GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL (PERSONNEL POLICIES-Ill BRANCH) Notification The 14'h December, 2015 i\ 0.6/8/20 15-3 P P3/678 It is hereby notified that the holidays CI111I11Clcl\c1d11 t!1~' schedule below shall be observed as Public Holidays in the public offices under the , Punjab Government during the calendar year-20 16: - SCHEDULE - .... -----,."-------- -------------- --'--'--,--' --'- -_.. -_. Sr. i Name of the Holiday(s) =:=tl Date on ~vhich : Day of the No. I th~Ltall . week ___1_. + ' 2 3 ...._. .. 4 ~--------_._- . - ,~j Ail SSaundaysturdays ---- t~1 ==~=~ I I ! ---. Other Holidays i ------ TI1 --.-1---------- i-..-- 1 Parkash Gurpurab Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji 16 Jan uary 1~!_t:l!.9~.1_~ f11 I 2 Republic Day 26 Jan uary 1 Tuesday ; 1.. ··_·----- -_ ..._-- .-- .....•.. - ----.- -- .... I 3 Basant Panchmi/ Birthday of Satguru Ram iz" Febr uary i Friday ! Singh .li - .- r'--.----"-----.-------,,----------.---------------------0---;- ---- 4 N 'uan \ll\,,~Lt\ ____j___[~I~'ll~~i.~~ Sri..Guru Ravidas Ji 22 fe_~.1 tli- - .- i: ~ .+\I1aha Shivaratri -+_~-M-~~I~-----+- ~~I)~lli~~\ r 1_ 6 I Shahidi Divas S. Bhagat Singh Ji 23 March : Wednesday ! 7 --J Holi 24fh March ~rhUl~~d;;:-;_j th r-----s I Good Friday 25 March 1 Friday : r--'--9 -- Vaisakhi 13th Apri( I Wedn~sd~;;--' ! . -------- _. ~-:---~-~------ --- :. __~g Birthday of Dr. !3'~'Arnbedkar 14 April i I hursdax ! 11 IRam Navami - 15th ApriT--i---T,:~:;~i;\\ -- :--··-i-;-----· ~M-ah~~i;J~-y-al-lt-i --- ~ 20th AP~·iT--t-\\,:~llI;cLb\ (--;:3---- M~;~Day --- --- 1SI May '-r-'-S-;';n-(lay i -- ----;:-:;----1 LordParshuram Jayanti 9th May 1---\.1---Z;;·~(1;~----' 1----- -- .~-----f----.- -----... I 15 Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji 8' June i Wednesday I-----~~--Kabir Jayanti 20Th June '-r-M-~;ld~;- r-----~_;- Idu'l Fitr 6iTi July r-W-ed-;~~~d~~- t------~S--i Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh 3'1st July ----l---Sl;l{dLl: - . - --i--;---·n-~-~p~-dence day -- -~A-ug~;st--l--\~u!1da: ---w-----i.i-anmashtami 25Th August;-'-Th~l;:sd~;) ---;-i----I~~ash Utsav Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ? Septem~-F;'I~l~~~ -- r~=-~-~2-B~-irthd·-ay of Baba Sri Chand Ji + I 0" sePt~~_b_e~_--l._~~~~~~~~i'_ I 23 Idu'! Zuha (Bakrid) I 12th September i Monday ---j'-'~ -~.------------------- 1----- - . 1 i 24 Birthday of S, Bhagat Singh Ji i 28 I September I Wednesday . st 1--_.--_--2_-5_-_---'-M-a-haraJAgarsain Jayanti I -i October--l---- S-;t~~~~y --_-_ - 2-- I 0d I ;6-~--1Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi Ji 2 octO~--S;l;' day ,r---- 11tn October Tue I 27 Dussehra sday >-- th I 28 Birthday of Maharishi Valmiki Ji 16 October I Sunday 1--- Parkash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Ram Dass Ji 17th October i Mo nday 1---~29 I Diwali th day !. 30 30 October Sun ------- st --f----- 31 _1 Vishwakarma Day 31 October Man day :;--;u;------ -~----. , Park ash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji 14t November I MOll f-~ 32 I I da~_ : 33 1 Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur j~: DecemberJ._~un._.~~:I __ 1 _ . _~_~_~~~stmas day _~l December i_~_ ~ur:_~(~__ Note: t: Besides the above holidays, each employee will also be permitted to avail himself/herself any two (2) holidays to be chosen bv him/her out of the Restricted Holidays below during the Calendar \ car-2016:- Name of the Holiday(s) Date on which TD;ry-~ith~-' they fall I week I ! '--- -------~ Note: In addition to the above holidays each employee will be permitted to avail himself/herself any four (4) second half dav holidays to be chosen by him/her to join the Nagar Kirtan/Sobha Yatra in connection with the list of occassion given below during the Calendar Year, 2016 and the concerned Controlling Authority shall ensure to maintain the record of such holidays.- I. Parkash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji 2. Birthday of Sri Guru Ravi Dass Ji 3. Maha Shivaratri 4. Ram Navrni 5. Mahavir Jayanti 6. Vaisakhi 7. Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji 8. Janmashtam ldu'] Filr 10. Parkash Gurpurab or Sri Guru Ram Dass .Ti I 1. Idu'I Zuha (Bakrid) 12. Birthday of Maharishi Valmiki Ji 13. Parkash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji 14. Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji 15. Christmas day The rules appl icable in the Restricted Holidays will also be applicable for these half day holidays. • th Note 2: The festival of 'Raksha Bandhan' falls on 18 August, 2016 which falls on Thursday, Punjab Government offices will. be opened at 11.00 AM on that day. Sarvesh Kaushal Chief Secretary to Government Punjab , " GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL (PERSONNEL POLICIES-Ill BRANCH) Notification The 14th December, 2015 N 0.6/8/20 15-3PP3/679 It is hereby notified that the holidays enumerated in "the schedule below shall be observed as Public Holidays in the State of Punjab durmg ;,h~' Calendar year-20 16 within the meaning of Section 25 of the Negotiable lnstrurnenis Ac.. 1881, SCHEDULE t Sr. i Name of the Holiday(s) Date on Day of the I t I No. I which they week I ! fall I -- i---t-------- I _.L.. _____ 2 3 I 4 -- - ---,------ , - ,,---- ..'. - I All Sundays f-- -- -- -.- 1 I Other Holidays i ! t t f-- tn ---~, 1 i Park ash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Gobind 16 Jan{Jary Saturday I I Singh ji I t- tl1 I 2 Republic Day 26 January Tuesday n I 3 Birthday of Sri, Guru Ravidass Ji 22 <1 February Monday ., ._------ -{ 24tl1March t ThdrsdJ\ ~__U-I~_~!"_____ ,,______ t----------.-- .; --- 1SI April ------W Bank Holiday (Annual Account closing) i lnday --_.- . _ 6 i Ram Navmi IStn April Fridav I " -" 7 I Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji June I Wednesday ,. ---. s" . I I 8 Idu'l fitr 6th July Wednesday I ; ! -'-'- .-.--. th I t 9 Independence Day 15 August I Monday t f--- tl1 , I la I Janmashtarni 2S August Thursday na 1 , 11 Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi Ji 2 October Sunday i ,,---- --, 12 I Dusschra 11th October Tuesday I .. - 13 I Birthday of Maharishi Valmiki Ji te" October Sunday i - -- I ----r----~--¥ ..- --. ln ____lj _~_ Diwali _ 30 October __ Sunda::... __, 1411N1 ovember Monday , __~_I Parkash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji _.- ...• i : 16 I Christmas day 251/1December Sunday ---.J 2. This has been issued in compliance with the directions issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division), New Delhi vide their D.O. No, 41/2/98-BO II, dated 9th August, 2002, Sarvesh Kaushal Chief Secretary to Government. P~Inja b No.6/8/201S-3PP3/680 Dated Cbandigarh, the 14th December, 2015 A copy is forwarded to the Director Information & Public Relations Department, Punjab for giving publicity to the decision. YIv'J~~r ~1L----- shperintendent &,<..t""\..r"""'" "\;o.6/8i2015-3PP3/681 Dated Chandigarh, the 14th December, 2015 A copy is forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationary Department Punjab with the request to publish it in the Punjab Government Gazette (Ordinary) and supply 100 copies of the same to this department at the earliest. y~".,~ f--'.c.'11----- Shperintendent ...y...,..:..;...A..- '\o.6/8/2015-3PP3/682 Dated Chandigarh, the 14th December, 2015 A copy is forwarded to all the Heads of Departments, Commissioners of I )I\ISIOl1S. Registrar Punjab and Haryana High Court, Deputy Commissioners. Sub- Divisional Magistrates in the State. r-:'r: Superintend91t 9~,":\" No.6/8/201S-3PP3/683 Dated Cbandigarh, the 14th December, 2015 A copy is forwarded to the following for information: 1. Chief Secretaries to All the State Governments/Union Territories in India. 2. The Director Positional Astronomy Centre, India Meteorological Department, Block-At), Plot No.8, Sector-V,Salt Lake, Mahish Bathan. Kolkata-70009 I. 3. Joint Secretary (BO) to Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division) "Jeevan Deep" Parliament Street. New Delhi- 110001 with reference to his D.O. letter No.4112/98-BO IL dated 9th August, 2002. 4. The Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. 5. The Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pension, (Department of Personnel and Training), North Block, New Delhi. 6. The Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh. 7. The Registrar, Punjabi University, Patiala. g The Registrar, Guru Nanak Dev University. Amritsar. 9. The Registrar, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. !O. The Registrar, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. 11. The Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot. 12. The Registrar, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. 1:J. The Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Sector 17, Chandigarh. YM.:J~ r ~1l- Superintendent Y'JP-' ~.-.
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