City of Cerritos COVID-19 update Please note that the following information capacity for retail business with entrance metering events, please visit the City’s website at cerritos.us. is current as of press time on December 16. For and no eating or drinking in the stores. Special It is recommended that residents remain at their the most updated City information related to hours were recommended for seniors and others homes and with members of their household as COVID-19, please visit cerritos.us. with chronic conditions or compromised immune much as possible and avoid activities that are not The City’s overnight parking restrictions morato- systems. Stand-alone grocery stores where the essential. Always wear a face covering whenever out- rium remains in effect through the end of January. principal business activity is the sale of food were side your home, keep your distance from others not Citations will not be issued for vehicles parked on allowed to operate at 35 percent capacity. in your household, wash your hands frequently and the street overnight without a permit or on street • Shopping centers – Indoor operation was allowed avoid crowds. Individuals with underlying health sweeping days. Parking enforcement will begin at 20 percent capacity with entrance metering and conditions and those who are older should remain again on Monday, February 1. no eating or drinking in the stores and all com- in their home and not be around others unless seek- The State issued a Regional Stay at Home Order mon areas closed. Special hours were recommend- ing routine or essential health care. that went into effect for Los Angeles County residents ed for seniors and others with chronic conditions As of press time, the County reported a total of on December 6, and was slated to remain in effect or compromised immune systems. 1,149 cases of COVID-19 in Cerritos and 18 deaths through December 27. The order could be extended • Hotels and lodging – Open for critical infrastruc- due to COVID-19. There were 36 reported cases of beyond this date if the projections of the Southern ture support only. COVID-19 in the unincorporated area of Cerritos. California Region’s total available adult ICU bed • Restaurants – Restaurants were allowed to be open The City’s website has a link titled “Novel Coronavi- capacity continue to be less than 15 percent. for take-out, pick-up or delivery only. Temporary rus in Los Angeles County” that opens a page with The State Order prohibited private gatherings outdoor seating was closed to the public. information about the number of cases in cities of any size, closed sector operations, including in- • Offices – Only remote operations were allowed ex- throughout the County. person dining at restaurants and personal grooming cept for critical infrastructure sectors where remote The first COVID-19 vaccine was administered in services, and required 100 percent masking and working is not possible. Los Angeles County on December 14. physical distancing. • Places of worship and political expression – Only The City will continue to update residents and The following sectors were required to close or outdoor services were allowed. the community through its website, email blasts, remain closed for all operations: • Entertainment production, including profes- Facebook group, Cerritos TV3 and “The Cerritos • Indoor recreational facilities sional sports – Operation was allowed without News.” To sign up to receive City email blasts, click • Hair salons and barbershops live audiences. Testing protocol and bubbles the “E-News” red envelope link on the homepage of • Personal care services were highly encouraged. the City’s website at cerritos.us. • Museums, zoos and aquariums The Order did not modify existing school guid- “Library News” and “Lifelong Enrichment” • Movie theaters ance. Schools that were open under County proto- The January 2021 issues of the “Library News” • Wineries, bars, breweries and distilleries cols could continue to provide in-person instruction and “Lifelong Enrichment” will not be published. • Family entertainment centers as permitted. The publications are on hiatus pending the schedul- • Cardrooms and satellite wagering The following sectors were allowed to remain ing of upcoming services, programs and events. • Limited services as defined by the state open with appropriate infectious disease preventa- Public Health Resources • Live audience sports tive measures, including 100 percent masking and For the latest updates on COVID-19, please visit the • Amusement parks physical distancing: following websites: The following sectors had additional modifi- • Critical infrastructure • County of Los Angeles Department of Public cations in addition to 100 percent masking and • Non-urgent medical and dental care Health, publichealth.lacounty.gov physical distancing: • Childcare • California Department of Health, cdph.ca.gov • Outdoor recreational facilities – Outdoor operation The City continues to carefully monitor State • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cdc.gov was allowed without any food, drink or alcohol and County information about when and how City • World Health Organization, who.int sales. Overnight stays for recreational visits at facilities will be allowed to reopen, and will provide campgrounds was not permitted. updates as they become available. For a complete • Retail – Indoor operation was allowed at 20 percent list of the status of City facilities, programs and Parking enforcement resumes on Feb. 1 The City’s overnight parking restrictions and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day video program enforcement will resume on Monday, February 1. City and youth contests planned Code Enforcement staff will issue warnings for two November 2016 • Volume 45 • Number 11 weeks and will then begin issuing citations on Monday, In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the than 300 words, preferably typed on letter-size paper. February 15. This includes citations issued for vehicles Published for the Citizens of Cerritos City of Cerritos will record a special program to air All art and writing contest entries should represent parked on the street on street sweeping days. Permits on Cerritos TV3 on Monday, January 18 at 3:30 p.m., the theme of “What Are You Doing for Others?” Con- are required to park on City streets between 3 and 5 a.m. 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.. The piece will include remarks test entry forms are available at the Cerritos Library to help keep streets clear and allow residents and depu- by the Cerritos City Council and various tributes in and on the City’s website at cerritos.us. Completed art ties to quickly spot suspicious vehicles. honor of the occasion. and writing entries must be dropped off at the Cer- Overnight parking permit renewals for 2021 are As part of the City’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ritos Library’s Sidewalk Service location by 5 p.m. on taking place now. Residents can submit their annual celebration, the Cerritos Library is sponsoring art Wednesday, January 6. The library is located at 18025 parking permit application or request an overnight and writing contests for students. The art contest is Bloomfield Avenue. The Sidewalk Service is available parking permit 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, by open to students in kindergarten through grade 12. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. visiting cerritos.us and clicking on “Parking Permits” Participants may submit one art entry, no larger than After judging, selected entries will be recognized under the Featured Links section. 12”x18,” using any drawing or painting materials. in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day video and on the The Cerritos City Council recently amended the The writing contest is open to students in grades City’s website. For more information about the art and parking permit criteria to allow two-car garage 7 through 12. Participants may submit one writing writing contests, call the Community Participation households with five vehicles and five licensed drivers entry, which may be a poem or an essay with no more Division at (562) 865-8101. Continued on page 2 January 2021 • Volume 50 • Number 1 Published for the Citizens of Cerritos Parking enforcement resumes on Feb. 1 Continued from page 1 to qualify for a second annual parking permit. Three- City Council/Successor Agency meetings are report on a January 2021 meeting agenda (after car garage households would require seven vehicles held at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday the January quarterly budget and audit compli- and seven licensed drivers to qualify for a second of every month. For details, call the Office of the ance report) to consider reinstatement of the pine parking permit. The Council also temporarily allowed City Clerk/Treasurer from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday tree reforestation plan and program. all Cerritos residents and students with a driver’s through Friday at (562) 916-1248. • Adjourned in memory of Melinda Kimsey, former license and vehicle to be issued a limited “Special Cir- City employee and Economic Development Com- October 22, 2020 cumstance” parking permit that is valid for 90 days. missioner. • Awarded a professional services contract for For more information, call the Community Safety the maintenance of the City’s aquariums to November 12, 2020 Division at (562) 916-1266. California Aquarium Consultants with a term • Waived full reading of and adopted Ordinance of 36 months with a provision for up to three No. 1035, an ordinance of the City Council of the 12-month extensions and rejected the other City of Cerritos, granting to Golden State Water proposal; and Company, a California corporation, a franchise Timely removal • Authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement for the right to use or to lay and use pipes, on behalf of the City of Cerritos; and conduits and appurtenances for transmitting and of Christmas lights and • Authorized the City Manager or his designee to distributing water in, along, across, upon and decorations required execute any contract modifications that may be under the public streets, ways, alleys and places necessary to complete the specified scope of work.
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