' - .—'■ ................^ ___ flS*12T05 .U brarlanan ______JJun-03 t *6S» _____ ^ ___ r, Idaho Hiatorlo^Loal Soolety I. • • ■ ' ■ • ' ■ ' .• f'- ' ' ' r -. •- 83701' — . , ■ B q ______■_______ \ __ _________ ' _ ________ _______ -• .......................... ........ ■' T '“ ' W eathher er ........ ☆ F in a l ☆ Partly C loudy--oudy.; ; - Z le f t ~ W ith-Show) w ens— e r s -----------— E d itio n — — - - - 4 . “ TTiTnda^irVsne^NeTra^perDedlr a p a p e r Dedluted to S e r r i n s: and PronioiPromoting the .Growth of Nine IrriiIrrigat^ Idaho Coontles VOL.M , N0.67 . - ~ -“ TWIN.FALLS;T W If IDAHO,)7w WEDNESI E D N E S pA Y . JU N E 21, 19671967 ^• ~ T E N C E K li X A f J t M ^ O x ^ v / A / l OkaysMem ' ^ NEW YORK (AP)~i>0- '•lic lice e arrested a man carry-i N^ 1 e p C T ing a loaded .32-calIbro ref- D u rin g I • ''olvcr and a hunting knife _ 'j ^ \ j today as he attempted to W- J Hike Stai^tdte Gasoli]jo/ine T ax Igain enirance to the Soviet m / : . ■ . 'Unlled'U nll Nations . mission • W --------------^ B jr MARK-BROWN-—N-------^-}to-p^ovidfr-^3^-m^lllon^n-mntchM—^ppi-match-1—^pproval-of-fhe-boost-in-the -k s r ? ^ l a n t a ^ Associated Press WriterIter . Ing fifunds to obtain $14 million Senate would mark a bigllg stestep p eel i N.f K osygin w as "^Inside g n t N ig h t B O ISE (AP)The Increasericrease In federal construcUon money, lowarctoward winding up the session at thet time. 'I Jn Idaho’s state tax on-gasolln6jasollhS ^ThfTh® bill, one of a multitudeItude of promppromptly. • TheTl man. Identified as I _ ByJOEZELLNERB - Ine'Ine 'Duncan,"51, Dun and Markinrkjn fire, and the bullets Cut dowiilowii oold ld'boy.' boy. ..............^ " passed Its first - and probablyirobably solutions proposed for ihe2 finan- , The argument used In the I MIc:Michael Rocco Natale, 40, § ATLAATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -~ A Ward.Ward, :31, received gunshotihot Ross, whowl Richmond said was Police Supt.I J. P. Brown, who hardest - test today whenhen the cial pproblems o[ the Wphway de- House by supporters of thethe sur- waswas arrested about noonoon Negro 'iman was shot to death wound&iwound& in the hand. ,'' trying to get up thc steos (o0 an controlledcontrollec the poUce contingent House of Representativess voted parurparlmenl, was amended Tues-V?®* P'usnjug useu plan was that no10 justi-JustI- afierafie he walked throughugh and three other persons:rs6ns DouglaDouglas Richmond, a youiigurig apar(ment.apartmcr However, he said centered,centered around the shopping . 42-28 to up it. by. a pennyV a gal-Hal- aday “y tto provide the terminationlinatloo ficatiofication could be found for an policepoll barriers in fronlt of woundeiwounded Tuesday night aas s a NegroN egro sh o t iri th c leg by a policeIke RossR o ss waswc not the man who center, dIsputcd'Uied charges. He date Jor Ihe Jncrease. fncreaIncreased tax while a surplus thethe mJssion,*rang the door-jor- tlurcyflurry >ct rock and gas-bomb■bomb officero ffice r fAfonday, claim ed laIter te r threwth re w (heth' gas bomb. safdsaid heh c 'w a s w atch in g (wo offf> . , The vole came'after nearly;arlyan an TheJ! most talked, aboutfalter- alter- existed,existei i- . -• bellbell and tried to talk hiahis throwinithrowing evolved swiftly into thal he sisaw a man hide behindid a Daniel Thomas, who also said ccrs al whomw Uie gas bomb was hour and a half of debatelie dur- native to Increasing ibe laxlax;was was •fcsaefs'continued•fcSc to sayay pub- way in. gunfire from snipers and-police.»lice. car. throthrow a gas bomb at policelice he saw officers< firng, said bul- thrown anda heard no shots and ing which most of the senUmentntlment a proproposal to take’$3.5 ■"iHclymillion ]{cjy they( hopri the special'lal ses- Naiale'wasN carrying5 a - MayoiMayor Ivan Allen clampedpcd a and run. ............................ - - lelels is firedfired by police on top of a did not sees elUier officer raiso expressed was against the in- from the estimated t l mjlllon?.D sIon_IiUts-third-day,_wlll_besjon -wlU_be _smalLblue_b{>g_containlng__sma ling- curfew on a six-block area!a en- He sahsaid the policemen opcncdlshoppingnedlshoDPing. center hit the S-vear-lhis.'car-.lhia ggun,. un.* _______ crease. • genergenerarfuria suTpus annclpated concludedconclu by tonight-. ' thethe weapons; ' compasc o m p assu ig th e c e n ie r o t v l o ----------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ^-------------------- ;Ion lence in predominantly NegroN egro If the measure Is approvedoved by at thtthc end of the 9urrcntM blen-b en- .~ admitted privately, how- Kosygin left the mission Jence I jcis tax nium June 30.; ' ■ ich- Dixie Hills, v the Senate, the motor fuels tax nium In «ha ever, lhat adjottftimentr couldrmiiH *• 12:55' p.m. for a lunch- Dixie H will be Increased from six to The proposed Increase In the .rf Aioht eon with United Nationsions Allen Issued the order after I •ginning gas tax, and the accompanying„nvin» come only wlth'a prlonged liight U visiting the area shortly after a I ^ I seven cents a gallon beginning gas t session. They said they favoredfaTOSd Secretary General.U vlslUng J a n . 1, 1968. T he in creasee wwould ould boost In the. highway depart- ■dfl^ to the Unliea'Na.’Na- fourth :straight'night of violence£:« Isra e l’s D el eterm inatin a t i o n s of the menl’s budget, was one ofof^ihe the a return Thursday, to :ur- had subsided. The curfefr-bans- b a n s be removed, under terms of the ment’ „ wM things op. ■ lions. The Incident occur- hod sul bill, D ec. 31. 1969. primmary o reasons-'for calling the ... • red some 50 minutes earli-irll- personspersons, under 18 ■ from the The Increase was requested Idahoiho Legislature Into special There^hei still were some predic- ergr , - - , streets from 7 p.m. to , 7* a.m., ■ ' — "~Eylh'e' D^artmeiirofHrghways^Tesskrghway5>3esslon;--------- ■ ----------■ ------------------See GAS^AXrPg.-2rCol.S e e t :o l.-4 4 — ,—------------------------------------------ ^ -------- and-adi.and-adults-from g-p .m .n o -e a;m r ' r l ' ------------ U III t ........................ ■■■? TThe-half-hour h e - of violence>1 C hallengedged-By-BritiB r i t a i n — 1 ,~1 eerupted ru p te d despite efforts of NegroN egro -■ r . '' ^ ,V l___^ leaders^lead e rs to , quell d istu rbmnces ances BBy y >WILLIAM L. RYAN .FawZI s o v lo tlln In J e ru sa le m a a sayJ n g J h a t----------- L B J M s - - —S I after two persons were InJurHTjurH -UUNITE nited nations, RY^ ForeignF o re ig n " ^ l i l s t e r Andre^*^'" A.a ! even shouldsho the assembly vote - ' and 11 arrested Monday night.Ight. {AP)-Britain(AP)—Bi challenged today<lay GromyH®Gromyko, who have been hud- 121-1 to order Israel back to "• ’i As gunshots rang out In the V- Israel’s determihation to keep;eep dUngdling witwith Communist bloc dele- armistice lines, “Israel would luLabor g - •-f. shaped, mlddle<lass apartmenttment all JemsalemJems and warned that,hat, gates. refuse tcto comply with tlftit de-_- - - comcomplex, plw -officers armed :_wUhwllh ln:.keeplng_thel_conquercd_bIdIn keepi -bid -IFawiI-—FawiI-called-th^SovIet- draft cl-sidn,'^cl!?i(ln,'l__:__. J;,-' ........... _ — shotgunshotguns,-“ rifles, pistols and city scctor,sccti thc Israelis will Iso-resoluUonIso- resoluUoi “both just and con- TheThe'E Egyptian accused Presi­ Measures ^ a ..'li clubs swarmed betweenI the iai*»jam themselvesthen- from world opln-pin- s(ruc(Ivestructive," . denident JohJohnson, Eban and some bulldlnes, clearing streetsi and ion ohdand lose (he support tneyhey FawiiFawZi reflected Arab .'pessi-other>essl- other WWestern leaders, of hav* By JOE HALL H <\ sidewalkssidew af of residents. might hahave.- mlsm ththat this emergencyr as- Ing;Ing' "m"nosllly and repeatedly WASHINGTON (AP) - Scv- ■ Two Negroes, who claimed* k '* Britain’.sBritain foreign secretary,iry, sembly «session can do anvlhingthing crTtfclZedcrltfclZed" U.N. Secretary-gen- enteea months after pledgingdging to ■ they saw the Negroes shot, George Brown, opening the to force Israel to surrenderT all eral U ThantT for his decision to offer legislation dealingIg withw ith ■ W \ ^ charged that police fireda theUie day’s debated In the specialcial she gaingained In the war. Hee re- withdrawwUhdravi U.N^ pe^ce forces labor disputes In-natlonaT emer-em er- ■ . a M shots which killed the NesroNegro emergencyemergeni session' of the Gen-Sen- called ththat Israeli Foreign Mln*Mln- from Egypt-inEj advance, of Uie---------^ ison J m s ■■! - _ 1 ... _____ gencie_s;_ P re sid e n t Johnson J ia s _ ■ W — m an an d -w ounded a youngg Ne-eralN e- e ra l AssemblyAs« bn the Middleidle Ister AbiAbba Eban had been quot- war. , confessed failure and . throwthrown n ■ M . sgro ro boybo y . .. EEast, a s t, stsaid, “War should-not—:n o t —^^^^--------- -------------------- the ball back to Congress— ■ I r jm N H h : : J H TThe h e iRev. .Joseph E. Boone,)ne, a leadi^ad to territorial- aggrandiZe-Ike- • • . where it likely will remainn a ln in-in* ■ leader of Uie Southern ChrlsUan[,Istlan ment.”meht.” *111131 had the look of Im- * -T -T - lT«--a^dws-hrl p=Conf«M neeT Mporiffnt-aupport’ rianr; from-Utt-W est ^^"^^^JrSw ^trofW Uie^Unlon nion ~ W / " i ' I B - H H charged, ‘‘It’s an absolutete lie to(o a SovietSo stand that Israel T f l message, Johnson said hele wwould ould •- ■ lst7 y ^ ifiF °^ - IB that the wounded and deadI .were ^houldshould -nol-n gain territory- froriW^fCoagtTf o m -------- -------------------— — --------------------- ' --------- submit proposals ‘ "which will - H Ich will' ■ H sIiH B n iiiia l H shot by other Uian police firoV,«• her lightningligl defeat of the .
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