www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLIV, NO. 20 WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 FORTY PAGES 75¢ Poignant remembrance of 9/11 Man arrested for internet sex allegations By Melissa Grima tions on her computer, involving [email protected] her 13-year old daughter and a WHITEFIELD — A Whitefield man police believe to be Jones. man was taken into the custody Police allege he used an alias to of Nashua Police last week, ac- converse online with the young cused of developing relationships teen. and having sexual conversations Samson said his department with underage girls on the inter- is also investigating alleged con- net. versations between Jones and a Harry “Carl” Jones, 61 of View teen. A search warrant was exe- Street in Whitefield, was arrested cuted by Whitefield Police on May on May 11, after being questioned 2, in relation to both cases. The by Nashua officers, and charged details of the warrant are under with certain uses of computer seal, Samson said, and will likely services prohibited, a class B remain that way until charges are felony (RSA 649-B:4 I(c)). Harry “Carl” Jones brought forward in Coös County. Sgt. Ed Samson of the White- Whitefield Police expect to field Police said that his depart- town’s investigation, as well how- bring felony charges through the ment had been investigating ever, and had shared information. indictment process. Jones for over a month on an in- According to a press release Jones was held on $10,000 cident separate from Nashua’s issued by NPD, they received a re- cash pending arraignment in when he was taken into custody. port on April 12, from a con- Nashua District Court. cerned parent who had found in- PHOTO BY EDITH TUCKER Whitefield had been in contact A class B felony is punishable The daffodils blooming in front of the statue of a Civil War soldier on the site of the pioneers’ first meeting- with NPD regarding the southern appropriate sexual conversa- by up to seven years in prison. house built in 1794 seemed particularly poignant this spring following the death of Osama bin Laden, con- sidered the mastermind behind the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. The bulbs were planted in remem- brance of those who perished on 9/11/01 and the firefighters, EMTs, and volunteers who risked their lives to Patriarch Partners buys Gorham paper mill save survivors. The stately monument itself, erected in 1907 by the Town of Lancaster, not only honors those By Edith Tucker the process of refurbishing the “Dick” Arnold of Old Town who fought in the Civil War from 1861 — 150 years ago — to 1865, but also the men who fought in the [email protected] paper mill promptly and ex- (Maine) Fuel and Fiber signed Colonial French and Indian War, 1755 to 1763, and the Revolutionary War, 1775 to 1783. Individual names GORHAM — The Gorham pa- pects production to resume purchase documents for the are listed alphabetically: the long Civil War list runs from Melvin A. Adams to Richard O. Young. Only rour per mill got a new lease of life within four to five weeks,” was buyer. French and Indian War soldiers are listed: Thos Burnside; David Page, Jr.; Emmons Stockwell; and Daniel on Friday when it was pur- the statement that thrilled the Just before noon, the buyer’s Spaulding. A plaque on the base of statue has a line in Latin from Horace’s Odes (III.2.13) — “Dulce et chased by investment funds Berlin-Gorham area. attorney, Richard Shinay of Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori” — often translated: “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.” managed by New York-based Pa- The paper mill, now named Drummond Woodsum & MacMa- triarch Partners, LLC. Gorham Paper and Tissue LLC, hon of Portland, Me., registered The official word that the mill was purchased from FP (Fraser the deeds, a mortgage, and a would reopen went out in mid- Papers) Acquisitions LLC, a sub-mortgage at the Coös Coun- morning when the embargo was wholly owned subsidiary of ty courthouse in Lancaster. lifted on a prepared statement Counsel RB (Reich Brothers) The $30,000 real estate trans- sent out by the New York office Capital, LLC. fer tax stamp representing 15 of the Finsbury Group, an inter- Adam Marc Reich signed the percent of the sale price indi- national public relations firm. sales document paperwork on “Patriarch intends to begin behalf of the seller, and Richard Paper Mill, PAGE A16 Stepping out at the WMRHS Prom Ethan Emerson Jessica McKenzie Kelley Collins Groveton High School top honors recipients chosen GROVETON — The Faculty been a member of Student Salutatorian Jessica McKen- and Administration at Grove- Council, Youth and Govern- zie is the daughter of Richard ton High School are pleased to ment, has served as National and Tina McKenzie of Maid- announce the valedictorian, Honor Society President, Acad- stone, Vt. Jessica will be at- salutatorian, and third honors emic Tutor and is also a mem- tending The University of Ver- for the graduating class of 2011. ber of NH Jr. Bassmasters. mont in Burlington, Vt., major- The Valedictorian is Ethan Ethan has been involved in ath- ing in Nursing. During her high Emerson, the son of Brian and letics throughout high school school career, Jessica has been Iris Emerson of Groveton. as a member of the Varsity soc- a member of the National Hon- Ethan will be attending Colby- cer, basketball and baseball or Society, HOSA (Health Occu- Sawyer College in New London, teams. His outside interests in- pations Students of America) majoring in History. Ethan has clude hunting and fishing. Honors , PAGE A14 Addressing community, family risks key to helping children succeed By Jeff Woodburn tribute to the formation of a child’s way… Investing in early childhood Contributing writer brain in their early years,” said development is not only the right WHITEFIELD — The impor- Kathy McDowell, Project Manager thing to do, but it is economically tance of investing in early child- for the Coos Family Support Pro- wise and has huge implications for hood development was the focus ject. “Those conditions create what the future of NH and Coös County.” of an all day conference of educa- is called toxic stress for children Jim Michalik, Executive Direc- tors, health providers, parents and then the implications are signifi- tor of the Family Resource Center in Gorham, said that despite our PHOTO BY MELISSA GRIMA community members on Friday at cant down the road for the child.” Looking stunning in tuxes and gowns, Casey Henry, Annabelle Pribbernow, Steven Samson, Brandy Dreyer, structural challenges that the the Mountain View Grand in White- Coös County has plethora of poor Cody Curtis and Taylor Cooney posed together for their parents and friends prior to the start of the White field. The meeting included a statistics that stem from high Risks , PAGE A15 Mountains Regional High School prom on Saturday, May 14. More prom photos on page A13. keynote address by Dr. Hiro poverty and low educational levels Yoshikawa, of Harvard University, a and leads the state in poor health well-known author and researcher, outcomes and low achievement. Church building named to state Register of Historic Places How the and the two leaders of Minnesota’s The best way to reverse these By Edith Tucker ture worked together on the list- she said. Invest Early Project, which has in- trends, McDowell said is to address [email protected] ing project. According to a press release week went stituted several successful pro- them early on. STRATFORD — The church DeLalla credited Couture, con- sent out by the State Division of grams in an area similar to Coös “The research is clear, the data building in Stratford Hollow — sidered the Society’s historian, Historical Resources, the State Dancing between County. is clear, the science is clear,” she now maintained as the Marion with doing nearly all of the re- Register has helped to promote raindrops “Poverty, parental stress and is- said, “but somehow we need to con- Blodgett Museum of the Cohos search, which included interview- sues like substance abuse con- vey that message in appropriate Historical Society — is one of 10 ing Vera Bartlett as well as Rosie Church , PAGE A14 properties and one district re- Hurlbert, who has since died. “I FACEBOOK WINNER cently added by the state Historic did the paperwork,” DeLalla said. Third Honors Speaker Resources Council to the N.H. “This building has meant a lot INDEX State Register of Historic Places. to people in the Hollow; it was a Stratford’s Methodist-Episco- gathering place for many years for Business Directory . .B9 pal Church was the first church all kinds of community events,” building in town in 1853. In 1896, she said. “The registration Calendar . .B8 when a more modern building was process focuses on 50 or more Classified . .B10-11 desired, the frugal townspeople years ago, and we documented stripped the original building the building and its importance to Dining . .A13 down to its frame, added a bell the community, especially in the tower and vestibule, and created years 1879 to 1961.” Editorials & Letters . .A4-5 the shingle-style building that ex- The Neil and Louise Tillotson ists today. Fund of the N. H. Charitable Foun- Obituaries . .A2 It was used as a church dation granted the Society Real Estate . .A14 through the late 1950s and be- $15,000 in 2010, allowing stabi- came property of the Cohos His- lization and roofing work to be Sports .
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