CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERlES-20 PUNJAB DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART XII - A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VlllAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY· CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT RUPNAGAR Director of Census Operations Punjab PUNJAB DISTRICT RUPNAGAR Kill 5 0 5 10 15 20Km hi ' ! ! r ;;;j < o ,I aOUNDARY, STATE/U,T ... .. DISTRICT, TAHSIL , C,O. BLOCK " .. .. " " " _____ CHANGE IN JURISDICTION HE'AOQ.UARTERS:OISTRfCTi TA.HS'L, " @ ; @ 1981-91 NATIONAL HIGHWAY., NH21 STATE HIGHWAY, SHU IMPORTANT META.LLED ROAD ......... .. " C.O·BLOCKS RAILWAY LINE WITH SlATlON,BROAO GAUGE . '" .. ""=-.r!£'!!!!!!I.00 = A ANANOPUR SAHIB RAILWAV LINE WITH STATION,NARROW GAUGE.. II II ~ " , B NURPUR RIVEH AND STREAM ., " ~ em C RUPNAGAR VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CHAMKAUR SAHIB WITH NAME , . .. Sohono • o E MAJRI URBAN ~.REA WITH POPULATION SIZE F KHARAR CLASS II. III AND IV e· • ,. POST AND TELEGRAJ'>H OFFICE. PTO 1. AU oounda";et &Ire upd.ted &:pto 1st Decerttbsr,1989. 2. C,O . block bounda~)' excludu statutory tawns. DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTION" ~/ Ci..-:: REST HOUSE , . , RH TAHSIL AREA .,05T TO r AHSIL BALACHAUR _ ,---__D_IS_T_R , lcr HEAOo.UART:::RS IS ALSO TAHSIL HEADQUARTERS OF 015 TRier HOSHIARPUR ' _ Ilpo~ &rvoy .1 indl<l mop wnh !he pormlS'!CHl of lhe S",nyor _<II of india. © GovII'1VIMm1 of IncIa CopyrI¢l. 1S91 CENSUS OF INDIA-1991 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part I-A Administration Report-Enumeration (for office use only). Part }-8 Administr.tion Report-Tabulation (for office use only). Part II-A General Populati~n TabJes and Primary Census' and Abstract -(Combined Volume) Part Il-B Part I I I General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility rabIes Part VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities Part VI I I Sp~cial Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part lX-A Town Directory Part IX-B Survey Report on selected towns Part .- IX-C Survey Report on selected villages Part x Ethnographic ~otes and special studies on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Part XI Census Atlas B-PUNJAB GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part XI1-A and B Distict Census Handbook for each district: Part XIIA-Vfll.ge and Town Directory Part XIIB-Village and TownWlse Prjmaq~ Census Abstract. (11) CONTENTS Pages 1. Foreword vii 2. Preface ix 3. Important statistics of the district xiii 4. Rupnagar District--A short· profile; Location, Origin of name, Area, Climate, Topography, Ri ver and drains, Present jurisdiction, Land utilisation, Agricul ture J irrigation. Animal husbandry, Tenancy J Industry J electricity. Minerals and Mining, Communication, Trade and Commerce, Forestry, Medical and Public Health, Education, Occupation and other miscellaneous activities, Places of religious. Historical and tourist interest 3 ANNEXURE-Showing jurisdictional 9hanges 21 5. Introduction to District Census Handbook:- 23 CONCEPT AND DEFINITIONS Rural/Urban classification, Village, .Town and Urban Agglomeration. 27 6. Demographic analysis based on Inset tables a) Upon Primary Census Abstract, Analysis based on Inset tables 1-10. 27--39 b) Upon Village Directory, Analysis based on Inset tables 11-16 39-46 c) Upon Town Directory, Anal ysis based on Inset tables 17-21. 46-51 PART XII A-VILLAGE • TOWN DIREcTORY SECTION I - Village Directory 7. Note explaining the codes used in the Village Directory 59 8. Codes used in the Alphabetical list of villages 1981 and 1991 Census (Manual and Computer Codes). 65 i) Alphabetical list of villages­ Anandpur Sahib CD Block 71 Nurpur Bedi CD Block 99 Chamkaur Sahib CD Block 123 Rupnagar CD Block 159 Kharar CD Block 197 Majri CD Block 229 (iii) H) Viliage Directory Pages Anandpur Sahib CD Block 78 Nurpur Bedi CD Block 104 Charnkaur Sahib CD Block 130 Rupnagar 'CD Block 168 Kharar CD Block. 204- Majri CD Block 236 Appendix 1 to 4 (Village Directory) SECTION II-Town Directory 258--297 9. Codes used in the Town Directory 303 Statement 1 Status and growth history 308 Statement II Physical aspects and location of town 1989 310 Statement III Municipal Finance .1988-89 312 Statement IV Civil and other . amenities 1989 314 Statement IV{a): ' Civil and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 317 Statement V Medical Educational, Recreational- and Cultural facilities 1989 318 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 1989 320 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowth with population. 322. PART XII B-VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT - . ' Explanatory' note on Primary Census Abstract Primary Census Abstract 327 Rupnagar District 332 Anandpur Sahib CD "Block 348 Nurpur Bedi CD Block 370 Cham'kaur Sahib CD Block 392 - Rupnagar CD Block 426 Kharar CD Block 460 Majri CD Block 490 (iv) Pages 11 •. t,Jrban Primary Census Abstr~ct 516 Appkldix I : Details of CD Blocks included under various tahsils 535 12. Tahsilwise Primary Census Abstract 536 Appendix II : Enumeration blockwise total population and Scheduled Caste popula,tion in Urban area • 551 Annexure to Appendix, District Primary Census• Abstract of Scheduled CasteS!. 570 MAPS District Rupnagar Tahsil and CD block boundaries, Before inner roads/railways, river/stream, towns title by population size class, important , villages, post and telegraph offices, degree college and technical institu­ tion, etc. Tahsil Anandpur Sahib Boundaries of CD blocks Anandpur ! Sahib and ~urpur Bedi, VHlage boundary, population siZe of villages, urban areas , amenities, roads/ railwa y's, river / stream, etc. Tahsil Rupnagar Boundaries of CD blocks Rupnagar and Charnkaur Sahib, village boundaries. population size of villages, urban areas, amenities, roa(!s/railway, ri ver I stream, etc. Tahsil Kharar : _Boundaries of CD blocks Majri and· Khal"ar, Village boundary, population size of villages, urban areas ~ amenities, roads/railways" etc. (v) (i'OREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing since then with some innovations/modifica­ Hons after 'each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisat.ion on behalf of each State Govt ./Union Territory administration. It 1l7ter-a tia provides data I information on some of the basic demographic and socia-economic characteristics and on the availability of _certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to t he planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. The scope of the DCH w~s initial! y confined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socia-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrati ve statistics, census t.ables and ViII age and Town Directories inc;luding PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comrisirig ViUage and Town Directories and Pa 1't-B comprising Village and Town peA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third Part (C) of the District Census Handbooks .comprising administrative statistics and· district census tables, which was also to be brought out, could not be pUblished in, many States/UTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-A somprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns. (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes peA upto tehsill town level were provided in Part­ B. To il1ustrate. all the amenities. except electricity, were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referrent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenit y was gi ven. Information on some new items suer! as aduLt literacy centtes, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly. information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme. a statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to c hal k out the' programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of Class-I and Class-II towns. Apart from this, one column an the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes I centres were added in Statements I V and V respectively. The manner of presentation of the OCHs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However, the format of PCA has been rest!:"uctured slightly in the 1991 Census fOl' the benefit- of data users. Nin~-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in peA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute mare realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the planners in chalking out more effective develo pmental programmes. vii) One of the most important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data in the ,village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional TahsiliTaluk/PS level presenta­ tion.
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