This information is collected under the authority of the Election Act and the Froedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
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