August Informal and Formal County Commission Meetings will be Closed for Public Attendance In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Orders No. 16 and 51, regarding limiting gatherings to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, and allowing public meetings to take place by electronic means; the Informal County Commission on August 3 and the Formal County Commission meeting on August 10, both at 6 p.m., will be conducted in-person for County Commissioners only. The public will not be allowed in the meeting room. Limiting public access to these meetings is necessaryto protect the public health, safety, and welfare in light of COVID-19. The August County Commission meetings ofthe Montgomery County Board ofCommissioners will only be open to the public via electronic means and can be viewed asa live stream video on the Montgomery County YouTube channel during themeetings or at any time after the meetings have taken place. For members ofthe public who plan to address the County Commission about zoning cases at the Informal meeting on August 3 may do so viaWebex from the first-floor training room ofthe Montgomery County Historic Courthouse. A member ofthe staffwill be available to guide them through the process. For more information about the August Informal and Formal County Commission meetings visit mcgtn.org or by calling 931 -648-5787. AUGUST 10, 2020 BE IT REMEMBERED that the Board ofCommissioners of Montgomery County, Tennessee, met in regular session on Monday, August 10, 2020, at 6:00 P.M. Present and presiding, the Hon. Jim Durrett, County Mayor (Chairman). Also present, Kyle Johnson, Chief ofStaff, Kellie Jackson, County Clerk, John Smith, Chief Deputy Sheriff, Tim Harvey, County Attothey, Jeff Taylor, Director ofAccounts and Budgets, and the following Commissioners: Jerry Ailbert Arnold Hodges Chris Rasnic Joshua Beal Garland Johnson Larry Rocconi Loretta J. Bryant Charles Keene Joe Smith Carmelle Chandler Jason D. Knight Tangi C. Smith Joe L. Creek Rashidah A. Leverett Walker R. Woodruff John M. Gannon James R. Lewis David Harper Lisa L. Prichard PRESENT: 19 ABSENT: Brandon Buns and Rickey Ray (2) When and where the following proceedings were had and entered ofrecord, to-wit: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA AUGUST 10. 2020 CALL TO ORDER - SheriffJohn Fuson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner Larry Rocconi INVOCATION — Chaplain Joe Creek ROLL CALL PRESENTATION 1. Diversity Update — Miohelle Lowe PROCLAMATIONS 1. Graduation Organizers — Joanna Ginyard, Heather Jeffries, Tameka Osborne 2. Tennessee Women’s Suffrage Centennial Day — Ringing ofBells, Joint Proclamation 3. Juneteenth Celebration — Commissioner Leverett 4. Retirement — Circuit Court Clerk Cheryl Castle PRESENTATION 1. Mayor’s Emerging Leaders — Certificates Makenna Huhnke Alaina Chandler Isaiah Byrdsong Isabella Allen Graysie Harper Jarial Jimenez-Lopez Taylor Albertia Emily Deller Brennen Morrow Nevaeh Strawser Kendra Svensson Savannah Washington William Zirkle ZONINGRESOLUTIONS CZ-11-2020 Application ofChristine Oliver from AG to R-I CZ-12-2020 Deferred at Regional Planning Commission CZ-13-2020 Application ofTommy Head from AG to E-1 CZ-14-2020 Application ofHolly Point, LC CBP Properties from AG/R-1 to R-1A CONSENT AGENDA *Al1 items in this portion ofthe agenda are consideredto be routine and non-controversial by the County Commission and may be approvedby one motion; however, a member of the County Commission may request that an item be removedfor separate consideration. 2O~8~2* Resolution to Appropriate Funds from the Sheriffs Office Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) Reserve Fund Fiscal Year 2021 20~8_3* Resolution Adopting the Montgomery County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 20~8~4* Resolution to Amend the Budgets ofVarious Funds for Fiscal Year 2021 in Certain Areas ofRevenues and Expenditures 20~8_5* Resolution ofthe Montgomery County Board ofCommissioners Approving Amendments to the 2020-2 1 CMCSS School Budget 20_8~6* Resolution oftheMontgomery County Board ofCommissioners Approving Amendments to the 2020-21 CMCSS School Budget • Adoption of Commission Meeting Minutes dated July 13, 2020 • Adoption ofCounty Clerk’s Report and Notary List • Adoption ofCounty Mayor Nominations and Appointments RESOLUTIONS 20-8-1 Resolution to Establish Juneteenth as a Legal Paid Holiday for Montgomery County Government and Employees Beginning on June 19, 2021 20-8-7 Resolution Approving the Formation ofa Land Regulation Advisory Committee for the City of Clarksville and Montgomery County, Tennessee ELECTION OF INTERIM CIRCUIT COURT CLERK Applicants will be given five (5) minutes to speak to the County Commission. 1. Richard L. Meeks 2. Wendy Davis County Clerk commences election process. UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORTS FILED 1. Highway Department Inventory Report 2019-2020 2. Airport Quarterly Report 3. County Engineer Quarterly Projects Report 4. Annual Finance Report— Chancery Court, Clerk & Master 5. Annual Finance Report— County Clerk 6. Annual Finance Report— Sheriff Office 7. Annual Finance Report — Circuit Court, General Sessions, Juvenile Court 8. Annual Finance Report— RegisterofDeeds 9. Annual Finance Report — Trustee 10. Report onDebtObligation -$23,500,000 (school improvements, facilities & equipment) 11. Library Yearly Report FY 2019-20 12. Building & Codes Monthly Report 13. Accounts & Budgets Monthly Report 14. Trustee’s Monthly Reports ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Reminder ofthe unveiling ofthe Women’s Suffrage Statue on Saturday, August 15. A walking parade will begin at 5:00 pm from the historic courthouse to public square for the ceremony~County purchased a brickpaver forall current and prior women county commissioners and county mayor, which have been placed around the statue. ADJOURN A Diversity Update was presented by Michelle Lowe. MONTGOMERY COUNTY GOVERNMENT ca PROCLAMATION By The County Mayor WHEREAS, commitment and determination are just a few words that describe Joanna Ginyard, Heather Jeffries, and Tame/ca Osborne; and WHEREAS,, their commitment consisted of organizing and hosting an event to celebrate the High School Senior Graduating Classes of2020; and WHEREAS, on Saturday, June 27 approximately 500 seniors participated in a drive through graduation parade at the James P2. Bruce Convention Center in Hopkinsville, Kentucky; and WHEREAS, students received numerous g(fts given ‘by sponsors and theirparçnts. Many businesses donated items for each senior to •receive a g(/i bag, while others donated decorations,food and drink; and WHEREAS, this has been an unconventional year due to the COVJD-]9 pandemic but graduating from high school is a time to celebrate those seniorsfor the hard work that leadto thisjoyful occasion; and WHEREAS, these three women and other volunteers are to be highly commendedfor their efforts in celebrating and making this graduation one to rememberfor the Senior Class of2020. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIM DURRETT, on behalfof the Board of County Commissioners, and senior class parents of Montgomery County, do hereby recognize and show appreciation to Joanna, Heather and Tame/ca for organizing the 2020 Senior Class Graduation Parade. We are sure each senior felt they were being recognized in a special way, and we thankyou for your dedication to them! ~j County Mayor Mayor Durrett presented a Proclamation to Joanna Ginyard, Heather Jefifies, and Tameka Osborne for organizing the 2020 Senior Class Graduation Parade. JOINT PROCLAMATION’ Montgomery County City of Clarksville Tennessee Women’s Suffrage c’entènnial Day WHEREAS, ‘ citizens ofclarksville andMontgomery doñnty v111;oon’celebrate the 100th Anniversary of/he 19th Amend,n ent to the Constitution oft/ic UnitedStates; and • , WHEREAS, , the history of Tennessee and.our community holds, an important moment in the work to - make certain that,women could frlly participate in America’s great constitutional • , , Rephblic; and, ~‘ •‘ WHEREAS, Montgomer~CountyState Representatthe Guy W. Wines introduced a bill in the Tennessee. Legislature in 1869 to grant sufitage to Tennessee women. His proposal did not gain traction. - WHEREAS, in the late 1800s, African-American women formed the National Association ofcolored Women and thesewomen devotedtheir time to cultural, political or charitable workwithin the community. They.couldn’t vote, but thejbecame apowerfulforce in Clarksville, and WHEREAS, a chapter ofthe EqualSuffrage League was established in clarkrvilllein 1914, andnearly a women and meq attended the Leagñe ‘s first n~eetin~at the Madison ‘Street home of Minnie Barksdale, wife ofLeaf-chroniclepublisher and editor W. W. Barksdale, and WHEREAS th,rty-nrne local women were mentioned in vartous newspaper accounts of suffrage -. ‘. activities,‘many with names such as crouch, cunningham, Patch, Peaj~Rudolph, Runyon and Winn —family names still common in aur.cothmunity today, and WHEREAS, - after decades ofargumentsfor and against women’s suffiage. Congressfinallypassedthe 19th Amendment inJune 19/9. After congress’approvedthe 19th Amendment, at least 36 states neededto voje in favor’ofthe amendmentfor itto become law. This processis called rat (fication, and . , . - - - WHEREAS, in August lP2Opro-suffrdge activists gathered in Tennessee’s House Chamber. theiryellow roses sign~friñgthe blossoming ofa movement that began in Seneca Falls in 1848 and would culminate -InNashville’afèer 35,states hadpreviously rat(/Ied the 19th Amendment; ‘ , . ‘“a and - , ,~ . WHEREAS, Phoebe Burn’s letter to her son Representative 1-larry Burn gave him the confidence to • ,- . ‘ - remember
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