NEW YORK CHAPTER /THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS JUNE, 1971 VOLUME 44, NUMBER 10 PLAN REVIEW GOES TO NATIONAL AIA CONVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DETROIT JUNE 20-24 The Urban Design committee, with the assistance of An AIA convention concentrates into four days an other interested committees, has studied and debated extraordinary amount of activity. One remembers the the Plan for New York City for a year. A draft review surge two years ago toward the shouldering of has been submitted to the Executive Committee, and professional responsibility to society; of the sharp it is expected that the Chapter's comments on the debate last year in Boston over the new Standards of Plan will be released to the press and distributed to Ethical Practice; of exceptionally informative civic groups and community boards in June. seminars;-and of inimitable parties for 3000 people, as when the old Grand Central Station in Chicago was Walter Rutes is Chairman of the Urban Design occupied in a blast which dismayed local columnists. Committee, and John Burgee is Chairman of the Policy Subcommittee. Other committees participating You have received material from national head­ in the review and their chairmen were Parks & quarters on the Detroit program, but it should be Recreation, Jay Fleischman; Housing, Seymour pointed out here that a number of issues wi II be of Jarmul; Traffic & Transportation, Stanley Lorch; particular interest to the Chapter members. Five of Historic Buildings, William Shopsin; School & College the resolutions are listed as being sponsored by us; Architecture, Ronald Haase; Natural Environment, they are titled Statute of Limitations for Professional John Grifalconi. Steven Foote, a graduate student of Liability; Resolution on National Priorities; Environ­ architecture at Columbia, and George Lewis have mental Quality; and two on the issue of greatest edited. The Urban Design Commission Chairman is interest to the Chapter at the moment: political James Rossant. K.K. contributions. These last are quoted here in ful I: CAVAGLIERI SUMS UP TERM No. 19, Political Campaign Financing: RESOLVED, In a statement prepared for the Annual Report, That The American Institute of Architects will President Giorgio Cavagl ieri reviewed some of the actively support efforts of the Congress to enact Chapter's main concerns and accomplishments for the legislation to: I imit the total of permitted campaign past year. Among the activities cited were: expenditures for all purposes for national and • Minority group student scholarship programs Congressional office; limit to a modest amount the supported by assessment. size of individual and institutional contributions to • Support of the Architects' Technical Assistance political campaigns for such offices; require full Center. centralized reporting and publication of such political • Continuing efforts to achieve improved pro­ contributions by the candidate; and regulate all of the fessional service contracts with City agencies. foregoing in such manner as will be effective and • Review and preparation of a report on the Plan for promptly enforceable. New York City. • Investigation of the possibility of formation of a No. 20, Political Contributions-Ethical Standard: Metropolitan Chapter. RESOLVED, That the Standards of Ethical Practice • Search for a new permanent headquarters. be amended by adding to Standard 8 the following: • Increased cooperation with architectural schools "An architect as an individual may make political and students contributions of money or service provided he main­ Cavaglieri added that in some areas the progress tains a full statement of the value, nature, purpose achieved was limited resulting in frustrations. Work in and receiver of such contributions and discloses such fields such as scholarship programs where the Chapter information to his local chapter and upon request to leads the Institute on the other hand, are most the Judicial Board of the AIA." encouraging for the future. Of other issues, the proposa I to enlarge the I nstitute's Complete reviews of all Chapter activities will be powerful Board of Directors stands out. New York included in the Annual Report which will be publish­ State would be represented by 5 directors as com- ed shortly. (Continued on page 2, col. 2) CONVENTION (Cont. from page 1) NEW YORK CHAPTER, THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS 20 West 40th Street, New York, New York 10018 - 212-565-1866 pared to the present 1, so that New York City and George S. Lewis .................... .. .... .. Ex ecutive Director the metropolitan area could expect multiple representation on a regular basis. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Giorgio Cavaglieri , FAIA, President David E. Glasser These matters were discussed at the Chapter's Pre­ Frederick G. Frost, Jr. FAIA, 1st Vice-Pres. Lawrence Litchfield Convention Meeting on May 24. G. L. Leon Brand, V ice President T. Merrill Pre ntice, Jr. Thomas Galvin, Vice President Armand P. Bartos Der Scutt, Secretary Howard H. Juster MUSICUS SUBMITS SECOND CITY-WIDE James B. Baker, Treasurer James S. Rossant CONTRACT TO CHAPTER OCULUS COMMITTEE John Doran, Editor and Chairman Milton Musicus, Administrator of Public Services for Kurt Karmin Joe l D . Kaufman New York City, has submitted a revised contract for Linda Yang Barry Stanley architects/engineers to the New York Chapter. It is Edward L. LaMura John B. Schwartzman not clear as to whether Mr. Musicus will entertain J. Arvid Klein further changes, but the initial reaction of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ACTIONS members reviewing it is still one of general dis­ MAY 12, 1971 satisfaction on many points. Giorgio Cavaglieri, David Todd, Frederick Frost, Daniel Schwartzman, Robert • Heard a report on continuing discussions with City Gatje and Engineer William Eipel expect to meet officials on the proposed draft for the City agencies' again with City representatives. Mr. Cavaglieri will contract with architects. make a report to the membership. K.K. • Heard a report on telegrams sent to State legisla­ tors in support of bills providing for letting City work SOME MEMBERS OPPOSE EXECUTIVE through a single contract. COMMITTEE ON POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS • Reiterated its support of Resolution No. 20 on political contributions submitted by the Chapter to About 30 members attended a special meeting on the Detroit Convention (see article on Convention April 29 called to discuss the Executive Committee's this issue); acted to submit a questionnaire to the action barring political contributions by firms and Chapter membership on this subject. recommending limiting individual contributions to • Encouraged continued discussions with the $500 (OCULUS April 1971). Giorgio Cavaglieri re­ Architectural League concerning possible future viewed the background of the situation, citing the sharing of space. recent series of articles in Long Island's Newsday • Heard Mr. Lester Jacobs of Pratt Institute request which linked contributions to contracts for public Chapter assistance in developing architectural courses work. He explained that the Executive Committee's to be offered at Pratt's new Manhattan Center. intent was to protect members from "forced" dona­ • Noted that the first meeting of the Study Group tions. There was also some indication that smaller for the proposed Metropolitan Chapter was to meet firms and younger members felt that some of the May 27. larger firms might be "buying" commissions with • Referred the city's new Guide for Consultant political contributions. The Chapter had received a Architects and f ngineers to the Office Practice message from the Institute, he reported, stating that Committee, and to the Liaison Committee meeting the wording of the Chapter regulation "amending" with DPW representatives, for comment prior to a the Standards of Ethical Practice was prohibited by 5/19 meeting with DPW. Institute By-Laws. • Heard Messrs. Glasser and Prentice report on the progress of the Public Service Fund Raising Program. In the discussion that followed, the members who spoke generally opposed the new regulation. Several CHAPTER AIR QUALITY members pointed out that political contributions STATEMENT RELEASED were now publicly recorded although the information Giorgio Cavaglieri released a Chapter policy statement was not easily accessible. Dickson McKenna noted on air quality and the environment at a press that members were being encouraged of late to conference prior to a special Earth Week symposium become involved in politics. David Todd observed "Environment a Professional Responsibility." that it would be difficult to enforce the rule and warned that the maximum contribution of $500 The statement, a result of John Grifalconi's Natural could become a standard ''price." Environment Committee, mandates the need for immediate and effective action to restore the quality Another member praised the Committee's "brave of air in our urban regions and calls on the Architect, act" but also expressed the fear that it would lead to as the professional responsible for shaping the the expectation of $500 contributions. environment and, therefore, able to utilize his skills to reduce pollution through conservation of energy Generally, the consensus appeared to be that the and through ecologically sensitive planning. situation was covered as well as it cou Id be by law and the lnstitute's Standards, although several people Both the New York Times and Radio Station WI NS thought the Executive Committee was to be com­ covered the statement's release. J.A. K. mended for focussing attention on
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