Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science Texts and Studies Edited by Hans Daiber Anna Akasoy Emilie Savage-Smith VOLUME 90 The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/ipts <UN> The Sufi Doctrine of Man Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī’s Metaphysical Anthropology By Richard Todd LEIDEN | BOSTON <UN> Cover illustration: Walters Manuscript W.633 folio 88b: A mosque scene with preacher and congregation; from an anonymous 16th-century manuscript of Hafiz’s Divan. The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Todd, Richard, 1968- The Sufi doctrine of man : Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi’s metaphysical anthropology / by Richard Todd. pages cm. -- (Islamic philosophy, theology and science) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-27123-4 (hardback : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-90-04-27126-5 (e-book) 1. Theological anthropology--Islam. 2. Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi, Muhammad ibn Ishaq, -1273 or 1274. 3. Sufis--Biography. 4. Sufism. I. Title. BP166.7.T63 2014 297.4092--dc23 2014008343 This publication has been typeset in the multilingual “Brill” typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, ipa, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see www.brill.com/brill-typeface. issn 0169-8729 isbn 978-90-04-27123-4 (hardback) isbn 978-90-04-27126-5 (e-book) Copyright 2014 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill nv incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Global Oriental and Hotei Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. 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This book is printed on acid-free paper. <UN> Contents Acknowledgements viii Abbreviations ix Glossary of Philosophical and Sufi Terms x Notes on Transliteration xviii Introduction 1 1 Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī 1 2 Qūnawī’s Anthropology in Context 2 3 The Political Setting 6 4 The Cultural and Intellectual Climate 7 5 Qūnawī’s Biography in Medieval Sources 9 Part 1 Qūnawī’s Life and Work 1 Life and Times 13 1 Early Life and Education 13 2 Travels and Teaching in the Near East 17 3 Konya 21 4 Students and Disciples 23 5 Final Years 26 2 Qūnawī’s Works 28 1 Qūnawī’s Corpus 28 2 Qūnawī’s Methodology 29 3 Miftāḥ ghayb al-jamʿ wa tafṣīli-hi 31 4 Iʿjāz al-bayān fī taʾwīl umm al-Qurʾān 32 5 The Correspondence with Ṭūsī 35 6 Nafthat al-maṣdūr wa tuḥfat al-shakūr 39 7 Risālat al-nuṣūṣ fī taḥqīq al-ṭawr al-makhṣūṣ 40 8 Al-risāla al-murshidīya 41 9 Al-nafaḥāt al-ilāhīya 42 10 Al-fukūk fī asrār mustanadāt ḥikam al-Fuṣūṣ 42 11 Sharḥ al-aḥādīth al-arbaʿīnīya 43 <UN> vi contents 3 Intellectual Currents and Debates 45 1 Qūnawī’s Work in Relation to Ibn ʿArabī’s 45 2 The Critique of Rational Inquiry 51 3 Qūnawī’s Doctrinal Synthesis 55 4 Cosmology 65 1 Qūnawī’s Cosmology in Context 65 2 Cosmological Questions in Qūnawī’s Letters to Ṭūsī 73 3 The Sublunary World 78 Part 2 Qūnawī’s Anthropology 5 Man’s Metaphysical Origins 83 1 Indeterminacy and Determination 83 2 The Cognitive Relationship 86 3 The Divine Affairs 88 4 The Immutable Essences 90 5 The Common Measure 94 6 The Barzakh 95 7 The Five Presences 98 8 The Divine Secret 101 6 The Human State 107 1 The Perfection of the Last 107 2 The Stages of Lodging and Settling 109 3 The Soul 115 4 Sustenance 120 5 The Separation of Body and Soul 125 6 Man’s Posthumous States 133 7 Liberation 137 1 Providence 138 2 The Law and the Way 141 3 Reorientation 148 4 Love 155 5 The Spiritual Ascent 159 6 Theophany 164 <UN> contents vii 8 The Reception of Qūnawī’s Thought 170 Conclusion 177 Appendix 1 Critical List of Qūnawī’s Works 179 Appendix 2 Qūnawī’s Ijāzas to Farghānī and Jandī 193 Appendix 3 Translated Excerpts from Qūnawī’s Epistemological Texts 195 Bibliography 214 Index 223 <UN> Acknowledgements I am deeply indebted to Dr Anna Akasoy for her invaluable comments on an earlier draft of this book. Thanks are due likewise to the Arts and Humanities Research Board of the British Academy for their generous support. Richard Todd Edinburgh, June 2013 <UN> Abbreviations EI2 Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition EI3 Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE Works by Ibn ʿArabī Fuṣūṣ Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam, ed. A. ʿAfīfī, Beirut 1980 Futūḥāt al-Futūḥāt al-makkīya, ed. O. Yahia, Beirut 1998 Works by Qūnawī Asʾila al-Asʾila published in Murāsalāt Fukūk al-Fukūk fī mustanadāt ḥikam al-Fuṣūṣ, ed. M. Khvājavī, Tehran 1992 Hādiya al-Risāla al-hādiya published in Murāsalāt Iʿjāz Iʿjāz al-bayān fī taʾwīl umm al-Qurʾān, ed. M. Ahmed, Hyderabad 1988 Miftāḥ Miftāḥ al-ghayb published with Miṣbāḥ al-Uns, ed. M. Khvājavī, Tehran 1995 Mufṣiḥa al-Risāla al-mufṣiḥa published in Murāsalāt Murāsalāt al-Murāsalāt bayn al-Qūnawī wa al-Ṭūsī, ed. G. Schubert, Wiesbaden 1995 Murshidīya al-Risāla al-murshidīya, MS Berlin We. 1806(1) Nafaḥāt al-Nafaḥāt al-ilāhīya al-qudsīya, MS Berlin We. 1662 Naftha Nafthat al-maṣdūr wa tuḥfat al-shakūr, MS Leiden Or. 544 Nuṣūṣ al-Nuṣūṣ fī taḥqīq al-ṭawr al-makhṣūṣ, ed. J. Ashtiyānī, Tehran 1983 Sharḥ al-Aḥādīth Sharḥ arbaʿīn ḥadīthan, MS Leiden. Or. 920 Tarjumah Tarjumah-i Nafaḥāt-i ilāhīyah, trans. M. Khvājavī, Tehran 1996 Ummahāt Ummahāt al-mawāṭin, MS Istanbul Şehid Ali Paşa 1344(5) Work by Ṭūsī Ajwiba al-Ajwiba published in Murāsalāt <UN> Glossary of Philosophical and Sufi Terms ʿadam non-existence aflāk celestial spheres aḥadīya non-duality ahl al-naẓar rationalists aḥwāl states, conditions ʿālam world, cosmos ʿālam al-ajsām world of bodies, corporeal domain ʿālam al-arwāḥ world of spirits ʿālam al-mithāl world of subtle exemplars ʿālam al-shahādah the visible world al-ʿamāʾ the Primordial Mist amr command, order; thing ʿanāṣir elements ʿaql intellect, intelligence; reason, rational faculty al-ʿaql al-awwal the First Intellect al-ʿaql al-faʿʿāl active intellect al-ʿaql al-muqayyad the shackled intellect hindered by cogitative thought aqṭāb poles, chiefs of the spiritual hierarchy aʿrāḍ accidents, non-essential attributes ʿārifūn gnostics al-ʿarsh al-muḥīṭ the All-Encompassing Throne asbāb causes, occasions aṣl origin athar trace, effect aʿyān concrete essences; concrete beings ʿayn essence; being ʿayn thābita immutable essence awliyāʾ saints baqāʾ permanence al-barāzikh common boundaries; states of limbo barzakh common boundary, isthmus barzakh al-barāzikh the supreme boundary between the absolute and the conditioned bukhār steam, vapour burhān syllogistic proof, rational demonstration al-dahr fate, eternity dhāt essence <UN> glossary of philosophical and sufi terms xi dhawq taste, direct experience or insight dhikr invocation al-falak al-aʿẓam the supreme celestial sphere falāsifa medieval Islamic philosophers, Arabic Aristotelians falsafa medieval Islamic philosophy, Arabic Aristotelianism fanāʾ evanescence, effacement farāgh emptiness, void fatḥ spiritual opening, grace, intuition fayḍ emanation, effusion faylasūf Muslim philosopher, Arabic Aristotelian fiṭra pristine nature futuwwa Islamic chivalry ghāya teleological end al-ghayb the non-manifest al-ghayb al-muṭlaq the absolute non-manifest ghidhāʾ nutrition habāʾ dust; matter ḥadd fāṣil dividing line ḥaḍra presence; dignity ḥaḍarāt presences ḥakīm philosopher, sage ḥaqāʾiq essences ḥaqīqa essence, underlying reality; truth al-ḥaqīqa the Muḥammadan reality, the Prophet’s archetypal essence al-muḥammadīya al-ḥaqq the True, the Real, God ḥaraka motion al-ḥaraka al-qasrīya forced or violent motion al-ḥaraka bi-l-ṭabʿ natural motion hayākil structures, bodies hayūlā hylé, matter hayūlānī al-waṣf like prime matter, non-differentiated ḥayra confusion, perplexity ḥuḍūr presence of mind ḥukm statute; rule, sway, dominion ḥukamāʾ philosophers, sages al-ḥukamāʾ al-awāʾil the ancient philosophers ijtidhāb attraction ikhtiṣāṣ spiritual distinction ʿilla cause <UN> xii glossary of philosophical and sufi terms al-ʿilla al-ghāʾīya final cause al-ʿilla al-ūlā the First Cause ʿillīya causality ʿilm knowledge, science ʿilm al-ḥurūf the science of letters, a form of divination al-ʿilm al-ilāhī divine science, metaphysics al-ʿilm al-ṣaḥīḥ true knowledge imdād help, divine succour imkān contingency, possibility ʿināya providence insān human being al-insān al-ḥaqīqī the true human being, who has actualised mankind’s specific perfection al-insān al-kāmil the perfect human being insilākh casting off, shedding the body iqtidār power; divine omnipotence irtisām inscription ishārāt subtle hints, allusions al-ism al-jāmiʿ God’s All-Embracing Name istīdāʿ lodging istiʿdād predisposition istiḥāla transmutation istijlāʾ revealing, bringing to light istiqrāʾ induction istiqrār settling; conception iʿtidāl equilibrium, balance ittiḥād union, fusion ittiṣāl conjunction ithbāt al-wājib proving the existence of the Necessary Being iʿtibārāt relative standpoints iṭlāq absoluteness, absence of constraint, freedom jadhb attraction, attractive force jadhabāt attractive forces jamʿ synthesis jamʿīya all-embracing nature, comprehensiveness jawāhir substances jawhar substance in which attributes inhere jism body jism al-kull Universal Body, the principle of corporeality al-jism al-muṭlaq Absolute Body; identical with Universal Body <UN> glossary
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