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TJie Thiee Stooges S10.00 SID Symphony Stsroo Cartridge.. „. S3995 Fast and reliable, they support 1541.1571 and 1581 slylo partitions, Tie Braak Tennis 51S.C0 GeoCable CompaliEie Prim Cable S2O.(X> Native Mode partitioning and can actually read and wrile 1581 disks. Total Eclipse , .,.$10.00 8*1 Cartod-goPoitEipander S4500 FD's feature built-in JiffyDOS, SWAP button and optional Real Time Uilma III or V (Please Specify) $17.00 MW-350 Prmlei Interlace S6000 Clock. High capacity, speed and compatibility make the FD right for WnardryV S24.M IEEE Flash! 64 IEEE Interface S90.CO every application, including GEOS. Quicksilver 128 IEEE Interface 5120 00 CMD'sC-1351 Compalibia SmartMouse $49.95 Ta* Par1ectS4 .169 00 Mouse Pad , 12.95 To- Perfect 128 S79.00 24-pin Epson-coin pal ole P:jnlar SIM 00 Po»st Wnte>2 (64) (D-gnai Sol) S65.CO CM, C-64CPomo'Supply (fepaiiable) S39CO Pocket WntM 3 (64 or ;28) (Ogitol Sol.) 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HD's connect easily to the serial bus or parallel via RUN GEOS Pcwei Pak 1 or II (Spocily) S20.00 RAMLink. Includes built-in JiffyDOS, SWAP lealure and RTC. HD's gnteWayffiJ or ISBISpecity Version) S29.95 Dialogue 128 .,., , 529 00 offer superior compatibility with mosl commercial software including Collolle Utilities (Handy Geas Ulil.t»s) 51995 SseedTerm (Abacus) $25.00 BBS, Productivity and GEOS. And wilh new pricing, HD Series drives Ported Prmi LO lor GEOS (Lasei.likB outpul) ..
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