THE INTERSTATE COMMERCECOMMISSION and the provisions in the agreement itself." adopted on June 15 the recommended report He recommended that a provision for appeal and order of Examiner Edward L. Boisseree, by interested parties, other than carrier that the southern ports foreign freight members, be instituted; that the provisions committee’s application to amend its agree- that votes may be taken by members prior ment under Section 5a of Part I of the to receipt of shipper objections is un- Interstate Commerce Act, which authorizes acceptable, and there is no standard for rail carriers to form cooperative rate the five day vote by telegram; that no bureaus to publish rules and charges for provision is made for publicizing certain transportation. The proposed amendments amendments that may affect interested would change the Southern Ports Foreign parties; and, that there is no provision Freight Committee’s Articles of Organiza- for mandatory public notice of independent tion and Procedure as follows: "(1) Estab- action proposals. Examiner Boisseree sug- lish an Executive Committee as the govern- gested that the proceeding be held open ing body with power of review over actions to afford the applicants an opportunity to of the general committee, (2) Provide that submit revised amendments. The proceeding Committee action applies for account of will be held open for three months, begin- all lines, (3) Redesignate the Tariff ning with the May 15th date of his order. Publishing Agent as a Tariff Publishing Officer, (4) List the current tariff pub- lications, (5) Name a new individual Chairman and Attorney-in-Fact for the THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT Court for the carrier parties, (6) Revise the list District of Colorado has granted a tem- carriers currently signatory to the agree- porary restraining order in the case of ment, (7) Change the Territorial Applica- Admiral Merchants Motor Freight, Inc., et tion to reflect abandonment of lines, al. vs. the United States of America and (8) Substitute the General Freight Traffic Interstate Commerce Commission. This order Committee-Eastern Railroads fcr the now prevents the Interstate Commerce Commission abolished Central Territory Railroads and the United States of America from en- Freight Traffic Committee, (9) Amend the forcing or attempting to enforce the order independent action provision to cover final and requirements of the Interstate Com- merce Commission entered in its Docket No. action of the Executive Committee, and (10) Make other incidental changes neces- 34971, requiring the refund of overcharges sary to clarify or effectuate the described resulting from an increase in freight changes." rates in the Middlewest territory which The area of controversy primarily the the Commission found to be unreasonable subject of protests by the Gulf Forts and ordered cancelled. Association and the Houston Fort Bureau, along with other interested parties, was the establishment of the Executive Com- THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN Railroads has mittee as a review committee. It was con- announced increases in demurrage charges tended that this establishment would delay from $5 to $i0 for each of the first four decisions regarding the proposed changes days, and from $I0 to $20 for each of the in freight rates. The Southern Ports Foreign next two days instead of the next four Freight Committee has operated without any days, and from $15 to $30 for each subse- appeal committee for the last sixty years. quent day. In addition, Saturdays, Sundays Examiner Boisseree concluded that "It is or holidays were to be considered as impossible to determine with any certainty chargeable days when the last day of free what the amended agreement actually pro- time began at 7 a.m. of the day immediately vides," and he held that the provisions prior to the Saturdays, Sundays or holi- are "indefinite, ambiguous, and conflict- days. The National Industrial Traffic ing" with a "conflict between the explana- League will seek suspension and investiga- tion offered in the instant application tion of these charges. AUGUST, 1970 19 Houston’s Honorary Norwegian Consul W. D. Haden III, left, and Norwegian Vice Consul Oddvar Lagreld proudly flank the new emblem of their consulate which is now hanging in the lobby of the World Trade Building, where 10 of Houston’s 41 consular offices are located. oriental wisdom R. F. Keyworth was recently namedvice presi- dent of Texas Transport & Terminal Company, Inc., according to an announcement made by R. R. Barkerding, president of TTT. Keyworth has been with Texas Transport for 23 years. During his career he has served as general superinten- dent of Texports Stevedoring, Inc. in Galveston and as operations manager and vice president of Texports in Houston. T. J. Stevenson HandlingPeruvian 194combined years of shippingexperience T. J. Stevenson & Co., Inc., general agents in the United States and Canada [or Con]pania Peruana de Vapores, S.A. Bring your problems to us. The many Orient Overseas Line offers four regular (Peruvian State Line), announced that problems that have been resolved by each express services from U. S. Atlantic & Gulf and every one of these men have saved Ports to the Far East & Southeast Asia, all agency matters for the line’s services you time and moneyon almost every including direct sailings betweenN.Y. and t’rom U. S. Gulf Ports to the West Coast shipment. Manila and our new service between N.Y. of South America will be handled by --Japan & Korea. Cargo vans, reefer, and Together they combine 194 years of deep tank space available. Stevenson’s own offices in Houston and experience. So when you ship Orient Overseas Line you are shipping with the New Orleans. most frequent independent service to the Stevenson’s Houston office located in Far East and Southeast Asia. the Petroleum Building is managed by Next time use someOriental Wisdom. John A. Lala, while the New Orleans of- Ship Orient Overseas Line. ;ENERALAGENTS "Chop ecker’t ~,~ company, inc. fice in the International Trade Mart is 19 RectorSt., NewYork 10006 ¯ Telephone:DI 4-8686 managed by Warren J. Sheppard. 2O PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE |NDEPENDENT GULF LINE (Vinke& Ca., Amsterdam,Managers) REGULARSERVICE to andfrom the CONTINENT SHIPPING C 0 I:~P OI~t~T ZON General Agent U.S.A. Houston¯ Galveston¯ NewYork New Orleans¯ Memphis¯ Baltim Philadelphia¯ Wilmington Refrigerated SpaceAvailable Argentina’sambassador to the United States, Dr. PedroEduardo Real, right, visited Houstonrecently and wasgreeted at the International Airport by TexasSecretary of State Martin Dies, Jr., left, and Major Gen.Ross Ayers, Adjutant Generalof Texas. Also welcomingthe Argentine diplo,mat were Mark SHIP VIA Hepler, center, representing MayorLouie Welch; the Hon. Alejandro Caride, Argentina Consul Gen- eral shownnext to AmbassadorReal, and representatives of the Port, Consular Corps, Chamberof PORT OF HOUSTON Commerceand the businesscommunity. OceanLaboratory To Be Built Here CABLE: MAHCO FBM 2187 Offshore Technology Corporation has acquired four acres in the Kingwood M. G. Maher& Co., Inc. Area near Lake Houston for an ocean laboratory, first of its kind in Houston, according to Victor G. Grinius, xice CustomhouseBrokers -- Foreign Freight Forwarders president. Tile F.seondido, California based firm Members:Custom Brokers & ForwardersAssociation of America, Inc. will const r uet a 20,000-square-foot SanlinBuilding 812 PetroleumBldg. building at the site. located in North- NewOrleans 12, Louisiana70112 Houston,Texas 77002 park, a new industrial development in Telephone:529-5941 224-8101 the Kingwood Area. TWX-810-951-5220 TWX-713-571-1283 The Offshore Technology purchase is the first in North.park, an area devoted to dew4opment of new business, includ- ing light industrial operations. The firm’s facility will include a model basin appruximately 200 feet long, 50 feet wide and 15 feet deep, equipped with a wave generator capable SWIFT/DIRECT SERVICE FROM of producing regular waves of height US GULF TO and period controlled to simulate anv desired ocean conditions. LIVERPOOL MA NCHES TER LONGHORN TRANSFER SERVICE, INC. SPECIALIZING~IMPORT/EXPORT TRUCKING HOUSTON* COTTONEXCIIANGE BLDG. CAPITOL4-1893- TWX. 910 881-2650 7112 Avenue C Houston, Texas 926-2661 "Perfectionin Performanceis Achieved Only byExperience" GALVESTON NEW ORLEANS " DALLAS ¯ MEMPHIS AUGUST,1970 21 We Buy Restricted or Blocked Foreign Funds For U.S. Dollars. Sell us your foreign royalties, dividends, rents, in- heritances, gold and silver coins and bullion. BEAUMONT MARTIN (713) 524-4027 3300 Main Street Houston, Texas 77002 Captain H. G. Englund, center left, masterof the NorwegianFlag vessel ANCOSPAN is pre- sented an aerial plaque of the Port of Houston by Allan Luecke, right, of the HoustonJunior Chamberof Commerceat ceremonies observing the ship’s maidenvoyage to Houston. The ANCO SPANis the third of four sister ships that have been, or are being, built by AncoTanker Ser- vices of Oslo, Norway.Also at the presentation wereBob Houston, left, representative of Texas Transport & Terminal Company,Inc., agents for Anco, and D. E. "Gene" Johnson, president of Houston NewOrleans TECTerminal wherethe vessel wasberthed. Aug. 20 Aug. 26 Sept. 30 Sept. 27 Oct. 17 Oct. 14 OSTRICHESARRIVE NewYork - 90 West Street - (212) 732-2211 A shipment of 25 ostriches from Houston - 420 McFaddenBldg. - 222-9601 Southwest Africa has arrived in Houston Dallas - 513 Cotton ExchangeBldg. - 747-5064 aboard the Lykes Lines cargoliner Mobile - Marine Bulk Ore Terminal - 433-1536 JAMES McKAY. They were loaded aboard the ship in the port of Walvis Bay. The birds were about six months old. Whenfully grown they will reach FastRegular Cargo Service a height of eight feet, weigh as much as 300 pounds and live as long as 30 HOUSTON,NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE years. They were trucked to a new 550- acre game park knownas the World of WEEKLY Animals, at Dallas. to La Guaira*, Curacao* and Trinidad* FORTNIGHTLY to Maracaibo, Aruba*, Guanta, Barbados*, GULFPORTS CRATING CO. Export Packing Georgetown and Paramaribo Commercial--Military *Fortnightly from Mobile B0xing--Crating--Processing HOUSTON:1600 N.
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